5 Interesting Facts About SEO

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 5 Interesting Facts About SEO

Intriguing factsabout SEO


Google isn’t aSearch Engine...

And Google isn’ta technology company either...

Google is PRIMARILY an advertising company

Google closed 2012 with



AND 67%

of Google’s income comes from Advertising and the AdWords platform.

Rankings aren’tthe goal of SEO...

Neither is the gained traffic...

They are the prizes for your marketing efforts.

They are the results of:

- building great content

- effective distribution via various online channels

- communicating with users

- building trust and a community around your brand

Organic traffic isn’t free...

Organic traffic also isn’t paid, but...

Either you put your

into developing your brand

or put your money

into hiring a SEO professional

paying for ads

SEO isn’t about focusing on content...

It’s not about focusing on keywords...

And it’s not about puttingyour content in every place you see

and therefore spamming.

SEO is about putting all these elements together