4 Papua New Guinea Presention

Post on 26-Dec-2014

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Transcript of 4 Papua New Guinea Presention

Our business proposal is a step forward.

Papua New Guinea produces and exports valuable agricultural timber and fish products.

Cash crops ranked by value are:-• coffee• oil• cocoa • copra • Tea• rubber• sugar

There is a good fair trade business happening in Papua new guinea already that we must expand on. There are vast mountainous areas that are rich in coffee on the main island that many communities would benefit from fairtrade.

Here is an example of a successful fairtrade coffee product

We believe that bringing in more fairtrade would not only reduce poverty, but would bring greater international awareness of the plight in relation to the abuse of women and children in Papua new guinea

70 children before the age of 1! Primary education is neither free nor universal. 91% of

boys and 81% girls enrolled for primary education but the majority had to drop out.

The government does not assign significant materials to the welfare of children. When

government funding was cut it cut the free health care affecting rural areas really hard.

The children

The Women

Women face a number of challenges in Papua New Guinea:

•Face frequent domestic violence and gang rape.

•Are considered second class citizens.

•Are treated as property in rural areas

Environmental ChallengesDeforestation is affecting the rainforests

due to the increasing commercial demands of wood from tropical climates. There are high levels of pollution caused

by quarrying but the most serious environmental problem is drought!

Ethnic minoritiesThe ethnic makeup of Papua New Guinea is very complex, with more than 700 groups divided by

language, traditions and customs.

Many of these groups have been in conflict with one another for centuries.

After being liberated by the Australians in 1945, it became a

United Nations trusteeship, administered by Australia. The territories were combined and

called the Territory of Papua and New Guinea (PNG).

Ethnic minoritiesThe ethnic makeup of Papua New Guinea is

very complex, with more than 700 groups divided by language, traditions and customs. Many of these groups have been in conflict

with one another for centuries. The mountainous terrain adds the divisions in

these groups. There are over 715 languages in use. Most of these languages have

extremely complex grammar and it was discovered that only 350-450 are related.

1. Roman Catholic Church (27.0%) 2. Evangelical Lutheran Church (19.5%) 3. United Church (11.5%) 4. Seventh-day Adventist Church (10.0%) 5. Pentecostal (8.6%) 6. Evangelical Alliance (5.2%) 7. Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea (3.2%) 8. Members Church of God International (2.0%) 9. Baptist (0.5%) 10.Church of Christ (0.4%) 11.Jehovah's Witnesses (0.3%) 12.Salvation Army (0.2%) 13.Other Christian (8.0%)

The Catholic faith has taken root in the indigenous communities, but there are still many missionaries in the country. The non-

Christian indigenous population practice different religions, but on the whole

maintain their traditional culture, animism and ancestar worship.

Created by Luke, Lewis, George, Saam and Victor & Edited

by Saam ;)

Reasearch done by everyone in the
