3 Worlds Meet[1]

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 3 Worlds Meet[1]

3 Worlds Meet


The Americas

Rainforests (near the equator in Central and West Africa): tall forests that grow in moist, hot climates

Sahara (North): largest desert in the world

Savanna (North & South of rainforests): long, flat grassland with abundant wildlife, thorny bushes & scattered trees (I.e., Kalahari)

How does geography affect a culture?

Africa in the North

ECONOMY: People used trade routes on Mediterranean Sea; Sahara limited trade and travel to Central & South Africa

SOCIETY: Life in Sahara = isolated

Religion: Islam brought by Arab merchants Muslims: people who follow Islam

Mansa Musa:

Mali’s Leader; devout Muslim

West Africa

ECONOMY: centered on the Niger, Volta, & Senegal Rivers & transported crops to Atlantic; soil was rich for farmingPOLITICAL: 2 kingdoms: Ghana & Mali; Controlled trade routes for salt & gold

SlaveryMost kingdoms fought one another for crops, land, & trade goods. African kings captured and enslaved enemies. Europeans arrive in 1480s- establishing the profitable slave trade

3 goals of slavery•Strong men•Destroy enemy’s military strength•Slave trade in return for crops, weapons, & gold

The Black Death: one of Europe’s catastrophes during the 14th-15th c; killed millions

Hundred Years War: fought between Britain and France

European Society - 14th-16th centuryRenaissance (rebirth): widespread cultural revival of classical art, architecture, learning & literatureReformation: people started to question the role of church in society & the corruption of the clergy (I.e., sale of indulgences)

Catholics vs. Protestants (to protest)

Martin Luther

Printing Press (1440) invented by Johannes Gutenberg enabled common people to learn to read which led to curiosity about the world

What impact did the printing press have on the spread of information? Can you compare it to any other modern invention (with respect to spreading information)?

Johannes Gutenberg

But…wind & currents controlled ocean travelHorse latitudes: (30 to 35 degrees latitude north & south) weak currents/winds failed to move sailing vessels, thus horses & other livestock were dumped overboard to decrease the ship’s weight

BUILDING AN EMPIRE…Monarchs wanted new trade routes to Europe and Asia

How were the cultures of Africa and Europe different (pre-1492)? How were they similar?