3 Worlds Meet[1]

3 Worlds Meet Africa Europe The Americas

Transcript of 3 Worlds Meet[1]

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3 Worlds Meet


The Americas

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Rainforests (near the equator in Central and West Africa): tall forests that grow in moist, hot climates

Sahara (North): largest desert in the world

Savanna (North & South of rainforests): long, flat grassland with abundant wildlife, thorny bushes & scattered trees (I.e., Kalahari)

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How does geography affect a culture?

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Africa in the North

ECONOMY: People used trade routes on Mediterranean Sea; Sahara limited trade and travel to Central & South Africa

SOCIETY: Life in Sahara = isolated

Religion: Islam brought by Arab merchants Muslims: people who follow Islam

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Mansa Musa:

Mali’s Leader; devout Muslim

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West Africa

ECONOMY: centered on the Niger, Volta, & Senegal Rivers & transported crops to Atlantic; soil was rich for farmingPOLITICAL: 2 kingdoms: Ghana & Mali; Controlled trade routes for salt & gold

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SlaveryMost kingdoms fought one another for crops, land, & trade goods. African kings captured and enslaved enemies. Europeans arrive in 1480s- establishing the profitable slave trade

3 goals of slavery•Strong men•Destroy enemy’s military strength•Slave trade in return for crops, weapons, & gold

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The Black Death: one of Europe’s catastrophes during the 14th-15th c; killed millions

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Hundred Years War: fought between Britain and France

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European Society - 14th-16th centuryRenaissance (rebirth): widespread cultural revival of classical art, architecture, learning & literatureReformation: people started to question the role of church in society & the corruption of the clergy (I.e., sale of indulgences)

Catholics vs. Protestants (to protest)

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Martin Luther

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Printing Press (1440) invented by Johannes Gutenberg enabled common people to learn to read which led to curiosity about the world

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What impact did the printing press have on the spread of information? Can you compare it to any other modern invention (with respect to spreading information)?

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Johannes Gutenberg

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But…wind & currents controlled ocean travelHorse latitudes: (30 to 35 degrees latitude north & south) weak currents/winds failed to move sailing vessels, thus horses & other livestock were dumped overboard to decrease the ship’s weight

BUILDING AN EMPIRE…Monarchs wanted new trade routes to Europe and Asia

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How were the cultures of Africa and Europe different (pre-1492)? How were they similar?