2019 - University of Mary€¦ · chael Waddell, Deserae Wanner, randon Welch, Sa-mantha Wiechman,...

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Transcript of 2019 - University of Mary€¦ · chael Waddell, Deserae Wanner, randon Welch, Sa-mantha Wiechman,...


Meet our Graduate Assistant and Peer Mentor!

Gabby Moffitt will be working with TRIO as a Graduate Assis-tant until TRIO advi-sor Maureen Moriarty returns at the end of March. Gabby is from Monticello, Minneso-ta and graduated with an BA in Psychology with a Minor in Spanish from the University of Northern Iowa. Gabby is currently a graduate student in the Masters of Counseling program with a concentra-tion in School and Mental Health Counseling. Gabby also coaches the Bismarck Gymnastics Academy show-teams.

Dora Cantu will be working with TRIO as a Peer Men-tor for the remainder of the spring 2019 semester. Dora is from Modesto, Cali-fornia and is a Com-munications major who will be graduat-ing this year. Dora also works with the wrestling program and during the summer she will be interning for the Bismarck Larks.


March for Life 2019

On January 16th, the Univer-

sity of Mary took four motor

coach buses across the United

States on a 30-hour bus ride to

Washington, DC to participate in

the world’s largest pro-life event,

March for Life on January 18th.

The March for Life has been held

annually for 46 years in Washing-

ton DC and University of Mary


have been a

part of this

March for

the past dec-


This year,

the University

of Mary had

188 students attend the event, with 14

of those students being TRIO mem-

bers. The TRIO members that were in

attendance are John Cornwell, James

Gilbert, Mary Hobbs, Anna Hobbs,

Reegin Kehn, Anastasia Koralewski,

Mae Litschauer, Veronica Miller, April

Mogard, Emma Olson, Julianna Ric-

ciardi, Gabriel Rivas, Stephen Tan, and

Michael Waddell.

The bus rides were filled with

homework, studying, practicing chants

and cheers, and singing songs.

Stephen Tan

Gabby Moffitt

Dora Cantu


Fall 2018 Graduates:

Congratulations to the 2018 Fall SSS/

TRIO December Graduates!

Angela Carter

Major: University Studies

Allison Dion

Majors: Early Childhood Education, Special

Education, and Elementary Education

Ryan Naki-Poomaihealani

Major: Business Administration

Minor: Sport and Leisure Management

Michelle Pittman

Major: University Studies

Minor: Catholic Studies

Elizabeth Turner

Major: Criminal Justice

Rachell Vargas-Comme

Major: Psychology

Minor: Business Administration

TRIO students rock! We are proud to announce

the many TRIO students who made the Dean’s List

for the fall 2018 semester. To be eligible for the

Dean’s list, a student must have a 3.5 term GPA. Here

is the list of students who received this prestigious


Sarina Aamold, Mabel Addo, David Alimo, Mollie

Anderson, Lucia Bolibruch, Maria Bolibruch, Angela

Carter, Hector Chavez, John Cornwell, Christine Da-

vid, Brittany Davis, Michael Dettloff, Jane Dukart,

Lynn Duong, Marquell Evans, Emilee Fergel, Izabella

Fredericksen, Jacob Gartner, James Gilbert, Elizabeth

Hands, Erin Heidrich, Abby Hill, Amy Howard, Hunter

Huizenga, Reegin Kehn, Allison Kipp, Nicole Koepl,

Anastasia Koralewski, Lauren Kraft, Theresa Liebsch,

Anna Litschauer, Mae Listschauer, Hannah Meier,

Connie Meziere, Nicole Miller, Andrea Morren, Nich-

olas Mortenson, Ryan Naki-Poomaihealani, Maisie

Patzner, Genevieve Ricciardi, Devan Rohrich, Kiersten

Salazar, Kayla Schneider, Kyra Schulz, Michal Sequei-

ra, Tanesha Struebing, Stephen Tan, Mercedes Trujil-

lo-Hanson, Rachell Vargas Comme, Mary Vincent, Mi-

chael Waddell, Deserae Wanner, Brandon Welch, Sa-

mantha Wiechman, Jaylan White, Mariah Woodring.


Keep up the

great work!

Dean’s List Honors for Fall 2018 Semester

We are excited to announce TRIO

students have reached their goal of

1,000 TRIO service hours! As of Jan-

uary 9th, TRIO is at 1,005 service

hours! We’re still tracking service

hours through Feb. 13. Let your ad-

visor know if you have hours.

Celebrate this amazing accom-

plishment at the Valentine’s Day

event, “Love as a Service”


The Book and Merit Scholar-ships and Supplemental Grant

awards will be announced soon. Please watch your email

for more information.



WORKSHOPS: A group of TRIO students joined together on campus to

have hot cocoa before they traveled into Bismarck for The

Nutcracker on December 7th.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Killin’ It: THE and PHI Courses:

Wed., Jan. 30th - 2:30pm-3:00pm &

Thurs., Jan. 31st - 12:00pm-12:30pm

LVUC Student Org. Conference Room

Master the concepts to understanding theology

and philosophy courses with Dr. Collins.


Tues., Feb. 5th - 9:00am-11:30am

GTSB Foyer

Provided by Career Services, bring

your personal resume for edits

from local employers.

Valentine’s Day “Love as a Service”:

Thurs., Feb. 14th - 3:00pm-4:00pm

HSLC Great Room

Celebrate the TRIO Service Project with honored guest speaker:

Sr. Thomas.

Killin’ It: Writing:

Tues., Feb. 26th - 2:00pm

Wed., Feb. 27th - 9:00am

LVUC Student Org. Conference Room

Learn how to win at writing. Come learn tips and strategies to better your writing skills with profes-

sors Sarah Clark and Valerie


The Nutcracker:

On December 12th, TRIO students could be found serving the

community during the holiday season. TRIO students were found

around the Kirkwood Mall bell ringing for the Salvation Army.


TRIO Student Phillip Springsteen was named

NSIC Wrestler of the Week for his performance

at the Midwest Classic. Phillip dominated the

competition going 5-0, winning the first three

by pin, and taking first place in his class. Spring-

steen also made his first appearance of the

season in the national rankings coming in at

8th. Head football Coach Craig Bagnell, Athletic Director

Dale Lennon, and 30 members of the football team

joined members of the Civil Air Patrol to help clean

holiday wreaths

from the head-

stones at the North

Dakota Veterans

Cemetery south of


TRIO Student Jaylan White scored the winning points of the basketball

game on January 11th, making the score 100-98 in the third overtime vs.

the University of

Minnesota Du-

luth Bulldogs.

White made all of

his free throw

attempts in the

overtime, scoring

12 of his team

high 25 points.

Pictured above is TRIO student Michael

Buster helping with wreath cleaning.