2016 May Broadcaster Newsletter

Post on 29-Jul-2016

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The Broadcaster is a monthly publication of First Presbyterian Church of Davenport, IA

Transcript of 2016 May Broadcaster Newsletter

First Presbyterian Church1702 Iowa Street

Davenport, Iowa 52803



May 2016 g A Monthly Publication of The First Presbyterian Church g Volume 45, No. 3


CHURCH{xtÜà Éy à{x v|àç

First Presbyterian Church g 1702 Iowa Street g Davenport, Iowa 52803 g 563.326.1691 g fpcdavenport.org

Upcoming Service OpportunityVolunteers are needed for our 2016 Vacation Bible Camp to be successful! At least 20 adult volunteers and 15 teenagers are needed to make this week run smoothly. If you are able tohelp, volunteers are asked to be here at 8:30 Am during the week and stay until after lunch at 12:30 Pm.

Volunteer Orientation, to go over the curriculum and assignments for the week, will be offered on Sunday, may 15from 12:00 Pm to 1:30 Pm. Volunteers are also welcome to get a copy of the CD and start listening to the music.Over and over and over and over again.

Decorating for VBC will take place on Sunday, June 12 after the church picnic and as many people as possibleare needed to help turn FPC into a surfing paradise! Even if you can’t help out during the weekday mornings,please make plans to join us in decorating. Childcare for volunteers only can be made available if needed, butstaff needs to know ahead of time to make the nursery arrangements. If you can volunteer during the week of June 13-17, please contact Director of Christian Education Tiffany Horvath (horvath@fpcdavenport.org;563-326-1691).

You may recall that last year we started a new program called Adopt-A-Bed where members ofthe congregation volunteered to adopt and tendto a church flower bed for the season. The program was a HUGE success thanks to all the dedicated volunteers that helped make ourchurch grounds look so beautiful all season long.

2016 will mark the program’s second year and already over half of the flower beds have beenspoken for... but there is still availability if you're interested. Don’t worry if you aren’t an experienced gardener. We have a simple information sheet that explains everything youneed to know. We'll also have experts availableto answer any questions you might havethroughout the season. The Buildings &Grounds Committee will be happy to reimburseyou for any flower purchases… so all youwould need to donate is a few hours of yourtime throughout the season!

If you are interested, we’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact John Gere (jgere@studio483.com), Shannon Gruhlke (gruhlke@fpcdavenport.org), or Tom Parker(teparker878@gmail.com). You may also stopby the church office where we have a sign-upflower bed map posted on Shannon’s officedoor and copies of the information sheet.

Sign-up for the 2016 Adopt-A-Bed Program is in Full Bloom!

Envisioning 20/20 Team to Report to Congregation on Sunday, May 15At our 9:00 Am and 11:00 Am services on Sunday, may 15, the Envisioning 20/20 Team, at the invitation of the Session,will provide a progress report to the congregation on a series of proposals that have evolved from the congregationalmeetings conducted in January, February, and march. As members of the E20/20 Team, we ask that each of you makespecial effort to attend one or both services. We are especially hopeful that as many Session members and Deacons willattend as possible, because you will play important roles in expanding and extending the work of the congregation andthe Envisioning 20/20 Team.

As a quick reminder, more than 125 members attended each of the threecongregational meetings. At the first, we talked about where we have beenas a church, and what our strengths have been. At the second, we talkedabout where we are and which of our ministries seem likely to flourish in the future. At the third, we talked about where we might go and the

God-sized dreams that might take us there. At the meetings on may 15, we'll talk about the ministries, or areas ofemphasis, that arose from discussion at the congregational meetings. We'll talk through some proposals that mightstretch our traditional expectations in each of these ministries. And, we'll talk through some action plans that shouldgive life to the proposals for each ministry and should serve as touchstones to more and better ideas in the future.

At each congregational meeting, the objective of the E20/20 team was to listen to and learn from the congregation without making premature decisions. At the same time, we were beginning to learn to listen for and to discern God's will, to ensure that decisions we make -- as a congregation -- reflect God's will rather than ours alone. This is a deeply rewarding experience, and it is one that we hope to share throughout the congregation, so that, in time, the decisions wemake will share a unity of spirit. Please join us in prayer in our efforts to reflect your will and to listen for and to discernGod's will, that we might serve God in unity of spirit. And please join us at the 9:00 and/or 11:00 Am services on Sunday,may 15. Envisioning the future of the church is an ever-evolving process, and we need your input and involvement!

Yes, I can help!T

In the novel Divergent, you have to choose your faction when you turn 16. This choice changes youridentity and changes your life. The book is set inthe future, and like most books set in the future theworld has descended into chaos. There has been agreat war which destroyed the nation and the citywhere the book is set. To try to keep the peace thecity has been divided into five factions, five groups oflike-minded people.

So when you turn 16 you are given an aptitude test tosee which faction is the best fit for you. Finally, youhave to make the choice. As soon as that choice ismade, you leave your family and your home and gothrough an initiation and training where you get a newidentity and begin a new life. Each faction is centeredaround a particular virtue and seeks to overcome thecorresponding vice. Each faction thinks that theirvirtue is the most important one and that the corresponding vice is the real problem in the world.

So, the Erudite faction focuses on the virtue of knowledge and seeks to avoid the vice of ignorance.They think the problem in the world is ignorance, andall problems can be solved with knowledge. TheDauntless faction focuses on developing the virtue ofbravery and avoiding the vice of cowardliness. Theywill do what needs to be done, even if it is difficult or

dangerous. The Amity faction focuses on developing harmony and seeks to avoid any aggression or division. The Candor faction believes in the virtue of honesty and avoids the viceof deception. And the Abnegation faction seeks to be selfless, and to avoid the vice of selfishness.

One of the interesting parts of the novel is that evenvirtues can be used for evil. The Erudites can use their knowledge as a blessing, or they can use theirknowledge to control and manipulate others. Braverycan be used to protect the weak and innocent, or itcan be used in the service of power and oppressionand violence. Harmony is a worthy goal, but in canalso be used to deny differences and prevent any dissent. Harmony sometimes comes at the cost ofliberty. Honesty is usually a good thing – but it canalso be cruel, and there are some things that are betterleft private. It’s hard to think that selflessness canever be a bad thing. But it can become a denial of our own needs. At some point we need to care forourselves in order to be able to care for others.

The novel also deals with the tensions between the different factions, these groups of like-mindedpeople guided by different values and priorities. The goal is for each faction to work together andcomplement each other. But the reality is they allcompete for control.

The point is, we live in a world full of factions; political factions, religious factions, cultural factions.All these factions can give us a sense of belongingand a sense of purpose in life. They can shape ouridentity in powerful ways. But, belonging to a faction centered on the wrong virtues and values can be a destructive thing. It’s worth asking,

“What faction or factions am I in?” What are the values and virtues that drive us? And what are thevices we are trying to avoid?

As Christians we are invited to join Jesus’ faction – tobe a part of a community bound together by the mindof Christ. The Jesus faction is shaped not just by thepursuit of one virtue or the avoidance of one vice.Jesus’ faction is shaped by a person, by Jesus Christ –a person who was also more than a person, who wasGod incarnate, God become one of us.

To join Jesus’ faction means to join a group of people shaped by Christ’s life and teachings, and byhis death and resurrection, and by his continuingpresence through the Holy Spirit. This faction is best described in Philippians 2:1-8.

“If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, anycompassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being infull accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfishambition or conceit, but in humility regard others asbetter than yourselves. Let each of you look not toyour own interests, but to the interests of others. Letthe same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who,though he was in the form of God, did not regardequality with God as something to be exploited, butemptied himself, taking the form of a slave, beingborn in human likeness. And being found in humanform, he humbled himself and became obedient tothe point of death— even death on a cross. “

As we shape our future together, let’s stop and ponderover this Scripture for awhile. Ask yourself, “am Ishaped by the values and virtues of Jesus’ faction?Or does something else hold me captive?”

2 The BroadcaSTer | May 2016

Out the Study Window by Rev. Richard Miller

Cues from the novel Divergent and Philippians 2:1-8

Rev. Richard Miller

Many Hands Make Light Work! Can you open cans of vegetables? Can you follow recipes? Can you be ahelping hand in the kitchen? Can you carry casserole dishes? Sure youcan – and you can make a difference to homeless in our community.Once a month, First Presbyterian Church provides dinner for the Salvation Army Shelter.The Deacons are in need of volunteers who would be available to help with this mission.If you have a couple of hours on the first monday of the month, and would like to helpcook, please contact Deacon muffy Ellard (563-505-2292). The dinner is a casserole thatis prepared at the church, baked and served at the shelter later that evening. It’s easy tomake and the fellowship will keep you smiling all month.

Prayer Vigil for Victims of ViolenceSunday, May 29, 7:00 pM

Join with fellow Christians from our PUNCH churches for aprayer vigil at First Pres., may 29, from 7:00 to 7:30 Pm.Please use the porte cochere entrance by the west parkinglot. We will pray for people in ourcountry, and for families and friendswho are victims of gun violence. Letus pray for God’s healing for victims,and let us bear witness to the senselessviolence in our country.

Travel Fellowship’s Placede la Musique Experience Saturday, July 9, 8:00 aM to 8:00 pM

Travel to Barrington Hills, Illinois, on ourdeluxe coach (with restroom) to see the private Sanfilippo Place de la music magnificent collections of beautifully restored antique music machines includingthe world’s largest restored theatre pipeorgan, 30 other dance organs and calliopes,40 large American and European orchestrations, chandeliers, art glass, a rideable European salon carousel, steam engine trains, and other functioning mechanical antiques. The highlight of theday is a two hour concert performance onthe 5,000 pipe, 80 rank Wurlitzer theatreorgan followed by a buffet meal in thecarousel pavilion.You will be guests of theSanfilippo family on their private estate.They own the famous Fisher Nut Company.Tickets can be purchased online at the churchwebsite (www.fpcdavenport.org); $125 perperson (non-refundable, but transferable).The coach will depart church parking lot.

Adult Christian Education (ACE) -- Opportunities to Grow in Life and Faith

Sunday Morning Von Maur Hall Series - 10:00 aM, Von Maur hall

May 1: Erin Sodawasser will share her experience about her service with thePeace Corps in mozambique. Come and discover the story behind her path toservice and connection between her mind, heart, hands and God’s presence.

Tucker's Teaser Question: Who Died First? On April 23, 1616, miguel deCervantes, author of Don Quixote and generally considered by most the greatestSpanish writer, died in his home country of Spain. On April 23, 1616, WilliamShakespeare, considered by most the greatest English writer, died in his home country of England. Whichof these two great authors died first? Jim Tucker will present the answer at the beginning of ACE on Sunday, may 1. Be on time because this will occur before the regular ACE session!

Note: ACE Von maur Hall Series will be in recess until the fall On, September 4 there will be a specialpresentation by Zach Schreiner regarding his service in the Peace Corps. He will be leaving later inSeptember to begin another job in the Peace Corps. Come and engage in this lively class!!

Wired Word Wednesdays - May 4 & 11, 6:00 pM, Fireplace roomDiscover national and world events in light of the scriptures. Don't miss these lively discussions that beginat 6:00 Pm and are open to everyone. Join in on conversations about current events and how our faithspeaks to these issues. All are invited to come. We meet in the Fireplace Room on the third floor of the education building. For more information, please contact mark Jones(mkjones@mchsi.com).

The BroadcaSTer | May 2016 3

Fellowship Opportunities at FPC -- be sure to invite your friends and neighbors!

Manna & More

Join Us for Breakfast – Sunday, May 8Time: 8:30 to 10:30 AM Cost: $3 adults, $1 children (12 years & under)

Share breakfast with your family and friends before and after the 9:00 AM service.The menu is egg casserole, sausage, fruit and assorted beverages. We look forwardto seeing you there!

On Mother's Day at Manna & More There’s a Special Entertainment Opportunity! Thinking about a gift for mother Day? How about taking her to the July 9 Place de la music Experience. We guaranteeshe will thank you! All mothers registered on mother's Day for the day trip will receive a $5 discount, subject to availability, so don’t delay! During manna & more, the Congregational Development and Fellowship Committee will be showing a short PBS clip of the Sanfilippo mansion and the remarkable collection of turn of the century mechanical orchestras, Tiffany chandeliers, organs, Pullman rail cars, carousel, and so much more, housed at Sanfilippo.In addition, we will learn about their mission to preserve these works for future generations. The clip will be showncontinuously during manna & more. This event happens just once a year at Sanfilippo mansion and our CDF TravelFellowship is thrilled to be selected to bring a group. For more information, contact Linda meadors (309-912-4888;linda@bluehorizon.net).

Annual All Church Picnic - Sunday, June 12, 11:30 aM

The Deacons have been able to minister to our brothers and sisters in needthrough local, national and international projects because of the congregation'sloyal and continued support, dedication, love and prayers. We thank you. To celebrate our common mission, the congregation is invited to the Annual AllChurch Picnic on Sunday, June 12, beginning at 11:30 Am. The Deacons will begrilling typical picnic meats. We ask that you bring a dish or dessert to share. We are planning games/activities for the children and plenty of fellowship time for the adults. Please mark your calendars so that you can attend.



The Deacons are grilling the meat,

planning games and activities for the children,and providing fellowship

time for the adults.

1111::3300 AAMM


Fellowship Halland/or Gym incase of rain


Bring aside dish ordessert to


Thank you for supporting the work ofthe Deacons all year!


CEFY (Christian Education & Fellowship for Youth) -- Catch the Spirit!

4 The BroadcaSTer | May 2016

Vacation Bible CampCatch the Wave - June 13-17VBC is going to be all about catchingthe wave of God’s amazing love aswe hang out together at the SurfShack the week of June 13-17 from9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, with lunch

served everyday from 12:00 to 12:30PM! Vacation Bible Camp is intended for

all youth in Preschool through 6th grade and everyone is welcome, whethermembers of FPC or not -- so friends are definitely invited)! All youth in 7th-12th

grade who are available are needed as volunteers. For more information, contact Tiffany Horvath (horvath@fpcdavenport.org; 563-326-1691).

Tiffany Epiphanies: Dead batteries are given out free of charge.

Sunday School: Our last day of Sunday School will be may 1, which is also Youth Sunday. All children in Sunday School are encouraged toparticipate in our annual Youth Sunday service. Younger children are neededas greeters and to help with the offering. middle and High School youth arein charge of all aspects of the service.

ACT and EPIC: Youth Sunday is set for may 1! may 1 will also beour last Youth Group—there is NO choir that evening! meet at the church at5:00 Pm, and we will all head to the QC Family Entertainment Center forpizza, bowling and laser tag! We will be back at church by 7:15 Pm.

Senior Recognition: Sunday, May 15, 9:00 aM serviceCalling ALL Seniors in high school and college! If your youth/young adult isgraduating this year, please let Tiffany know ASAP. Please email Tiffany athorvath@fpcdavenport.org with your senior’s information, future plans, activities they were involved in and their senior picture.

Our Musikgarten program is threeyears old already! It’s been fun andexciting to watch our children growand learn together!

Our Summer Musikgarten program is ready to continue that fun with music and movement for thewhole family! Babies through kindergarten age are welcome to join us! Kathy Middleton will beleading the summer classes and will be including activities that are adaptable for the babies and ex-tendable for the big brothers and sisters who have “graduated” from Musikgarten. Even if yourchild has moved on to Cherub Choir and Preschool Sunday School during the school year, you arewelcome to join us for our summer Musikgarten program. Just think of it as a family reunion!

Musikgarten's philosophy is steeped in this understanding: movement and music activities are perfect for child development; music immerses the child in language; evokes movement; stimulates the brain; and fosters physical coordination -- all in a group setting that builds a God-centered, musical community -- a truly holistic experience.

We’ll meet for Summer Musikgarten classes from 9:30-10:00 AM during June (June 5, 12, 19, 26) and then again July 24 and 31 and August 7, 14, 21 and 28. If youhave questions or would like more information, please contact Kathy Middleton (kmidd@mchsi.com; 563-505-0471).

march 2016


march 2015


Actual Budget Actual BudgetGeneral Income 74,929 75,183 72,373 92,698 Custodial Accounts Income 6,884 12,619 General Expenses 82,728 91,703 97,155 100,431 Custodial Accounts Expenses 6,884 - 12,619 - Surplus (Deficit) (7,799) (16,520) (24,782) (7,733)

2016 Year-To-Date

2016 Year-To-Date

2015 Year-To-Date

2015 Year-To-Date

Actual Budget Actual Budget General Income 296,589 287,033 275,333 268,172 Custodial Accounts Income 18,212 30,041 General Expenses 222,705 244,369 243,907 251,943 Custodial Accounts Expenses 18,212 - 30,041 - Surplus (Deficit) 73,884 42,664 31,426 16,229

The Broadcaster:This newsletter is a publication of FirstPresbyterian Church of Davenport, IA

First Presbyterian Church Staff:Rev. Richard miller, Senior Pastor

Tiffany Horvath, Director of Christian Education

Ahreum Han Congdon, Principal Organist& Assistant Director of Music

Linda Bengfort*, Assistant Choral Director,Accompanist & Interim Admin.

Gail Glockhoff Long*, Interim Handbell Director

SungZin Kim*, Interim Sanctuary Choir Director

Kathy middleton*, Interim MusikgartenTeacher/Admin.& Cherub Choir Conductor

Adam Page*, Musikgarten Teacher & Section Leader for Youth

Anne Page*, Musikgarten Teacher

Shannon m. Gruhlke, Cm, Finance &Facilities Manager

Claire Knightly* & Ginny Schuette*, Accounting Assistant

Jessie munn*, Nursery Coordinator

Kerri Peterson*, Wedding Coordinator

Maintenance Team:Georgia Roberts, Dave SpauldingKevin Wilson* & Chad Dean*

Tammy mayhew, Membership/PastoralCare Coordinator

Bobette maginas* & Julie Crouse*Administrative Coordinator

Diane Pumphrey, Communications & Office Manager

First Presbyterian Church1702 Iowa StreetDavenport, Iowa 52803

Phone: 563-326-1691 Fax: 563-326-5416


Handicapped Services: First Church ishandicapped accessible via the elevator entrances on the west side of the building.

Childcare: Nurseries for infants throughfour-year-olds are provided in the FolwellEducation Center (3rd floor of the ChristianEducation Building) during Sunday services.

The BroadcaSTer | May 2016 5

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Text your contribution to FPC at 563-538-5020!

Simply send a textto 563-538-5020with the amountyou would like tocontribute. makesure to include the

dollar sign before the amount. Example: $25.Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text witha link to register. Click on the link and enteryour cardholder name and credit or debit card information. Once your registration iscomplete, you will receive a text verificationand a receipt via email. You may also designateyour contribution to Pledge, Offering, FoodPantry, or Deacons, by texting that afterthe dollar amount. Example: $25 Pledge. Forfuture giving, simply send a text with theamount you wish to give, and it will processautomatically! Try it ─ you’ll like it!


Make a Note of it... Publications Schedule: Articles for the Summer Edition of FIRST PRESS (an expanded publication of church programmingfor the months of June through August) which will be published in June, are now due. The theme is Renew. The next Broadcasternewsletter will be published in September and those articles will be due on August 15. All information should be submitted toDiane Pumphrey (pumphrey@fpcdavenport.org).

April Session Meeting Highlights: Envisioning 20/20 Committee presented a partial summation of the God Size Dreams, submitted by the congregation, to a

combined meeting of the Deacons and Elders Approved the Buildings and Grounds proposal for repairing the roof above the south east stairwell to the Sanctuary Approved the Worship and music Committee's summer Sunday Worship Schedule Heard about many upcoming activities in the life of the church including Vacation Bible Camp, Annual All Church Picnic, and

Beautification of the Boulevard project.

Member News - The congregation marks the following occasions in the lives of those who make up our community.Birth: Ruby Stellinga (daughter of Joe and Lindsay Stellinga) - April 12, 2016

Baptisms: Luke Joseph Dresing (son of Eric and Erin Dresing) - march 6, 2016; Isaac Phillip Downing (son of Patrick and KristenaDowning) - march 13, 2016Deaths: Judith Carr - April 2, 2016; Elliot “Jack” mcDonald Jr. - April 8, 2016

Financial Update

Beauty on the Boulevard! Can you dig in the dirt? Can you plant flowers? Can you rake up leaves andother debris? Can you carry flats of plants? Sure you can – and you can make a difference on the Boulevard.

The Deacons’ Outreach Committee is working with the City of Davenport to improve theflower beds along Kirkwood Boulevard. First Pres. is committed to fixing up two flowerbeds on Kirkwood & Iowa and Kirkwood & Pershing (in front of the church and the westparking lot). We are asking the congregation for monetary donations to purchase flats ofannual flowers. Each bed will take a minimum of two flats, however more will reallymake them pop. We are also asking for help on planting day. The city will drop off mulchsometime in early may (depending on weather) and on the following Saturday, a crew

will head out with rakes, gloves and shovels in hand to clean up and plant both beds. We should be done in two hours – a shortamount of time to make a great improvement to the neighborhood. You’ll be notified of the exact date on Facebook and email. Formore information or to help, contact Diane Schreiner (diane@restoreqc.org), Tom Parker (teparker878@gmail.com), or mia Carr (mialyncarr@hotmail.com). If you’d like to help purchase flowers, please “boulevard flowers” on the memo line of your check.

First Presbyterian Church1702 Iowa Street

Davenport, Iowa 52803

Phone: 563-326-1691 www.fpcdavenport.org

Sunday Service Times9:00 Am & 11:00 Am

Christian Education10:00 Am for all ages

First Presbyterian Church1702 Iowa StreetDavenport, IA 52803-4315



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Davenport, IAPermit 15

First Presbyterian Church1702 Iowa Street

Davenport, Iowa 52803

Phone: 563-326-1691 www.fpcdavenport.org

Sunday Service Times9:00 Am & 11:00 Am

Christian Education10:00 Am for all ages

Order Your Book Today!Orders Must Be Received by May 15

The final cut off date for ordering Our Legacy Lightsthe Way, the full-color, 100 page coffee table bookhas been set for May 15. Please do not procrastinateand miss this order deadline. The cost of the book is $49 and all orders must received by Sunday,May 15. To clarify, there will not be any extrabooks stocked for later purchase, so if you want a book you must order it now. You will be notified to pick-up your copy when the shipmentarrives at the church office this summer.

Sample copies of the book are available in the church office for review. To insure you have a personal copy of this historical collection of stories, please order online at the church website (www.fpcdavenport.org), stop in at the church office, or stop at the Heritage Committeetable in Fellowship Hall between 10:00-11:00 AM on Sundays thru May 15. You may also use the book orderform that is included in this newsletter.

The last time a church history book was published was in 1939. Don’t miss this opportunityto own your own copy of this is church heritage keepsake.

Only one book order is being placed, so act today!