2014 Ilfracombe State School Annual Report€¦  · Web viewPrincipal’s foreword. Introduction....

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Transcript of 2014 Ilfracombe State School Annual Report€¦  · Web viewPrincipal’s foreword. Introduction....

Ilfracombe State SchoolQueensland State School Reporting2014 School Annual Report

Postal address PO Box 19 Ilfracombe 4727

Phone (07) 4658 2159

Fax (07) 4658 1007

Email the.principal@ilfracomss.eq.edu.au

WebpagesAdditional reporting information pertaining to Queensland state schools is located on the My School website and the Queensland Government data website.

Contact person Adam Head-Principal

Principal’s forewordIntroduction

It brings me pleasure to present to you the 2014 Annual School Report for Ilfracombe State School. This report outlines the school’s progress towards its goals for the 2014 school year, and projected goals for 2015. In addition, you will find information relating to the expertise of our staff, the make-up of our student cohort, their performance in the national testing program and the curriculum offered at our school. Our school continues to go from strength to strength and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff, the students, our P&C, our parents and our community volunteers for their hard work and continued support through 2014. To ensure this Report is shared throughout the community of Ilfracombe (especially for those that do not have internet access) hard copies are available on request.

School progress towards its goals in 2014

The Australian Curriculum is implemented through the use of C2C resources. The teachers used both the multi-age and single grade level lessons plans for Science, History and Geography. For English and Mathematics the teaching staff used redeveloped multi-age C2C units that were designed for a P-7 class. Implementation will continue in 2015 with C2C units. All staff continued or began with the Explicit Instruction in order to continue building a structured educational framework across the entire school. This framework has helped to improve the continuity of educational outcomes for students as they move through the different year levels and classrooms. Further mastery of the Explicit Instruction principles, focusing on student engagement will be continued in built on in 2015. Through explicit teaching strategies and support from intervention teachers and teacher-aides, improvements were seen in student performance in the NAPLAN testing. These improvements were seen in most testing areas, across most cohorts. Further improvements are expected in 2015 with the focus on reading and writing involving modelled, shared, guided and independent. The Numeracy Improvement programme has been implemented at Ilfracombe State School and all students have shown improvements in this area.

2014 Priorities

Improvement Addressed OngoingRe



Use NAPLAN Reading assessment practice material and NAPLAN Reading Tests to measure improvements in student reading. To be implemented and analysed once per term.

Update the reading schedule that includes the uses of NAPLAN Reading tests to measure improvements in student reading. Implemented and analysed once per term.

Develop highly effective teaching practices and increase data literacy for all teachers through internal monitoring.

Implement Explicit instruction lessons on the required vocabulary for all areas.

Develop a whole school reading program to ensure consistency and delivery between all staff members.

Implement a 1000 word individual site word programme for students from Prep to Year 5.



Use NAPLAN writing assessment material to monitor and improve student progress.

Develop whole school handwriting and bookwork expectations and upskill staff in implementing expectations.

Use NAPLAN Writing assessment practice material and NAPLAN WritingTests to measure improvements in student writing.

implement the on demand writing cycle in conjunction with the Coalitionof Western Small Schools.




Use NAPLAN Numeracy assessment practice material and NAPLAN Numeracy Tests to measure improvements in student maths.

PAT R assessments twice per year all students achieve a stanine 5 or better.

Work in conjunction with CoWSS to implement the Numeracy ChampionsProgram.

Explicit teaching of mathematics including vocabulary.




Educate the community on the benefits of Ilfracombe State School, through community involvement in student celebrations. Promote Ilfracombe State School through school newsletter and web site.




Work in conjunction with Coalition of Western Small Schools to identify critical content of the multi-age C2C units. Adapt C2C multi-age units in alignment with the critical content to suit requirements. to suit smallschools.

Build quality processes to track and support individual students through learning assessments

Maintain moderation processes to ensure that standards are consistent both internally and externally




All students feel welcome, safe and positive in their learning environment.

Invite families to orientation days for students ready for Prep.




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ceSet whole school target of 94% or higher and communicate expectations to students and wider community. Celebrate students who achieve targeted rate.






Develop Professional Development plans that is supported with ongoing feedback while using the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) standards for teachers.

Work in conjunction with the Coalition of Western Small Schools to implement Instructional Rounds focusing on the delivery of the explicit Instruction teaching sequence and the Write2Spell2Read program.


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Implement a school wide positive behaviour plan.

Engage local community through school newsletter and P&C meetings.

Analyse behaviour data every term to determine the teaching focus required for following term.

Communicate data trends to all staff to ensure a collaborative approach to improve behaviour choices and engagement outcomes.

Acknowledge positive behaviours each week and at the end of the term.






Assessment schedule use NAPLAN LC practice tests to measure improvements in spelling, grammar and punctuation. to be implemented and analysed once per term.

Assessment schedule - PAT - SPVG - tests undertaken and analysed each year.

Explicit teaching of subject specific subject vocabulary in all learning Areas

Up skill students in marking individual writing samples against the student-friendly guide to making judgments (persuasive/Narrative) to identify areasof strength and those needing development. Create individual learning goals based on these results. Combine the W2S2R program with soundwaves phonic



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ents Update annual Health and Safety Action Plan.

Update School Security Plan

Review and update school plan, Annual implementation Plan and Explicit Improvement Agenda.

Review and update Whole School Curriculum Plan in alignment with ACARA and the Coalition of Western Small Schools expectations.

Future outlook

Improvement in Literacy and Numeracy for all students – all students in Year 3 performing at or above the National Average and all students post Year 3 improving at a rate greater than the Nation with 50% of students in years 3 & 5 performing in the Upper 2 Bands.

Achievement of a C level or better in English, Maths and Science – all students achieve C+ or better with 50% of students achieving an A or B standard.

Improvement in knowledge and application of number facts for all students – all students to demonstrate improved results in their application of number facts, with 50% of each cohort operating in the U2B and achieving an A or B standard in mathematics.

Improvement in writing response to stimuli against NAPLAN marking criteria - all students in Year 3 performing at or above the National Average and all students post Year 3 improving at a rate greater than the Nation with 50% of students in years 3 & 5 performing in the Upper 2 Bands.

Our school at a glance

School Profile

Coeducational or single sex: Coeducational

Year levels offered in 2014: Prep Year - Year 7

Total student enrolments for this school:

Total Girls Boys

Enrolment Continuity

(Feb – Nov)

2012 32 20 12 90%

2013 22 11 11 86%

2014 21 10 11 70%

Student counts are based on the Census (August) enrolment collection.

Characteristics of the student body:

Ilfracombe State School is a rural school with a proud history. The achievements of Ilfracombe students are impressive, and have been highly supported by the dedicated teaching staff and the Parents & Citizens Association. To improve student learning outcomes we demand high expectations in alliance with a strong and consistent approach to behaviour management, which includes a proactive rewards system that is highly valued by our community. This has supported the high quality of teaching and learning programs offered to all students. The professionalism & dedication of our staff, as well as our extensive community networks & support services, ensure students & their families are fully supported.

The majority of our student body reside in town, with parents/carers working for Government Agencies (eg. Local Council, Education Qld) or are self-employed (eg. fencers, carpenters). Some families are from surrounding properties where sheep farming is quite prominent.

Average class sizes


Average Class Size

2012 2013 2014

Prep – Year 3 11 9 10

Year 4 – Year 7 Primary 18 14 11

School Disciplinary Absences

Disciplinary Absences

Count of Incidents

2012 2013 2014*

Short Suspensions - 1 to 5 days 0 <5 0

Long Suspensions - 6 to 20 days 0 <5 0

Exclusions# 0 0 0

Cancellations of Enrolment 0 0 0# Exclusion is an abbreviated title which reflects suspensions with recommendations for exclusion, which may result in an exclusion or be set aside through an appeals process.* Caution should be used when comparing 2014 data with previous years SDA data as amendments to the disciplinary provisions in the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, passed in late 2013, created a time series break.

Curriculum offerings

Our distinctive curriculum offering

Ilfracombe State School prides itself on quality teaching and learning. The school offers a strong curriculum program from Prep to Year 7. In 2013 the Key Learning Areas of Mathematics, English, Science, History and Geography were implemented under the Australian National Curriculum. SOSE, The Arts, Technology, HPE and LOTE were also implemented, using the QCAR Framework. Ilfracombe State School promotes the benefits of the multi-age classroom and a multi-age environment. Key Learning Areas are organised and taught in multi-age units of work in the juncture years of P-2, 3-7. In this multi-age setting, all students are offered a differentiated curriculum.

Extra curricula activities

Ilfracombe State School offered Instrumental Music to students from Years 5-7; we were supported by RREAP to access professionals to run workshops in Dance, Drama, Music, Art, Poetry and Intensive Swimming Programs; we attended and valued opportunities to participate in a variety of Sporting Carnivals throughout the year.

How Information and Communication Technologies are used to assist learning

Students and teachers at Ilfracombe State School use computers on a regular basis in a number of different contexts. First and foremost we uphold the vision that computers and technology are our future, hence a strong commitment to progressing the skills required to operate all types of ICT devices is paramount. Computers are used on a regular basis for research tasks and for consolidating learned procedures through games, vignettes, demonstrations and drills. Programs such as power point, movie maker, word, excel, publisher, Mathletics, Reading Eggs, c2c digital resources and e-mail are regularly used.

Interactive Whiteboards are used in all classrooms and are now used to enhance and consolidate the curriculum. An iPad Program continued to be integrated into the curriculum specifically in the development of literacy & numeracy skills.

Social Climate

Ilfracombe is situated in the Central West approximately 40 kilometres from the large regional centre of Longreach. The school is well equipped, and enjoys excellent community support.

The school continually reviews and modifies its Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students and enjoys a great record of student behaviour. Bullying issues are dealt with immediately; initially by the classroom teacher and then, if necessary, by the principal. The school participates in the annualNO Bullying Day event, using senior students as peer support leaders.The school Chaplaincy program also provides pastoral care for students, staff and parents including a breakfast club running on Friday mornings. The school has developed an individual plan for students who need additional support. The school has an ‘open door’ policy where parents and students are encouraged to bring any problems immediately to staff attention, so that it can be dealt with promptly, by the most appropriate person and in an open and transparent manner. Parents always receive feedback following the outcome of an incident. During 2014, the school continued to maintain very strong ties with the wider community. This occurred through very successful participation by school leaders and students in the local community ANZAC Day ceremony, community participation in the school’s ANZAC Day ceremony, celebration of NAIDOC week, participation in a community art competition and whole school participation local shows and events and our end of year concert.

Parent, student and staff satisfaction with the school

Performance measure

Percentage of parent/caregivers who agree# that: 2012 2013 2014

their child is getting a good education at school (S2016) 69% 100% 100%

this is a good school (S2035) 67% 89% 100%

their child likes being at this school* (S2001) 85% 100% 75%

their child feels safe at this school* (S2002) 100% 100% 100%

their child's learning needs are being met at this school* (S2003) 69% 100% 75%

their child is making good progress at this school* (S2004) 77% 100% 75%

teachers at this school expect their child to do his or her best* (S2005) 69% 100% 100%

teachers at this school provide their child with useful feedback about his or her school work* (S2006) 69% 88% 100%

teachers at this school motivate their child to learn* (S2007) 77% 89% 100%

teachers at this school treat students fairly* (S2008) 62% 100% 100%

they can talk to their child's teachers about their concerns* (S2009) 69% 100% 100%

this school works with them to support their child's learning* (S2010) 75% 88% 100%

this school takes parents' opinions seriously* (S2011) 58% 100% 100%

student behaviour is well managed at this school* (S2012) 67% 89% 100%

this school looks for ways to improve* (S2013) 77% 100% 100%

this school is well maintained* (S2014) 85% 89% 75%

Performance measure

Percentage of students who agree# that: 2012 2013 2014

they are getting a good education at school (S2048) 86% 92% 100%

they like being at their school* (S2036) 95% 92% 100%

Performance measure

Percentage of students who agree# that: 2012 2013 2014

they feel safe at their school* (S2037) 100% 83% 100%

their teachers motivate them to learn* (S2038) 100% 92% 100%

their teachers expect them to do their best* (S2039) 100% 92% 100%

their teachers provide them with useful feedback about their school work* (S2040) 100% 91% 100%

teachers treat students fairly at their school* (S2041) 95% 92% 100%

they can talk to their teachers about their concerns* (S2042) 82% 67% 92%

their school takes students' opinions seriously* (S2043) 91% 83% 100%

student behaviour is well managed at their school* (S2044) 95% 83% 100%

their school looks for ways to improve* (S2045) 91% 92% 100%

their school is well maintained* (S2046) 100% 91% 100%

their school gives them opportunities to do interesting things* (S2047) 100% 83% 100%

Performance measure

Percentage of school staff who agree# that: 2012 2013 2014

they enjoy working at their school (S2069) 100% 100%

they feel that their school is a safe place in which to work (S2070) 100% 100%

they receive useful feedback about their work at their school (S2071) 100% 100%

students are encouraged to do their best at their school (S2072) 100% 100%

students are treated fairly at their school (S2073) 100% 100%

student behaviour is well managed at their school (S2074) 100% 100%

staff are well supported at their school (S2075) 100% 100%

their school takes staff opinions seriously (S2076) 100% 100%

their school looks for ways to improve (S2077) 100% 100%

their school is well maintained (S2078) 75% 100%

their school gives them opportunities to do interesting things (S2079) 100% 100%

* Nationally agreed student and parent/caregiver items were incorporated in the School Opinion Survey in 2012.

# ‘Agree’ represents the percentage of respondents who Somewhat Agree, Agree or Strongly Agree with the statement. Due to a major redevelopment of the surveys (parent/caregiver and student in 2012; staff in 2013), comparisons with results from previous years are not recommended.

DW = Data withheld to ensure confidentiality.

Involving parents in their child’s education

Parents at Ilfracombe Sate School are involved in every aspect of school life. Many parents are involved in classrooms assisting with our morning reading program. Some parents are involved with the sporting life of the school, while others offer to assist with educational excursions. The school also has a very active P&C, which meets monthly and provides a great deal of financial and moral support to the school, its staff and the students. During 2014 the P&C undertook several fundraising events and was able to subsidise school camp ensuring all students were able to attend. The school is verygrateful for the support it receives from the P&C. Parents are encouraged to sign students reading log.

Reducing the school’s environmental footprint

Staff and students work to reduce electricity and water usage by turning off lights during breaks, shutting down computers each afternoon, only using air conditioning when necessary and turning off taps when hand washing. Although electricity usage has decreased, charges have increased. The installation of solar panels is helping to decrease our electricity costs and we use our kitchen garden to educate students about the use of rainwater tanks and composting. Current drought conditions has had an impact on the school grounds and school community garden.

Environmental footprint indicators

Years ElectricitykWh Water kL

2011-2012 33,290 0

2012-2013 125,628 20

2013-2014 40,892 774

The consumption data is compiled from sources including ERM, Ergon reports and utilities data entered into One School by each school. The data provides an indication of the consumption trend in each of the utility categories which impact on the school’s environmental footprint.

Our staff profile

Staff composition, including Indigenous staff

2014 Workforce Composition Teaching Staff* Non-teaching Staff Indigenous Staff

Headcounts 2 4 0

Full-time equivalents 2 2 0

Qualification of all teachers

*Teaching staff includes School Leaders**Graduate Diploma etc. includes Graduate Diploma, Bachelor Honor’s Degree, and Graduate Certificate.

Expenditure on and teacher participation in professional development

The total funds expended on teacher professional development in 2014 were $7500:00.

The major professional development initiatives are as follows:

Instructional Rounds Explicit instruction Strategic information delivery. First aid Numeracy Improvement Program Rip it up Reading program Bronze Medallion

The proportion of the teaching staff involved in professional development activities during 2014 was 100%. This included courses online, off campus and staff meetings.

Average staff attendance 2012 2013 2014

Staff attendance for permanent and temporary staff and school leaders. 98% 100% 96%

Proportion of staff retained from the previous school year

From the end of the previous school year, 100% of staff was retained by the school for the entire 2014 school year.

School income broken down by funding source

School income broken down by funding source is available via the My School website at http://www.myschool.edu.au/.

To access our income details, click on the My School link above. You will then be taken to the My School website with the following ‘Find a school’ text box.

Where it says ‘Search by school name’, type in the name of the school you wish to view, and select <GO>. Read and follow the instructions on the next screen; you will be asked to accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before being given access to the school’s My School entry webpage.

School financial information is available by selecting ‘School finances’ in the menu box in the top left corner of the school’s entry webpage. If you are unable to access the internet, please contact the school for a paper copy of income by funding source.

Performance of our students

Key student outcomesStudent attendance 2012 2013 2014

The overall attendance rate for the students at this school (shown as a percentage). 91% 96% 95%

The overall attendance rate in 2014 for all Queensland Primary schools was 92%.

Student attendance rate for each year level (shown as a percentage)

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7

2012 DW 90% DW 91% 95% 91% 94%

2013 100% DW 95% 97% 94% 100% 98%


DW = Data withheld to ensure confidentiality.

Student attendance distribution

The proportions of students by attendance range.













0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


* 2013


Proportion of Students

Attendance Rate: 0% to <85% 85% to <90% 90% to <95% 95% to 100%

*The method for calculating attendance changed in 2013 – care should be taken when comparing data after 2012 to that of previous years.

Description of how non-attendance is managed by the school

The school operates a school wide positive behaviour program that also focus on attendance and engagement. All students are encouraged and rewarded to limit their time away from classes. The attendance roll is marked twice per day and absences recorded. Where student absences are unexplained by parents the administration staff or principal attempt to contact parents or care givers for explanations and to remind them of their responsibilities to ensure their children attend school. For longer absenteeism an official letter is sent home outlining the parent’s legal responsibilities.

National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) results – our reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy results for the Years 3, 5, 7, and 9.

Our reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy results for the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are available via the My School website at http://www.myschool.edu.au/.

To access our NAPLAN results, click on the My School link above. You will then be taken to the My School website with the following ‘Find a school’ text box.

Where it says ‘Search by school name’, type in the name of the school whose NAPLAN results you wish to view, and select <GO>.

Read and follow the instructions on the next screen; you will be asked to accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before being able to access NAPLAN data. If you are unable to access the internet, please contact the school for a paper copy of our school’s NAPLAN results.

Achievement – Closing the Gap

Ilfracombe State School has had no indigenous students in 2013. However the school staff have processes in place to monitor and analyze indigenous student’s achievement, attendance and retention.