2011 Summer Prayer Guide

Post on 20-Feb-2016

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The 2011 Summer Prayer Guide of Biltmore Baptist Church in Arden, NC. Biltmore is led by Pastor Bruce Frank.

Transcript of 2011 Summer Prayer Guide

35 Clayton RoadArden, NC 28704


Beginning our time of prayer...

I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together. I sought the LORD, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:1-5

Father, we are here to praise and worship You through prayer:

Please touch us as we pray, and may all distractions be removed during this time as we focus on You.

Forgive us for the sin in our lives, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness – anything that displeases or grieves You.

Thank You for Your Hand of blessing on Biltmore; may we never disappoint You through our praise, our worship and the ministries You have assigned us. May everything we say and do bring honor and glory to Your Name.

You have blessed Biltmore to glorify Your name; may we never grow so big or so successful to believe we can do anything without You!

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. 2 Chronicles 16:9a

Where there is pride – convict us! Where there is arrogance – convict us! Where there is self-sufficiency – convict us! Where there is boastfulness – convict us! Where there is haughtiness – convict us! Where there is disobedience – convict us!

Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear. Matthew 13:43

Give us faith to stay humble; and may everything that is accomplished be established on Your Word.

Thank You for Your presence and protection; help us to be an obedient church – a church that stands on Your Truth, and lives by Your standards.

May we be a loving and giving people, always ready to share our abundance with others without hesitation.

Father, we continue to seek Your protection from potential lawsuits, or strategies of the enemy that would cause division or harm.

Please prevent people from coming in with wrong attitudes or motives, and bring people to Biltmore by Your plan and design; convict those who would sow discord and strife, and may the heartbeat of Biltmore be to honor and glorify You with unity and harmony.

Father, as we pray for Biltmore, we thank You for the armor Your Word has promised, and the instruction it gives:

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:10-11, 14-18

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Reaching Up In Worship to The Sovereign God

Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him. Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to Him on the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Psalm 33:1-3

Sovereign God, You are worthy of all praise! Thank You for creating us for relationship with You; may we always praise You with every fiber of our being. As we reach up in worship privately or corporately, may we be humbled in Your presence, ready to receive Your blessings with hearts of gratitude and joy.

Father, spread Your wings of protection over Pastor Bruce as he prepares and proclaims Your Word. Set a guard around his heart as He seeks Your direction and will for Biltmore, and may He receive favor as You establish the work of his hands.

Use VERTICAL worship and the Online Campus Ministry to draw the hearts of people to Your Throne of grace and forgiveness, and may their changed lives bring peace to them and glory to You.

Encourage, strengthen and protect Pastor Carl, the Worship Team/Band, Choir and Orchestra as they lead in worship. May their hearts always remain pure as they plan and select music that reflects Your glory – the glory that draws us into Your holy presence.

May the AMP and COLLIDE worship services encourage our children and students to understand the true meaning of worship - worship that draws people to You, and spurs them on to tell others about Jesus.

Father, thank You for the commitment and faithfulness of the Parkers, Greeters and Ushers as they show Your love and kindness; may they truly understand the impact their attitudes and actions have on people as they come onto the campus.

May the church be encouraged to always pray and not give up, as Jesus taught His disciples in Luke 18; please stir the hearts of Your children to have the desire to grow in their prayer lives, and seek Your direction and will for Biltmore.

Reaching In With Love and Encouragement

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Romans 12:9-13

Father, thank You for giving us clear instruction through Your Word about how to love and care about people; give us courage and wisdom to display this kind of love and caring in our family at Biltmore.

Help our Connect Groups to cheerfully care for their members. Give strength to the Connect Group Teachers to faithfully guard what has been entrusted to them, and may workers always be alert to needs as they demonstrate God’s love.

Use the Preschool, Children and Student Ministries to reach people who do not know You. May their love and zeal for You spill over into their homes, schools and neighborhoods.

Thank You for the faithful workers who lead and teach children to study and memorize Your Word in the AWANA Clubs Bible Study classes; please speak to the hearts of more adults and encourage them to invest in the lives of these precious ones.

Please continue to enlarge the Single Adults Ministry as they grow in Your Word, grow in leadership and service, reach out to the lost, and minister to the needs of others.

The Married Adults and the Mature Adults Ministries, as well as the Men’s and Women’s Ministries, are all about reaching the lost and ministering to people. May these ministries continue to grow in love and compassion as they care for others, and serve You.

Father, Your Word teaches that Deacons are called to serve. Thank You for the men at Biltmore who have servant hearts, and are willing to serve others with love and compassion.

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Father, thank You for the amazing work You are doing as people are being drawn to Biltmore. May they be challenged through the Starting Point classes as they catch the vision of Biltmore, and understand how they can grow in their love for You and others.

Many people are learning about their spiritual gifts through PLACE Ministry; may they continue to grow and respond with commitment to service through the gifts You have given them.

Thank You that University LIFE provides opportunities for people to grow in their relationship with You through a variety of Bible studies. May these studies help people respond to Your call on their lives to love people as You have loved us.

Father, thank You for using the Touch of Love Homebound Ministry to minister to lonely people with Your love and comfort; may every visit honor You, and bless the precious ones who need You so desperately.

Reaching Out With Joy and Thanksgiving “He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives the One who sent Me. Anyone who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and anyone who receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man’s reward. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is My disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.” Matthew 10:40-42

Father, this is truly a “large work” you have called Biltmore into, and we’re excited about the opportunity for reaching more people with the love of Jesus through the East Campus that launches in January. Please stir our hearts to love and serve, and touch the hearts of Your people to volunteer and be willing “to do whatever it takes” to reach the lost and un-churched in East Asheville and surrounding communities.

COLLIDE continues to draw students for the monthly student worship experience. Thank You for the lives that have been changed, and please continue to touch the hearts of students as they study Your Word and proclaim Your goodness through worship.

HOPE Network and Celebrate Recovery ministries need an outpouring of Your presence and strength as they minister to hundreds each week. Please watch over and protect the hearts of the ministry team as they deal with severe, and often devastating individual and family issues.

Father, may all our mission trips be successful in reaching many people with the love of Jesus, and strengthen the hearts of Your children as they go and minister:

May Your love and grace be on display through the coaches and volunteers as Upward Sports reaches hundreds of children, and many lost and un-churched families.

Niger Vision Trip Scott Crawford June 22–July 1

NC Baptist Men, Bobby Peek June 11–18 Idaho

Maryville, TN Randy and July 10–16Families on Mission Rhonda Corn

Guatemala Bill Keel July 9–17

Mission Team Leader Date

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Reaching Out With Joy and Thanksgiving – Continued.

Through the power of Your Spirit, please use the LOVE LOUD clinics and projects in May to influence people in this area and around the world for Your glory; may this event impact many lives in the months and years to come.

Thank You for all the positive and encouraging resources available in the Bookstore and Media Center; may individuals and families continue to be blessed as they learn and grow in Your love and goodness.

Please touch and move the hearts of more people as they learn about opportunities to serve with love in Your Name through the Orphan Ministry, and help us to always be alert and sensitive to the needs of widows.

Father, help us to be willing to join You this year in reaching 1,000 children with the love of Jesus through Vacation Bible School, June 19-23. May 150 children surrender their lives to Christ for the first time, as they study and learn Your Word.

Praying for our Nation in Obedience and Expectation

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. Romans 8:26-27

Father, as we reflect on the conditions of our National, State, County and City governments, we recognize our desperation for Your divine intervention in our country:

• Please give our leaders a desire to seek Your wisdom and guidance for our country, and stand for Truth as they make critical decisions.

• May President Obama recognize Your authority over his life, and seek to honor You as he serves.

• Surround him with Godly counsel and give him the courage to respond as he leads.

• Give President Obama and all our appointed and elected officials a desire to work in harmony and unity as critical decisions are made for our country – and may these decisions honor You.

• As our country moves further away from Your principles and values, please give our leaders courage and strength to seek Your righteousness – for Your glory and the good of the nation.

• Help our leaders hold to the standard of truth and lead with courage. Protect our nation from settling for less than Your will and purpose for our country.

• May honor and integrity be the badge displayed by our State and Local elected officials, guided by Your Spirit to make right decisions and seek what’s good for the people.

• Place a shield of protection around our military and their families; raise up strong and wise leaders as they work to keep our nation free and safe.

• Father, guide our nation and encourage the hearts of Your children to live and demonstrate Your authority in our lives as we faithfully pray for our leaders.

Other Prayer Needs:

Father, lead and protect our Missionaries...

I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth. Psalm 108:3-5

Father, please show Your glory around the world through Your children – our missionaries. Give them great courage as they leave family and familiar surroundings to go to the uttermost parts of the earth to share Your love. Keep them safe and protect their families as they serve in difficult places. May the overflow of their lives impact and influence people for Your Kingdom – may Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Thank You for allowing us to be part of their lives as we pray and give of our resources. We ask You to protect and abundantly bless each missionary according to Your great riches in glory.


• ABCCM: Asheville-Buncombe Community Christian Ministries • Dr. Craig Bailey: Director of Missions-Buncombe Baptist Association • WNC Rescue Ministries/Martha Home/Samaritan Shoppe • Carter and Ronda Pounders: the body in downtown Asheville• Deb Wood/Jill Derrick/Joyce Wilson: Asheville Pregnancy Services• Pastor Job: Spanish Church• Marty Hillyer: Caring Hearts Ministry• Angela Cairnes: Casper’s Cove• Jill Toth: Defending the Forgotten (BBC Orphan Ministry)• Tom and Dian Leeper: Disaster Relief/SPAN (Servants Paying Attention to Needs)• Jackie Brown: Cook and Play Ministries• Sue Bennett: Military Care (BBC Ministry)• Ron and Mimi Pownall: EQUIP (Marion, NC) • Louis Gibson and Staff: Blue Ridge Cowboy Church, Fletcher, NC • Jan Mullis: Bethany Ministries• Kent Withington: Chaplain in WNC• Evangelism Explosion• Open Arms Pregnancy Services: Hendersonville, NC• Team Fireproof• Biltmore Prison Ministry• Truth WNC


• Randy and Ronda Corn: Evangelism Training for Disaster Relief North American Mission Board• Ashley and Briggette Evans: The Foundry, Tucson, AZ, North American Mission Board • Harold and Barbara Lunsford: Transitioning in Ministry• David and Dawn Phelan; Derick and June Jarvis: Institute of Biblical Leadership - leadership training and counseling for pastors, churches and missionaries

Ends of the Earth

• Jim and Joy Danielson: Canada • Gerry Kumpf: MissionOne• Teresa McMillan: Middle East• Pastors Misael and Pier: Christian Family Center (CFC) in Guatemala • Ron and Susan Naish: International Christian Hospice• Padam and Prabina: South Asia • Greg and Missy: Mexico• Wayne Clark: Leadership Vistas• Brian and Anne Keay: Truth Action• LaVerne Busbee: International Christian Hospice, South Africa• Jeff and Debbie Johnson: Train Up the Children, India• Cody and Maria Whittaker: Haiti Orphan Ministry • Randy Shepherd and Jamie Johnson: Crossfire Ministries • Jerry and Angela Allen: Operation Christmas Child• Bob Machen: Gideons International• Sub-Sahara Africa Partnership• Central Asian Partnership

Missionary Children of BBC Members

• Amanda McLamb: France• Ryan and Heidi Hannah: Thailand• Jeremy and Tamara Boone: Uganda

To learn how to pray more specifically for these individuals and/or ministries, please explore our Global Mission Wall in the back hallway.

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Father, we lift our Staff to You...

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Father, in simple faith and trust we lift our staff to You, and ask for Your continued blessing in their lives. Thank You for those You have called to Biltmore, and may they trust You always and love others as You pour out Your love on them. May they serve You with joy, and find great satisfaction in their ministry as they carry out their responsibilities. Please watch over and protect them as they serve You day by day. Keep their families safe, and thwart the strategies of the enemy that would cause them harm. Thank You for each one, and we ask that You bless them according to Your plan and purpose as we call out their names to You:

Leadership and Vision Casting

• Dr. Bruce Frank: Lead Pastor

• Jane McConnell: Executive Assistant

Reach Up Team

• Carl Setterlind: Pastor of EXALT Ministries

• _______________: EXALT Ministry Assistant

• Kenny Kirksey: Music Associate

• Cynthia Howe: Worship Coordinator

• Tiffany Ballinger: EXALT Ministry Assistant

• Doug Phillips: Director of School of Music & Orchestra

• Karen Ramsey: Music School Coordinator

• Julia Casell: Instrumentalist for Worship

• Rachel Rizutti: Children’s Worship

• Becky Boyce: EXALT Music Library Assistant

• Carolyn Fuqua: Prayer Ministry Coordinator

Reach In Team

• Mike McKee: Associate Pastor of Connect Groups/Global Missions

• Nellie Brevard: Connect Groups Assistant

• Sam McLamb: Pastor of Mature Adults/Pastoral Ministries

• Ouida Ray: Mature Adults/Pastoral Ministries Assistant

• Bill Cleminson: Pastor to Married Adults

• Samantha Carnahan: Married Adults Assistant

• Stuart Henslee: Pastor of Single Adult Ministry

• Robin Guilfoyle: Singles Assistant

•_____________________: Pastor to Students

• John Leathers: Associate Pastor to Students

• Andrew Carr: Student Worship Pastor

• Jessica Harris: Girls’ Ministry & Special Events Coordinator

• Bill Keel: Pastor to Children

• Jeff Atkins: Director of Preschool Ministries

• Carla Duncan: Children/Preschool Assistant

• Jonathan Youmans: Associate to Pre-teen

• Tere Tritt: Kid Care Coordinator

• Angie Bretz: Staffing Assistant

• Dawn Keel: Staffing Assistant

• Christine Maloney: Ministry Development Assistant

• Kelly Williams: Director of PLACE/Membership & Baptism/

Greeter Ministry

• Cathy Peek: Prayer/PLACE/Membership & Baptism/Greeter

Ministry Assistant

Reach Out Team

• John Mark Harrison: Pastor of Multi-Site Campuses

(currently Interim Student Pastor)

• ______________________: P-T Multi-Site Assistant

• Kevin Wimbish: Family Pastor – East Campus (currently HOPE

Network Pastor)

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Reach Out Team – Continued

• Mike Chandler: Pastor of Journey Church, Morganton, NC

• John Setterlind: Pastor of Worship, Journey Church, Morganton, NC

• Denise Taylor: Administrative Assistant, Journey Church

• Cecilia Gilliam: Director of Global Missions

• Amber Zoller: Evangelism Assistant/Database Administrator

• Levi Freeburg: Sports Outreach Director

• Kim Landers: Global Missions/Sports Outreach Assistant

• Kendra Cathey: Event Coordinator

• Aaron Williams: Director of Communications

• Amanda Bullman: Communications Project Coordinator

• Erica Zoller: Web Specialist

•_________________: Graphic Design Specialist

• Dave Duncan: Technical Director

• Eric Alexander: Technical Specialist - Lighting

• Zach Brady: Technical Assistant

• Jesse Wilson: Technical Assistant

• Dr. Jay Alvaro: Director of HOPE Network

• Steve Cassell: Pastor of HOPE Network

• Sheila Austin: HOPE Network Assistant

• Kim Turner: HOPE Network Assistant

• Janey Prevost: HOPE Network Counselor

• Dottie Setran: Bookstore/Library Coordinator

• Pat Johnson: Bookstore Assistant

• Rosa Wheeler: Bookstore Assistant

Support/Serving Team

• Scott Crawford: Pastor of Administration/CFO

• Bobbie Thorpe: Administration/CFO Assistant/Front Office Supervisor

• Michelle Webb: Receptionist

• Amy Silvers: Workroom Facilitator

• Debbie Hrncir: Director of Human Resources

• JoAnne Lord: Volunteer/Hospitality Assistant

• Wesley Jones: Director of IT

• Thomas Rickman: IT Assistant

• DeeAnne Lancaster: Director of Accounting

• Beverly Pressley: Financial Assistant

• Lori Breland: Financial Assistant

• Amy Maddox: Financial Assistant

•_________________: Financial Assistant

• Mike Breland: Director of Operations

• Bill Schumacher: Maintenance Operations Manager

• Steve Long: Housekeeping Operations Manager

• Mike Jennings: Operations Specialist

• Carol Van Dyke: Operations Assistant

• Dex Joy: Operations Assistant

• Douglas Metcalf: Operations Assistant

• Grigoriy Shevchenko: Operations Assistant

• Santiago Garcia: Operations Assistant

• Tony Lance: Operations Assistant

Other Prayer Needs: