2010 02 27 5 May Alam Ako Sa Bible!

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Transcript of 2010 02 27 5 May Alam Ako Sa Bible!

May alam ako sa BIBLE!May alam ako sa BIBLE!Week 5-Culminating Week of Season 1 (yahoooo!)Week 5-Culminating Week of Season 1 (yahoooo!)

The ITALICIZED wordsAre they part of the word of



Psalm 16:8I have set the LORD always before me: because [he is] at my right hand, I shall not be moved.(KJV)

Acts 2:25For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:(KJV)

Deuteronomy 25:4Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out [the corn].(KJV)

1 Corinthians 9:9For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?(KJV)


Deuteronomy 8:3And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every [word] that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.(KJV)

Matthew 4:4But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.(KJV)

Psalm 82:6I have said, Ye [are] gods; and all of you [are] children of the most High.(KJV)

John 10:34Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?(KJV)


Isaiah 28:16Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner [stone], a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.(KJV)

1 Peter 2:6Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.(KJV)

2 Samuel 21:19And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim, a Bethlehemite, slew [the brother of] Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear [was] like a weaver's beam.(KJV) – Check 1 Chronicles 20:5. This is not the same with the New World Translation!

Antioch versus alexandria

There are only two lines of Bibles coming from:• Alexandria, Egypt• Antioch, Syria.

•Syrian Text from Antioch is where Majority of our King James Version comes from. These copies were mostly copied by Bible-Believing Christians for the purpose of winning souls to Christ

There are only two lines of Bibles coming from:• Alexandria, Egypt• Antioch, Syria.

•The manuscript from Alexandria on the other hand were produced by infidels such as Origen Adamantius and Clement of Alexandria. These manuscripts are corrupted with Greek philosophy and allegorical foolishness (not believing in God’s Word literally).

1. Egypt and Alexandria1. Egypt and Alexandria1. Egypt was first mentioned in connection

with Abraham not trusting Egyptians around his wife (Gen. 20:10-13)

2. One of the greatest types of Christ was sold in Egypt (Gen. 37:36

3. Joseph did not want his bones left in Egypt (Gen. 50:25)

4. God killed all the firstborn of Egypt (Exo. 12:12)

5. God calls Egypt as the “house of bondage” (Exo. 20:4)

6. The Jews were forbidden to go to Egypt for help (Jer. 42: 13-19)

1. Egypt and Alexandria1. Egypt and Alexandria7. The Kings of Israel were forbidden to get

horses from Egypt (Deut 17:16). SO why would we look there for a Bible?

8. God plans to punish Egypt (Jer. 46:25)9. God calls His Son out of Egypt (Hos.11:1;

Matt 2:15)10. Egypt is placed as the same category as

Sodom (Rev. 11:8)11. The first time Alexandria was mentioned in

the Bible, it is associated with unbelievers, persecution, and the eventual death of Stephen (Acts 6:9; 7:54-60)

12. Paul was executed in Alexandria (Acts 27:6)

2. Antioch2. Antioch1. On its first mention, Antioch is the home of

a spirit filled deacon (Acts 6:3-5). And I think its not by accident that the chapter also first mentions Alexandria!

2. It is the shelter of persecuted Christians (Acts 11:9)

3. The first major movement of the Holy Ghost happened here (Acts 11:20-21)

4. The disciples were first called “Christians” in Antioch (Acts 11:26)

5. The church at Antioch sends relief to the poor saints in Jerusalem (Acts 11:27-30)

2. Antioch2. Antioch6. The FIRST missionary journey was sent out

from Antioch (Acts 12:1-3)7. Antioch was the location of Paul setting

Peter straight on his doctrine (Gal 2:11)

SO friend, you have a choice. Either you get your Bible from Alexandria or from Antioch .If you have a new version, then you are one of many unfortunate victims of Satan’s salesmen from Alexandria, Egypt. Tsk..tsk..tsk…

Alin yung ginagamit mo dyan?Alin yung ginagamit mo dyan?

Next Sunday: meet sanaiticus, vaticanus

and friends!!

Next Sunday: meet sanaiticus, vaticanus

and friends!!




• PART 1: Fill in the Blanks (2 points each) 1-251. Is translation important to Bible Baptists?2-3.Give the two approaches in translating.4-5 Bibles translated by ____________will take careful

reading. At times, you will have to study ______ to learn the cultural background before you can fully understand the text.

6. On the other hand, Bibles translated by ________will read as easily as a novel.

7. The King James Version was translated using the ________________.

8-12. Give 5 issues that should not be an issue if you don’t care about Bible Versions.

13-14. Two kinds of Manuscripts.15. The A____ C_____ manuscripts represent the manuscripts

from which the “_________" or ________ was taken

• PART 1: Fill in the Blanks (2 points each) 1-251. Is translation important to Bible Baptists?2-3.Give the two approaches in translating.4-5 Bibles translated by ____________will take careful

reading. At times, you will have to study ______ to learn the cultural background before you can fully understand the text.

6. On the other hand, Bibles translated by ________will read as easily as a novel.

7. The King James Version was translated using the ________________.

8-12. Give 5 issues that should not be an issue if you don’t care about Bible Versions.

13-14. Two kinds of Manuscripts.15. The A____ C_____ manuscripts represent the manuscripts

from which the “_________" or ________ was taken

• PART 1: Fill in the Blanks (2 points each) 1-2516. The C____C_____ manuscripts represent the

corrupted copies of the Bible, also known as the ______ manuscripts.

17-20. (Continued from 16) The ___and _____ manuscripts are part of this group. These are the manuscripts on which ___and _____ and the modern versions rely so heavily.

21. Who compiled the Greek Textus Receptus?

22. The Vaticanus was found in the ____ ____ in 1481 AD.23-25. Give 3 omissions in the Vaticanus manuscripts.

• PART 1: Fill in the Blanks (2 points each) 1-2516. The C____C_____ manuscripts represent the

corrupted copies of the Bible, also known as the ______ manuscripts.

17-20. (Continued from 16) The ___and _____ manuscripts are part of this group. These are the manuscripts on which ___and _____ and the modern versions rely so heavily.

21. Who compiled the Greek Textus Receptus?

22. The Vaticanus was found in the ____ ____ in 1481 AD.23-25. Give 3 omissions in the Vaticanus manuscripts.

• PART 2: BONUS ROUND! (5 points each)1. The topic of today’s Worship Service2. Complete the quote: Procrastination is the _____ Workshop.3-4. Give the 2 F’s taught last Evening Sunday.5. It is the book and chapter of this morning’s Sunday School 6. What is the main function of the New Testament Church?7. The NTC is the custodian of the ______ ______8. Only the NTC has the authority to ________9. The NTC is an ______ body10-11. What are the two ordinances?12. What is the kind of giving that we are responsible to give to the

church?13. Aside from number 6, what is the other one?14. This is the kind of Fellowship that individual Christians who are

members can fellowship with other Christians regardless of their denominational affiliation.

15. Baptist Churches must fellowship only with other Baptist Churches who adhere to the same doctrines and practices. This is what kind of Fellowship?

• PART 2: BONUS ROUND! (5 points each)1. The topic of today’s Worship Service2. Complete the quote: Procrastination is the _____ Workshop.3-4. Give the 2 F’s taught last Evening Sunday.5. It is the book and chapter of this morning’s Sunday School 6. What is the main function of the New Testament Church?7. The NTC is the custodian of the ______ ______8. Only the NTC has the authority to ________9. The NTC is an ______ body10-11. What are the two ordinances?12. What is the kind of giving that we are responsible to give to the

church?13. Aside from number 6, what is the other one?14. This is the kind of Fellowship that individual Christians who are

members can fellowship with other Christians regardless of their denominational affiliation.

15. Baptist Churches must fellowship only with other Baptist Churches who adhere to the same doctrines and practices. This is what kind of Fellowship?




• PART 1: Fill in the Blanks (2 points each) 1-251. Is translation important to Bible Baptists? YES2-3.Give the two approaches in translating. Formal and

Dynamic Equivalence4-5 Bibles translated by Formal Equivalence will take careful

reading. At times, you will have to study history to learn the cultural background before you can fully understand the text.

6. On the other hand, Bibles translated by Dynamic Equivalence will read as easily as a novel.

7. The King James Version was translated using the Formal Equivalence.

• PART 1: Fill in the Blanks (2 points each) 1-251. Is translation important to Bible Baptists? YES2-3.Give the two approaches in translating. Formal and

Dynamic Equivalence4-5 Bibles translated by Formal Equivalence will take careful

reading. At times, you will have to study history to learn the cultural background before you can fully understand the text.

6. On the other hand, Bibles translated by Dynamic Equivalence will read as easily as a novel.

7. The King James Version was translated using the Formal Equivalence.

8-12. Give 5 issues that should not be an issue if you don’t care about Bible Versions.

1. The virgin birth of Jesus Christ. Isa 7:14 2. The deity of Jesus Christ. I John 5:53. The substitutionary death for sins made by Jesus Christ. Romans 5:84. The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. I Cor 15:4 5. Salvation by grace alone without works. Eph 2:8, 96. The Pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ. I Thess 47. The existence of a literal Heaven. John 3:138. The existence of a literal Hell. Mark 9:42-449. The acceptance of Creation over the theory of evolution. Gen 1:7

13-14. Two kinds of Manuscripts. Accurate and Corrupted Copies15. The Accurate Copy manuscripts represent the manuscripts

from which the “Textus Receptus" or Received Text was taken

8-12. Give 5 issues that should not be an issue if you don’t care about Bible Versions.

1. The virgin birth of Jesus Christ. Isa 7:14 2. The deity of Jesus Christ. I John 5:53. The substitutionary death for sins made by Jesus Christ. Romans 5:84. The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. I Cor 15:4 5. Salvation by grace alone without works. Eph 2:8, 96. The Pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ. I Thess 47. The existence of a literal Heaven. John 3:138. The existence of a literal Hell. Mark 9:42-449. The acceptance of Creation over the theory of evolution. Gen 1:7

13-14. Two kinds of Manuscripts. Accurate and Corrupted Copies15. The Accurate Copy manuscripts represent the manuscripts

from which the “Textus Receptus" or Received Text was taken

16. The Corrupted Copy manuscripts represent the corrupted copies of the Bible, also known as the Alexandrian manuscripts.

17-20. (Continued from 16) The Vaticanus and Sanaiticus manuscripts are part of this group. These are the manuscripts on which Westcott and Hort and the modern versions rely so heavily.

21. Who compiled the Greek Textus Receptus? Erasmus

22. The Vaticanus was found in the Vatican Library in 1481 AD.

23-25. Give 3 omissions in the Vaticanus manuscripts.• Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 46:28 • Psalms 106-138 • Matthew 16:2-3 • The Pauline Pastoral Epistles • Hebrews 9:14-13:25 • Revelation

16. The Corrupted Copy manuscripts represent the corrupted copies of the Bible, also known as the Alexandrian manuscripts.

17-20. (Continued from 16) The Vaticanus and Sanaiticus manuscripts are part of this group. These are the manuscripts on which Westcott and Hort and the modern versions rely so heavily.

21. Who compiled the Greek Textus Receptus? Erasmus

22. The Vaticanus was found in the Vatican Library in 1481 AD.

23-25. Give 3 omissions in the Vaticanus manuscripts.• Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 46:28 • Psalms 106-138 • Matthew 16:2-3 • The Pauline Pastoral Epistles • Hebrews 9:14-13:25 • Revelation

• PART 2: BONUS ROUND! (5 points each)1. The topic of today’s Worship Service We fail to follow-up on success2. Complete the quote: Procrastination is the Devil’s Workshop.3-4. Give the 2 F’s taught last Evening Sunday. Finances and Fellowship5. It is the book and chapter of this morning’s Sunday School 2 Timothy 16. What is the main function of the New Testament Church? Glorify the

Lord7. The NTC is the custodian of the Great

Commission/Ordinances/Word of God8. Only the NTC has the authority to baptize/indocrtinate9. The NTC is an executive body10-11. What are the two ordinances? Baptism and Lord’s Supper12. What is the kind of giving that we are responsible to give? Tithes13. Aside from number 6, what is the other one? Offerings14. Individual Christians who are members can fellowship with other

Christians regardless of their denominational affiliation. Personal15. Baptist Churches must fellowship only with other Baptist Churches.

Church Fellowship

• PART 2: BONUS ROUND! (5 points each)1. The topic of today’s Worship Service We fail to follow-up on success2. Complete the quote: Procrastination is the Devil’s Workshop.3-4. Give the 2 F’s taught last Evening Sunday. Finances and Fellowship5. It is the book and chapter of this morning’s Sunday School 2 Timothy 16. What is the main function of the New Testament Church? Glorify the

Lord7. The NTC is the custodian of the Great

Commission/Ordinances/Word of God8. Only the NTC has the authority to baptize/indocrtinate9. The NTC is an executive body10-11. What are the two ordinances? Baptism and Lord’s Supper12. What is the kind of giving that we are responsible to give? Tithes13. Aside from number 6, what is the other one? Offerings14. Individual Christians who are members can fellowship with other

Christians regardless of their denominational affiliation. Personal15. Baptist Churches must fellowship only with other Baptist Churches.

Church Fellowship