… ·  · 2008-07-28THE...

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Transcript of… ·  · 2008-07-28THE...


The Daily Bee.-




Monday Morning , Fob. 12 ,

Weather Report.(The following observations are taken

the same moment of time at all the statlonentlonfd. )


OMAHA , February 11 , Ib83 , ((1:45: p. m. )




30 10 Clear. . , 30 14 Fresh Clear

Wathakle. .PUtt i 30 20-

SOLight . 'ill-

KilrOmaha. . . . . . VO-




DearDCS Jlolncn-.Dairnjxjit.

. IBfFair

. FrehI-LIxbt

ClearFt. I'aul . W

Clou8k. Loul*. . 3002 Itn-k iflluortiu U. . 3007-


Ilil'k-LlkhtVincent . . . Jlear-

OearBttnmrck . . 63003-


I carBtl'l'e' * . i.lht-


1(1( icarAnlnabplne.

The west bound passenger train on tlOmaha & Kepubllcan Valley rallroa-

came very near mcotlne with an accide-

ilat Sunday , that would have proved s-

rlous had It not been for the presencemind of the engineer ru-

clnflit tt usu&l ratflof speed, when tl-

catiiKclIng rod between thej two drivebroke. The broken cmU flsw around In

very carelei manner , and wan uslne i

the louder and c b of the ecj-Ino In a ma' tier that w a not ploatant to the ni n w-

lheldthe triroltio.- , But he sbuUff steoand applied the nlf brakp , notwltbstaadlihis perilous position , nod sivod the trat-

Tbe balance of thevtrip to Lincoln wmade without any connecting rods to tl

drive wheels , and tbo pMsengers dlscuis (

the nature of the climate they would bai-

Ifttidod In had the eaglno been throwfrom the track. It was a cloio sail , an

that engineer has "the thanks end we

withes and thanks of all on board. Wiboo Times.

Theodore Thomas and 'bin orchostri' assisted by several dlstbgulMhed vocalliland ahrRo choruc , intend to nlvejnuilci-estivals In thsTeadlng cltlesof the UniteStates this year. Among the westercities that have taken hold of the cntei-

prlte arc Kansas City and Denver , an-

Onuhft has bfen favored with an oppo-

ituulty to have the lOitlval provided thaour cltVens will give n guarantee of $1,00

for two evening pcrfcrmalicea and a matnee , July 2 and 3-



navel and quite n pleasant antl.Ipc-toryl raovomcnt , wo undcrxtani ] , is on foa-

In North Omaha to herald the time Jionoi-ed Anniversary of St. Valentino'.! day. I-

1'eoney & Connolly' * lull u soled macqueiode ball will Lo given on Tuesday nluhlthe eve of the festival , at which an en

change of tbo pretty and suggestive "blllet dleux" wllltRko, place. The fdci 11-

unlquejindjiuro to bo appreciated byjhmany patrons of this popular plica o




. Copp , an old and respected cltlzen of Wah.oo , aud father of Captain C-

'M. . Copp , of the State Militia , while en-

gaged in seme work about bin premises o

ITilday , tbe Oth Instant, tuptured a bloo-

ivttnel , which caused his death about threhours laUr. lie waa 71 yeais of ago , an-

of delicate health for years past. Thfuneral occurred yeiterday.

Borne weeks ace a call was extende-ito Rev. Wlllard Scott, ot New Yoik , tbecome patter of St. Mary's Avecue Con-

gregational church of this city , which cal

he haa now formally accepted , and MiScott Is expected to reach Omaha In a fov

days , when he will at once enter upon hiduties as pastor.

' John Thomas , the plaint If! in the re-

cent divorce case , , clalmi to have foum

some papers which would thow that hi-

wlfo'a recond husband , Frlco , was llvlnwhen nho married him. Baldwin , one c

the count el for Thomas , proporu to ream

reel Price before the no tt trial of the ((-

1vorto suit ,

The fire department meeting on Frday nlubt was devoted to a dUcurilonthe best means to Increase the eillclenoythe active membership , end a committee i

two fntn each company was appointedreport recommendations at the next mee-


H The B. AM. Athletic association hi

elected directors as follows ! 0. D. Dof man, F. 8. En.tU , W. Ilandall , A. Mongomery and M. Taylor. The dlrectonest this week to elect officers.

Dean Hart , of St. John' * cathedr*

Denver, lacturts at the Baptist church imorrow evening , on tha "Memories arTeaching * of the Cathedrals and Abbe ;

of Bngland. "

A musk melon sociable will b gtv-


the parlors of the First M. E. churc'

09 Tbunday evening next. A cordlwelcome v ill be extended to all.

The Hock bland and Wabash wo

both an hcur and twenty minutes late ye-

terday morning , and the U. P. did not gaway until nearly 1 o'clock.

Singing clati every Monday aud Ftday evening at tbe Y, M. 0. A. hall. Fi-

teenth and Farnom ; $1 for fifteen lenso :

lor gentlemen and ladles.

The Enoch Arden case Is nearly i-

icated in the divorce tult of Keeshen T-

Xeeihen , begun In tbe district court i




Sorensen , a Wishiogton connfarmer, blew off his head on Tbundiwhile out hunting. Ho was burled Sati-

A three ye r old son ol Thomas K-

llan , of WaLoo , broke his arm by falllfrom his hobby hone on Tuesday last.-



L.Viucber , well knnwn In Omal

1 will lecture In David City to-morni night on BcmethloK funny, '

McCuno and Gay nor will contestthe amateur cbamplonthlp and the EUI

gold medal ,

The snow blockade , has given waythe cow blockade on the Denver Short H-

iTbe Llnlnger & Metcalt compahave started a branch houre at York.-



or THADI. Important meleg thli evening , at 7:30 o'clock ,

the rooms , Redlck's Block. All membi**e requested to be pioseat to dloouso m

ten of public interest. Thomas Qlbio-

Secretary. . C. P. Goodman , President.-



big carload of Australian mail we

through Omaha yesterday.

The criminal calendar li to be Uki-

op a week from to-day.

Capital lodge worki on tbe third c-

lfjree to-night.Omaha Olee Club concert tomorroe-

vening. .

City council meeting again tomomn-


Board of Trade again to-night.

The Omaha Glee Club concett reserviseats can be procured to-day at 0-

m. . at Boyd's opera home. ,

Tbe Grand Jury was In sesaii

all week but M yet hai made no repoiThey adjourned until Monday.

The CMS of Rouse v . Wiigbfy whl-

waa given to the jury In the district con

Friday , was decided in favor of the C-

ondnnt. .

Judge Boneke I* improving rapidrom tbe injuries received from hii rece

all.vlie expects to bo on deck It-

moiniog. . *

LlKhlford' * roller skating rlnlcdooonopen on Monday a* stated but on Wedniday , February 14th. St. Valentine' * day-



dtareputablo persona will be allowat the Swedish Library Astoclatlon'g mi-

querade , February ICth , nt Masonic Ha

The gentleman who exchanged ovi-

contn at the Mrcnnorchor mntrjuoradc hbetter return it Immediately ta ave IrebleWde'xqe'nie' , v

", J

4 HI § Exdellenoy , Gor. Dawef.'harf i

copied the Invitation of theK. If. A. toamong those who will do honor to t

memory of Robert Emmet , .Ireland's I

loved martyr patriot , on the 6th of Marcat Bojd's oi > ( rhotuo .


The county commissioners are recel-

ing bid t from the physicians desirous ot I

tending to the county's sick for the com !

rear. The bidi will be opened on tlio 20-

nst. .

A special meeting of Capital LedNo. til A. F. and A. M. will be heldMonday evening , February 12b( , for wo-

n the third degree. VIsltln Brethrencordially Invited , by order of the Masti-

MUj Marie Wllian , an elocutionist w

i highly spoken of by eastern papers ,

topping at the Faxton houte , and li op-

or engagements from churches and B-Otlea in this city. .

The demand for fine cards U constat-y Increasing * and to keep pace with tl-

cmand Kuhn & Co , , Crelghton Blochive received ths very finest Valentin-

vor shown In Cniaho , nnd wh.ich they ftiling rapidly.-


.- - .Tcnnlo Dutton nml MI Emr-

labella , tbo tno lady singers who.vt-Bslst the Omaha Glco Club In their coort next TueaJny , , will arrive todi-vcnlug nnd will etopnt the Paxton , whehero will be, plonked to incot their Inc

rlondji of thla oity.

Wean Hart , the talented clergymanJenver , who dollvcrs the lecture 'on JEn-

ish Cntbedrala and Abbeys uexll'uetda-ho inth , at tbe Baptist church , won" for1

lumber of years a master of the renownchool of Harrow , England , and no Ic

ban an educator is Rifted aa a lecturer,

On Tuesday evening last.Unity chnrlad a most delightful sociable at the re-

lenco of Mr. 0. B. Moore , 1814 Oedtreet , at which some eighty persona e

eyed themselves with dancing and otb-

muiements. . The sociables of Unl-

huroh have become yery popular. Ti

ext will bo on Friday night at Mr. 8. ]

ohnson' *, lodge street.Senators Can6eld and Walker ai-

lepresettatlves Field, Lee , Cox, Wat-

nd McGavock , of the joint committee a-

olnted to visit and Inspect the deaf ai-

umb institute near this city, came up10 Lincoln train to-day Hand drove o-

vlth Superintendent Gllleiplo. They w-

nd things in apple pie order out tnero i

oubt.Dr.. M. Parr , the popular and genl-

Oth street drucgut , celebrated his 4-1Irthday anniversary Friday , In t-

venlng his friends aisembled at his sto-

nd presented him with a massive goleaded ebony cane. 'Dr. Hose made t-

ireeentatlon speech and it was respondo in the usual pleasant way.

The next attraction at Boyd's will.he German dialect comodlenj Chae. .

Gardner , In "Karl" next Friday and Sa-

unlay , supported by the bright little n-obrette , Miss Pattl Rosa , and a capat-company.. This troupe carry an excailcuniformed military band and a oompUorchestra and present an excellent eat*lnmtat.

Among the cash transfer* of valualproperty last week waa the purchaseMr. E. B. Chapman , of the firm of M-

gan & Chapman , of Mr. John T , Beresidence on Davenport and 24th streeFor $7,000 , and the sale of the handsomresidence corner of Park avenue and 8hman street , owned by Mr. Geqrge IIgreaves of Denver , for 81,600 to Mr. Bi

Both sales were made by Ames * real eatagency.

Last Monday evening was the oocasi-

of e pleasant party at the reildenco of M

Rosa , on Capitol avenue , given by t

guests of the house. The hostess turtover everything to the party and they tc

possession , and the light fantastictripped until a seasonable hour. Aftebountiful repast was served the compihad the pleasure of hearing some I

muilo by William R. llodd , and alsoFoot'* band. Those prctentwere : 1

and Mrs. Curry, Mr. aud Mn. Arbuthi-Mrs. . Kellerstrous , Mrs. O'Mara, NRoss , Mrs. Ilftll , Miises Carrie ForemNellie Leach , Lolo Resd , IdaKtllerstr ;

M. Dlmond , Saffelder , Tnlbot , BraDonnelly ; Messrs , J. A. Tuttle , G.Jackson , J , Hobb * , R. llodd , II. Ho |

II. llced , W. Foreman , S. Wllcox , Grol-Groovey and others

Onion Poclllo Baao Ball Olub.The olootlon of offijsra of the TJn

Pacific bsso ball club for tlio onsuyear , resulted M fallows :

President-W. P. Berrtel-.VicoProaldeut

.W. 8. Wing.

Treasurer John'3 , Taylor-.Sacrotary

.E. Buckingham.

Manager 0. M. Lord-.It

.ia proposed to organize a atron

nine than baa over boon knownOmaha , and aomo fine gamoa wayexpeciad ,

Reliable goods at living profits.-HBNBY

.FTJWDT, The Qroaer




Is Awaiting n Claimant at ttCity Jail.

Friday afternoon a conploavonllos marched up to the office

ho oity marshal , having in tow a lltt-

ollow eight years of ago vrhom the

lad picked up on the street and wl

aid ho waa lost.The child gave his name as Fn-

Prondelmon and sold ho had como)maha with hia paronta the day b-

ore , Thursday. Bo stated that thegot onfho train at Council Illufh ar-

oamo in there from the country. Thi-

lept nil night In a bur room eomwhore In Omaha andday morning his fathwent to the depot to gat tholr gooout. Ho was sent to the same plaishortly after by hla mother, bt-

ound that hla father had already gi

oat hla gooda and loft. Ho thetartcd back to the placO ho can :

rom , but ooon got lost , nnd w ;

eventually picked up as stated abov-lo wna glvon lodgings in the city jal-

whiro ho got a good sloop Fr Ida ;

and Bccmn to ba Icpllng well. Ho.very bright nnd Int'olligont.'and quik good looking young follow. .

a possible there may have bocmethod in hla losing , but it la to 1

loped not , and if not , Una item wi

10 do < bt bo a noutca of great relief t

iaparnnts.[ Ho tmicl thnt-hla mothiron tying to Ilvo in Omahnv bat'thl-ia fAtliojj , WAS ageing * bivck. to, tlarm ! ' JIo h ycry staalj finh Bjag-ia 'hoary brown linif , Bnd"MBpdal

plainly nnd Intelligently-






Good Looking Girl Kicks up-

OoodStzucl Row.-



apbrilng glflJlrch 06uSoil'Bl n

iy the name of Lilllo Wooda goton-jrand drunk Friday and wo

ute the establishment kept by Ml-

3oomb3 on Capitol nvonue , botwei-

Deuth and E avenUi , and got to smaa-

ng*furnitnro.Oa' being rome

stratod wit1 ! ehu 'Idckod a HghTi

amp off the table , which oxplodiand sot fire to htho place , which , hoiavor. waa put out 'without aundingan alarm.

She then wont to Barney Shannocsaloon nnd made an attempt to doiout the plaoo , but was cleaned out he-

eolf. . She then went back to Ml-Coombs' plnco nnd commenced anoth-

diaturbanco , wheu tlio opportmarrival of Oflicers Slgwortnnd Ruan-jrovontcd any farther trouble.-


oflicors had quito a time in gc-

Ing Lilllo to jail , nnd her foul la-

nago; and ecrcoma drew n largo crowwhich fpllowtd the ofliocra all the wi-

o the jail.




Order aboil TonaplarsInstallation of Officers. *

The following mombora of thoaboorder wore last evening installed f-

ho ensuing terra :

Ohaa. T. Bunco , W. 0. T.John Boxiou , P. W. 0. T.Jennie Moore , W. V. T.George J. Sternsdorf , W. R. S.May Crawford , W. A. II. B.Joshua Davriea , W. F. B-


. 0. T. Bunco , W. T.John BnxtoD , P. W. 0 T-


, T. McAllister , W. 0.-


. D. Jones. W. M-.Llllle


Willis , W. D. M.-


. B. Weaver , W. O O-


Howard , W. I. G ,

Noala Daniels , R H. 8.May Gould , L. H. 8-


ia great Interest manifestn the temperance wotk by the moi> ers of this order , and the lodgenaking Its influence felt for the goi-n the city. A considerable acceasl-o cho already largo membership is e-

icctcd during the coming quarter.-



New Firm.-


are glad to inform our roadc

that the firm of Gaff, Flolschmaun-Co. . , ono of the largest dlstlllllhouses In the Uulted States and ma-

ufaotarers of oomprossod yenst haestablished a branch honso in Omari-

as they have had for years in allthe principal cities of the oast. T-

yaast made by this firm b the MI-

hlch was used in the Vienna moc-

akpry> on the Centennial groanduring ; the exposition in 1876 m Ph-adelpljla. . The elegant rolls and brewhich the visitors obtained at this i

sort are well remembered by evoi-ono. .

The ladlfs of Omaha will bo picasto know that they may now bo scpiled with this superior qualityyeast at any of the groaerlea of tcity , bat moro especially at HenPundts1 , the well-known dealer at N

1218 FnrnhamArmy urdera

Under the provisions of paragra27) army regulations , a board of o-

oera to consist of Lieutenant Coloi

Edwin 0. Mason , Fourth' infant !

Major Isaac D. DoRnssy , Fourthfantry ; Captains Robert n. Moi-

gomory , Fifth cavalry ; Horace NeiiFourth infantry , and Charles R. B-

nett , A , Q M. , U. 8. A. , and Fl-

nontenant Dan , 0. Klngman , 00-

1of engineers , will assemble at thiheadquarters February 1C , 1883 ,

as soon thereafter as prastlcable ,

make a preliminary examination itthe claims and qualifications for pmotion of such non-commlsslened ucora as may bo ordered before it.

First Sergeant Hampton M. Roaitroop F, Fifth cavnlry , will reportperson , on February 1C , 1883 , to I

recorder of the board ot dlioers ci-

vonod by 1 , apodal orders No. 1C, orent series from these headqnartufor examination. Upon belug notICthat hla prcsonco. will be longerquired before the board ho will rollto his station.

. The quartermaster's department T

furnish the necessary transportstliand the subsistence department OD

mutation of rations , it being ImprDoable to carry cooked rations ,

Upon recommendation of hia co-

pany and peat commanders , ao mi-of the nnexplred portion of the BI

on co In. the case of Prlvato JotJ. Ln k , company B , Ninth Infantrpublished in general court mart !

ordeta No. 34 , series of 1R82 , fro'heno headquarters , aa relates to oo-

fiocmont , la remitted ,

Leave cf absence for ono montw ! h permission to apply f it an oxte-

sion ( f thrco months , ia granted 8c-

nnd L'ontenant' Charles R. NojNinth infantry.


The I3IB Musical Event of the BeaaNext Woefe.

The next attraction at the ops-

ionso is the annual grand concert

30 gtvon by the Omaha Oleo clnb ,

TV e* lay evening next. It will dri

out a largo audience , and wll 1 bo o-

of the finnst ontortalumcnts cf : i

season of 1882 3 The sale of tlckc-

alrnady is most flittering , and numtorders are comirg in from Oouhi-

B.nifd aud other iieighborlng cltic-

Fho programmo la aa tollowe :

1. Strlne Qiartetto Monnott. Vocchcr-I'ld ( iiiiatheiin Clnb Q lartette.

2. Chorus Vonng Mielctanj..KuckGlee OJuX

3. Aria Bolero (SlclllnnVe'perB.Ve)Mlas Jennlo Dutton.

4. Ba a Solo , Ubllgato and Chorus -BereninV. Mil11. D Kitabrook imd Glco Club.

5. Brlndlsl II Sigreto fLucrrzIn )

. ... . . .' Miss EmoA M bella.-



. Quartette and' Cho'rns-t Summer1-

ft, 'Bong. . '. . .. . . . .' . Mendebuc

7. Song Flor.dl Margh'erlt.AK, Mltjj Jennie pulton. ; ff* 8. String QaartetteXdcgto in.Bflat'. v ,. i. '..4Sp-


Ciub Quartette.-D.


. Ballad-Sweet" deilovl-ve .TuclMini Emma Msbella.

10. Ohorus-NIht( SongrKuT. . . , . .x GleeOlub.v411. Qiartette-Oh , My Love'n LlJc'e

the U <vl , Red tyc>Me.GarrMisses Dutton aud Mahclla , Mestre-

Northrup and Smith.-



. F. S. Smith , Mudcal Director. .

Miss Mattle L. Brookner, Accompanl-

t ounty oommiBBlonera *SATDKDAY , Ftbrnary JO. Boa

mot pursuant to adjournment. Pr-

ent , Oommisslonen Corllssy Enlgand O'Keefo.

The following resolution w <

adopted :

Resolved , That the county troi-

nror bo and ho is hereby instructedcancel tax on west half of l"t 3, bio21 , Omaba , for the year 1831 , on i

count of being churoh property.Resolved , That the county trci-

nrer bo nnd ho is Ii9roby directeddraw from the cjjnoral4und $0 , napply the aamo to the payment of t-

dolicquont tux of H. 0. Jnhnaon 1

the year 1881 , for work on the "r"rip.

Petition for the ndoption of BSD

Albortio , an infant , by John und Lu-

L Plnney , was eigucfi by the bosid.The following accnonte were

lowed frcm the general fund :

II W. Curtis , tales juror .I..T. . . . $ 4-

J. . M. Town , witnts * fee 25Valentine Greif , grand juror 5-

Geo. . Snii'h , county surveyor. 8)lied field Bron. , blanks 13Little & lllUm * , kindling 13Morgan & Chapman , coffee 14-

J. . M. Woolworth , brief ft r ounty 32-

O. . J. Mandertoo , commis'loner ofinsanity 411-

M. . Rovers k Son , goods for county 11-

O. . M. Liuoyer. road appraiser. . . . 8-

O , Turner, road appraiser 3-

J. . H. Gue , road appraiser , withteam 6

Adjourned to the 14th inst.JOHN BAUMEE ,

County Clerk




Letter From Lincoln Written1850.-



BBS reporter while locatedLincoln during the present sessionho legislature , came across n histo

cal letter , which is of such an interc-

ing nature that ho felt convincedwouldbe, read with considerable iu tor-

by the general public. The letterquestion was presented lo Ma-

Klue'sah , nn old nnd respected vote ;

residing in the capiUl city. The 1

ter which runs as follows speaksitoell :

SI-RINGFIELD , 111. , April 20.1859-T. . J Pitkotts , Eiq :

"Mv DEAR SIB : Yours of the It-Is just rtoaived. My engagtmeare such that I cannot at any very eaday vislf Rock Island to deliver a 1

tare or any other object. Aa to I

other matter you kindly mentionmust , In candor say , I do not thimyself fit for the presidency. I c-

tainly am flattered and gratified tlsome partial friends think of m4that conneotlon , but I really thlnlbest for our oauao that no ooncorleffort , such aa you suggest , ahould-made. .

Let this bo considered confident !

Yours very truly ,A. JJUCOLN. '

Major Kluotsoh sets a very hi

value upon this interesting eouvetand would not part with it for i

consideration.i *Boaid of Education.-



an'fladjourned meeting of

Omaha board of education , held S-

urday ovonlng , the committee

teachers and text books fixed sovisalaries as follows :

Miss Hattie McKoon , principalthe West school , |85 per month.-


MoOarty , principal of the C-

ter atreet aohool , f85.-


Molntyro , principal of-

achool , 90.The committee on buildings s

property fixed the salary of the . .-

ator of the Center street school at S

a month during the winter montthe salary of the janitor of the Haman school , ? 50 during the win

months , aud janitor of the West sch?55 durinc the winter months.-



. MoShano oflorod a reeolat ;

that the president and secretaryauthorized to draw a warrrnt In fa-

cf Dennis Fltzpatrlok ?550 on&cooi-

of steam boating apparatus.The board voted $30 per moi

extra salary to Miss Hill while shacting principal of the high school.

The board moved to reconsiderwarrant foe |137 f r vaccine polland that the committee on bulldii-

nnd property bo authorlrsd tolnveigate and ascertain by whom the poswere ordered and uaed.


A Sermon at tbe Booth Omaba M, :


Before the sermon In the SouOmaha M. , church yesterday , t-

lnstor , Rav. J. W. Stewart , annonn-od that Gin. O. 0. Howard would a-

drosa the Sabbath school In the aftc-

noon. . Ho also announced that thewould bo a mooting during the wei-

of an association within the churcwhich had for'lts object the asmtanof the poor , and also the Invitationthose who attend no ohuroh , to atcoi-

worship. . "But , " aaid the paator , '

would expel any member of my chnnwho would do any proselyting"-

Wo will not enter Into detail , bwill glvo a general vlow cf the madivisions of the sermon. .

Mark IV. 14. The Sewer Sowothe word. 1. The sower. 2. Tl-

seed. . 3. The ground.While this in general refers to i-

Ohlstlans , It refers particularly to ml-

sters whoso duty as well as privile |t is to preach the gospel of Chris

And this man should bo a oonverti-rasn''Kavlnu In-hid heart the true lo-

at it Is in Christ , and as hstrength , the Holy Spirit-


this person thtrd must bo a leiFor the work nnd for Its author ,that it will not bo difficult to cause tl-

lito of eloquence , to bum. Themust bo Intelligence , and that into !

gonco must bo continually Btfou-thunod by research , so that nil thinmust bo brought before the nltar of c-

cfed learning-amTinado subservientit , so that in every rninuto'dopartniethere may bo found n support for tgospel of Christ. Hero wo find tsewer fathering the prain whichshall ccattor.

_ _ before the minister'commdhcthis work of dlesemlnatlig 'the trut-of thatbible"ho should lasoorhi-he is called of God or not to preac-Ho should bo fally persuaded in 1

own mind that it Is his duty , andshould still not decide until thechurcalls him tot.enter the field , Bthereby "being supported by their t-

oision. . s* r_ a2. The seed. What should t-

pr ?achtr preach ! , The true presetwill preach the word JHo should rpreach "on Thomas Carlyle or H

other man ; ho should nut lectureany scientific subject as an excuse I

a sermon , while it is his duty to kmwhore to place each man and entheory, when he takes the sword tSpirit to enter the battle field for t-

Lord'.There are some who , while th-

tiavo no hope bejond the grave , thwill pay liberally to hear a Icotuwhich is delivered by one , "who ce-

tetnptuoualy lights his well fUvor-cigaro by the dying embers of chr-tiauity , and then presume thty ha-

begn scieutificilly bonofittcd. Bwhen mou us Moody it Harrison psent the gnapul they are not populfrom a.worldly , eland point , yet i-

popuar) among oarnest'Ohrlstians ,Bio thofsosrer earnestly eowlnS t-

Keed , and wo see the poor fed by"tharvests which are gathered.

3. The ground , A yonug man mhave attended ono of the latest openhe may anticipate a coming eventthe near future, and many of twords which ere spoken are to tlmind cast on the Wayside. Sondurlntr. times of revivals , while thhear the singbg cf the glorlo-sf rmona of eternal day , and hearthe eternal sorrow of those who dietheir sins , are willing to graspany thing that is offered to theand they are willing to unite with t-

chnrch when they have no reasonbelieve they have a true living failThe Spirit then has never changtheir hearts , therefore th'iy i

scorched by the sun when It shitupon the flinty rock. The fifo athe drum caused many to enlist in tarmy , but it did not originate patri-it in in their hearts

There are some who hear the goafand they admit tbo claims as jubut they also caress the many piearcs and cares of the world , whiwill finally ohoko all their good inti-tions. .

Bat the Christian of whatever s-

tion'in life who fulfills his obligatic-as a Ohrintlan , showing that he knowhat the power of the Holy bplrlt-Is the pereon who is compared to igood ground.-


. is responsible ? It is truly rthe sewer , for he sows to all. Andthe different influences which arewar with the truths cf the Bible i

permitted to exist , they will have threspective Influences upon the) milof men ; whether it be that whichreligious bodies would repudiatewhether It IB a form of religion falai-so called.


The Origin and Universal Obaervarof the Day.

Wednesday next is the festivalSaint Valentine or "Valentino's da ;

aa it ia more commonly called , andaomo days paat the shop wlndahave boon bright with the mlssi'common to that date , of charactboth common and sentimental.

Saint Valentino was a bishoppresbyter , who was decapitated in I

year A. D. 270 , during the Claud !

persecution at Romo. The customsending valentines la a very ancii-

one. . Some toll us that on tlday birds select their matothers trace the custom to the RomLnporcalla , February 15 , when sitlar practices 'wero observed. Trai-

of the custom have boon detectamone the observances of the Norl-

ern Pagans of Ancient Euro ]

Hence it ia probable that thotradltithat ascribes Its origin to n commeoration of the loving and ohurhaldisposition of St. Valentino , la a coparatlvely late invention.

The business in Valentines Increai-ovcry yoar. Thia is said to be duothe greater artistic finish of the hlgtpriced valentines , and the express !

from year to year in the coinlc on-

To the cisnal observer , however , v-

entlncs look pretty mnch the saifrom ono anniversary to auothiThis year a now Interest has begiven to thorn by the taste bestowon the valentine catds. These oaiare a variation on those used I

ChrlatmaaNew Year'a and Easter piposes , and are iweethearta a

'rionda in the same way as the erthc-dox valentine.-


ewtcrn mannfacturer , who , wll-

iila father , has boon in the Valontitbusiness since 1834aaya that the uroi-Ing traffic In valentines li largely dt-

to the taato displayed in their deskind manufacture. The aalo of costbox valentines la necessarily Hmitoibut the cheaper ones , and especialthe cameo and comlo valentines , ain greater demand than'' over bofor-Ho haa sold- over 3,000,000 comvalentines , and a very largo nombi-of cameo valdntlncs , Thcro wore nmany imperial valentines In thla contry , for although high-priced Enelli-valentlnes'had a greater sale In Enlaud than those of a costly , doelf-on this side cf th6 water, their atydid not seem to salt the Amorici-taste. .

festival of this saint Is anythtibut a festival for the postciiHoo ct-

ployes throughout the country , wholabor is trebled by the flied of "dn-letters" common to the day.-




Clem Chaeo and wife wore among I

names registered nt the Motropollt-hotel.Saturday. . .If this h our youtownsman it Is somewhat cf a si-

prise , but our congratulations ure not tlets cordial.-


. Jaf. Connolly , of Jha firm of Ften& Conuolly , left yesterday for St. LouChicago and Boston to'buy a stockboots and ebocB for their spring and uu

inor trade.-



Hollwlg , the handsome clerkWo'fe'n place in North Ouittha , went

'Wahoo yeiterday on buane! E-


. '' ' * '

.itf'Oibbonu , nni Ed Calkin's , of Ksaruiare at tbe Paxton.

0 M. L-kwler , general superintendentthe80.% $ tMPTft R. , h atth'e Pwtt-

iJ *, V , Benson'and wife , ef fo'ifolk,

at the Metropolitan yesterday,

E. L Sweezy nnd wife , of 'Wn-

Snxlnge , are nt tbe Paxton. ,

Ifon. W. II. Mlchaelr.of Grind Mai-


gueit of thei'axtpn.iHepry Meyer and' wife , of San Fri

cfico are at the Paxton.

|Her) . E. F. Warren , of Nebraska Ci-

ia ot tha Paxton , '

0. S. Paterson , ' f St! Liuis , is atMetropolitan-

jFred W. drew , of St. Paul , ia atMetropolitan. . *

0. A. Keith , of Lincoln , la registeredthe Millatd.-



. E. Francis , of Spencer , Is nt the Mropolilati.-



Gates , of Brownsville , is atMitUtd , t


E D. Gould , ofFnllerton , Is atMlllard.-



. B. Persiugor , of Colorado , h atPoxtou.-



. > . Boyd , of Chicago , u the S!

lard. ,

Mrs ? 11. K. Strahora , of Denver Is incity. - *

"Roub on Sate. "Clears out rats , mice , roaches , fll

ante , bed bugs , okuuka , chipmnnl-gophers. . 15o. Druggists. . -




ChnrleiNebfr. ion of EUzaband Charldi Ntber , February 8th , ai4 month' .

Funeral took place from Tenth iCapitol aveaue , Sunday, February llth1:30 p. rn.



ItaUtres and care-

tRHEUMATISJNeuralgia ,

Sciatica , Lumbjfl-




Screneu , Cult, Bnuiti-


ill other txxtllj tt-in ! pal-




Soli ! til DratititiD-caleri. . Olriotloul UUngnafM-


Chulll A.7ogel r-

BaMMWrtUA( T l tA-

BalUMW *, Mi, C. S


tl-SPECIAL 8 will POSITIVELY not bsorted unless paid In advance.


T f ONKY TO LOAN-Call at Law office of D-

1VJ_ Thoiras room BOrelghton Bloc-



LOAN $3,000T LOAN On chattel mortgage

MOSEY . A. B. Tutton. Na. 1010 JJouj-itreot front room up utaire._4351-

TO IOAN At 8 per centterestmsumsof J-.OOOand

wards , for gto C J oars , on flret class city and f :propcrt ) , Bioai Umi EHIATH and LOAH Aou-IBth and DouglaaBt-



LOAN At 8 per cent. Hhtlvand Loan Agency , oppo-

poatodlce. . 707.1

LOANED On Chattel MorlRaieMONEY . Room No. 1 , over Merchants

. 977ln-


Wanted male nr female. In vAGENTS town In the Urlted States $1-1to 115.10 parday etelly ante. G , E. KlDEO& O J. , 10 Itercl y Street , New Yoik City.-


_ 18 Imo mor-



A lady agent to csnvas for a iAddiesi U. M. , thli otnlce.

Girl for general houte* ork. 1WANTED , SjUtb avenue , 2d house toitl-St 0761

ANT I'D A iccond girl. Apply 1310 T-

lerpirtbtrcet V79-

1lfANTEO Ti'o o Interdlnz to learn the c (

V > t rrcrfoc' diesscuttlni lokrow tintagents will reruOn for one week at 111H leietiect. IMterns a tpeclally. OSO-I1

Ten active , p iMtig men toand Intieducu a well knovn article to tt

lei In ihlacltr. Kugajcment jeroiateat If w-

to travel 81,60per day aud Coinmlttloq. A

Hone an 1 waon wanted , ! per diy. ApMonday , at 0JOcf Mr. Brady , Crelghton Ilou


H7ANIED A good b rber. JobbyttejiW Apply to II. F. OUMPKKT-


! Fremont , Net

housekeeper , a mlddle-aiVy woman , without children In fuullr of-

Addrtu thli week "J. P. Amc'TUnter1 lieOaiaba , afler which at Blair. 85810-

YY wtller, llth itreet. 9721-

27TIRL WANTED For general honi worlT2-

JT DaTtnpoit 81. 930-1

DINlNd-Hcom girl wanted atfiuifleldBIMI


Four nnt elt s Mllcltora , t IgrajWANTED( men. Mar.led menpreferrM Ad-dretk

-B. If. B < office. 639-15

ANTED. . ROOM-A refined gentleman ofquiet habits dcslrei to ecgate a pennmerl

oem lth strictly private fimlly feb lt21-

ORSE W NTRD-Abu9ne i man likes tohire a hone for fcur or Urn half ajiptr

week , to ca'l at hla customers round town , llaigot ha-nesi and very light nagon of hlj own.

feb lo 2-

1WANTEDPIea i t furnlufced room or inlt *traveling mm anil wife w th-

biard Addretn until Febru > rv I5th , "f.-cate

.Hllhrd Hotel. ._y Olt KENT rlOUOtO ANU-

FTOK KENT A doilranle cott ge of lU to m-

c.nvenl'nt dUtireofnm dip , Irqulraof-Uri. . J. A. Parsons , cor. 17th anj ilarcy ttreetf.-



RiJNT Ilrun of four rooms ard kltc-hJ

-? en. Apply A. Murphy , 4Ws.uth 14th 8tret.929-lit

FOR RENT Furnished ruoin at 1C93 Farnara"t. C81-13_

HlOJt hEVI ilxroomhou e , with barn , 18th1 avcnpnt. Five room cr lr iir < . ner.

10th and Hkkory. Inquire of J I Hll'pg HI E '8 'H 15US. 5th._FOR RKNT r o Urrc norrs , furnl hfd ol

, 8ui south 18 h street OC3 U-

JE OK bt.Inquire nex dcor 8C9 12-


0,1 RlNr-Fu-nhhel r-otiwllh board , Ka.1 bath room. Also table board , i718-ro' i5j-


KENT-4-acr s limlvthinlj m Ids ofL; IVttoIllcc , with hoinooftwa rooms , Undin throe larcd , onao1 2lncro >, one of 18 acresaid one.of t acres , and all nlf f nce


BJM Aye-t ,15th nnd rcU-



IU.NT Ijoublg oitlcolu Jacobs' Mock.-

810.1WUSNT lp-3lalts) Fatnam at.JOHN O. JACOBS.-



UAH CHANCE FOR UHnT Tt.eZnd storrjtnd txsomotit ot bulldln No.llll harnamInquire next dooreu . J18 Irm-

On R"KT-One orran , .00 per m-nth , at-A.

_. IIoipj's iluslc Hall 777im-

7UKM8IIEU ll'iOMS AND 11 IAUUM"ort7rn-ii cos 1810 Oodga St. 573lm-

y house % 2 to 10 rooms , at $3 to-er roc-nth Shrlver'g llont Lureaii , op-


office. Q768tf-

t,70K 11ENT era! sma 1 houses , B roomsDR. 0. U. PAUL.-



1UN1 One Ut e nliy furmshed roomX! with board for two at 1808 California St-



T>iKMIS'New Map of Omaha , Juit oomp-UJ

and- ready for delh ery at 93 each. Is 4 feet wide

by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete mapot Omaha ever published. Official map ot th-cltv. . Bee column.


83 EO per thru and , delivered ea B-


track , a Omiha All orders ilicctod-to Belle uollrick , Sarpy ( , will is-ce


vo proii ps a'.trnt'on. QIilOJ

SALi OH tXOHA llE-Forty atrcs ofrOK , 4 rullta ouhint M BLUr. Wll tellthem or cxcli.tipc lor gocd pilr o1 hoi see. Ap-


Hrns i an liro'ri , gid ueis , , or ui-"BooBle.

-. " 92-12

POK SALK-Uo ol furn'ture , I'dudlrrburbar fixturewtha lanaof t obulldlre.I-


re ot Il'eljar O'Kecio r V Kuccra , No. Jal-so th 3ihetro t , Oiishi , Nob. 8T-ls :

SALK-Furnlturo nn I Inside nt'ln' s atEOH Itc Hou eonlOtU strctt , b.t. Da > onjort-apdCapI Oltfnu- . feSilO

Kb toil SALE CIIKAl'-CinilUs westofHOI . % , on the Union Paclllu railroad.Brick barn , two story hotel and furniture , threalose 1x132 , Kood stand , go d business. Goadreason * for eelllng. Inqulru of subscriber.-


NOHUIS ,713-lm-mc Noith I'end , Neb ,

fj>OR JSALS Threa mules ni two horn ;.Jt? OUEiSTODDARD ,

JeOur Hia tquuro table ,fC23t 16th an 1 CM ; . .

SAL' TVa n ot limes , uarocai andwajro-at817 l.-m n rr'h Hie t 9G13t

LK ijpanof injlos , hnrn-Inqu'ro' Jamut Kal.on rOpcrahotue vauta.


oWK otti r far ftilo t a bareatii thn cnjloo ar dnew In moat ur works. Th *

ccin.l t outfit ''sai iofil i-s ne * , nd coui l tt of-

"n lie(40( h'rspo c ) B'ilf , HeaterSteam-P mp , Htnoke bti. K , B cam nnd Water uauzo' ,Wottr'Jark Hp > , tc. Itwllbetikeuout nliMit thi Ornt of nsxt M y Pirtlo inter ,

tcilarnltivl ul oca'lnii'ls' n 't Inoro-atlon dnyand nijjlt (Hund-ja rxrcpter ) at thn W dm anLinseed Oil < , comerfceva tointh and Klch-clan frtito 917im-YnOlt AlK-Ilou c and 13t for ale on S 13th-JL 'nJ Iorcs8) stitcti. Call on the prtmlaca-


17)0 U AIli-l' C"Cts maps of Neiraska *0-cJ; rach. For btrgaiiiH In o aha Citj Improvedand un mpr cd property , call on Wm. V , Shri-ver


, neil Estate A cnt , oppos to po tolllce.7R1H-

I.1OII SAl.E tifx room cottage with barn nd-

Jj half lot on Chicago street , near High SchoolOnly *2300. JIcCAQUE ,

COO del 27-t Opp. Pos office.-



,1Olt BALK A Jrnt clntu cecood Band prjaeton-'I' Call at 1319 TTarntySt_897U-

BKICK FOR SALEt9.00 perl tb'U'and , Yard 15th street , two blocks

louth tt Bn'levuo roaddfc 23-3mt_LORENZO DIBBLE ,

E1IIS New Map of Omaha , Just completed am.B ready for dclU ery at $3 each. Is 4 feet wideby 7 feet long. Largest anj mot complete mapof Omaha ever published. Official map of thedty. Sea column.

A Watch Cra'ro , attached wl'h buckltLOSTa black silk ribbon. Finder will be re-

warded hy returning It to W. A. Rcdlck-



OST Yette-day Otter Muff con-


f talnlng v. ) Itafandkeichlef with bluaborder-in Quiring or Uards'ne * , between 18th andSO h. Finder ca I lor nward at Hobbn Hr-


- . ',sUtet 060.KJ-

MAQ'STEH OF PALS1YSTKHY AND COND'TIllNALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnamand Harnoy. Will , with i he aid of guardianSDlrlta , obtain for any one a glance of the paaland present , and on pertain conditions In tt r ru-turo.


. Boots and Shoos made to order. Pittedsatisfaction (ruaronteod.

Absolutely Pure.This powder necr varies. A marvel of purity

ttrengtb and wholceomenesa. More economicalthan the orplnary kinds and cannot be sold Incompetition with the multitude of low teat , shortweliiht , alum or ph r5h t po *ler. Sold only In-cans. . RoTii. BAIUCO Pownia Co. , Wall 8t , wMew York.