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Transcript of 1373071752909

  • 7/27/2019 1373071752909


    Warrior's Respite

    Read this first:This file is a Scenario forAlshard Fortissimo (hereafterALF). If you are a potential player in

    this Scenario, do not read any further.

    This Scenario requires theAlshard Fortissimo main rulebook (published by Enterbrain) to use.

    That book explains how to read and use the Scenario, as well as the base rules needed for

    play. Where necessary, the Scenario will refer you to the main rulebook for more information

    (for example, "See ALF p.92").

    CreditsScenario Design: Taro Suzufuki

    Writing: Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Hideki Suzuki

    Illustration: Yosuke Adachi

    Editing: Takuji Endo, Akira Ohata

    PDF preparation: Takahiro Sato

    Originally published in Gamers Field, 7th Season Volume 1.

    Inoue Jun'ichiFarEast Amusement Research Co.,Ltd

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    Table of Contents

    Warrior's RespiteTable of Contents

    Pre-playCharactersAct I: Exposition

    Scene I: The Visit

    Scene II: Settling the Past

    Scene III: Encroaching Shadows

    Scene IV: Premonitions

    Scene V: A New Assignment

    Scene VI: Shadow of the Witch

    Lily Ente

    Act II: ActionScene VII: Pursuit

    Scene VIII: How I Feel

    Scene IX: RampageScene X: Meeting by Chance

    Scene XI: A Daughter's Feelings

    Scene XII: Examination

    Scene XIII: Tendrils of Darkness

    Scene XIV: Fallen One

    Scene XV: Father and Daughter

    Act III: ClimaxScene XVI: The Disciple of Grief

    Act IV: DnouementScene XVII: Warrior's Respite

    Scene XVIII: Setting Off

    Scene XIX: Mission Complete

    Scene XX: Truth in DarknessScene XXI: One who Restores Light

    Scene XXII: The Matter is Settled

    Quest Rewards

    Enemy DataBrutus Ente





    Special Attacks



    Witch's Orb






    Battle Plan: Scene XVI



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    Soldat Gunner



    Battle Plan: Scene XIII

    Character HandoutsHandout for PC #1

    Handout for PC #2Handout for PC #3

    Handout for PC #4

    Handout for PC #5

    Scenario Advice from Actual PlayWhat's the main theme of this Scenario?

    Help! My players won't form a party!

    Help! My players split the party!

    Help! My players want to betray the party!

    Help! My players won't go along with Lily's request!

    Help! My players are going to miss the Climax!

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    Alshard Fortissimo ScenarioWarrior's Respite

    In this Scenario, the players must grant a loving daughter's wish to save her father from the

    nefarious schemes of the "Moon Witch". The GM should carefully read the Scenario to get afirm grasp of the contents before the session.


    Scenario InformationNumber of players: 3 to 5 Players plus GM

    Character level: 3

    Playtime: One session, 3 to 4 hours

    Scenario BackgroundIn a small town in the northern reaches of the Reich, the soldier Brutus Ente eked a simple

    but happy living with his wife and his daughter Lily. However, one day his wife fell ill anddied, and their simple but happy life crumbled.

    Not wishing his daughter to grow up impoverished in any way, Brutus arranged for her to

    attend a very prestigious school; however, to afford the tuition, he was forced to enlist in

    the Experimental Soldier Corps. By enduring various horrific experiments and bodily

    modifications, he was able to give his daughter the high lifestyle he desired for her, but after

    the Reich's quest for the perfect weapon resulted in an experiment to implant their soldiers

    with large Reactors (crystals which focus Mana and power Kabbalah), Brutus began to

    develop the symptoms of Over-Surgery Psychosis.

    All is proceeding according to the plans of Genardi, the "Moon Witch", a Disciple of the Abyss.

    Due to the effects of OSP, Brutus will rampage and attack innocent people.

    Brutus knows he is losing his humanity. He wishes to see his daughter one last time before

    completely losing himself, and so is following Genardi's guidance in escaping the facility.In this Scenario, the PCs work to stop Brutus's rampage and halt Genardi's scheme.

    Note:Before play begins, the GM should read the Prologue section aloud to help establish the mood

    of the Scenario.

    PrologueOne man, for his daughter's sake, sacrificed himself for the Reich... With no regrets, he

    allowed his very body to be mutilated and transformed, solely for his daughter's happiness.

    However, a witch wants to twist that pure intention to demonstrate the power of the Abyss.

    She paints his heart with darkness, leading him to commit a meaningless slaughter.

    Responding to the feelings of a lone girl who has discovered the dark transformation

    undergone by her father, the Adventurers stand up to save him from the Abyss!Alshard Fortissimo: Warrior's Respite. Now, you will become legend...


    After reading the Prologue, the GM should distribute the character handouts (found at the

    end of this document) and assist the Players in creating Characters for the Scenario.

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    QuickstartIf the players are new to Alshard or don't have a copy of the rulebook, you should choose

    Quickstart to create characters. We recommend using the following five Sample Characters.

    1. The Wizard (ALF p.36)

    2. The Panzer Knight (ALF p.46)

    3. The Vagrant (ALF p. 38)4. The Secret Agent (ALF p. 44)

    5. The Valkyrie (ALF p. 42)

    ConstructionIf the players are familiar with the rules and own one or more core rulebooks between them,

    you may wish to use Construction. PC #2 must have a Level of Panzer Knight and PC #4

    must have a Level of Secret Agent, and the group should have a representative of each of

    the four Main Classes (Fighter, Scout, Black Magician, and White Mage), but there are

    otherwise no restrictions on characters.

    Bonds between PCsAfter character creation, each player should introduce his or her character to the group. At

    this point you should brainstorm connections between the PCs to use as Bonds. Bonds

    should be formed between PCs with sequential numbers (ie, PC #1 should have a Bond with

    PC #2, who has a Bond with PC #3, etc., and finally PC #5 has a Bond with PC #1 to

    complete the circle).

    Sidebar: About PC #2

    In this Scenario, it's established that PC #2 is a member of the Silber Kreuz (a military police

    unit under direct supervision of the Emperor). Before the players choose a handout, make

    sure to inform them of this.

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    Act I: Exposition

    Scene I: The Visit

    Protagonist: PC #3

    SummaryPC #3 visits Lily Ente and hears her request. No other PCs may enter.

    Lily once helped PC #3 out when PC #3 was traveling the Reich. Now she works at a medical

    research facility in Bartholomus*. Once PC #3 gets in touch with her, Lily is delighted at

    the visit. She also confesses she has a request. Once PC #3 accepts the request, conclude

    the scene.

    Set-upYou have a friend named Lily Ente. Her mother passed away when she was very young, and

    ever since then she's lived alone in the High-Class Citizen Block of St. Bartholomus on the

    money her father sends. Since you happened to be in St. Bartholomus, you decided to get

    in touch with her, and made your way to a public communications terminal. You dropped in acoin and waited as the summons rang and rang and rang.. eventually, Lily picked up at the

    other end.

    "Oh, PC#3. It's been a while, hasn't it? What brings you here?"

    After the pleasant surprise of your visit, it becomes clear that Lily is worried about

    something. She eventually asks for your help.

    Notable Dialogue: Lily Ente"I know it's a little sudden, but I'd like to ask you a favor."

    "I need you to save my father."

    "It's not safe to talk about it over the phone. I know a nice restaurant in the High-Class


    "Oh, you will? Thank you!"

    ConclusionAfter hanging up and heading to the High-Class Block, PC #3 gains the Quest "Help Lily" and

    the Scene comes to an end.

    Sidebar: St. Bartholomus City

    This city houses the Headquarters for the Western Division of the Imperial Army. It is a

    Sealed City (a large arcology-style city; see ALF p.156). The High-Class Citizen Block is a

    gated community that exists in the upper levels of the city.

    Scene II: Settling the Past

    Protagonist: PC #1

    Summary 1PC #1 thinks back to when his/her hometown was destroyed at the hands of Brutus Ente.

    No other PCs may enter.

    Once you get a taste of the slaughter and senselessness of it all, the flashback ends.

    Proceed to part 2.

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    Set-up 1A single Reich soldier destroyed your entire hometown. You tried to help, but you didn't have

    the strength and soon collapsed yourself. Just then, you heard it a horrible yell that

    wasn't quite human.. and your eyes followed the sound to the soldier himself. And then you

    lost consciousness...

    Notable Dialogue: Villagers"Help! Help me!"

    "Mommy.. Daddy..."

    Summary 2Hans Wilmer* gives PC #1 a mission. PC #1 is to extract Brutus from Reich territory. If

    capture is impossible, the PC is to use his/her best judgment.

    Hans is aware of PC #1's history with Brutus, and this is why s/he is being entrusted with

    this task.

    Set-up 2When you regained consciousness, you found yourself in the care of Primrose, an

    underground anti-Imperial terrorist organization. Hans Wilmer, an important agent in the

    Primrose hierarchy, pulled some strings and got you into the Magic Academy, on thecondition that after you graduated you would become an acting member of the organization.

    You are now receiving orders from Hans directly: You are to secure the cooperation of a

    certain Imperial soldier... the same one who destroyed your home!

    Notable Dialogue: Hans Wilmer"The target's name is Brutus Ente. He is a soldier in the Experimental Soldier Corps. If he is

    willing to join us, all the better."

    "I am aware of your history with Brutus. That's why I thought you'd be perfect for the task."

    "Consider this an opportunity to settle your past. We'll trust you to make the right decision."

    ConclusionOnce PC #1 accepts the mission, s/he gains the Quest "Discover the truth about by

    homeland's destruction" and the Scene ends.

    Sidebar: PC #1

    During the flashback, PC #1 is just a normal person. It's after these events that s/he

    enrolled in the Academy and learned magic.

    Sidebar: Hans Wilmer

    See ALF p.178 for more information.

    Sidebar: Experimental Soldier Corps

    Usually called the "Rear Battalion" to hide its purpose from outsiders, this organization

    researches new weapons and methods of fighting for the Imperial Army. Recruitment is by

    invitation only, and is strictly voluntary. Recruits are isolated from other troops and onlyallowed to meet with friends or family outside the organization once a month, under heavy

    supervision. These measures help maintain the secrecy of the organization's projects.

    Scene III: Encroaching Shadows

    Master Scene

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    SummaryThe "Moon Witch" Genardi* releases Brutus from his confinement in the Reich's Experimental

    Facility. This is a Master Scene, so no PCs may enter.

    After the conversation, Genardi unlocks the room and releases Brutus. She hopes that the

    Imperial Troop which will pursue the Experimentally Modified Brutus will trigger his psychosis

    and cause him to rampage. Failing that, she plans to kill Lily while he watches, condemninghis soul to the Abyss. After the conversation ends, conclude the scene.

    Set-upMany stories above ground level in the Sealed City of St. Batholomus, in a forgotten corner

    of the Military Block, lies the Experimental Facility, headquarters of the Experimental Soldier

    Corps. Every night, the researchers in the Facility return to their homes, and the Facility

    runs automatic maintenance powered by Kabbalah. However, on this night, the shadowy

    corridoors are inhabited by a woman in a dark, flowing robethe Moon Witch, Genardi. She

    approaches a certain laboratory, and smirks to herself as she sees a bound man through the

    window. Then she begins to speak.

    Notable Dialogue: Brutus and Genardi's conversation

    "Good evening, Mr. Ente. How would you like to walk free again?""Who are you..?"

    "There's no need for you to know that. If you say you want to leave, I'll let you out."

    (He thinks for a moment.) "...yes. I want to leave. The only desire I possess is to see my


    (She smiles.)

    "Very well. Go forth and greet your daughter with what little heart you still possess. I'll take

    care of everything else."

    "Thank you. Please do."

    ConclusionGenardi waves her hand and the door swings open with a loud 'bang'. Brutus, heavily

    modified, steps out into the corridor.

    He looks over to his benefactor, but Genardi vanishes into the shadows. Her smile is the lasthe sees of her.

    'The seed has been planted. Now to prepare the fertilizer...'

    The Experimental Facility's emergency alarm system begins its loud cry, and the scene comes

    to an end.

    Sidebar: "Moon Witch" Genardi

    See ALF p.181 for more information.

    Scene IV: Premonitions

    Protagonist: PC #2

    SummaryIn this scene, PC #2 is informed of the rumor that Brutus Ente has gone AWOL. No other PCs

    may enter.

    This is a briefing by PC #2's commanding officer. PC #2's unit is being deployed to recover

    Brutus. After the briefing, conclude the scene.

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    Set-upThe Sealed City of St. Batholomus, Military Block, Silber Kreuz Special Barracks.

    You wake up in your room after a rather disturbing dream. You dreamt that you were dying,

    and one by one memories of you and Brutus would arise and then slip away.

    The reason for your awakening is the Emergency Orders alarm, which directs you to the

    Briefing Room ASAP.

    Notable Dialogue: Commander"An experimental subject has escaped from the army facility."

    "The subject's name is Brutus Ente. It seems his potentials were off the charts."

    "The target is likely suffering from OSP. Exercise caution, but remember to execute your

    duty without fail! Frieden in der Hand!"

    Conclusion"Frieden in der Hand!"

    The commander gives the order to deploy.

    After deployment, PC #2 gains the Quest "Discover the truth behind Brutus's desertion" and

    the scene ends.

    Sidebar: The Silber KreuzThe Silber Kreuz is a military police-like organization. PC #2's unit specifically handles

    matters concerning state secrets and other sensitive tasks.

    Sidebar: OSP

    Over-Surgery Psychosis is a rare psychological ailment found among some Soldaten. Almost

    all Soldaten are implanted with Kabbalah-powered machines which enhance their abilities.

    However, some react poorly to the procedure and lose the "something" that makes them still


    Currently, the Reich understands little about the OSP phenomenon, and has suppressed

    knowledge of its existence among the populace. Among the PCs, only PC #2 knows of OSP;

    the other PCs have likely never even heard the term.

    There are no special rules for handling a character with OSP.

    Scene V: A New Assignment

    Protagonist: PC #4

    SummaryPatrick Vohn* issues orders for the capture of Brutus Ente. No other PCs may enter.

    Vohn wants Brutus recovered alive, so the experimental Kabbalah technology within him can

    be properly studied (and stolen). Should capture prove impossible, PC #4 is to provide an

    extensive report of Brutus's capabilities. Once Vohn ends the transmission, conclude the


    Set-upThe General Materials branch of St. Bartholomus City.

    You've just finished your work for the day, and were relaxing a bit before heading home.

    Suddenly, your sat-receiver ringsit's a call from Patrick Vohn.

    You have a bad feeling about this.

    Notable Dialogue: Patrick Vohn

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    "Good evening, PC #4. How's your work progressing?"

    "I knew it'd be no problem for you. By the way, while you're in town, would you mind doing

    me a small favor?"

    "Oh, it's nothing, really. I wanted you to find someone. He escaped from the Reich's

    Experimental Facility not long ago."

    "The Reich and Primrose are both already on it, but I have full confidence in you."

    "Thanks for understanding. Good luck."

    ConclusionAs the transmission ends, you receive a message on your computer. Attached is a data file

    containing the details of your assignment.

    After the transmission ends, PC #4 receives the Quest "Report on the capabilities of the

    experimental technology" and the scene ends.

    Sidebar: Patrick Vohn

    See ALF p.176 for more information.

    Scene VI: Shadow of the Witch

    Protagonist: PC #5

    SummaryShirley the Blue* orders PC #5* to halt the spread of the Abyss. No other PCs may enter.

    Shirley informs PC #5 of Genardi's plan and sends him/her to disrupt it. After Shirley gives

    the order, conclude the scene.

    Set-upYou are encamped near the shore of a quiet lake. Although the sky is clear, it's a gloomy

    night, and the moonlight barely penetrates to the ground.

    What little moonlight there is glints off the surface of the coin used as the pommel of thesword you now discover currently laying atop your pack. In the reflection, the dim visage of

    Shirley appears before you.

    Notable Dialogue: Shirley the Blue"One has sighted the 'Moon Witch' in St. Bartholomus."

    "O PC #5. I beseech you, strike with alacrity."

    "May the Shard's guidance watch over you."

    ConclusionThe old monk's words echo in your ears as a cloud passes over the moon; its sustaining light

    gone, his form shimmers and vanishes.

    Once the message has been delivered, PC #5 gains the Quest "Hinder the plans of the Abyss"

    and the scene ends.

    Sidebar: Shirley the Blue

    See ALF p.181 for more information.

    Sidebar: PC #5

    The location of this scene could be basically anywhere, but should be relatively near the

    Western Reich to explain why Shirley decided to contact this person instead of another.

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    Lily Ente


    A 20 year-old woman who lives in the High Class Block of St. Bartholomus. Her motherpassed away when she was young, and she's lived on her own with minimal contact with her

    father for many years, so she's a very strong, independent woman. She's friends with PC

    #3. Thanks to the allowance her father sends and her good grades, and with the memory of

    her mother's death from illness fresh in her mind, she has secured a job as a medical

    researcher at a prestigious research facility.

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    Act II: Action

    Scene VII: Pursuit

    Protagonist: PC #2

    SummaryWhile searching for Brutus in the High Class Block, PC #2 discovers Genardi. PC #3* may not

    enter; the difficulty for any other PCs* is 8.

    Because this block is highly populated, with many people coming and going, tracking is


    The person ordering the Silber Kreuz is the Moon Witch Genardi. Scene crashing PCs may

    know of Genardi if they wish, but PC #2 does not. She is being guarded by members of the

    Silber Kreuz, so it's impossible to get close. If questioned by the PCs, Genardi will give

    evasive answers. Should a battle begin, instead conclude the scene immediately.

    Otherwise, conclude the scene when the conversation with Genardi becomes uninteresting.


    Your unit is following up on a sighting of Brutus Ente in the High Class Block, and is currentlyinvestigating. The area is densely popualted; if you don't bring Brutus into custody soon,

    untold numbers of civilians could be harmed. The searching soldiers are growing anxious and


    While searching the area, you see something very peculiar. A woman you don't recognize,

    clad in sorcerer robes, is commanding a different unit of Silber Kreuz. When she sees you, a

    faint smile emerges.

    Notable Dialogue: Genardi"Excuse me, but did you want something?"

    "If you have time to stare at me, perhaps you should be searching for Brutus, yes? Those

    are the Imperial Army's orders for all divisions."

    ConclusionSuddenly, there is a loud explosion in a nearby park. The PCs rush to investigate, and the

    scene ends.

    Sidebar: PC #3

    PC #3 can't enter this scene because s/he's having lunch with Lily in the next scene. Please

    announce this to your players when setting the scene.

    Sidebar: Other PCs

    PCs other than PC #2 can act openly in the scene if they wish, or remain hidden and

    observe. The area is crowded, so they can pose as ordinary citizens if they wish. Because

    finding Brutus is the top priority for the Imperial Troops in the area, they are unlikely to

    harass other PCs even if they openly act as Adventurers. Feel free to have PC #2'scommanding officer call off hostile action if necessary.

    Scene VIII: How I Feel

    Protagonist: PC #3

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    SummaryPC #3 meets with Lily and listens to her story. Anyone who was present last scene cannot

    enter; for everyone else, the difficulty is 10.

    Lily will tell about how her father destroyed a town, and about how she works at a medical

    research facility, and explain that she believes it was due to OSP. According to her

    research*, if the victim of OSP hasn't completely lost sanity, they can be cured with

    long-term medical treatments and therapy. She wants PC #3 to help her break her fatherout of the Experimental Facility* so she can begin this process.

    If other PCs crash the scene, Lily will be on guard against them, but if they overhear and

    offer support she will accept. Once her request is given, conclude the scene.

    Set-upYou arrive at the restaurant Lily mentioned, situated in the upper corner of the High Class

    Block. Even though you arrive early, Lily is already waiting for you, and waves you over to

    her table. You take your seat, and she begins to speak.

    Notable Dialogue: Lily Ente"I've discovered that my father was involved in a great tragedy..."

    "When he was attacking, he howled like a wild animal. That's a symptom of a disease called

    Over-Surgery Psychosis.""I need your help. I want to break him out of the Experimental Facility where he's being


    (if you try to recruit her to Primrose) "Right now I just want to help my father. Maybe once

    he's well..."

    ConclusionShe wholeheartedly requests your cooperation, bowing in front of you. Before you can

    respond, a huge explosion sounds from outside, and the scene ends.

    Sidebar: Lily's research

    As you talk about her father, she gets more and more emotional. It seems she's been

    researching OSP ever since she heard about the incident with her father. She has had some

    promising results, but there's no proof of a total cure yet.

    Sidebar: Brutus's escape

    When she heard about Brutus's transformation, she tried to get the army to let her see him,

    but they refused her request. This is because the experimental technology used on Brutus is

    still top secret. Faced with no other options, she came up with the plan to break him out.

    Scene IX: Rampage

    Protagonist: PC #1

    SummaryThe PCs arrive to find Brutus on a rampage. All PCs are automatically present. Lily stays in

    the restaurant to avoid danger.

    Many Soldaten have entered the park and are setting up a perimeter around Brutus to

    prevent his escape, but none are approaching closely.

    Brutus will not respond to words*. While the Soldaten hesitate, Brutus takes the opportunity

    to attack* using his Blessings. He uses Freija and Nergal to damage everyone present and

    attempts to escape. The attacks defeat the Soldaten and even take out a nearby Aircar.

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    Set-upYou rush to the scene, but in one of the High Class Block's many parks, a tragedy just like

    the one you remember is now unfolding. The fountain at the center of the park is completely

    gone, a crater in its place, and from the destroyed rubble, pipes spray water into the air.

    Brutus, in the center of the destruction, screams out, and his inhuman voice reverberates on

    nearby buildings.In Brutus's eyes* you find no trace of sanity, and as you approach he turns to you and

    raises a gigantic saber above his head.

    Notable Dialogue: Brutus"GRAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

    ConclusionThe fountain runs red with blood. The scene around you looks like hell itself. Brutus's mad

    laughter echoes in your mind as you lose consciousness... (and the scene ends).

    Sidebar: Brutus's response

    If PC #2 tries to communicate, Brutus will seem to recognize him/her, cry out as if in pain

    and shake his head. He doesn't react to anyone else.

    Sidebar: Brutus's attack

    If any PCs try to activate Blessings or Techniques to defend against the attacks, suggest to

    them to save their resources for later scenes. If anyone persists, or naturally survives the

    attack without being incapacitated, have Brutus use Hermodr to escape the scene. Brutus's

    combat statistics are included later in this document.

    Scene X: Meeting by Chance

    Protagonist: PC #3

    Summary 1Lily hears about Brutus's condition and confirms her OSP hypothesis. All PCs are

    automatically present.

    Lily comes to the park and asks after Brutus. After the conversation, proceed to part 2.

    Set-up 1When you regain consciousness, the first thing you see is Lily's worried face. Everything

    around you has been reduced to rubble, and of all the people who were here before, only the

    group of you and Lily are still alive. Lily guessed the explosion was her father's doing and

    finally decided to come in person.

    "Are you alright?"

    Notable Dialogue: Lily"By the time I'd arrived it was already too late..."

    (when told about Brutus) "It's just like I thought.. my father is a victim of OSP."

    Summary 2Genardi's voice* is heard giving orders over the radio. Lily decides to escape from St.

    Bartholomus with her father, and wants to return to her apartment for luggage*. She asks

    the PCs to accompany her*. When they agree, conclude the scene.

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    Set-up 2Your conversation with Lily is interrupted when a Soldat radio from a fallen soldier emits a

    loud burst of static, then resolves into a woman's voice.

    Notable Dialogue: the voice on the radio

    "The target has routed our negotiations party. Your new orders are to kill on sight.""We have received information that the target is searching for a woman named Lily Ente.

    Find and detain her immediately."

    Notable Dialogue: Lily(after hearing the radio) "It looks like to save my father, we'll have to escape from the


    "Please. They're trying to capture me. Can you help me get back into my apartment?"

    ConclusionYou pile into Lily's Aircar and begin towards her apartment. Perhaps if Brutus sees Lily, he'll

    end his rampage. But if anything happens to her, all your efforts will be wasted. Everyone

    accompanying Lily gains the Quest "Protect Lily", and the scene ends.

    Sidebar: Genardi's voice

    When the woman's voice comes over the radio, those who were present at Scene 8

    recognize it as the same woman (Genardi). If PC #2 is present, she will announce that the

    unit s/he belonged to in the Silber Kreuz was entirely destroyed, giving PC #2 ample

    opportunity to disregard orders if desired.

    Sidebar: Lily's luggage

    Most importantly, her research on OSP and its possible treatment methods are there, so she

    won't leave without getting that information.

    Sidebar: Accompanying Lily

    Some PCs may disagree with Lily's decision to escape with her father, and will refuse to

    help. PCs #1 and #2 especially might have deep resentment towards Brutus thanks to hisrampages, and may want to see him dead rather than help. In this case, try the following.

    Immediately play out scene 11 in the park. If they decide to continue as a group, continue

    as normal (do the conclusions of scenes 10 and 11 back to back), but if the argument

    between the PCs goes too long, cut it short by saying the two groups separate. Waiting for

    the two groups to reconcile may take a lot of time away from the rest of the session.

    If the two groups separate, play scenes 12 and 13 with the group that stayed with Lily

    (choosing a new protagonist if necessary), then have both groups join again when Brutus

    appears at scene 14. Of course if anyone in the dissenting group wants to crash one of

    those two scenes, let them (difficulty 10).

    Scene XI: A Daughter's Feelings

    Protagonist: PC #1

    SummaryLily talks about her father. All PCs are automatically present.

    Lily talks about how her father undertook the experiments in order to give her a good life. It

    comes up that the town Brutus destroyed was PC #1's hometown, and she apologizes. She

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    tries to secure his/her cooperation in her plan to save Brutus and prevent future tragedies.

    While PC #1 and Lily talk, the other PCs discuss the situation and come to a consensus as to

    what to do. Let the PCs converse freely but if it seems the conversation will go on too long,

    or if the conversation stops being interesting, conclude the scene.


    Once everyone is settled in the Aircar, Lily begins driving it towards her home. You're ridingshotgun and you watch her as she drives. The things her father did are extremely hard to

    forgive. But you can see that her desire to save her father from his condition is also

    genuine. You decide to talk it over with her.

    Notable Dialogue: Lily"My mom died when I was little. My dad decided to enroll me in a top-class school, and to

    be able to afford it he volunteered for the Rear Battalion."

    "It was only recently I learned that the allowance* I got from him was way bigger than the


    "I thought the money might be some kind of reparation for what happened to him*... but I

    never got the chance to ask about it directly."

    "I want the chance to atone for my father's sins. Can't you at least help me with that?"

    "He sacrificed his body because of me. I have to help him as much as I can."

    ConclusionWhile you're conversing with Lily, you notice that ahead of your Aircar is a barricade set up

    by Reich troops.. They're questioning everyone about Lily! The scene ends.

    Sidebar: Lily's allowance

    PC #2 knows why the amount suddenly increased so much. It was the bonus Brutus got for

    volunteering to be an experimental technology test subject.

    Sidebar: What happened to Lily's father

    Brutus's OSP of course stems from the experimental technology installed in his body. At this

    point in the story, the characters are still unaware of exactly what technology was installed.

    (it will be revealed in a future scene).

    Scene XII: Examination

    Protagonist: PC #2

    SummaryThe PCs attempt to break through the checkpoint. Everyone who was with Lily is

    automatically present.

    The Reich army set up this checkpoint to capture Lily. In order to bypass the checkpoint, a

    representative member of the party will need to beat difficulty 12 on some appropriate

    action. Use of Hermodr will create an automatic success. On a failure, a battle* will begin.

    Once the checkpoint is passed, conclude the scene.

    Set-upBetween you and the High-Class Residential Block where Lily resides is a Reich checkpoint.

    The soldiers see your Aircar approach and surround you for questioning.

    Notable Dialogue: Interrogation officer

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    "Halt! State your names and places of residence."

    "We're looking for a woman named Lily Ente."

    (if the PCs try to escape) "Hey! After them!"

    ConclusionAfter you escape, a woman clad in black steps out of the shadows near the barricade. "It

    seems the prey has fallen into my web of her own free will. Now all we need is Brutus..everything is going according to plan." The scene ends.

    Sidebar: The battle

    Use the stats on ALF p.200 for "Soldat Group #1". There are a total of two groups, in a

    single Engagement 5m from the party. Because this battle is a penalty for failing the roll,

    don't award experience for defeating the enemies.

    Scene XIII: Tendrils of Darkness

    Protagonist: PC #5 (or #2)

    SummaryGenardi attacks. Everyone who was with Lily is automatically present.

    Genardi announces her objective and commands the Soldaten to attack. The PCs must fight

    while protecting Lily*. Use Soldat Group #3 (ALF p.200) and a Soldat Gunner (ALF p.200) in

    the combat. The PCs and Lily begin all in the same Engagement, with the Soldaten in various

    Engagements 5m away and the Soldat Gunner in its own Engagement 3m behind the

    Soldaten. Conclude the scene when the combat ends.

    Set-upThe Sealed City of St. Batholomus, High Class Residential Block, Lily Ente's residence.

    As soon as you park your Aircar, a group of Soldaten come out from hiding and surround your

    position. Commanding them is a strange woman with shocking blonde hair, who youimmediately recognize.

    Notable Dialogue: "Moon Witch" Genardi"My name is Genardi. I am a Disciple of the Abyss."

    "I modified the miniaturized Reactor developed by the Reich. Whoever installs it into their

    body will fall to the Abyss."

    "The project was a great success. The subject into which we planted the Reactor perfomed

    wonderfully. He submitted to the Abyss and destroyed a small town singlehandedly."

    "Brutus, thanks to the combination of the Reactor's madness and his own grief, will soon

    become a Warrior of the Abyss."

    (to Lily) "And all that's needed to finish that transformation is your life."

    "So, Questors. Can you stop me in time?"

    (battle begins)

    ConclusionThe Soldaten defeated, Genardi will smile and raise her hand. As if to match her, hundreds of

    the Abyssal Host rise from the ground.

    "Won't you play a little longer? We haven't even served the main course yet!"

    The scene ends.

    Sidebar: Protecting Lily

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    Lily is an Extra, so a single attack will kill her. Please inform the PCs of this fact. Should Lily

    die during the battle, please modify the remaining scenes appropriately.

    Scene XIV: Fallen OneProtagonist: PC #4 (or #1)

    SummaryWhile the PCs and the Abyssal Host battle, Brutus arrives. All PCs are automatically present.

    As Brutus slaughters the Host, he becomes enveloped by the darkness. Once his

    transformation has been shown, conclude the scene.

    Set-upBecause of the sheer number of the Abyssal Host, you are gradually backed into a corner.

    Suddenly, a group of the Host explodes.

    Though the smoke of the explosion, you hear a beastly roar; then the smoke clears and you

    see Brutus. He is dancing among them, destroying them left and right, but you notice henow attacks barehanded, by clawing and biting, as if he has become a mere animal. Beneath

    his torn uniform you catch glimpses of the reactor embedded in his chest; it seems to radiate


    Notable Dialogue: Lily(upon seeing Brutus's condition) "Dad! Please, stop! Come back to your senses!"

    Notable Dialogue: Genardi"So you've arrived, Brutus. Good! Kill them all! Follow your black heart!"

    ConclusionBrutus destroys all of the Host, then, shaking violently, loses his balance and collapses. The

    scene ends.

    Scene XV: Father and Daughter

    Protagonist: PC #3

    SummaryGenardi attacks Lily*, and Brutus goes berserk. All PCs are automatically present.

    Genardi uses "Heimdall" to fire at Lily. To stop it, the PCs can use "Hermodr" plus "Cover" to

    intercept the shot, "Odin" to cancel "Heimdall", or "Idunn" to heal Lily*. Once Brutus begins

    his rampage, conclude the scene.

    Set-upLily rushes over to where Brutus has fallen, and grabs his metal cyborg arm.

    "Dad! Dad!!"

    Hearing his daughter's voice, Brutus will open his eyes weakly, and faintly smile.


    In the background, Genardi calmly loads a rifle.

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    Notable Dialogue: Genardi"I'm not finished just yet." (she fires the gun)

    "Now, fall into the Abyss!"

    Notable Dialogue: Lily(after being shot) "Aaah... father....."

    ConclusionHearing his daughter's cry, a great change comes over Brutus's body.

    "Lily! Grrrruuuuuhhhhh...!"

    The scene ends, and the Climax begins.

    Sidebar: Lily

    If Lily died in scene 13, skip this scene. Instead, have Brutus see her dead body after

    defeating the Abyssal Host, and transform at that point, then proceed to the Climax.

    Sidebar: Idunn

    If the PCs save Lily without using "Idunn", have her cry out in fear, and have this cry trigger

    Brutus's transformation.

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    Act III: Climax

    Scene XVI: The Disciple of Grief

    Protagonist: PC #1

    SummaryThe battle with the rampaging Brutus. All PCs are automatically present.

    The PCs are 5m from Brutus. The "Witch's Orbs" that Genardi summons are in Brutus's

    Engagement. She summons one per PC.

    Genardi will escape prior to the battle; the PCs should not chase after her. Lily will not

    participate in the battle; what little remains of Brutus's humanity refuses to attack her.

    Once Brutus has been defeated*, conclude the scene.

    Set-upWhile he emits a mad roar, Brutus's chest bulges, as if his heart had burst in his grief. The

    Reactor in his chest reveals its true form, that of a Shard died deepest black.

    "W, what...! Is this... the Abyss!!?!?!! LILY!!!!!!!"

    Although Brutus cries out in agony, the Reactor ruthlessly strips his body of Mana andreplaces it with the dark energy of the Abyss. Brutus's giant, muscular body succumbs to the


    Notable Dialogue: Brutus"Uuuuuooooogh! My body!!!"

    (after succumbing to the Abyss) "You pitiful fools! Fall into deepest grief, as I have!!"

    Notable Dialogue: Genardi(watching Brutus's transformation) "Grieve! Mourn! That is the path to the Abyss! Lead all

    to death! Lead all to the Abyss! You cannot escape your fate!!"

    "Witness the birth of another of our member!"

    "Here is my welcoming gift to you. Battle to your heart's content!" (she summons the

    "Witch's Orbs")

    "Test for yourselves the might of a Warrior of the Abyss!" (she vanishes into the shadows)

    ConclusionAfter the PCs defeat Brutus, the Reactor shatters, and black energy sprays forth, mixed with

    fresh blood. Brutus's body returns to its normal size, and he collapses in a pool of his own

    blood... The scene ends.

    Sidebar: Defeating Brutus

    Should the PCs be defeated by Brutus, the GM should narrate an appropriate ending. Try

    one of the following:

    Bad End

    The PCs are annihilated by Brutus. Brutus baptizes himself in Lily's blood, becoming a trueWarrior of the Abyss, then begins destroying the Sealed City. Before long, the newest

    Warrior of the Abyss has converted the city into an Abyss itself.

    Retreat and regroup

    The PCs escape with Lily, and attempt to evacuate the city before Brutus can destroy it.

    Once the party leaves the city, end the scenario. The GM and players should decide

    whether to end play, continue play from here in an original scenario, or continue on the path

    of a different scenario.

    Lily's sacrifice

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    Lily tries one last time to get Brutus to stop, and calls out to him. He hesitates for a

    moment, and the two embrace. Then Lily activates a hidden explosive device and the two

    die together as father and child.

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    Act IV: Dnouement

    Scene XVII: Warrior's Respite

    Protagonist: PC #1

    SummaryAfter the battle, Brutus returns to normal and converses with the party. All PCs are

    automatically present.

    Brutus, at the brink of death, attempts to stand; he remembers the destruction of PC #1's

    hometown and apologizes. If "Idunn" is used to heal Brutus, the scene will still play out

    similarly; although his body will recover, it will reject the Abyssal energy, which will cause the

    Reactor embedded in his chest to malfunction, paralyzing him. Once the PCs decide how to

    handle Brutus, conclude the scene.

    Set-upBrutus's face seems oddly peaceful. With the last of his strength, he speaks.

    "At last, I can finally rest..."

    Notable Dialogue: Lily"Dad!!"

    "I still haven't repaid you for everything yet..."

    Notable Dialogue: Brutus"Sorry, Lily... Live strong for your mother and me...."

    "I'm so sorry.. for all the trouble I've caused...."

    Conclusion: If Brutus diesIn the end, the dark energy of the Abyss consumes Brutus's body from the inside out and he

    melts away into ash. The warrior who has fought a long, grueling battle has finally earned

    his respite. The scene ends.

    Conclusion: If "Idunn" is used to heal BrutusBrutus, near dead, stirs slightly and opens his eyes once more. He sees Lily watching over

    him and faintly smiles. Lily returns the smile, eyes brimming with tears. The scene ends.

    Scene XVIII: Setting Off

    Protagonist: PC #3

    SummaryLily thanks PC #3 for helping. No other PCs may enter.

    If Brutus has died, the two meet at Brutus's grave. Lily was very upset at Brutus's dead, but

    now she exhibits a strong, confident air, and wholeheartedly thanks PC #3 for seeing this

    through to the end.

    If Brutus is still alive, the both of them will see PC #3 off. They seem very happy together.

    After the conversation becomes uninteresting, conclude the scene.

    Set-up: If Brutus is deadIn front of her father's gravestone, Lily bows to you and speaks.

    "Thank you very much. With your help I was able to discover what was really going on.

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    Although it turned out like this, I'm sure my father is grateful too."

    Set-up: If Brutus is aliveWith your help, Brutus was able to make a partial recovery, and once he is well enough, he

    and Lily see you off. Their happy smiles are forever burned into your memory.

    Notable Dialogue: Lily(if Brutus is dead) "I want to live strong, like my father wanted."

    (if Brutus is alive) "Thanks to you, we can now live as father and daughter."

    Conclusion: If Brutus is deadLily decides to lend her support to Primrose. Although she has now been separated from her

    family, her memories of them give her strong support in her fight against the Reich. The

    scene ends.

    Conclusion: If Brutus is aliveThe two inform you that they plan to return to their homeland and live quietly. They wish

    you luck in your journey. The scene ends.

    Scene XIX: Mission Complete

    Protagonist: PC #4

    SummaryMr. Vohn rewards PC #4 for a job well done. No other PCs may enter.

    While you submit your report, Mr. Vohn thanks you. Even though you weren't able to

    recover the technology installed in Brutus, Mr. Vohn doesn't seem to mind. Once he hears

    that the technology was far too dangerous to use safely, he decided to write off the entireproject.

    Once Mr. Vohn has expressed his gratitude, conclude the scene.

    Set-upYou're called into Patrick Vohn's office in the General Materials main building. He smiles

    welcomingly at you from behind his desk.

    Notable Dialogue"Thanks for your hard work."

    "I see, so the reason it was so powerful is because it was drawing energy from the Abyss.

    That's enough information for now."

    ConclusionYou're just about to leave Mr. Vohn's office after finishing your report when the phone on his

    desk rings. He motions you to wait, and answers it. After a short conversation, he hangs up

    and turns to you. "I know you just finished this assignment, but something new has come

    up. We have another job for you." The scene ends.

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    Scene XX: Truth in Darkness

    Protagonist: PC #2

    SummaryPC #2 is rewarded for his/her role in stopping Brutus. No other PCs may enter.

    The official story of the event is that PC #2 singlehandedly defeated Brutus at great personalrisk. If Brutus is still alive, this fact will be deleted from the official report by Colonel Wilhelm

    Grteler*, who orders PC #2 to keep that fact under wraps.

    Set-upFor your service to the Reich, Colonel Grteler awards you a medal of valor. The awards

    ceremony is attended by all surviving members of the Silber Kreuz. At the ceremony, Colonel

    Grteler delivers a speech...

    Notable Dialogue: Colonel Wilhelm Grteler(if informed of Brutus's escape) "The official position is that you neutralized the target."

    (giving a speech in front of the assembled troops) "In the face of a terror attack of

    unprecedented magnitude, Gefreiter PC #2 showed extreme heroism and valor..."

    "I expect all of you to follow his/her example, and endeavor to act with wisdom and valor.

    Frieden in der Hand!"

    Conclusion"Frieden in der Hand!"

    While listening to the echoing cheers, you think about what really happened, and about the

    father and daughter caught in the middle... The scene ends.

    Sidebar: Colonel Wilhelm Grteler

    See ALF p.175 for more information.

    Scene XXI: One who Restores Light

    Protagonist: PC #5

    SummaryShirley hears PC #5's report. No other PCs may enter.

    Shirley hears the account from PC #5 without interrupting, then sincerely thanks him/her for

    seeing it through. When the retelling is ended, conclude the scene.

    Set-upYou hold the coin from the mysterious sword's pommel in your hand. When you expose it to

    the light of the moon, the figure of Shirley shimmers into view.

    Notable Dialogue: Shirley the Blue"Done well, done well. Now the witch's plot hath been halted."

    "Do not mistake this for an end to her evil."

    "You therefore should rest well. A warrior need always battle in moderation."

    "May the Shard's guidance watch over you."


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    With the same parting words as always, Shirley's visage once again disappears into the

    moonlight. The scene ends.

    Scene XXII: The Matter is SettledProtagonist: PC #1

    SummaryHans hears PC #1's report and thanks him/her. No other PCs may enter.

    Hans will smile slightly while listening to the report. Although Brutus wasn't recruited in the

    end, Hans won't complain about PC #1's decisions. Instead, he is happy he was able to help

    a fellow member of Primrose.

    Once Hans thanks PC #1 for the report, conclude the scene.

    Set-upYou returned to Primrose to report back to Hans Wilmer. While Hans listens to your report,

    you can see he is quite happy with the result.

    Notable Dialogue: Hans Wilmer"Is that so? Thank you for your hard work."

    "You weren't able to turn Brutus into an ally, but that doesn't matter. That wasn't actually

    what was important about this mission."


    "Someday soon we'll need your help on another matter. I hope we can work together on

    that day."

    As he says those words to you, you can already see the wheels turning behind his eyes as

    he thinks up Primrose's next move. The scene ends.

    Quest Rewards

    If Lily survived and Brutus was defeated, all PC Quests should be complete. Whether Brutus

    lived or died doesn't matter for Quest completion, but if he was saved, give the players a 1

    point bonus.

    The total level of defeated enemies is 20 + 3 per PC.

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    Enemy Data

    Brutus Ente



    Type: Abyssal Level: 12 Size: 2

    STR: 27 (+9) REF: 27 (+9) PER: 12 (+4)

    INT: 15 (+5) WIL: 21 (+7) LUK: 9 (+3)


    ACC: 11 EVA: 8 MAG: 8 ANM: 5

    SPD: 16 HP: 90 (180) MP: 30

    ATK: +17 (Slashing, Physical)

    Target: Single Range: Close

    DEF: 8 S / 7 P / 6 B

    Critical Threshold for attacks is 10

    "Timing:Always" Techniques are already included

    Resists Slashing: 2d6

    Resists Fire: 1d6

    HP in parentheses is after activating "Giant Form"


    Fierce Attack



    Warrior's Skill

    Warrior's Sight

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    Giant Form

    Always First

    Resist Normal II (Slashing)

    Resist Elemental I (Fire)

    Curse (Daze)

    Special Attacks

    "Concentration" + "Reaper" + "Fierce Attack" + "Curse (Daze)" + "Giant Form"

    Timing: Minor + Major

    Test: Accuracy Diff: Opposed

    Target: Group (Selective) Range: as weapon

    Cost: 6MP

    Attack a group (selective) with Accuracy +2 and deal 3d6+17 Slashing Physical damage.

    Damaged targets are Dazed.








    Nergal (used)

    Freyja (used)


    Brutus is a Gefreiter in the Infantry Division of the New Reich Army. He is 40 years old.

    Seeing his exceptional physical and mental strength, the Reich invited him into the Rear

    Battalion and installed their newest experimental technology in his body. The mostimpressive piece was the fist-sized Reactor installed in his chest. Thanks to its power, he

    was able to achieve physical strength far in excess of that of the average Soldat. However,

    the Reactor was poisoned with Abyssal energy by Genardi, corrupting Brutus into a Disciple of

    the Abyss.

    The former Brutus was an honest, straightforward man who loved his family. He usually

    speaks politely, but when rampaging he howls like a wild beast.

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    Witch's Orb



    Type: Abyssal Level: 3 Size: 1

    STR: 9 (+3) REF: 8 (+2) PER: 5 (+1)

    INT: 10 (+3) WIL: 10 (+3) LUK: 6 (+2)


    ACC: 4 EVA: 5 MAG: 7 ANM: 5

    SPD: 3 HP: 20 MP: 30

    ATK: +3 (Dark, Magical)

    Target: Single Range: 20m

    DEF: 2 S / 2 P / 2 B

    "Timing:Always" Techniques are already included

    Resists Ice: 2d6


    Resist Elemental II (Ice)

    Curse (Pressure)


    Enchanted jewel-like orbs summoned by Genardi. They channel Abyssal energy to animate

    their movements.

    Genardi summons one per PC.

    Battle Plan: Scene XVI

    The battle with Brutus comprises Act III: Climax.

    For the first round, during the Setup Phase have Brutus activate "Giant Form", then during

    the Initiative Phase declare "Always First". Use a Minor action to move into the PC's

    Engagement, then use a Major action to attack with "Reaper". Use "Heimdall" to make the

    attack roll automatically Critical, then use "Fierce Attack" during the damage step to increase

    the damage.

    During later rounds, use the Minor action "Concentration" to increase Accuracy and continue

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    to attack with "Reaper" and "Fierce Attack". If the PCs retreat from Brutus's Engagement,

    use a Minor action or "Hermodr" to enter the Engagement with the largest number of targets


    Use Blessings to enhance your attacks when able. "Odin" should be reserved to cancel a

    Blessing that prevents your attack from succeeding.

    The Witch's Orbs should attack PCs who are not in Break status in order to apply Pressure.



    See ALF p.200.

    Soldat Gunner


    See ALF p.200.


    Reich soldiers under Genardi's command. Even if PC #2 tries to convince them otherwise,

    they will ignore him/her and attack.

    Battle Plan: Scene XIII

    The battle to protect Lily from the Soldaten is Scene XIII. Use Soldat group #3 and a Soldat

    Gunner. Although Genardi is present at the scene, she does not participate in the combat.

    The Soldaten will attempt to enter Lily's Engagement. If blocked by PCs, they will attackthose PCs. The Soldat Gunner will attack any PCs in the same Engagement as Lily. If Lily is

    alone in her Engagement, the Gunner will attack her instead.

    Because Lily is an Extra, any attack against her will automatically succeed and kill her. Make

    this clear to players before combat, and announce that the Soldaten are targeting her.

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    Character Handouts

    AffiliationsEach character has, by default, an affiliation to a particular group. Please discuss this with

    the players before creating characters.

    1.Primrose, an underground anti-imperial organization.

    2. Wahres Reich, the empire which makes up the setting of this Scenario.

    3. no affiliation

    4. General Materials, a neutral company of great wealth.

    5. Excalibur, a loose association of warriors who fight against the Abyss.

    Handout for PC #1

    Bond: Brutus Ente. Relationship: Bitter enemy.Quickstart: The Wizard. Construction: no requirements.

    The entirety of your hometown was destroyed by a single soldier. From his power and the

    weird light in his eyes, you know that he can no longer be called "human".

    You are relying on the help of the underground anti-imperial organization Primrose to discover

    the reason behind your hometown's destruction.

    Handout for PC #2

    Bond: Brutus Ente. Relationship: Comrade.Quickstart: The Panzer Knight. Construction: Must be a Panzer Knight.

    When you think about your history with the Reich military, you can't help but remember how

    Brutus took you under his wing and taught you the ropes. But that relationship came to anend when you were drafted into the Silber Kreuz and he volunteered for the Experimental

    Soldier Corps.

    It's been a long time since your reassignment, and in all that time you and Brutus never

    crossed paths. But recently you heard word of him via a strange rumor: Has Brutus really

    deserted the Experimental Soldier Corps?

    Handout for PC #3

    Bond: Lily Ente. Relationship: Nice person.Quickstart: The Vagrant. Construction: no requirements.

    Once, while you were traveling the Reich, you fell upon some hard times and were rescued by

    a girl named Lily Ente. She cheerfully helped you out, and the two of you became friends.

    When it was time for you to continue onward, she even said it would be nice to see you

    again sometime.

    A long time has passed since then, but now your travels have taken you to St. Bartholomus

    City, where you've heard she is now living. You've decided to pay her a visit.

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    Handout for PC #4

    Bond: Brutus Ente. Relationship: Business.Quickstart: The Secret Agent. Construction: Must be a Secret Agent.

    You are an agent of General Materials Corp. You perform various missions under the orders

    of your superior, Mr. Patrick Vohn. Your current mission is to gather information for a reportin St. Bartholomus City. Suddenly, you receive a transmission on your satellite

    communication device: Since you're already in St. Bartholomus, Mr. Vohn has a small


    Handout for PC #5

    Bond: "Moon Witch" Genardi. Relationship: Teacher.Quickstart: The Valkyrie. Construction: no requirements.

    You know about the Abyss, the realm of nonexistance which encroaches upon reality. In

    fact, you are a member of Excalibur, an organization dedicated to fighting the Abyss and

    cleansing the world of its presence. You travel from place to place, following the monks'

    guidance, and battle the forces of the Abyss. One day, you hear word that the "Moon

    Witch" Genardi is hatching a nefarious scheme in a nearby imperial territory...

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    Scenario Advice from Actual Play

    What's the main theme of this Scenario?

    In this scenario, the PCs attempt to fulfill the requests of Lily Ente by putting an end to the

    dark plans of the "Moon Witch" Genardi, who is trying to turn Lily's father, Brutus, to theAbyss. Brutus is a member of the Reich's Experimental Soldier Corps and has been heavily

    "modified" by them. Brutus willingly undertook the experiments in order to provide for his

    daughter, but eventually succumbed to Over-Surgery Psychosis and went berserk. It is

    important to express that Lily desperately wants to save her father, and he still harbors

    great love for her even in his deranged state. Please use the dialogue and imagery in this

    document to help convey this idea.

    Help! My players won't form a party!

    The Scenario assumes the PCs will form a party during Scene 9. The PCs from Scene 8 will

    be interrupted by the sound of an explosion and investigate, and the PCs from Scene 7 whoare searching for Brutus will investigate the explosion as well. Should there be any PCs who

    were in neither Scene 7 nor Scene 8, have them happen to be at the site of Scene 9 when

    the other two groups arrive.

    For example, during one playtest, a PC who hadn't appeared in either scene ended up at

    Scene 9 by interrogating a deserter from the Reich Army, who tipped him off about the area.

    Help! My players split the party!

    If PC #1 gets in touch with Lily and hears her request, s/he may refuse to try to reform

    Brutus due to the history between them, and may even leave the party. This is most likely

    to happen in Scene 10 (when the party arrives at Lily's residence). If the party does

    separate, refer to the sidebar in Scene 10.For example, during one playtest, PC #1 left the party in Scene 10, but later in Scene 12,

    the main party failed the investigation check and entered combat.. and along came PC #1 in

    a vehicle to rescue them! It was pretty dramatic.

    Help! My players want to betray the party!

    PC #2 is a member of Wahres Reich's Silber Kreuz unit. Because of this, s/he may want to

    capture Brutus and return him to the Reich instead of reforming him.

    For example, during one playtest, PC #2 was about to betray the party, but we played out a

    flashback scene to his training days when Brutus showed him the photograph of Lily that he

    always kept with him; when the flashback ended and he saw that Brutus was still carryingthe photo, he decided to help Lily after all.

    Help! My players won't go along with Lily's request!

    For the Scenario to complete successfully, each PC should decide to help Lily. You may

    want to work together with them to come up with stronger individual motivations for helping


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    For example, during one playtest, PC #1 established that the village Brutus destroyed was

    Brutus's own hometown, so he and Lily were actually childhood friends. Talking to her about

    the slaughter made for a very intense scene, but due to their prior bonds she was able to

    convince him to help in the end.

    Help! My players are going to miss the Climax!

    In the Climax Phase, Genardi will escape before the main battle begins. Some players may

    try to chase after her.

    For example, during one playtest, we started the combat with Genardi present. As her first

    action, she tried to teleport away with Hermodr. A PC tried to cancel the teleport using

    Odin, so we had Brutus use his Odin to cancel the cancel, and Genardi was able to escape

    (although because of this Brutus was down one Blessing!).