(11 °) ~qf' - Tulane University

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Transcript of (11 °) ~qf' - Tulane University

f7C.. s (11 °)

J ~qf'


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BL!(JKlU!R & (JO., 74 «Ja10p Street, New Orleans, IM.





SONGS. Tn the }'ye there lies the !Ienrt, \\'hen the Swallows homeward fly. ~auta Lncia. (OY'llr the Rippling Sea.)

1'bis o.dJmred Neapolitan n.ir is l.lcre arranged BO ns to be sung qither IJ.Y one or two voices.

Where are now tho hopes I cherished! }'rom N ormn.

Hear me, Norma. Duet., from Norma. Still so gently o'er me •toaiing. From

Sonnamlmla. Katy Darling. 'fheu you'll remembel' me. .From ncr

bemian Girl. Come into the garden, Maud. We may be happy yet. From Daugh-

ter of St. Mark. l 'm leaYing home, my Willie. 0, take mo to thy heart agoin. Don't let the Roses listen. \\'by do summer roses fade? l'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie. Where IU'O the friends of my youth 1 The White Squall. No, ne'er can thy home l)e mine. {1

or 2 voices.) Long, long ago. I cannot dance to-nlgbt.

ll1'1'al. My Normandie. (French and English) /Jiscltoff, E. Dearest Noll. (Song and chorua.) llislwp. !Iorue, Sweet Homo. Jli.daux, G. Softly whisper. (Song anti chontB.) JilttcA-wood. Dye-gune hours. J:Juclo•nar, A. E. God and our !lights. (Song and Cho­

l'IL,,) " Got! am! our !Ughta.. (Arranged for


n. llenedict,

Rochsa. 1J1·owne. ftnlemtri. (llm·y. ClJle,E.K. tlmconr. n;well. Crouclt. Uru:mrr. IJ(),,t'zetl!'.

Sou throne' Chaunt of Dcfinnrc. (Song or Quartetto.)

Soul hern Marseillaise. 'l'bo Cross of tho Suut11 . (Solo aud

Chorus.) :Eily Mu.vonrnccn, Lov:~~~~ "The Lily of Killa.rn~y,' '

They aay thot I lmt dream, Sweet an<! Low, (Words byTennyaou.) On the Banks of !luadalquiver. EYening Song to the Virgin. (Duet.) You a.sk me why I'm lonely now. Shells of Ocean. Day Dreams. Jutlitb. Thy name was on co a magic ijpbll . Knthleon Mavow·ncen. now can I Jenve thee! Ask me not why. }'rom Fillo du Heg­

tmeut. It i.a better to laugh. From Lucrszia

.Borg!:\, Make me no gaudy Cbaillet. }'rom

Lucrezia. Horgia, " I'U pray for tbeea. ~·rom Lucia de L.

D1<cie Diamond. The gallant girl that smote the dll8-

J)r.t•rrt!ux, JlolQrts, Rntrm, R. 0.


J:/liiJI, J:nurso-nJ JJWy. ~'lotow. GautiPr. llerkm. 1/mnnn. t;loVfr, ,\f.


tard tory, oh. Wing• of a Do,·e, Thellrook, There's life in the old land yet. Tbe Doy Defender of Kentucky's hon­

or. Violetta. Smile and never heed me. Alc~lr"u~:iends at heurt. (Song and

Wbnt was I to say! Tllo Jlappy Contraband !Iow so fair. }'rom Ma1'tbn. ~:n:~~~tz.:'!. F<~therinlllL long, long weary dny. Dianche Alpeu. 'rho Good Bye at the Door. Annie o' the Banks o' Doc. Floating on the Wind. i'hoy teU me I shall love ugnin.

timo. Gipsey Countoas. (Duet.) Murmuring Sea. " What are the wild waves saying!

(Duet.) · Thou art gone, thou art gnne, When I knew, you long agn,

Oh.ver, ,,C. lie Do they think or me at home! Kitty TyrrelL

Gumbn·t. If. D. fialevy. Hau1, Jo:

lfarroway. HaUon.


Dearest, tbon l'llloYo you mon•. llove, I love but thee. The Tear. .Beauregard I Beauregard I CaU me thine own. l!1-om L'Eclnir. . J<:vor or tboe. Stili lu my dreams tlwu'rt ncar. Let me root In tb~ land or my birth. Good bye, sweet lleart. Sweet Lovo1 Good Night to thee.

ll<t!J•, ll'iU S. My Sunny ~outbern fiome (thi.a is a beautiful new song by the

nuthor of "Evangeline," "Drum· nzer Doy of Shiloh," ew

Hensler. Our Idol. flintt, I tlrean1od that he loved m<, flod$on. )fy home, my happy homo. llodg•:t. Dreams. Horn. I know a bank. (Duet.) IZ.ley, E. C. Kiss me, befure I dio, mother. Jonu, Delia lP: Old Cotton lo King. J. E. T. J,!We Terrell. Kn(<%11, ]I~ Deep in a shady dell. Kreb1. DMrest, I think of thee. K11ckm. Good night, lil.rewell.

" We met by chance.

Lane, Alief.

Molly Bawn. Bold Soldier ll<>y. Widow Macbree. .Stars of our Danner. (Southern Song

and Chorus. I,adv of Rich'd. God will defend the Right. LairaChf'. Near the bnuks of that lone river.

"' Cnnie Dell. I would like to chnnge my name. New Red, 'Yhite nod Blue, Popping the Question. (English om!

~·rench] )!y GenUe SJlirlt Brill•. Lillie Relic.

Lee, .A. Napolitaine. ': Down where the lJinc-bell~ gr(IW.

Ling, Yes, the die is cast, Lind•ay, i'be Bridge, Mcuifarren, My own, my guidi ng Stru·, Macarlhy, HarryB<>nnie Dlue ~·log.

" Tho Volunteer.

Afurtin. Meinecke. Mengis. Aleyerbo<>'.

MOO>' C.

" Moscllcllts. Naslt.

Missouri. Origiluof tbe StarB and Btu·•· Ifad I never, novcr known thee. Go thou, arul dretun. Switzers' }\t.rewell. J:obcrt, thou whom I love. From Ro­

bert le Di•blo. Yale of !lest. }'rom The Jluguenots. Abt illy Cbild. From L-. Propbete. Origin of the llorp. }'east or !loses. Switzcr'!iSOng of nome. I cannot, caunot sa.y farew ell. Song

and Chorus. Norlon,.,.~tr.;. g~~~t~;~· }'~~1::~f. Yoices.)

Parry. lleicltardt. ,, Richards, Rom.er. Roifs JJ. Scotch.

" &ott. &·'tubed.


'fho Accowpli~bod Y01mg Latly. 'l'hou art so J.lear, and yet so fur. Aro they mennt but to docelve ?

8. 0, whisper what thou foele•t. 0, would I were a boy again. Mother, is tho Battl~ over? Annie Lauric. C11iitles in the Air. '\

1 itbJo a mile ()f l•:rli!IIJOJ'Il, llird of Il<aul\•. Are 'Milria. ~ La. Seronado. Last U.ose of 8uu1111N.

Cbrdcna. Cblas. Oram.cr.

" Orouez.


I De.Aleyer. DeGrau. Doehl£1·. Eo ton.


I Godfroid. Grobe.


Jungmn. n. Kruo. Kuhe.

" Kei.Urer. Laflache.


Lysberg, Ltndaltl1 Moniot, ;!loran, ./·turd man.



Donnie Blue Flag, with vnriations Herz, 1\Iarsoilles March Cha.ut du Derger " Empress Henrietta's Waltz ll Dacio. Dy Arditi Henderson, Afrs. Askew Quickstep El Desiderio High Private. Crescent City Gnl\rcls Quickst•p Comi n' thro' the Rye Hoeffner. Crescent Regiment Mazurka ' L'Ilirondeile et le l'risonnier. (I'ris- Hohnstock. Concert Polka, '

oner and Swallow · Hzmten. Dords du Rhin, Etudes de Ia Velocil e Kennedy. Retour du Soldat. A splendid Pui1<1, Chant Bohemian Korp<may. Saratoga Poll<n, J,es Clocbettes Lallache. New PicNic Polka, Nocturne " " " simplified, Rippling Waves An.excellent arrangement of this

A delicious morceau, when per- favorzte Polka, for the nse ofplltyer• formed with delicacy and lightness of moderate skill, and for danting

Rain Drops purposes. Tremolo on i\lacarthy's popular air Tho Alabama,

''Tho Volunteer," J~xcel1ent for llohemian Glass Blower, tremolo practice A sparkling Polka de Salon lutro-

Econtoz Moi ducing two characteristic Rol~e1ninn Les Soupirs Melodies, Near the banks Of that lone river- 'fwelve O'clock Walb,

Variations Confederates' Polka Mnrdo. Pensiviana. A beautiful vnlso ttenti~ Labitzky. Aurora Waltzes,

Dlentnle, which, without being diffi· '· Elfin Waltzes, cult, requires to be exerut~l with Nathalie Waltzes,

, ~eelDI. eli11neghand exprcqilion Lane, /(lict. La. Zaidee Schottisch,

.u Reverie Mazourka, Anvjl Chorus Lonner. Uomautic Waltzes, ~larch Dobemienue '· Evening Star Waltz, (aimpliflooi.] Schubert's Serena<lo Lone!. Dawn Waltz, Orand Caprice Hongroise Lunzbye. Amelia Waltzes, Jmpro,'isation ou '· 'l'be Donnie Blue Jla1·cailhou. Indiana 'Valtz.

.Jfia"' " Uobecca Watz, Impr~visation on "My Maryland, Nerz. Deliciosa., or Leonora Polka, Improvisation on "Her bt·ight smile Mcetmnell, M)·s. Tribute to Beauregard,

haunts me still" Mt<sard. Baden Baden Polka, Carnival of Ycnice Noir. Beauregard's Manassas Quitkslt>p. .; Still, in my dreams thou'rt near., OsgOfX.l. One of My Waltzet~, llaladino. '· New Crunolia, Solclior's Adieu Absalom Duley Pol ka. Le CrepuHculo ('twilight) .Panornta. llirtl Waltz, Kin lock of Kin lock Pothonier. J,a DlondQ Polka, 1'he Nun's Prayer. Au excellent com· " N_ow Bird 'Wal tz,

position, affording useful ~nd plcos-~ Prall. ){lYCl' 'Valtz, ant arpeggio Jlr:H.:tico R eis&igr:r. .Mollie's Dream Waltz

JJOYO in May Rivinar. Om· Jnrst President's Quickstrp. Uoudollio<l " lledloy Quickstep, Kncken's Cradle Son·~ ·' Uen. Bragg's Grand Marcl•, J,a Pluie do• Perle• o Pearl River Polka,

8tigtUi, Tally, Verdi.

'twilight Dew,. I Quidont, Urightedt Eyed. Reissiger. Love launched a f;liry boat Rieha>·d.•. A\.11! I have !Sighed to rest. l!'rom Tro- " ·

vatoro. "

.\11 cho lo. Hlt>rtc. :t'rom 'J'roY:dore. Rulison, Rochester Schottiscb, J;tude Gntc~p Schreintl'. • ·obody llnrt, }' leurs du l'rintemp... A , ·ery brilliant and sho\VY rotH· 'rarbUngs at EYe )losition, which will :tlwM•iJ rilnk IUs Warblings at Mom a standard piece, -1'he Monastery Lo Boifeulet I>olka,

Visl<tr. 1Vade.

" Wallttcf. "

Uome from our Mountains. do l'icrce 1na.mes are mging. rto Anvil Cllorus. do Gai ly through lif• I 1\'[mfier. From


Rosellen, Schlesinger, &hulhojf,

" Calm me to re;t, }'rom VCSlll'e• Sicil-ienncs. Spindle?·,

In tears I pine. }'rom Lombardi. Valentine. 0\·er the Summcl' Sen. }'rom Riga.- "

lotto. Von llebrr, I cannot forgot thee. loss, I've wandered in dz·ellms. (Duet.) Uours there were. In happy moments. From Maritann. Scenes that aro brightest. do Uoly Mother, guide his footsteJ"·

(Duet.) From Mn.ritana. Why do 'I weep for thee, Dearest spot or Enrtll is homo. ller bright smile haunts me stiU. llichmontl i.a n hard road to travel.


Marie-N octnrne Stars and Bars Polka, Cheer Boys, Cheer-Tranacription Scllulho,D: Impromptu Polka, Tremolo " Grand Waltz, in E flat. Ynriations on the llonnic Tilnr .f'lag-. &hww·lz. Drightest Eyes Galop, · CIU'nival of Venice Lumbye's Amelia Waltzes, Nocturne Cn.ntbul's Soldiers' Gt·ceth•i!· Noeegay of Violet.< . Strauss. 'frovatore Waltzes, Uome, f:5weet liom e " Now Annen Polka, Aria alia Scozzcae St .• Tullien. Sicilienne [Dance,] Invitation n.la. Yalso T~!exy. 1\Iusidora.. Polka l'tiazurkn. Carnival of Y ouice Lara Polka Mazurka, Sur l'E•1n mude Mazurka, llow can I letwe lhee-Varia.tiom; Pardon de Ploermel Polka .)Ja7.tll kA, Cloche du Monastere. (Monastery Viereck. Donie .Bine Flag Quickst•p.

Dell,) " Bonbons (25 easy pieces.] Ciocbetto du Patre. (Sbepberd's Lit- Von Weber, Last Waltz,

tie Deli,) Wallerstein. Sorm Polka, L'lleure do Prierc. (Unnr of Prayer,) " Pleasure Train Polka, Valse Styrienue J enny Lind Polka, }~YCt' of 'l'hce Premiere Amour 1Valtz,

l'"imna Clm.~. Stonewall Jackson's Grand M:uch,

FANTASIAS and VARIATIONS. Waltzes, Mazurkas, Polkas, Etc. Illustrative of "StonewnU Jarl'­

sou's 'Vay." Robert E. Lee's Quick March,

Asclttr. "


Danae Andalouso Danso Espagnolc ~·antare lllili ta.IJ·u Oouettes d'Ellu Jllustratious of "~lal'lha" Sa.ll8 Soucf.

r.~~~~n,¥ A~l~~!m:~. , I Les Fifres tie I" ~artie /

A YOry SJ>b·itl'tl and chnractcri::stic Polka.

Caacado of Roecs L'Eclai.r, Nocturuo ou llnlevy'a beau­

tiful Cavatiun, "Cali me thine own.'' La Priore d'uuo Viergo; or, Maiden's

Prayer La Priere exnucoe; or, the 'Prayer

answered, Cllrolinga at Morn Tloquet of Melot!ies: 7 Noe., vi•.:

Lu Filie du IlogilueuL Sounrunbuia Lucrezia Uorgi" Lucio. do LlllllftiOI'IDOOl' Norma l'roYa.toro LuFavorit"

Fleursltalionnos: 4 Not~., ,.i,.: I.a Fille du Roglment Lucia de Liunmermoor Norma Trovo.tore.

Hnpertoire: 6 Nos., viz.: La Fille du llegimout Lucia do Lammermoo•· MMlha Norma Pardon du Plocrmel Ilobert lo Diablo

Lu i\larse!Jlaiso Lunuor's Morning nntl Evening Star


.Asclln·, "


Bil8e, Bis~!wif;


Blacl.~nar. Broum, .A.

Yaillnncel .. olko. Militn.ire 2d Military Polka; or, FifN·s of • the

Guard Mazurka des T1'1lincaux Ucrtrndo'a Drcnm ,,.nit 'I. Spirit Walt?. 'J'beDrenm

torzn Galop La Brunette ; Sehutti•ch do Salon ~ou ,.enir do Louisiana; Grand V also

i'be above are Mr. Discboft''s latest compoaitloos, nnd arc a.like brilliant and beautiful.

}'i~~!k~u i\larbre; or, llarble Jleart

Washington Artillery Polka March, <len. JOSOJlb E. Johnston's Manassas

Quick March i'he title page is adorned ";th 11 I

fine litbogruphic likeness of Ocn'l Ht-rrrrrl . Johnston


Cllntlzal. Cb~!f>nrr,

Gen. Long•treet's Omntl Marl'l• Affection Scbottiscb ' 111\rdon du l'loermoi Wnltzc< llluo Eyes Waltz N ormu. Marc b. 8oldiors' Greeting Quick .:\lurch La Delle do Nuit Yalse

IIOBIIle Guarti.a' Grand Moz·ch Lu Delle tlo Nult Mn•nrlm

Oramt~· II Dacio Waltz Coitwttfn, Los }'ugltives Vtllse Czerny, Lindon Walt?. Cbu>din, Nrs, lleauregard's Omnd )1tu·cl! D' .dtbtrl, Sontag J.'olka Davis, Augulle, Washington Artillery Polka

'' Mathilde Ma•urka. Very grart•fui Eaton, March of the MJnnto Men

'· Orleans Ondets' Quickste}l l'eiican Waltz Crescent City Waltz<·• Eolino SchottiH<·h


Leduc, Rt1lall.~!J. l'#'!JfU.

Do careful to ask for Young's cum­position. as there is a Lee's Marclt in circulation by n.n anonymons

. writer, 'olnnteer Waltz,

Introducing Macartby's benntifnl melody, "The Yolunteer."

Cora Scbottisch, Contraband Schottiscl> . Am·ene Amelia. Tittering Galop, Germrm Polka,


T.~n Rosu.lia.; or, New Lancer~:~, These beautiful Qua<b'illes b"·•

Huporseded all other Lancers, fn N . Orleans and elsewhere, whererer introduced.

Prince Imperin.le; or, r~adies' Q!Utll· rille,

TJltnciers de la. Reine, l lorse G nards, T.~nucer!'(.


,. Annio Lauric; 'l'ruuba.dour; Clay Polka; Come, lias to tn thu Wedding; College Hornpipe; Fisher's llornpipo: Cracovienne; }:veiling Star Walt< ; Homo Waltz;

U~!'!J· 1.'hou art gone from my gaze. \Yill you lovo mo tb.co ae now ? nonnld now Moon,

Bi!clw,D: Last Wtlltzes of a madman Souvenir do Lonislano Lu Source· Caprice

Anita Polk" 74 Cllmp Street Poll; a J..ouiae Schottisob Omnd Russian i\larrh .A.Ifoction Waltz Saratoga Lake Waitt. Odile Mazurka.

lly Maryland; Soldiers• Joy; Money M<tBk; March from "Moses in Egypt;

/,mvP', 1 do not ask to oftor th fe, Angels' Wbloper. My Mother, dear,

Blllmentlia/. One o/ thi.a fuvol'ito nuthor'• moet

brilliant pieces L& Luvisella Chant du Cigne

Fernande.: .Pranci1, Pry, lP: H. Gramb•, Ha.bt;r,

Russian MMch ; . St. Patrick's Day; Switzer's Farewell; Spider and Fly.