1066-1485 AD 1066-the year the Normans defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings. William...

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Transcript of 1066-1485 AD 1066-the year the Normans defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings. William...

1066-1485 AD

1066-the year the Normans defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings. William the Conqueror, a Norman (French), was now king of England.

A. The Anglo-Saxon culture and Norman/French culture blended.

B. Normans ruled less than 100 years.

C. Brought Feudalism: land divided among noble barons. Knights served barons. Lowest class were the serfs or peasants.

A. 1154-end of Norman Rule, beginning of RoyaltyB. Plantaganet Rulers

1. 1st one-Henry II-increased King’s power and took it from the barons. Wanted also to lead Roman Cath. Ch. He had Archbishop Thomas Becket of Canterbury murdered—1170.2. 1215-King John singed Magna Carta. In this document, he agreed not to raise taxes w/o consent of barons.3. Others-Richard the Lionhearted, John, Edward I, Richard II (last one)

C. Lancaster Rulers1. 3 Kings: Henry IV, V, and VI

2. Henry VI-went insane-gave rule to uncle, Duke of York, while he recuperated.

3. 1455-Henry VI got better, wanted throne back. Duke fought & won-war 30 years. “War of the Roses”

D. York Rulers1. 1st one-Edward IV-encouraged William Caxton to

make printing press.

2. Edward V-only 12 years old when he takes throne. Uncle Richard III takes over-kills Ed V and his brother-then takes the throne-Richard III killed in battle because of this.

3. Henry Tudor takes over, distant relative of Lancasters

A. Knights: fought French, journeyed to Holy Lands, jousted in tournaments

B. Chivalry: ideal knights must live by-honorable, courteous, generous, brave, skillful in battle, respectful to women, helpful to weak.

A. Roman Catholic Church-all belonged-barons, knights, serfs.

B. Knights fought for church-crusades for Holy Land

C. Cathedrals were built during this time

A. 1349-Black Death/Bubonic Plague killed 1/3 of the people in England.

B. After plague-cities sprung up everywhere.

C. Work Guilds formed

D. End of Knighthood-invention of gunpowder

A. Romances: stories with a blend of chivalry, touches of love, magic & marvels.

B. Folk Ballads: stories sung by common people.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

By the Pearl Poet

Notes – Sir Gawain

Composed in England around 1370 A romance poem: a narrative set in the

world of knights, kings, and supernatural creatures.

Exciting story full of adventure Derived from the word “Roman”

Notes, cont.

Romance poem includes three stages: a dangerous quest, a test of honor or courage, and a return to the point from which the quest began.

Author is anonymous but is known as the Pearl Poet b/c he also wrote the poem “The Pearl.”

Author was probably a member of the court b/c he’s so familiar with court life, costumes.

English spoken between 1066 and about 1470

Followed Old English, also called Anglo-Saxon, spoken from mid-5th century CE– Germanic influences

What happened in 1066?– Norman (French: Normandy) conquest of England– Added French influences!


Sir Gawain, the main character, appears in several tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

King Arthur: Legendary king, probably warrior during the invasion of Britain by the Angles, Jutes, and Saxons.

Arthur was head of the Knights of the Round Table.


Knights of Round Table: the greatest fighters, represented chivalry at its best.

Camelot: fictitious place where the Arthurian legends take place

Chivalry: the code by which knights lived. Courteous, courageous, and honorable


Characteristics of a knight: strength, skilled at arms and horsemanship, courageous, loyal, and courteous.

Sir Gawain – a knight of the round table. At first considered the weakest of most insignificant knight. Volunteers to accept a challenge from the Green Knight.

Literary Terms

Symbolism – use of symbols that exist on a literal level within a work but also represent something on a figurative level. Symbols can be a person, animal, place, object, event, color, etc.

Alliteration-the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.

A narrative set in the world of knights, kings and supernatural creatures.

Relates to and deals with King Arthur and his court.

Romance poem includes three stages: 1. a dangerous quest2. a test of honor or courage3. and a return to the point from which the quest


The basic material of medieval romance is knightly activity and adventure; we might best define medieval romance as a story of adventure.