10 Mistakes People Make with Home Staging

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 10 Mistakes People Make with Home Staging

10 Mistakes People Make with Home Staging

via Blog Boy

CalBRE# 00659397

MISTAKE #1: Don't understand what it is (Home Staging is all about the presentation of your home for home buyers).

MISTAKE #2: Forget how home staging could be the make or break of a sale.

MISTAKE #3: Think they have to spend a lot to do it.

MISTAKE #4: Think they can't stage their home on their own (you can!).

Mistake #5: Don't realize the helpful tools available.(Click here Make Home Staging Easier With These Tools)

Mistake #6: Overlook taking advantage of the tips that are offered online.(Click here 15 Secrets of Home Staging)

Mistake #7: Forget the wisdom that comes from the statement: "Less is more."

Mistake #8: Overlook the simplest level of home staging (Put the ironing board up; Get the dishes out of the sink; Make the beds - you get the idea).

Mistake #9: Don't hire a professional cleaning service(especially if you're not so good with cleanliness yourself).

Mistake #10: Leave out the front and back yards (mow the lawn, weed the garden, put the kid's toys away, etc).

BONUS Don't realize that keeping your home "sale ready" (a lifestyle of home staging) will make the time when you do actually choose to sell your home that much easier.

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10 Mistakes People Make with Home Staging