1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings 25. Internal Politics Divided Kingdoms Lots of fighting People turning away...

Post on 08-Jan-2018

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Transcript of 1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings 25. Internal Politics Divided Kingdoms Lots of fighting People turning away...

Conquest and Exile

1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings 25

Internal Politics

• Divided Kingdoms• Lots of fighting• People turning away

from God• Mostly bad kings


• God sent messengers• Reminder of God’s love• Often ignored• Unpopular• Warning messages• Must not abandon God

The Middle East, Present

Kingdom of Judea, 800 B.C.

Kingdom of Judea…and her Enemies






International Politics

• Three very powerful empires

• Egypt• Assyria (Iran)• Babylon (Iraq)

Assyrian Invasion

• 722 BCE• Invades and destroys Israel• Deported many Israelites• New culture emerges:


Babylonian Exile

• 597 BCE• All middle and upper classes

of Judah relocated• Babylonians destroy temple• Outlaw Judaism• End of the Jews? • End of the world?

New Beginnings

• 538 BCE• Babylonians defeated by

Persians• Cyrus the Great• Allowed to return• Laid Foundations for a new
