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•:Jl~\ B 1 Q l nternati~nal 1

Junel9-22,2017 1

111 l . Please complete the en tire Pavilíon Application and Contract

V Convent10n Tht Globo/ Event for Blotechno/ogy

San Diego Convention Center : , San Diego, CA ·

2. Make a copy of both pages of the Pavilion Applicatlon and Contract

for your records.


Any Pavilion Application and Contract received after June 9, 2016 will be handled on a first-come, first-served, space-available EXHIBIT FEES"-PAVILION

basls.This Application and Contract for exhibit space at the BIO lnternational Convention ("Exhibltlonj between the Pavllion: $44/per square foot

Biotechnology lnnovation Organization (BID) and Your Company ("Pavilion Org!Jnlzer" or "Exhibltor'1, wlll become effectlve u pon

written acceptance by BIO. lt includes the terms on this page and the attached 810 Pavilion and Exhibit Rules and Regulations. (min. 400 sq. ft)

Pavillon Space will be released if any of the payment deadlines outlined below are missed. ·

BIO reserves the right to at any time prior to or during the Exhibition and at its sole discretion decline to provide space to a pavil-

Ion, and exhlbits within a pavilion ("Exhibiting Rrms'1. whose exhibition material(s) and/or contentare objectignable to 810 and/ SECTION C: SPACE REQUESTED

orar!! not consistent with BIO's by-laws, rules and regulations. • Mínimum pavilion size: 400 square feet

A deposit of 50% for the Pavilion is due by August 8, 2016. An additional 25% is due October 14, 2016. 1fyou are submitting your

contract after October 14, 2016, then 75% is due upon contract submission. The remaining balance (25%) is due on or before 1. BOOTH SPACE

January 17, 2017. All contracts submitted after January 17, 2017-will be required to pay the fulll OOo/o u pon receipt of the invoice. ~Total sq. ft x $~ per sq: ft

Send contract to: BID attn: Exhibits Tea m, 1201 Maryland Avenue, SW Suite 900, Washington DC 20024. = $ 35,200.00

Application: FaJé+ 1.202.488.0993Tel: + 1.202312.9264 E-mail: exhibit@bio.org =So


SECTION A: COMPANV/ORGANizATION 50% Deposit Due B/8/20)6 = $

OFFICIALCOMPANY NAME: Pro MéXiCO 25% Due 10/14/2016 = S

Thls ls the company name used to verify 810 Membershlp. Final Balance Due:

PROMoTioNAL coMPANY NAME: Mexican Pavil ion 1/17/2017 = $

Thls ls the na me you would like to appear in BID promotional materials. *(50) Convention access

HEADOUARTERSADDRESS: Camino a -Santa Teresa #1679 Col. Jardines· del Pedreqag reglstrations at $ ea eh

(thls is $100 over the member rate of $_

.CfTY/STATEICOUNTRY/POSTAL CODE: C iudad de México. 01900 ($ subtotal) =$

WEBSITE: w.w.promoll!co.gob.rnx *BID Employee lnltial here: ..

SECTION B: CONTACT · Total = $ 35,200.00

LogisticsContactwlllreceiveboothspacelnvoice,exhibitorkit. linktoExhlbitorDashboardandlinktoexhibltorreglstrationaccount, •oetails found on pag~ 2 of this Contract.

as well as all official communications addressed to booth organizers.This person will receive all correspondence regarding setup/

takedown, Rules and Regulatlons compliance and payment. • · 2. PAVILION CHOICES:

LOGISllCS CONTACT: Laura A. Hemández Sil Referto the 2017 floor plan and list four

TITLE: Deputy Director of lnte.mational Events eh o ices. We will make every attempt to

Cam1no a Santa 1 eresa f\J 0 ~ 679 accommodate your preferences, however

MAILING ADDRESS: space requested ls not guaranteed.

ciTYtsrAwcouNTRY/POSTALCODE: Ciudad de México 01900. Contracts are procemid on a first-come,

PHONE: +52 55_ 5447 7000 ~1366 FAX: first-served basis.

E-MAIL: laura.hemandez@promexico.gob.mx Pavilion Choice

MARKETING CONTACT: B la n ca M e ndoza · #1 San Diego Conventloo cenlr:r 5507

Marketi~g Contactwill be llsted as company contactthatmanages branding, lead generation, events and otherfunctlons to del iver ROl. #2

TlTLE: Contact #3 ---

MAILING ADDRESS: Camino .a Santa Teresa No 1679 #4


· PHONE: +52 55 544 7 7000 X1366 FAX: Pavilion Name:

E-MAii..: blanca.mendoza@promexlco.gob.mx Mexican Pavilion

The 2017 Online Exhibitor Service Kit will be available to all exhibitors in January 2017 and accesslble vi a convention.blo.org. ln an .

effort to continue our green inltlatives, seivice kits will only be avallabl~ onllne. . .


BID INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION PAVILION APPLICATION AND CONT r~ T r AUTHORIZED SIGNA'TURE: Jesús Mqrio Chacón Carrillo J¡ (', 1 • "'r-1 ..... DATE: /l.f~ 03- 2..01-:¡.

Thls document. when signed byExhlbitorand accepted by 810, constltutes a bindi\¡9 l~a~\freltrff[nb!y slgning thls agreement, the Exhlbitor agreesthattheyliave recelved, read and agree

to the attached BID Pavilion and Exhibit Rules and Regulations, incorporated In their entirety hereln and expressly m a de a part ofthis contract This Pavilion Application and Contract and the

inciuded BIO Pavillon and ExhlbitRulesand Regulatlonsconstitute the entire agreement between the parties and cannotbe modified exc~pt by expresswritten agreeme~t signed by BIO and

the Exhibitor.







810 Pavilion and Exhibit Rules and Regulations (Subjectto Change) as of ApriiS, 2016

ConditionsandRulesltisunderstoodthatthefollowingcon- 10% fee will apply until July 8, 2016 at which time the can- Management.RulesandRegulationsaresubjecttotheinter-di~?n!.a~cl_ riJJ~~!!re_agr~~~ t<?_~~ P.~!! ~f the c_?_ritr_ast _____ ~ell~tiqn fee structure found below will apply. Should __ ___ pr~tation and dedslon as provided in the paragra~h above( between the Btotechnology lnnovatton Orgamzatton, Exhtbitor cancel all, or part, ofthe space contracted for Thts agreement shall be governed and construed tn accor hereinafter referred to as Show Management or"BIO~ and herein after the date BIO accepts this Pavilion Appllcation dance with the laws of the District of Columbia, exclusive ot those who purchase pavilion and/or exhibit space and Contract and issues an invoice, Exhibitor is liable for: a) anyconfllct-of-lawprovisions,andExhibitorherebysubmitsto ("Exhibitor" or"Pavilion Organizer") In the'BIO lnternational SO% of the total space cost if cancellation is made after thejurisdictionofthecourtswithintheDistrictofColumbia,for Convention ("Exhibition"). Show Management shall have July 8, 2016 and before October 14, 2016, proceedings related to this agreement. the authority to interpret and en force these rules. All mat- b) 7S% of the total space cost if cancellation is made after ters not covered by these rules are subject to the discre- October 14, 2016 and before January 17, 2017 ande)

Force Majeure lt is further agreed that in the case that said premises shall bedestroyed byfireortheelements,orbyany othercause,orinthecaseofgovernmentinterventionorreg­ulation, military activity, strikes, or any other circumstances that make it impossiblé or inadvisable for BIO to hold the Exhibition or portien thereof atthe time and place herei n pro­vided, this agreement shall terminate and the said Exhibitor shall and does herebywaive anyclaim for propertyorother damagesorcompensation exceptthe prorated return on the amountpaidafterdeductionbyShowManagementofactual expensesincurredinconnectionwiththeExhibition,andthere shall be no further liability on the part of either party ..

tion of Show Management. All decisions so made shall be 100% of the total space cost if cancellation ls made after as binding on all parties as the original rules. The Pavilion January 17,2017. All ofthese fees that may become due Organlzer and the Exhibiting Firm or its designated repre- hereunder are acknowledged by Exhibitor as liquidated sentative are responsible for understanding all the Rules damages and are not appllcable toward any future BIO and Regulations. The Pavilion Organizer and Exhibiting sponsored events. For the space returned, the space will be Rrm or its representative who fail to observe these condi- reorganlzed at BIO's discretion. BIO reserves the rightto resell tions or the terms ofthe contract may be excluded from any returned pavillon space.lf an Exhlbitor do es not make its the Exhibition without refund. SO% deposit when due underthese Rules and Regulations, General Terms and Condltions BIO reserves the rightto take the following actions at any time prior io or during the Exhibition and at its sol e discretion: (1) termina te this agree­ment or decline to provide space toan Exhibitor for any rea­son,includingbutnotlimitedtoExhlbitorcpnduct,orExhibitor use, promotion and/ordistribution of material(s) and/orcon­tent, that is objectlonable to BIO oris not consistentwith BIO's bylaws, Rules and Regulations, or mission; (2) prohibit any exhiblt,orpartthereof,thatviolatesthisagreementorls,inany otherway,notsuitablefor,ornotinkeepingwiththecharacter and spiritof, the Exhibition; (3) close any exhlbitthat is deter­minedbyShowManagementtobetooloudordisruptlveand/ orto disturb other exhibits beca use of, among o_ther things, material, contentar method of operation; and/or ( 4) refuse to permltanExhibltorwhoviolatesthlsagreementtopartlcipate in one or more future BIO Exhibltlons.

Terms of Payment U pon BIO's receipt qf the BIO lnternational Convention Pavillon Application and Contract, themalncontactwillreceiveanenÍ.allconfirmationnoticewith an In volee and· payment lnstructions.

Fe es Cost per square foot = $44 (min. 400 sq. ft) · Mi nlmum pu rchase of(SO) conventlon access registrations to receive the following pricing: · • $ __ ea eh (this is $100 over the member rate of $ __ ) • Total for (SO)=$ _ _ · • Payment must be from one organization and paid in full befor'e the reglstration codes will be pro11ided.

• 810 Employee lnitial here: __ _

Payment Scnedule A deposit of 50% of the exhiblt space ls due by August 8, 2016 or within 30 days of contract sub­misslon. An additional25% ls due October 14, 20l6.1fyou are submitting your application and contract after October 14,2016 then 75% is due within 30 days of receiving the BIO invoice. The remaining balance (25%) ls due on or before January 17,2017. All applications and contractS submitted after January 17,2017 will be required to pay the full1 00% u pon recelpt ofthe lnvolce. Pavilion space will be released lf any of the payment are mis sed. Payments ·submitted in accordance with thls Pavillon ApplicationandCon~ctwillbeapplied,first,toanyoutstand­ing balances from previous BIO events, incl~ding a prior BIO lnternational Convention. Any BIO Pavilion Applicatlon and Contractwill not be processed untll all priorfinancial obliga­tions have been met

CancellationPolicyCancellationsmustbereceivedlnwriting from the primary contact on file. An Exhibitor submitting a Pavilion Application and Contract during theon-site space selection (June 6-9, 20 16) will be lmmediately financially liable for a 1 0% cancellation fee for the entire space. This

'·· . .._.-.

then when 30 days past due, BIO m ay remove Exhibitor's res­ervation from Show Management's plan and irrevocably change Exhibitor's si te selection, wh ile Exhlbitorremains fully financially liable for the space. Both Exhibitor and BIO acknowledge that BIO will sustain substantiallosses if Exhibitor cancels its Pavilion Application and Contract Even though BIOwillexerciseitsbesteffortstomitigatethedamag­es assoclated with the Exhibitor's cancellation, the parties agree that BIO will nevertheless incur substantiallosses that cannotbepreciselydetermined.Duetothedifficultyofdeter­mining such los ses, the Exhibitor agrees to pay the cancella­tion fee as liquidated damages if Exhibitor cancels ordown­grades lts pavillon space on orwithin the speclfied time peri­ods.

Space Reduction All space reductlon requests must be in writing and shall oecome effective when receivei:l by BIO. A feeof50%'ofthedifferencebetweenthecostoftheorlglnally assigned pavilion space and the costofthe reduced pavilion s'pace, requested In writing by the Exhibltor, will be charged on any reductions request~d after the date 810 accepts this contract, through October 14,2016. Between October 15,2016 and January 17,2017 the penalty lncreases to 75% of the difference between the cost of the originally asslgned exhibit space and the cost of the

. reduced exhibit space. The Exhibitor will be responslble for the en tire 100% cost of the originally contracted pavllion space regardless of any space reduction requests on or after January 17, 2017.

Uability and lnsurance Show Management, theConvention Center and their officers, directors, agents, employees or rep­resentatives (hereafter referred toas the lndemnitees) shall not be responsible for any injury, loss or damage that m ay occur to the Exhibitor, orto the Exhlbitor's employees, Exhibitingfirmsorproperty,prlor,duringorsubsequenttothe period covered bythisagreement To theextent permitted by law the Exliibitor, on signlng this contract, expressly relea ses theindemniteesfrom,andagreestolndemnifysameagainst, any and all i:laims for such loss, damage or lnjury. The · Exhibitor also agreesto indemnifythe indemnitees from any and allliabllity, costs or damages arislng out of or reiating to acts or omissions of the ·Exhibitor, lts agénts or employees -indudinganysecuritypersonnelhireddirectlybytheExhibitor( ­pursuant to the procedures enumerated below. Exhlbiting Firms ánd Exhibitors shall obtain,at\heirown expense, for the duration pfthe term ofthe lnstallatlon and use ofthe exhibit premise, Comprehensive General Uability lnsurance (CGL) in an amount, not less than one mi ilion dollars ($1 ,000,000.00), specifically naming BIO and the Convention Center asco­lnsureds. Evidence of insurance shall, be made to BIO u pon written request Exhibiting firms also are recommended to obtain lnsurance policies covering the transporting of their booth materials, equipment, orboth from their home base to theExhibltionandreturn.Asacourtesy,watchmanservit;ewill be contracted for ori a 24-hour basis for the duration of the

Occupancy by Exhibitor lt is further agreed that actual occu- Exhibition. EXhibitors deslrlng spedal security precautions pancy of the space reserved by the Exhibitor is of the should arrange forprivate guard service, if deslred, or should essence. lf Exhibitor with a booth display, ora Pavilion makearrangements to have locked facilities available In their Organizer wlth an exhibitor that do es not occupy the booth for the storage of display materials orproducts. ln no space by 3:00pm on June 19, 2017 or does not immedi- eventshaiiS.howManagementoranyofitsofficers,directors, ately remedy the situation, then BIO m ay occupy or cause agents or employees be liable to Exhibitors for any amount said space to be occupied as it may deem best for the beyond the booth or pavilion renta! fee actually paid by the interest of BIO without In 'any way releaslng the Exhlbltor Exhibltor to Show Management wlth respect to whlch or in from any liabllity hereunder.Furthermore, lf the Exhlbitor connectionwithwhichllabilityisassertedforanyindirect,inci-does not occupy/staff the space, or if a Pavilion Organizer's .. dental,consequentialorotherdamages(includingbutnotlim-Exhlbitlng Firm do es not occupy/staff the space, then all lted to claims for lost protits) arislng out of or relating toa rights ofthe Exhibitor will be revoked. All paviliorrs/exhib- Exhibltlonevent,therentalofboothorpavilionspace,thecon-lts/displays must rema in staffed and fully lntact through duct of Show Management, any brea eh of contract, or any the exhlbit hall hours. Premature dlsmantllng of and/or other act; omisslon or occurrence. failure to fully staff said space during the entire show couldresultinthelossoffuturepavilionand/orexhibitp~rtici-pation. ·

Amendments Show M_anagement may amend these Rules· and Regulations at anytime, and all amendments so made shall be binding on Exhibitors equallywith the original Rules and Regi.Jiations.

Disputes Any and all disputeswith respectto BIO Pavi lion and Exhibit Rules and Regulations must 'be taken up with Show


Damage of Property Exhibitors are llable for any damage ~u sed to Exhibition building, floors, walls,columnsstandard boothequipmentorotherExhibitors'property.Exhibitorsmay not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive or any other coating to buildingcolumns,walls,floor.Sorotherpartsofthebuildingor to standard booth equipment. (

Compllance with tne Law Exhibitors, pavilions, exhibits, and exhibit materials and displays shall be at all times in compli~ ance wlth all applicable federal, state llaws, codes

'\o;.,/ ~ -



BIO Exhibit Rules and Regulations (continued)

. arid r~gulations.

Use of BID N ame The use or display In any manner or e dium of Blotechnology lnnovation Organization's or ·­jnference na me, logo, aaonym (BIO), marks or copy­

righted materials is not permitted, and no reference, . implication or use of such BIO name, lago, acronym, marks or copyrighted materials may be made to claim or imply 810 endorsement, affiliation or approval of any product. service or program without the express, prior. written consent of BIO.

Officlal Contractors In the best interest of the Exhibitors, Show Management has appointed various Official Service Contractors forsuch services as material handling, furniture re'ntal, booth and floral decorations, signs, photographs, drinking water, skllled labor or any other service deemed necessary ("Officlal Service Contractors").

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors Exhibitors utilizing the serví ces of any contractor other thán those appointed by Show Management must oqtain permlsslon from Show Management.Thesecompanies·include,butarenotlimited to,anyinstallationanddlsmantlingcompany,soundandlight· lng firms, production or promotion firms, or any person or firm providing directservices tothe exhibitors. Permission to use an Exhibitor Appointed Con tractor cannot be given for utilities or material handling services.ln addition, Exhibitor appointed contraé:tors are required to provlde a Certificate of Uability lnsurance with mínimum liablllty coverage of $1,000,000.00. Notice ofintent to use an Exhlbitor Appointed Con tractor must be submltted to Show Management bywayofthe Exhibitor Appolnted Contra_ctor Form accompanied bythe insurance certificate no less than 45 days befo re the flrst dayofficial da y of exhlblting. l_n addl­tion, the contractor must (1) Submlt a llst the names of al!

mpany representatives working in the exhibit area; (2) . .lhe~etoa i!Exhibitormove-inandmove-outhoursandreg­

ulations; (3) Check-in atthe Exhibitor Appointed Con tractor Deskuponarrivaleachdaytoredeemtheproperaedentials to accessthe exhlbit hall; (4) Abstain from sollclting business fromExhlbitorson-siteorduringtheExhlbltlonincluding,but notlimitedtothepostingofsignsand:Setting-upservicedesk - d.etailed procedures will be included in the Exhibitor Service Manual; (S) Agreetoabidebyall Show Managenient Rules and Regulations and instructiqns provided to the

. Exhibitor; and (6) Coopera te with the Officlal Serví ce Con tractor and not lnterfere with the tlmely construction of the Exhibition.

Registration and Admission Exhibitors reéelve four (4) Exhibitor 8ooth Persono el (E8P) Registrations per 1 00 sq. ft.

. · purc;hased.lnstructlons to beused foronllne registrationwill be sent to Primary Contact once registration has opened. AdmlssiontotheExhlbitlonwillbebyofficialbadgeobtained uponregistration,entitllngthewearertoattendancelnaccor­dancewith admisslon policies. The badge ls nottransferable. ShowManagementshallhavesoleauthorityoveradmissiori poli eles at al! times. After opening day, lf for any reason a properly badged Exhlbitor or representatlve desires toen ter the exhibitarea in advance ofthe presalbed time, or after closing hours, a requestspecifyingthe reason and giving all na mes of persons who will en ter the exhlbit area in acco~­dance with such request shall be presented to Show Managementforapprovai.Exhibitorsreceivlngapprovalwill be required to havean officialsecurityrepresentativeescort the grouptothe designated booth.AII costs associated with admlsslonduringnon-officialhours,includingbutnotlimited to security, will he the responsibility of the El<hibitor. Show

magement reserves the rlghtto refuse admission or eject ,romtheExhibitionanypersonwhoseconductisdeemedby Show Management to be disorderly or unbecoming. The

llcensegrantedbyadmissiontotheExhibitionmaybeterml­nated by tendering to the attendee the purchase price of admission to the Exhibition .. -

Age Requirements In the interest of safety and injury pre­vention,nooneunderl1 yearsofage(infantsincluded)willbe permitted in theexhibithall during nieve-in, theduration of the Exhibition, and move-out. Show Management reserves· the right to requlre proof of age prior to admission to the Exhibition.

Unoccupied S pace Show Management reserves the rightto renta pavilion or exhibit space to any other Exhibitor or use sald spaceforsuch purposesas itmaysee fitwithout any lia­bilityon its partshould the Exhibitor'sspace rema in unoccu­pied at 3:00pm the da y priorto the officlal Exhibition open­ing orshould the Exhlbitorfail to make paymentin full bythe specified date in the con~ct or space renta! invoice. This el a use shall not be construed as affecting the obligation of the Exhibitor to pay the full amount specified in the space renta! invoice.

Booth Attendants Al! exhibits must b.e staffed by at least ene attendant during ALL exhibit hours.

Early Dismantling Dismantling or removlng an exhibit or materialsbeforetheofficialclosingoftheshowlsprohibited. Show Management and the Official Show Con tractor are responsibleformaintalninga\lin-and-outtrafflcschedulesat theexhlbitsiteandhandlingthemove-inandmove-outofall Exhibitors'materialsandequipmentShowManagementand \he Official Show Con tractor will al so maintaln control and have priority atthe loading areas at all times. All shipments must be prepaid. Falluretocomplywill result in the Exhibitor at fault being barred from future 810 exhlbitlons.

Relocation of Exhiblts Show Management reserves the righttoalterlocationsofpavilionsorexhibltsasshownonthe offlcial tloor plan, if deemed advisable and in the best in ter· estsoftheExhibitionasdeterminedbyShowManagementin lts sale discretion.

Space Restrlctions Aisles "and other spaces in the Convention Center not leased to Exhibitors shall be under the control of Show Management Al! displays, interviews,_ co~ferences, distribution of literature, lectures, auc,lience seating/standlng and the transactions of business of any nature shall be made WITHIN the space contracted. Te~porarr booth personnel shall be restrlcted to the same aforementioned rules as authorlzed Exhibltor personnel.

Sollciting/Demonstrating Pavilions or exhibits must be confinedtotheexactspaceallocated.Circulars,publications, advertising matter and all kinds of promotlonal giveaways must be dlstributed only withln pavilion and booth spaces. Nothing ca11 be posted al), tacked, nailed,screwed orother­wise attached to columns, walls, floors or other parts orthe building orfurnlture. Signs, rails, etc., will not be permitted to lntrudeintooroveraisles.Canvassing,exhibitingordistribut­lng advértising matter outside the designated pavilion or exhibit area ls prohiblted. Soliciting or demonstrating by an Exhibitor or Exhiblting Rrm must be confined to the Exhibitor's or Exliibltíng Firms'own space. Distribution ofthe Exhibitor's orExh1blting Firms'printed advertisements must bedonewithl n the Exhlbitor'sor Exhibiting Rrm'sown space. Persons who are not Exhlbitors are·prohlbited from any detailing,exhibitingorsoliátingwithintheConventionCenter. No exhibits, displays or advertising material of any kind will be allowed In the Conventico Center rooms or hallways unlesspreapprovedbyShowManagement.Falluretocomply with this regulatlqn can result in dismissal from the exhibit hall.

Access for Persons with Disabilities Show Management


works to provide an accessible Exhibition fo r all attendees with disabilities and believes that persons with disabilities shouldbegiventheopportunitytoparticipateandinteractto thefullestextentpossible.ShowManagementencourages~ll

Exhibitors to ma k e their booth accessible to people with dis­abilities.

Noise and Offensive Odors will take every reasonable pre­caution to minimize the noise of operating pavilions and exhibits. Ea eh pavilionand exhibitwill beoperated in a digni­fied manner so as notto constitute an annbyance to adjoin­ing Exhibitors. Exhibitors wishing to distribute food and/or beverages mustobtain priorwritten permission from Show Management. All approvals are subject to the use of exclu­sive in-house catering vendors when requlred. Show Managementshallhavethesoleauthoritylndeterminingthe application ofthis regulation. Any speakers and other sound devices should be positioned asto direct sound into the booth rather than lnto the aisle. Rule of thumb: sound and. nciise should not exceed 85 decibels when ineasured from the aisle immediately in front of a booth.

PnotographyPhotographingpavilionsandboothsislimited to candid shots only of your own pavilion or booth. Photographingotherpavilions,exhibitsandboothsisbyper­mission only. Exhlbitors and photographers sha 11 not disrupt visitar traffic by clearing pavilions, booths or aisles for pho­tography during the regula! Exhibition hours.

Booth Units, ldentificatlon, Carpeting, Draperie.s An 8 foothighdrapedbackwalland36inchhighdrapedsidewalls are provided for all booths. Aisle carpe! ~111 be placed in all aislesthroughouttheexhlbitDistancefromedgeofl:!oothto edge of aisle carpe! mayvary according to the width of the aisle. Color of aisle carpet and drape will be specified in the ExhibitorServiceManual.8oothcarpetlnglstheresponsibili­ty of the Exhibitor.

Flre, Safety and Health The Exhibitor ¡lgrees to accept fui! responsibility for compliance with local, city and state fire, .safety and health ordinances regarding the installation and operationofequipmentorotherwiserelatingtotheExhibitor orhis/herpavilionorbooth.Furthermore,allexhlbitmaterials a nd equipillentmustbe located within the pavilion or.booth and protected by safety guard_s and devices, where neces­sary, to prevent personal accident or lnjury to spectators or to other exhibitors. Only fireproof materials will be u sed in displays,and the necessaryfire precautionswill be a respon­slbility of the Exliibitor.

Hazards and Firearms Equipmentwithsharp orprotruding edges posing a potentialdangerto attendees and/orexhlbit personnel, at whatever l!:!vel, must ha ve protective covering and/orbeflagged.NoflrearmsofanynatiJremaybebrought into the Conventico Center.

Fumes and Gasolina Motorized vehicles m ay notbe operat­ed within the exhibit halls without priorwrltten approval of Show Management Vehicles with gasollne ~ngiries m ay be displayedonlyifthefollowingconditionsaremet AIIbattery cables must be disconnected and taped to avoid poten tia! sparks. A locking gas cap must be installed, orthe tan k must be adequately sealed by tape. Gas tanks must canta in no more than 1/4 tan k of gas while in the exhlbit hal l.

Pavilion Configur~tlon 810 recognizesa pavilion as a group offourormore 10'x 1 O'booths containing twoor morecom­panies. Pavilions are completely integrated with Individual exhibits in the BIO Exhibition. To allow opportunities for as many exhiblts ano pavilions as posslble, 810 will allow only onepavilionperstate/country/regiontoberepresentedinthe 810Exhibition.Pavillon0rganizersarerequiredtoworkwith· In the contracted space to develop a layout that is both


BID Exhibit Rules and Regulations (continued)

attractive and beneficia! for the ~ompanles participating in the pavilion.AII pavilion designsmustbe in accordancewith

- thé reg-ÜÍatlons pUtforth by BID; the .Fire Marshall ~nd o

Convention Center Authorities. BIO reserves the right to solicitindividualexhibitorsparticipatinglnaPavilionregard­inganyopportunityBIO mayfeel-is in thebestinterestofBIO, theexhibitorortheConventian·.Pavllionspaceislimited;and BIO reserVes the right to restrict or deny any pavilion request(s) In its sale discretion.

Pavilion Benefits Small: 400 - 1,900 square feet (represented by four - nine­teen 1 0' X 1 0' spaces)

Large: 2,000 square feet (represented by twentyor more 1 O' x 1 O' spaces) or greater:'

Benefits thatwill be provided to the Pavilion Organizer are as follows:

• 1 CompllmentaryConvention Access Registration for Small Pavilions; 2 Compllmentary Convention Access Registrations for Large Pavilions

• Four (4) Exhibitor Booth Personnel Passes (per foo sq. ft. of exhiblt space) lncluded with your exhlblt space-pro­.vides access to the show floor. One (1) Exhibitor PartÓering account is included (per 100 sq. ft,)

• Pavillons are permitted to parcha se up to five (5)

additional Exhibitor partnering accounts ata rate of $99/ each. Pricing is subject to review/change in BIO's sale

· discretia·n:-

• Those pavillons utilizlng Exhibitor Partnering must have a mínimum of ene (1) meeting pointwith a maximum of ten (10) meeting points allowed within the Pavilion • 20 BIO Exhlbition passes to give to prospective clients within the Pavilion

·Use of Exhibitor Lounge on the show floor • On-lineexhibitor listi ng forall participating companies with descriptions

• Pavilion nameincluded in Pavilion promotions- in advanceand on-site

• Opportunity to host a BIO Exhibitor Hospltality Reception - Tuesday evenlng,June 20,2017.

• PLEASE NOTE: Only BIO MemberCompanles exhibitlng in a 1 O'x1 O'space will recelve a Complimentary Convention Access Registration.limit up to Four (4).

Pavillon Organizers Pavllion Organizers serve as ttie sale organlzerfortheentirepavilionandareresponsiblefor fulfill-lng the terms ofthe 810 lnternational Convention Pavilion Application and Contract, including all associated exhibit


fees.AII pavilion benefits listed abovewi 11 beaffordeddirectly .. te the Pavilion Organizer.The Pavilion Organizerwill receive all correspondence, including, invoices, forms,exhibitorse( vice kit, newsletters and deadline notificatlons fortheentire pavilion. Pavillon Organizers are responsible for distributing this informationtoeach exhibiting ccimpany represented 111 its pavill,onas appropriate. Exhibitfeesforall space reserved are to be paid directlyto BIO. Pavilion Organizers pay for all exhibit space reserved on the contract. lt is the Pavillon Organizers responsibility to:

·Use the Pavilion ExhibitorTool (PET) to submit compa­ny/ organization names. PETwill be available. by January 2017.

• Followthe lnstructions for the PET exactly(this information will not be accepted in anyotherformat). BIO is not respon­sibleforcompanies not listed Ín promotional materlals due tomisseddeadli¡¡esorimproperly.submittedcompanylists.

• Comply with the C:ancellation policy and final payment deadline of January 17; 2017. Pavilion Qrganizers wish­ing to return space to BIO are financially liable for the exhibit space returned.
