1 3 egyptian geography

Post on 03-Sep-2014

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Transcript of 1 3 egyptian geography

Egyptian Geography

Social Studies for 8th E.G.B. | Teacher: Mauricio Torres

Mesopotamia was not the only place where

civilizations developed. The Nile River helped develop another

civilization: Egypt. This river, the longest in the world, brought

life to the people settled around it. Herodotus, a Greek historian called Egypt “the

gift of the Nile”.


As mentioned before,

The Nile is the longest river in the world. It runs 6000 kms long. It begins in central

Africa and flows north to the Mediterranean Sea.

It created a fertile valley 18 kms wide. Outside this area, there is only desert.

The Nile: Physical Features and Location

Ancient Egypt included

two regions, one to the north and the other one in the south. The southern region

was known as Upper Egypt.

The northern area was known as Lower Egypt.

Ancient Egypt

A delta is a triangle

shaped area of land made of soil deposited by a river.

Two thirds of the fertile land of Egypt is located on the delta.

The Delta

Egypt receives little rain

throughout the year. That is the reason why it is mostly covered by desert.

Rain in the highlands of east Africa caused the Nile to flood: These floods caused the land to

be rich in nutrients and ideal for farming.

This land was dark in color because of silt.

Egyptians awaited the floods each year, because it represented a “life-giving” miracle.

Floods of the Nile


Where were Upper and Lower Egypt? Draw Conclusions:

Why was it important to the Egyptian’s that the Nile´s flooding was consistent?

Ask Yourself

Burstein, S. M., & Shek, R. (2012). World

History (Teacher´s Edition) (1st Edition ed.). (H. McDougal, Ed.) Orlando, Florida, US.: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Images taken from www.google.com
