020 What a Surprise to See You Here

Post on 01-Oct-2015

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Transcript of 020 What a Surprise to See You Here

  • What a surprise to see you here!

    Antonio Cortez ran into his friend Paola Sanchez. She came from England.

    1. Intro warm-up situation

    Hi Paola, long time no see!



  • Hi Antonio, yes, it has been a long time. Its great to see you again after all these years. But why didnt you call me? Ive been in the

    United States a month already.

    What? In your email you wrote that you were arriving on the 7th of November. I


    No, I wrote October seventh.

    Ah, now I see the problem. In the United States the month is written before the day.

    How confusing! Im sorry.

  • Never mind. Its not your fault .There are so many differences between America and


    How's your family these days? And, what about you? And the twins?

    Well, I study Business management at Caribbean University, and my family, my

    brothers and sisters, all of them are fine and my mother and father, you know, they are

    working hard.

    Oh, great! Have you heard from Tony recently?

    Yes, hes still working downtown.

  • Ah ok. Did you hear I have a new job? Now I

    am sales assistant for LPQ Corporation.

    Hey, thats fantastic!

    Im glad I ran into you.

    Im thinking about eating out with you to talk and find out more about your experience in

    England. Will you come with me?

    Absolutely! Ill be pleased with your


  • 2. Answer the questions

    Write the correct answer to the questions:

    Questions Answers

    a. If you had the chance to spend a year in England or the USA, where would you prefer to go? Why?

    b. When did Paola arrive from England?

    c. Who does Paola work for?

    d. Will Paola eat out with Antonio?

    e. Who is Tony?

    Compare the following questions and identify the verb tenses:

    Am I dancing wrong?

    Are you ok?

    Do you study economics?

    Does she play soccer?

    Did you study for the exam?

    Did you eat out?

    Will you come with me?

    Will she dance tonight?

    Have you been to San Andres?

    Has she ever eaten frog legs?

    Can she play guitar?

    Can you run 10 km?

    3. Language structure

  • In English, we often find questions of all types in different tenses, this type of questions are asked with the corresponding auxiliary: do / does / did / have / has / had, etc. Questions can be of different kinds, those that are only yes or no answers are called YES-NO questions, also we can find the WH questions. Look at the following examples of YES-NO questions:

    you study economics?

    she play soccer?

    What do you do?

    Where does she work?

    When did you finish high school?

    What did you study?

    Will you travel to New York?

    Will you win?

    What have you done?

    How have you been?


  • Some question words are: What? / Which? / Where? / When? / Who? / Why? / How? Examples:

    are your favorite books on


    author do you prefer?

    do you use this device that is so

    difficult to manage?

  • did you find the ring I was

    looking for?

    Words to ask with How much? / How many? / What kind? / How often?

    is this bunch of white


    eggs do you need for

    the cake?

    kind of music does your father


  • do you visit your brother

    in the hospital?

    Questions with Am/Are/Is

    I right? / you sure? / Is she


    I teaching? / you


  • Questions with modal verbs

    you drive? / you do me a

    favor? / you work today

    Questions with Will / Would

    you play tennis tomorrow? /

    you work on Sundays?

    Questions with Do / Does / Did

    you live here? / he work in

    this company? / you see that?

  • Questions with Have / Has / Had

    you the cat? / he

    his meal? / you


  • Questions with Be going to

    you cook now?

    Tag questions

    You don't speak French,

    Indirect questions

    you know ?

  • Do / Two/ You/ Who/ Vancouver/ Dont/ So/ Oh/ Euro





    Write the correct answer to complete the sentence. 1. ____ are you doing tonight?

    a) What b) Where

    2. ____ time do you get up?

    a) When b) What

    3. ____ is going with you?

    a) Who b) Whose c) Whom

    4. ____ is the dark-green coat?

    a) Who b) Who's c) Whose

    5. How ____ does it take you get home?

    a) long b) long time


    4. Exercising

  • 6. ____ often do you go to the theater?

    a) When b) How c) What

    7. ____ people were there at the meeting?

    a) How much b) How many

    8. ____ are you going on holiday?

    a) What time b) When

    9. ____ have you been? I've been waiting for ages.

    a) Why b) What c) Where

    10. ____ did it cost?

    a) How b) How much c) How many

    5. Producing

    In this space, you will answer the questions by writing and recording your voice.

    This activity is available at the button Activities / Learning Activity 2 / Evidence: The


  • 6. Test

    In this space, you will present a test.

    This test is available at the button: Activities / Learning Activity 2 / Evidence: Test What a

    surprise to see you here!

  • References

    BBC. (s.f.). Pronunciation tips from bbclearningenglish.com. Consultado el 5 de

    noviembre de 2013, en http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/pronunciation/mp4/vowel_long_2.mp4

    BBC. (s.f.). Pronunciation tips from bbclearningenglish.com. Consultado el 5 de noviembre de 2013, en http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/pronunciation/mp4/vowel_dip_5.mp4

    Document control

    Name Charge Dependence Date

    Author Andrs Rafael Flrez Salas

    Experto temtico Centro de Comercio y

    Servicios. Regional Atlntico

    November 2013


    Andrs Felipe Velandia Espitia

    Guionista - Lnea de produccin

    Centro Agroindustrial. Regional Quindo

    November 2013

    Rachman Bustillo Martnez

    Guionista - Lnea de produccin

    Centro Agroindustrial. Regional Quindo

    November 2013