Franking Privilege. Pork Barrel Franking Privilege Pork Barrel Constituent Service.

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Franking Privilege. Pork Barrel Franking Privilege Pork Barrel Constituent Service.

Franking Privilege

Franking PrivilegePork Barrel

Franking PrivilegePork BarrelConstituent Service

Franking PrivilegePork BarrelConstituent Service Interest Groups

Franking PrivilegePork BarrelConstituent Service Interest GroupsMedia

The Process: Bill Introduction

Any member of Congress can introduce a bill.

Individuals and groups outside of Congress also influence this process.

House – HopperSenate – Presiding OfficerTax legislation

The Process: Bill Introduction Committee Process▪ Up to 90% of bills die here▪ >>>Subcommittee▪ Witnesses▪ Markup▪ >>>Full Committee

The Process: Bill Introduction Committee Process Floor Action▪ Filibuster▪ Cloture▪ “Nuclear Option”

The Process: Bill Introduction Committee Process Floor Action Conference Committee

The Process: Bill Introduction Committee Process Floor Action Conference Committee Presidential Decision

What options does a president have?

Bush – 12 (none in first term)Clinton - 37George H.W. Bush - 44Ronald Reagan – 78Obama - 2

Clinton also utilized the line item veto

Who has the power to filibuster? 

What effect does the filibuster have on the political process? 

Should the filibuster be retained, partially limited, or ended entirely -- and why? 

What are earmarks? 

How important were they financially, symbolically, and in terms of their significance to the political process? 

Who was helped by the GOP vow against earmarking? 

Was the GOP's decision good or bad for the country?

 What was the main reason the Founders proposed two chambers in Congress? 

Is that the same reason as the states had for creating bicameral legislatures? 

Why are states considering ditching the bicameral system? 

Should the same logic be applied to the U.S. Congress?