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1. Focus Group1. Which concept do you like best and why?A) A typical family with a possessed child.B) Student kills a teacherC) Five girl’s and one of the girl’s dies…

1. FOCUS GROUP Abbie Williams-Randle 2. Why would you buy an Indie Rock Magazine? 3. What layout do you like? 4. What would you like to see in the magazine? • Interview…

1. Focus Group 2. Trevor Mitchell • Trevor brought forward the idea of a male protagonist in the horror opening sequence we’ll be making. This is because males are typically…

1. Focus Group 2. Trevor Mitchell • Trevor brought forward the idea of a male protagonist in the horror opening sequence we’ll be making. This is because males are typically…

1. Focus group 2. Focus groupMy focus group consisted of 3 girls in which fit both my age range as well as mytarget audience description. The girls in which I chose also…

1. FOCUS GROUP 2. My group and I have come together to present to you horror film trailers, posters and magazine front covers and ask you a few questions about them. Thank…

1. ÁREA: COMUNICACIÓN IIDOCENTE: MIGUEL ÁNGEL BRAVO DÍAZALUMNA: CHIPILLO VARGAS ESTHER 2. El focus group (grupo focal) es unmétodo o forma de recolectarinformación…

1. FOCUS GROUPInformación general:Mediadores: Florentina Browne, Daniela Hernández, Pilar Oda.Número de participantes: 3: J; C; AFecha: 6/06/13Lugar: Centro Comunitario…

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1. Focus Group 2. Favourite genres of music? 3. How much do you spend a month on music? 4. CD or download? 5. Do you prefer male or female artists? 6. What attracts you the…

1. FocusGroup For MyMagazine 2. This Presentation is... Going to be able to help me gather information andfinal ideas for my magazine that matches my targetaudience 3. Research…

1. FOCUS GROUP 2. Questioner: Hi there, everyone, okay today I’m going to be asking you a series of questions related to both the indie rock genre, popular indie rock magazines,…

1. FOCUS GROUP Abbie Williams-Randle 2. Why would you buy an Indie Rock Magazine? 3. What layout do you like? 4. What would you like to see in the magazine? • Interview•…

1. Focus group 2. What do you like about thefollowing magazines? ( you cantalk about as many as you like) 3.  1. 2.3. 4. These are my ideas about mymusic…

1. ‘Your immediate audience is the person or persons to whom yourcommunication is addressed. Your primary audience is that person’s colleagues or associates, or anyone…

1 Focus Group MethodoloGy: Introduction and history chapter objectIves In this chapter you will learn about: • • • • • • • • An introduction to the focus…

1. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY SECTION - D 1 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY SECTION - D 2 3.  What did you learnor have reinforced? What makes a focus group a focusgroup? Why…

1. Grupos de Discusión (Focus Group) Gabriel Solis A. 5to “B”Diseño Gráfico E. 2. Origen del grupo de discusión La habitual denominación focus Group en el mundo…

1. Grupos de Discusión o Focus GroupFelipe Andrés Vásquez SosaQuinto ADiseño GráficoInvestigaciónUniversidad Israel 2. Concepto Un Focus Group oGrupo de Discusiónesunareunión…

1. By: Chris Donnellan, Miriana Younan and Ninette Esshaghian 2. • What is a focus group? Well this is a way which we can find out about our target audience (that’s you!).…