· Web viewLines 10 and 11 rhyme ‘grieve’ and ‘leave’ = rhyming...

English Hello Grade 12s. This week we start with the Poem ‘Remember’. Study this poem carefully and then answer the questions on the poem at the end. So this is the work for Monday and Tuesday. You will see that there are a number of learning aspects given in this explanation as well. Highlight them so that they can be studied. They will help you answer all poetry questions. On Tuesday you can answer the questions on the poem. You will receive the memo on Friday. Monday and Tuesday 11 -12 May Notes presented by Mrs Barnard. Christina Rossetti was nineteen when she wrote this sonnet, Remember, to a lover. It talks about their love, her death, and how she wishes him to react when she has left this world or “Gone far away into the silent land.” Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; When you can no more hold me by the hand, Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. Remember me when no more day by day You tell me of our future that you planned: Only remember me; you understand It will be late to counsel then or pray. Yet if you should forget me for a while And afterwards remember, do not grieve: For if the darkness and corruption leave A vestige of the thoughts that once I had, Better by far you should forget and smile Than that you should remember and be sad. Let’s start the lesson with the question: If you were dead would you want your loved ones to remember you?

Transcript of  · Web viewLines 10 and 11 rhyme ‘grieve’ and ‘leave’ = rhyming...

Page 1:  · Web viewLines 10 and 11 rhyme ‘grieve’ and ‘leave’ = rhyming couplet. Because this is an Italian sonnet line 9 is called the . volta – the turning

English Hello Grade 12s. This week we start with the Poem ‘Remember’. Study this poem carefully and then answer the questions on the poem at the end. So this is the work for Monday and Tuesday.You will see that there are a number of learning aspects given in this explanation as well. Highlight them so that they can be studied. They will help you answer all poetry questions. On Tuesday you can answer the questions on the poem. You will receive the memo on Friday.

Monday and Tuesday 11 -12 MayNotes presented by Mrs Barnard.Christina Rossetti was nineteen when she wrote this sonnet, Remember, to a lover. It talks about their love, her death, and how she wishes him to react when she has left this world or “Gone far away into the silent land.”

Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; When you can no more hold me by the hand,Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.Remember me when no more day by day You tell me of our future that you planned: Only remember me; you understandIt will be late to counsel then or pray.Yet if you should forget me for a while And afterwards remember, do not grieve: For if the darkness and corruption leave A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,Better by far you should forget and smile Than that you should remember and be sad.

Let’s start the lesson with the question:If you were dead would you want your loved ones to remember you?

I believe that most of us would want to be remembered by our loved ones.

Now for another question:Do you think it is selfish to expect the living to remember the dead if that remembering prevents the living to move on with their lives and be happy again?

Well, I believe it would be selfish of me to expect the living to stay sad and not get on with their lives. I would want to be remembered without making those who loved me sad every time they thought of me.

Another question:Is it normal for the living to stop remembering every detail of those who died as time

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passes, until the memory of that person becomes a fond thought or reminder of the dead person? Yes, I do believe that above is the natural process of life. We are not meant to be in permanent mourning. Death, even if it is a scary thought, is part of the natural cycle of life.

Question:Do you think that part of man’s fear concerning death is the unknown aspect of it?

Yes, I think that although death is inevitably part of life, coming to grips with the unknown that surrounds death is an issue that the poet, and I am sure all humans, have to face.

Remember ultimately deals with the struggle between physical existence and the afterlife. Rossetti grapples with the idea of a physical body, which is subject to decay and death, and how it relates to an eternal soul. She reminds her beloved of all the physical aspects of life that cannot happen in death: holding hands; turning to go away and then staying; advising and praying; planning the future; having time; remembering and forgetting.It is this uncertainty about death that make the poet avoid using the words ‘death’ and ‘die’. Instead she uses euphemism ‘gone away’ and metaphor ‘silent land’.

The poet is not scared of death and dying; it is the unknown quantity of death that she fears.

Now we will get to the poem. Read it carefully and think of the above questions and ask yourself what is the opinion of the poet.

Structure: How many lines – 14 lines A Petrarchan / Italian sonnet Lines 1-8 = octave The octave consists of two quatrains Lines 9 – 14 = sestet The sestet consists of two tercets Rhyme scheme: ABBA / ABBA /CDD / ECE (please read the poem and do

the rhyme scheme) Lines 10 and 11 rhyme ‘grieve’ and ‘leave’ = rhyming couplet Because this is an Italian sonnet line 9 is called the volta – the turning point

in the argument. Lines 1 to 8 in a nutshell: a commanding tone that starts with the imperative,

Remember me when I am dead / you do not dare forget me. Lines 9 to 14 in a nutshell: in line 9 (the volta) the tone and attitude changes.

If you should forget me I don’t want you to feel bad; it is better to forget me than to remember and be sad. So now the tone changes from commanding to comforting and reconciliatory.


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Enjambment in lines: 5 and 6 / 7 and 8 / 9 and 10 / 11 and 12 / 13 and 14. Caesura in line 7.( Refer to Funeral Blues for an explanation of this concept.) Colon at the end of lines 6 and 10.

THE METER OF THE POEMMeter is the rhythm in a line of poetry; it gives the poem its rhythmical and melodious sound. Remember sound and rhythm add to the meaning of a poem.Meter   is measured in stressed and unstressed syllables within the lines of a   poem . Stressed syllables tend to be longer, and unstressed shorter. One of the meters in poetry is called Iambic Pentameter. All poems do not use iambic pentameter; there are other forms of meter as well. As Remember uses mainly iambic pentameter we will have a quick look at it.An explanation of Iambic Pentameter

Ten syllables in the lines of the poem; Five stressed and five unstressed syllables that occur in a pattern of

five (penta) unstressed stressed iambs (metrical feet); The line of poetry will have five iambs and we call it iambic pentameter. When we determine the pattern of the meter we call it scanning;


LET US SCAN LINES 3 AND 4 OF THE POEM3. When you can no more hold me by the hand - / - / - / - / - / (Five iambs)4. Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. - / - / - / - / - / ( five unstressed stressed syllables)

QuestionIs the poet allowed to break the pattern of iambic pentameter? Of course, as the poet is in charge of what happens in the poem.Our poet wants to start the poem by emphasizing the first syllable of line 1 and 2. To do this lines 1 and 2 start with a stressed syllable each. Let’s scan these lines:

1. Remember me when I am gone away/ - - / - / - / - / (note the inversion of the first iamb.)

2. Gone far away into the silent land / - - / - / - / - /

This inversion makes remember and gone central to the meaning of the poem.Scan lines 7 and 13 and you will find the same inversion only and better / - / -LINE BY LINE ANALYSISLines 1 to 8 is the octave – an urgent tone to the lover to remember her when she is dead. An instruction is given – do not forget me 1. Remember me when I am gone away,

1.1 The sonnet starts with an instructions (imperative) – do not forget me when I am dead.

1.2 ‘Gone away’ is a euphemism for death.

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Euphemism - A mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.

2. Gone far away into the silent land 1.3 Read lines 2 and 3 as one idea – enjambment 1.4 The repetition of ‘gone’ emphasizes that she will never return. 1.5 A metaphor for death ‘silent land’. ‘Silent’ implies: no communication once you are dead. 3. When you can no more hold me by the hand, 1.6 Although the instruction is not repeated she means: (Remember me) when you can no more hold … 1.7 Alliteration- hold / hand / half. The soft breathy h’s make the tone seem less sharp and demanding and more desperate. She is reminding him that in death there is no physical contact.4. Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. 1.8 Often in life we do exactly that when we do not really want to leave the one whom we love. 1.9 In life it is easy to remember somebody who has left our space but will return again. 5. Remember me when no more day by day6. You tell me of our future that you planned: 1.10 Read lines 5 and 6 as one idea – remember me when you cannot tell me every day about our planned future together. 1.11 Note the repetition of ‘remember,’ although this time round it is less urgent; Remember. - / - 1.13 In ‘no more day by day’ is a roundabout way of saying when she is dead without talking about death. 1.12 She makes another point about death – there is no time or future in death. 7. Only remember me; you understand1.13 Line 6 ends on a colon. What follows the colon, is a reminder that all that will be left is memory of her. 1.14 The caesura is the pause in the line of poetry. 1.15 ‘you understand’ continues into line 8 (enjambment). 8. It will be late to counsel then or pray.1.16 Another reminder of what death does not allow – no time for advice or prayer.

Lines 9 to 14 is the sestet.With the volta (line 9) we now have a change of tone and argument. 9. Yet if you should forget me for a while1.17 ‘yet’ / however, if you do perhaps forget about me for a short period of time. With these words the poet is making a concession; reconciling. Do you understand the change of argument and tone?10.And afterwards remember, do not grieve:1.18 Read lines 9 and 10 as one idea. She allows for the lover to a have a lapse of remembering her if it is followed by his remembering her again.1.19 She does not want him to be sad at his forgetting to remember her– note

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she uses the word ’grieve’ – he has already gone through a period grieving upon her death and now she does not want him to be so sad again.1.20 After the colon she is going to explain why he should not grieve11.For if the darkness and corruption leave1.21 Once again death is not mentioned. Darkness and corruption represent the unpleasant aspects of death. So I would call it a euphemism and a metaphor. Corruption = the decay of the body Darkness = death is a state of darkness bit the beloved will also be in emotional darkness because of his loss.12.A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,1.22 vestige - a trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.

1.23 So if after death he can remember her this is how she will live on in his memory: a small remnant / trace of her thoughts will remain with him.

13.Better by far you should forget and smile14.Than that you should remember and be sad1.24 Alliteration - ‘better’ ‘ by’ and ‘ far’ ‘ forget’ The repetition of the ‘b’ and ‘f’ sound creates a symmetry to the sound that is soothing to the ear as she consoles her beloved.1.25 In these line she comes to the resolution of her problem: it is better that he should forget her and smile (be happy) rather than think of her and be sad.1.26 Do you agree that in coming to this conclusion she is proving how much she really loves him; she wants to keep him from suffering emotionally after she has gone..

TuesdayYou have studied the poem, now answer these questions from a past paper.2.1 Refer to lines 1–2: 'gone away,/Gone far away'.How do these words set the initial mood of the poem? (2)

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2.2Explain what the use of the phrase, 'the silent land'(line 2) conveys about the speaker's state of mind. (2)2.3Refer to line 4: 'Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. 'Discuss the significance of this description in the context of the poem. (3)2.4 The speaker of this poem is self-centred. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your response by referring to imagery and/or diction. (3) [10]

Wednesday and Thursday 13 May and 14 May.Today you will have a language lesson. These lessons are very important. Keep them safe. You will need to study from them in future. Mrs Barnard is the writer.Grade 11 and 12 visual literacy: advertising

Acknowledgement: I consulted the following article on Google. I suggest that you also read it.Author: Orana VelardeArticle: 20 + commonly used advertising techniques in visual marketing. To sell a product / brand it has to be advertised in a manner that will speak to the target audience. The well-known concept of A - attentionI - interestD - desireA - action applies when advertising

The product/brand is competing in the marketplace with multiple products and it could depend on the advertisement campaign whether it will outsell its counterparts on the market.

What is the advertisement advertising? It could be the actual product or an idea linked to the product or a lifestyle linked to the product.

Logos and slogans:Some brands become household names and then the logo and slogan of the product on the advertisement will sell the product.

Advertising techniques include: Use of colour Use of language Body language – the way the people in advertisements stand, sit etc. is important as

their body language communicate information about the product to the viewer. The gaze of the person – it could be a close-up with the person gazing directly at the

reader. Symbolism- for instance what do flowers symbolize in an advertisement for mother’s


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Association – with what does the reader associate the image and text of the advertisement? Take an example from our present COVID-19 experience – with what would the viewer associate a mask in an advertisement for a shopping mall?

Focal point – where will the viewer’s focus fall when looking at the advertisement. Visual path – how will the viewer’s eye travel when reading the advertisement? Typography – choice and size of font; the ratio between the text and the image. Taking the viewer behind the scenes – showing the viewer how it works could create

a better relationship of understanding with potential consumers. Anthropomorphism – giving animals in the advertisement human characteristics. Storytelling Social / scientific proof Celebrity endorsement

Let us study examples of advertisements:Advertisement 1

1.1 Identify the product that this advertisement is advertising.CLUE: is it a product or a service?

1.2 According to you, how does the advertiser use typography in a clever way to get the interest of the viewer.

1.3 Critically evaluate whether the logo is effective within the context of the advertisement.Advice: in your answer you should determine whether there are words and ideas that link with the logo.

1.4 Explain whether the message of the advertisement would benefit if the advertisement were in colour.

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Advertisement 2


Intelligent light system Mercedez Benz60% more visibility The best or nothing

Explanatory note on this advertisement: the manufacturers claim that the light system is as good as x-ray vision.

2.1 Identify the product that this advertisement is advertising.

2.2 Explain what the vocal point is in this advertisement.

2.3 Discuss the ethos of the company taking the slogan into consideration.

2.4 Critically evaluate whether, according to you, this is a successful advertisement.

Advertisement 3

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3.1 Write down the name of the company. Explain how you know this name although it is not in the advertisement. 3.2 What does the company call the logo?

3.3 The company is using a well-known tennis player to advertise the product. Can you identify the tennis player?

3.4 Why did they decide to use a childhood image of the player for this advertisement?

3.5 Discuss whether, according to you, the text and the image embody the company slogan.Tip: discuss all aspects about the text and the image in your answer. I would refer to body language in my answer.3.6 From the list of advertising techniques write down the technique used in this advertisement.

Advertisement 4

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4.1 In the advertisement the hamburger is split into two images that do not match up.

4.1.1 Why is the hamburger to your left smaller?

4.1.2 Why is the hamburger to your right juicier and bigger?

4.2 From the list of advertising techniques write down the technique used for this advertisement.

4.3 According to you could a franchise that is not an international brand like McDonald’s afford to be this honest with the consumer?

4.4 According to you could this advertisement damage McDonald’s reputation with the consumer? Tip: in your answer you could agree or disagree, or even agree and disagree.


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 5.1 What is the name of the company?

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5.2 What does the company slogan promise the consumer?

5.3 Who is the target market?

5.3 According to you is this an effective advertisement to advertise the company for Valentine’s Day?



6.1.1 Who is funding this advertisement?6.1.2 What do you think the company wants to achieve with this advertisement?

6.2.1 What emotion would the advertiser want the viewer to ascribe to the chimpanzee.

6.2.2 What advertising technique does the advertiser use when ascribing a human quality to an animal?

6.1.3 Explain why the advertiser uses this technique in this particular advertisement? In your answer you should consider the image, text and as well as the advertising company.

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Page 14:  · Web viewLines 10 and 11 rhyme ‘grieve’ and ‘leave’ = rhyming couplet. Because this is an Italian sonnet line 9 is called the . volta – the turning