Responsive Web Design for DotNetNuke

RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN FOR DOTNETNUKE Amelia Marschall-Miller Gravity Works Design + Development


As mobile device usage continues to expand, the variety of screen sizes, resolutions, and capabilities of mobile phones and tablets is becoming more and more diverse. It's possible, and important, to ensure your site provides an optimal experience for whatever device your audience is using. Responsive web design allows your site to seamlessly adjust and fit the screen its viewed on, and can easily be implemented in DotNetNuke. Learn how to design and plan your responsive site, develop your skin with a fluid grid, integrate modules into your responsive site, and test to ensure your site looks great on tons of devices!

Transcript of Responsive Web Design for DotNetNuke

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Amelia Marschall-Miller Gravity Works Design + Development

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What? Why? How? l  What is responsive web design?

l  How to create a responsive layout

l  How to ensure all site elements work in that layout

l  Setting breakpoint changes with Media Queries

l  Responsive menu options

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What is Responsive Web Design? l  A fluid layout and flexible images adapted with

media queries

l  Ultimate Goal: A single site, optimized for every screen size

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Responsive vs. Adaptive l  A fluid grid layout

l  Additional changes applied with Media Queries

l  Multiple fixed width layouts

l  Changes layout at set breakpoints (with Media Queries)

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Basic Components 1.  A flexible, grid-based layout 2.  Flexible images and media

3.  Media queries for specific adjustments

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Hybrid Approaches l  Fluid on smaller screens + fixed maximum size

l  One column flexible + one column fixed

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Let’s Get Started!

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Set a Fluid Grid l  Fluid wrapper:

–  #page { ! width: 90%; ! max-width: 960px;! margin: 15px auto; }!

-or- –  #page { width: 960px; max-width: 90%; margin: 15px auto; }!

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Set a Fluid Grid l  Float columns:

–  #LeftColumn { float: left; width: 70%; }!

–  #RightColumn { float: right; width: 30%; }!

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Set Fixed Margins (psst! It’s Ok!) l  Use Box Sizing

l  Standard box model: –  box-sizing: content-box !–  Padding & border added on to width/height

l  New box model: –  box-sizing: border-box !–  Padding & border subtracted from width/height

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Set Fixed Margins (actually, Padding) l  #LeftColumn { padding: 10px 20px;! -moz-box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; ! box-sizing:border-box; }!

l  #RightColumn { padding: 10px;! -moz-box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; ! box-sizing:border-box; border: 1px solid #627A7E; }!

l  IE Polyfill: (Natively supported in IE8+)

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Nested Columns l  Widths set with percentage are relative

l  target / context = result

l  #dnn_ContentLeft {   float: left; width: 60%; padding-right: 40px; box-sizing: border-box; }!

l  #dnn_ContentRight {    float: left; width: 40%; box-sizing: border-box; }!

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Make Changes with Media Queries l  Media queries serve different CSS based on your

browser size or type

l  Include directly in your skin CSS file, at the end

l  Define regular (desktop site) styles, then: –  @media (max-width: 900px) { }!–  @media (max-width: 720px) { }!–  @media (max-width: 480px) { }!–  @media (max-width: 320px) { }!

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Make Changes with Media Queries l  Or, go “mobile first”:

–  @media (min-width: 480px) { }!–  @media (min-width: 720px) { }!–  Etc…

l  We primarily use desktop first. Why?

l  Bottom line: Choose direction and set breakpoints wherever it makes sense

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Example Site Queries l  @media (max-width: 900px) {

!#dnn_ContentLeft, #dnn_ContentRight {! width:100%;! !

padding:0; } }!

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@media (max-width: 900px)!

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Example Site Queries l  @media (max-width: 730px) { #LeftColumn, #RightColumn { ! !

! width: 100%; ! ! !} #dnn_FooterLeft, #dnn_FooterMiddle,

!#dnn_FooterRight { ! ! width: 100%;! ! margin: 0 0 20px 0; } }!

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Example Site Queries l  @media (max-width: 650px) { #primary .show-mobile { ! !

! display: block; ! ! padding: 20px 20px 20px 64px; !

! background: url(images/mobile- ! ! menu.png) no-repeat #8CC8D8;!!}


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Example Site Queries l  @media (max-width: 470px) {

!#page { ! ! width:96%; ! ! margin:5px auto;!} !

!#branding hgroup { ! width: 100%;! } ! ! #primary {! ! margin: 0 0 10px 0; ! ! width:100%;!} #primary .show-mobile { ! ! width:100%;!} }!

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Media Queries & IE l  @media { } only works in IE 9 +.

l  Javascript polyfill for IE 8 and below – –  Adds support for media queries set with min-width/max-width

l  For wider media query support: –!

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Hide Content l  display:none!

–  Hide unnecessary content for mobile –  Add mobile only Panes with display:none in the

regular CSS –  Note: hides content but does not improve


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Set (or don’t set) Media Sizes l  Ensure media always stays within column widths:

–  img, object, embed, iframe, video { max-width:100%; }!

l  Do NOT set inline height and width of images or media when adding in DNN

l  For video, unless actually using the <video> element: –


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Set Font Sizes l  Set font sizes in ems:

–  body { font-size: 100%; } /*16px*/ –  h1 { font-size: 1.5 em } /*24 / 16px = 1.5*/ –  Change body size in @media to adjust all site fonts

l  For scalable headlines that fit the width of its surrounding element: –  Fittext.js


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Responsive Menu Options l  Use unordered list menu layouts: <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/”>Home</a></li> <li><a href="/About.aspx">About</a></li> <li><a href="/Speaking.aspx">Speaking</a></li> <li><a href="/Contact.aspx">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav>!

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1. Flow the menu onto two lines

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1. Flow the menu onto two lines l  What a horizontal unordered list will naturally do

l  Can hide submenu dropdowns (If accessible elsewhere) –  nav ul li ul { display:none; }!

l  Use media queries to reduce font sizes before breaking to two lines

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1. Flow the menu onto two lines l  Tutorial:


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1. Flow the menu onto two lines l  When to use it?

–  Submenus don’t need to be accessed –  Items will fit on two lines –  Items not expected to change often –  A solution without Javascript is desired –  Minimal effort desired

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2. Switch a horizontal menu to vertical

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2. Switch a horizontal menu to vertical l  Regular CSS:

–  nav ul li { float:left; }!l  Mobile-size CSS: !

–  @media (max-width: 480px) { nav ul li { float:none; width:100%; }!


l  Can hide submenu dropdowns (If accessible elsewhere) –  nav ul li ul { display:none; }!

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2. Switch a horizontal menu to vertical l  Tutorial to include dropdown submenus: http://ejhansel.


l  Based on Suckerfish dropdowns

l  Uses :hover to expand submenus. (Works on mobile, but some potential issues)

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2. Switch a horizontal menu to vertical l  When to use it?

–  More menu items –  Longer page names –  A solution without Javascript is desired –  Can choose whether to include access to submenus –  Minimal effort desired

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3. Switch to an expandable menu button

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3. Switch to an expandable menu button l  Similar to switching a horizontal menu

to vertical, with the addition of hiding the menu until clicked/touched

l  The markup:

<nav>! ! ! <a href="#" class=” show-mobile">Main Menu</a> ! <ul><li>…</li></ul> !</nav>!

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3. Switch to an expandable menu button l  Regular CSS:

.show-mobile { display: none; }!

l  CSS to show the button and hide the menu for mobile: @media (max-width: 768px) { ! ! nav .show-mobile { display: block; } nav ul { ! display: none; } }!

l  jQuery for the menu toggle:

<script> ! !jQuery(".show-mobile").click(function () { jQuery("nav ul").toggle("fast"); !}); <script> !

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3. Switch to an expandable menu button l  An in-depth, mobile-first menu tutorial:


–  Uses a mobile menu button toggle, and includes submenus expanding on click/touch

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3. Switch to an expandable menu button l  When to use it?

–  Want mobile menu to fit in a small area –  Want a highly stylable, flexible option –  More menu items –  Longer page names –  Can choose whether to include access to submenus –  Ok with requiring Javascript –  Ok with an “extra click” before selecting

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4. Switch to a dropdown (select) menu

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4. Switch to a dropdown (select) menu l  Uses efficient native mobile controls

l  Use jQuery to dynamically swap: <nav> <ul> <li><a href=“#”>…</a></li> </ul> </nav> -to- <nav> <select> <option value=“#”>…</option> </select> </nav>!



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4. Switch to a dropdown (select) menu Similar options that switch <ul> to <select>:

l  TinyNav.js: –  Uses jQuery, small file size –

l  Responsive Menu: –  Uses jQuery, supports submenus, lots of settings –

l  SelectNav.js: –  Inspired by TinyNav, Independent (no jQuery),

supports submenus –

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4. Switch to a dropdown (select) menu l  When to use it?

–  Want mobile menu to fit in a small area –  Want native controls for the mobile menu –  More menu items –  Longer page names –  Want submenus included –  Ok with requiring Javascript –  Ok with an “extra click” before selecting

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Remember the Viewport l  Ensure mobile browser will scale to view your site


l  Include directly in all skin ascx files: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width”>!

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Working with Modules l  Choose modules with easy to edit templates

l  Avoid modules that use table layouts –  Form Modules Issues:

-  Set labels on top -  Avoid too many columns -  Most customizable options: Xmod, Form & List

l  Responsive Rotators: –  TouchFlexi Slider: –  Responsive Content Rotator: –  EasyDNN Rotator:

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Resources l  Responsive Web Design (A Book Apart 4)

Ethan Marcotte





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Amelia Marschall-Miller Gravity Works Design + Development Partner & Creative Director

