Download - Zvyšování kvality výuky technickýchoborů · J.R.R. Tolkien–writer Richard Burton-actor David Livingstone–explorer Marie Stopes -botanic TASK 1 –Match the names on the

  • Zvyšováníkvalityvýuky

    technických oborů

    Klíčová aktivita II.2

    Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky směřující k rozvoji

    odborných kompetencí žáků středních škol

    Téma II.2.2

    English and American Life and Institutions

    Kapitola 29


    (Outstanding Personalities)

    Ing. Martin Fišer


  • ObsahÚVOD - ANOTACE ..................................................................................................................................... 1


    2 POUŽITÁ LITERATURA A ZDROJE ...................................................................................................... 7

  • 1

    Úvod - anotace

    Výukový materiál je primárně určen pro žáky 3. a 4. ročníků čtyřletých oborů zakončených maturitní zkouškou (39-41-L/01 Autotronik, 33-42-M/01 Nábytkářská a dřevařská výroba, 23-45-M/01 Dopravní prostředky, 36-45-M/01 Technická zařízení budov, 39-41-L/002 Mechanik instalatérských a elektrotechnických zařízení budov) a 2. ročníků nástavbového studia (23-43-L/51 Provozní technika, 64-41-L/51 Podnikání). Materiál lze rovněžv nezměněné podobě využít při výuce nadanějších žáků v nižších ročnících uvedených oborů –indidualizaci výuky. V 1. a 2. ročnících čtyřletých oborů zakončených maturitní zkouškou a ve všech ročnících oborů zakončených maturitní zkouškou lze využít ty části výukového materiálu zaměřené na rozšíření a procvičení slovní zásoby.

    V rámci seznámení se s problematikou reálií a života v anglicky mluvících zemí je výukový materiál vhodné použít jako podpůrný a doplňkový studijní materiál v předmětu Anglický jazyk. Jednotlivá témata korespondují s tématickými plány vypracovanými v souladu s ŠVP pro dané obory a vycházejí z požadavků RVP. Jazyková úroveň výukového materiálu je v souladu s požadavky úrovně Intermadiate - B1 (středně pokročilý) Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky. Témata výukového materiálu korespondují s obsahovou náplní a zaměřením běžně používaných učebnic pro výuku anglického jazyka na středních školách.

    Výukový materiál je koncipován jako ucelený soubor a lze je tudíž ve výuce i při následném samostudiu používat odděleně. Před použitím výukového materiálu se doporučuje vytisknout jej tak, aby každý žák měl svůj vlastní, jelikož je možno do něj přímo zapisovat a plnit předepsané úkoly.

    Kapitola zahrnuje souvislý text, jenž je souhrnným představením daného tématu. Následují cvičení zaměřená na kontrolu porozumění textu nebo na další prohloubení, či rozšíření znalostí, jazykových dovedností nebo slovní zásoby.

    Vypracoval – Ing. Martin Fišer

  • 2

    1 GreatBritain– OutstandingPersonalities

    It is very difficult and maybe it is impossible to choose some important British personalities who almost everybody knows. It is not because there are not many candidates but it is exactly vice versa – there are too many of them. There is no field of human activity where the British reached the world reputation. It is partly due to the fact that the British empire was for a long time the most powerful and influential country in the world. The long history of this nation also contributed to the fact that in almost each sphere of life can be traced the significant representant “born in Great Britain”.

    In November 2002, the British public voted to find the Greatest Briton of all time. Over a million people voted.1 Here are the results of this survey with the short description of why or what are they famous for. (The number before the name refers to the position each person took in the chart. Some names are skipped because they are known especially in Great Britain)

    1. Sir Winston Churchill - was a politician, a soldier, an artist, and the 20th century's most famous and celebrated Prime Minister.

    2. Isambard Kingdom Brunel - was an extraordinary Victorian engineer. He designed and built amongst other structures bridges, ships, railways andviaducts

    3. Diana, Princess of Wales - From the time of her marriage to the Prince of Wales in 1981 until her death in a car accident in Paris in 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales was one of the world's most high-profile, most photographed, and most iconic celebrities.

    4. Charles Darwin - was a British naturalist of the nineteenth century. He and others developed the theory of evolution. This theory forms the basis for the modern life sciences. Darwin's most famous books are 'The Origin of Species' and 'The Descent of Man'.

    5 . William Shakespeare - was a playwright and poet whose body of works is considered the greatest in English literature. He wrote dozens of plays which continue to dominate world theater 400 years later.

    6. Sir Isaac Newton - was a mathematician and scientist who invented differential calculus and formulated the theory of universal gravitation, a theory about the nature of light, and three laws of motion.

    7. Queen Elizabeth IThe daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth 1 reigned England from 1558–1603. Her reign was marked by several plots to overthrow her, the execution of Mary Queen of Scots (1587), the defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588), and domestic prosperity and literary achievement.

    8. John Lennon - was a musician and composer who was a member of the Beatles, the biggest rock band of the 1960s.

    1 Shakespeare

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    9. Horatio Nelson - is the greatest hero in British naval history, an honour he earned by defeating Napoleon's fleet in the 1805 Battle of Trafalgar.

    12. Captain James Cook - was an explorer of the eighteenth century, known for his voyages to the Pacific Ocean. Cook visited New Zealand, established the first European colony in Australia, and was the first European to visit Hawaii. He also approached Antarctica and explored much of the western coast of North America.

    14. King Alfred the Great – was King of the West Saxons (871–899), scholar, and lawmaker who repelled the Danes and helped consolidate England into a unified kingdom.

    15. Margaret Thatcher - was the United Kingdom's first woman prime minister, and she held the office of PM for longer than anyone in the 20th century.

    18. Queen Victoria - Victoria's nearly 64-year reign was the longest in British history.

    19. Sir Paul McCartney - is a singer, songwriter and guitarist for The Beatles, the biggest rock band of the 1960s.

    20. Sir Alexander Fleming – was British bacteriologist who discovered penicillin in 1928, for which he shared a Nobel Prize in 1945.

    21. Michael Faraday – was British physicist and chemist who discovered electromagnetic induction (1831) and proposed the field theory later developed by Maxwell and Einstein.

    22. Queen Elizabeth II - Her Majesty is the Queen regnant and Head of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and fifteen other Commonwealth countries.

    23. Professor Stephen Hawking – is British theoretical physicist noted for his research into the origin of the universe. His work influenced the development of the big bang and black hole theories.

    29. David Bowie - is a British rock and roll musician, actor, and artist who has had a profound influence on rock and roll from the 1960s to the present.

    30. Guy Fawkes – was English conspirator who was executed for his role in a plot to blow up King James I and the Houses of Parliament

    33. David Beckham - is a leading English footballer and a former star of the legendary team Manchester United.

    35. Boudicca – was Queen of ancient Britain who led a temporarily successful revolt against the Roman army that had claimed her deceased husband's kingdom.

    36. Sir Steve Redgrave - A British rower who won a gold medal at five consecutive Olympic Games from 1984 to 2000, as well as an additional bronze medal in 1988. As the only Briton ever to achieve this feat, he is widely considered to be Britain's greatest Olympian.

    37. Sir Thomas More – was English politician, humanist scholar, and writer who refused to comply with the Act of Supremacy, by which English subjects were enjoined to recognize Henry VIII's authority over the pope, and was imprisoned in the Tower of London and beheaded for treason.

    38. William Blake – was British poet and artist whose paintings and poetic works, such as Songs of Innocence (1789) and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (c. 1790), have a mystical, visionary quality.

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    39. John Harrison – was an English clock designer, who developed and built the world's first successful maritime clock, one whose accuracy was great enough to allow the determination of longitude over long distances.

    40. King Henry VIII - is one of the most famous and controversial kings of England. His divorce from Catherine of Aragon, his first wife, compelled him to break from the Catholic Church by the Act of Supremacy (1534).

    41. Charles Dickens – writer who wrote some of the most popular and widely read novels of the 19th century. (Oliver Twist).

    42. Sir Frank Whittle - English aeronautical engineer. He was one of the first men to associate the gas turbine with jet propulsion.

    43. John Peel - was a disc jockey on BBC's Radio 1 whose 37 years of broadcasting out-of-the-mainstream acts helped popularise reggae, punk and hip-hop in Britain.

    48. Sir William Wallace - Scottish patriot who led resistance against the English and briefly gained control of Scotland in 1298.

    49. Sir Francis Drake - English naval hero and explorer who was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the world (1577–1580) and was vice admiral of the fleet that destroyed the Spanish Armada (1588).

    51. King Arthur - A legendary British hero, said to have been king of the Britons in the sixth century A.D. and to have held court at Camelot.

    52. Florence Nightingale - British nurse who organized (1854) and directed a unit of field nurses during the Crimean War and is considered the founder of modern nursing.

    53. T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) - Welsh-born British soldier, adventurer, and writer who led the Arab revolt against the Turks (1916–1918).

    54. Sir Robert Falcon Scott - British explorer who reached the South Pole (January 1912) only to find that Roald Amundsen had discovered the spot one month before.

    56. Sir Cliff Richard - one of the UK's most popular singers of all time

    57. Sir Alexander Graham Bell - Scottish-born American inventor of the telephone.

    58. Freddie Mercury - born in Zanzibar - famous and popular singer and the member of the group The Queen

    59. Queen Elizabeth - the Queen Mother

    60. George Harrison - singer and one of the members of the group Beatles

    Other famous people:

    Sir David Attenborough - broadcaster George Stephenson - inventor

    Sir Charlie Chaplin – actor Tony Blair - politician

    Jane Austen – writer King Robert the Bruce

    Bob Geldof – singer, activist Robbie Williams - singer

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    Geoffrey Chaucer - medieval writer King Richard III

    J.K. Rowling – writer James Watt - inventor

    Sir Richard Branson – business magnate Bono (Born in Ireland) – singer

    J.R.R. Tolkien – writer Richard Burton - actor

    David Livingstone – explorer Marie Stopes - botanic

    TASK 1 – Match the names on the left with the professions on the right

    1. Bono A. writer

    2. Robert Bruce B. politician

    3. Geoffrey Chaucer C. sportsman

    4. Steve Redgrave D. musician

    5. Tony Blair E. Scottish patriot

    6. Boudicca F. scientist

    7. Horatio Nelson G. inventor

    8. Charles Darvin H. explorer

    9. Jane Austen I. writer

    10. Cliff Richard J. politician and writer

    11. Francis Drake K. conspirator

    12. Thomas Moore L. physicist

    13. George Stephenson M. naturalist

    14. Guy Fawkes N. queen

    15. Stephen Hawking O. singer

    TASK 2 – write the names below the pictures (if impossible by heart - choose names from the box below) - pictures taken from

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    William Shakespeare Graham Bell Bono Winston Churchill

    J.R.R. Tolkien J.K. Rowling Robert Scott Charles Dickens

    Freddie Mercury Charles Chaplin Alexander Fleming Horatio Nelson

    George Harrison Stephen Hawking John Lennon Elizabeth II

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    2 Použitáliteraturaazdroje

    Great Britain. [citace 15.11.2012]. Dostupné z

    Lonely Planet, British Language & Culture, Lonely Planet Language & Culture, 2nd edition, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-1864502862

    Sharman, E. ACROSS CULTURES. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2008. ISBN-13:978-0-582-81797-5

    Úvod - anotaceGreat Britain – Outstanding PersonalitiesPoužitá literatura a zdroje