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These are the moments we work for.


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Zeiss at a Glance

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The Zeiss Group is an international leader in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has representatives in more than 40 countries and is headquartered in Oberkochen in southwest Germany. Carl Zeiss AG is fully owned by the Carl Zeiss stiftung (Carl Zeiss Foundation).

The Group's products and services set standards. Zeiss has stood for innovative ideas, precision and quality for more than 160 years.

IndustriesOptical and optoelectronic industries

Business Groups and Strategic Business Unitssemiconductor Manufacturing Technology; industrial Metrology; Microscopy; Medical Technology; Vision Care; Camera Lenses, sports Optics, Planetariums

Revenue4.19 billion euros

Earnings (EBIT)335 million euros

EmployeesMore than 24,000 worldwide, including over 10,000 in Germany

Expenditure on research and development411 million euros; 10 percent of revenue

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Executive BoardDr. Michael Kaschke (CeO) Dr. Hermann Gerlinger Dr. Ludwin Monz Thomas spitzenpfeil (CFO)

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The moment tomorrow arrives today.

semiconductor Manufacturing Technology

The field of microelectronics has made major advances and undergone rapid development in recent years. The greatest challenges are now found in the ongoing evolution of semiconductor technology – laying the foundation for the next major leaps in technology. ZEISS is an innovative pioneer in this field.

smartphones, game consoles, laptops, high-capacity servers for the internet: microchips are the heart of these electronic devices. Lithography systems from Zeiss play a key role in the production of such memory types and processors. They enable the manufacture of increasingly compact, powerful and affordable microchips. similar to exposing camera film, these optics project the fine chip structures onto a silicon wafer, the raw material of the chips. Zeiss also develops infrastructure devices for the manufacture of semiconductors and for quality inspection in chip fabrication.

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The moment you trust the quality of the results even before you start measuring.

industrial Metrology

Precision demands high standards. Producing large volumes of intricate parts is a challenging process that requires clear results as quickly as possible. At key moments, there can be no doubts. Industrial measuring technology from ZEISS ensures maximum quality every time.

Be it a car, wind turbine or even an electric toothbrush, wherever technically perfected products are manufactured, the engineers from development to production rely on measuring solutions from Zeiss. They help make cars better, plastic parts more robust and airplanes safer. They measure large ship engines and medical implants as well as the minute micro-parts in a watch. Zeiss industrial measuring systems and software solutions ensure maximum standards of quality wherever high precision is a must.

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The moment your data change scientific minds.


The greatest scientific advances have been enabled by the recognition of minute structures and processes. From the unraveling of processes in living cells to the discovery of the structures of new materials. ZEISS has been a driving force in microscopy for more than 160 years.

Microscopes from Zeiss provide researchers with new insights into the secrets of life and help in the development of new materials and manufacturing techniques. Zeiss microscopes can be used in many different fields: biology, medicine, physics and chemistry, and in many sectors of industry. More than 30 Nobel laureates have made groundbreaking achievements with Zeiss microscopes. From the discovery of the bacilli that cause tuberculosis to research into neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s: light, X-ray, electron and ion-beam microscopes from Zeiss have played a key role every time.

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The moment medical technology leads to something very human: patients smile again.

Medical Technology

It is only when they are sick that people realize just how vulnerable they really are. Fortunately, highly effective state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapy methods are available to heal our ills. ZEISS supports doctors in their daily work and also strives to provide them with the latest medical technology in the future.

Good health is an important requirement for enjoying life and performing success fully at work. Therefore, patients and doctors are now expecting more and more from diagnostic and treatment outcomes. Medical systems from Zeiss allow doctors to further improve diagnosis and treatment: with innovative solutions for ophthalmology, ophthalmic surgery and visualization systems – in particular for neurosurgery, eNT surgery and dental treatment. The company also provides intraoperative radiotherapy systems for the treatment of breast cancer.

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The moment you see things more clearly: cellular structures, galaxies or just your kids.

Vision Care

Vision plays a key role in how we experience life. It allows us to perceive our environment and makes it possible to quickly make clear decisions. When visual acuity is limited, we miss out on important events. Using its extensive optical expertise to improve vision – that is what ZEISS stands for.

Over 200 million people all over the world wear Zeiss eyeglass lenses – and two people decide to purchase the company's eyeglass lenses every single second. The Zeiss brand is synonymous with good vision: from systems for the testing of visual functions to finished eyeglasses, Zeiss provides maximum visual comfort at all times. The company develops and produces technologically excellent instruments and offerings for the entire eyeglass value chain and, as a globally leading manufacturer, combines ophthalmic expertise and solutions with an international brand.

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The moment you write stories with light and shadow.

Camera Lenses, sports Optics, Planetariums

Light, time and mood create unique impressions and moments. Creative photographers or ambitious nature observers must be able to rely on the performance of their equipment when trying to capture details and image the authentic and the natural. Providing them with the certainty that everything will be seen and captured at precisely the right moment is a challenging task. ZEISS lenses and sports optics are up to the job every time.

Camera and cine lenses from Zeiss stand for maximum imaging quality. They have been used for successful movie productions such as “The Lord of the Rings”. every year, many millions of visitors to Zeiss planetariums around the world experience the fascination of the universe. in nature, binoculars, spotting scopes and hunting optics from Zeiss deliver amazing visual experiences.

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The moment social commitment enriches society.

social Responsibility and sustainability

Entrepreneurship means accepting social and societal responsibility, not only within the company itself but also in its surroundings. This obligation has been firmly enshrined in the statutes of the Carl Zeiss Foundation for more than 100 years. Environmental protection is also an integral component of the corporate philosophy of the ZEISS Group.

With society, for society and in the midst of society – this is the aspiration anchored in the promotion of social and cultural projects, initiatives and facilities at the various sites of the company. in addition, Zeiss fosters up-and-coming, young scientists – from preschool children right up to PhD students – on a cross-regional basis.

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Research and Development

ZEISS has stood for innovation for more than 160 years. Research and development teams work intensively to deliver solutions that are tailored to the needs of customers. An international network with leading universities, as well as the company's culture of innovation, ensure that products and applications offering added value are launched on the market.

Zeiss invests around 10 percent of its revenue in innovative solutions on an ongoing basis. in fiscal year 2012/13 Zeiss dedicated 411 million euros to research and development. Around 11 percent of the workforce can be found in the research and development departments of Zeiss. They ensure the company's technology leadership which is manifested in over 400 new patent applications every year and numerous awards.

The moment research becomes a pioneering innovation.

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The moment everyday work at Zeiss means something very special: constantly entering uncharted territory.

Attractive employer

As a global technology group, ZEISS offers a wide range of career opportunities. A wide range of training offerings, flexible work models, extensive social benefits and challenging jobs in an international arena enable ZEISS to provide its employees with an attractive work environment.

Numerous training programs allow Zeiss to target and promote the potential of its employees. With the Global Mobility Program, the company supports international assignments of its staff.

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Owner of Carl Zeiss AG

As the sole owner of Carl Zeiss AG in Oberkochen and SCHOTT AG in Mainz, the Carl Zeiss Foundation provides independence and the security of long-term ownership: the sale of shares is prohibited by the constitution. The Foundation advertises programs to promote up-and-coming young scientists and to strengthen research structures at universities.

ernst Abbe established the Carl Zeiss Foundation in 1889 to ensure the long-term, independent existence of the company. Abbe wanted to promote science, and mathematical research and teaching. At the same time, the foundation was intended to secure the economic future of the companies, meet social obligations toward the employees and represent the general interests of the precision engineering industry. 100 %100 %

Carl Zeiss FoundationHeidenheim an der Brenz and Jena, Foundation acting as a shareholder

Foundation enterpriseCarl Zeiss AGOberkochen


ZeiSS Group

Foundation enterpriseSCHOTT AGMainz



strong roots for a strong future: the Carl Zeiss Foundation

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