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Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Yüksek Lisans Ve Doktora Yabancı Dil Sınavı Üniversitemiz Enstitüleri anabilim dallarında doktora ve yüksek lisans eğitimi almak isteyen adayların dil seviyelerinin belirlenmesi adına Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu Sınav Merkezi Koordinatörlüğü tarafından düzenlenen ve yürütülen çoktan seçmeli bir sınavdır.

Sınav adayların temel yabancı dil bilgilerini dilbilgisini kullanma, kelime ve okuduğunu anlama becerileri açısından ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Sınavda başlangıç üstü (elementary) ve orta altı (pre-intermediate) olarak adlandırabileceğimiz seviyelerde toplam 80 çoktan seçmeli (5 seçenekli) soru vardır. 80 adet sorunun bölümlere göre dağılımı ve ortalama soru sayıları aşağıdaki gibidir:

1. BÖLÜM: DİLBİLGİSİ ve KELİME (Ort. 40 adet soru)

Temel İngilizce dilbilgisi ve kelimelerden oluşan bölümdür.


Paragraf içerisinde anlamca uymayan cümlenin bulunacağı bölümdür.


Verilen cümleyi en iyi şekilde tamamlamayı içeren bölümdür.

4. BÖLÜM: TERCÜME (Ort. 10 adet Türkçe-İngilizce ve 10 adet İngilizce-Türkçe çevirisorusu)

Türkçe - İngilizce ve İngilizce - Türkçe çeviri bölümüdür.

5. BÖLÜM: OKUDUĞUNU ANLAMA (3 Kısa metin: Ort. 10 adet soru)

Verilen kısa metinlere ait soruların cevaplanacağı bölümdür. Örnek sorular ve cevaplara bir sonraki sayfadan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu

Sınav Merkezi Koordinatörlüğü

Page 2: yüksek lisans ve doktora yabancı dil sınav içeriği

_____ there _____ orange juice in the fridge? A) Are / any B) Are / -- C) Is / any D) Is / an E) Are / some We _______ get a visa before we go to the U.S.A. A) could B) are to C) have to D) may E) might He was born ______ eleven p.m. ______ March 26th,1987. A) on / at B) at / on C) at / in D) on / in E) in / on A: _____ "War and Peace"? B: Yes, I _____ it when I was at university. A) Have you read / have read B) Did you read / have read C) Do you read / read D) Have you read / read E) Had you read / read When the teacher entered the class, nobody _______ him and nobody _______. A) saw / stands up B) saw / stood up C) sees / stood up D) see / was standing up E) sees / is standing up My wife and I usually _______ to the cinema at weekends, but this weekend we _______ a birthday party for our daughter. A) are going /have B) are going / are having C) goes / are having D) go / are having E) go / have

It was cold and wet. ________, Jane put on her swimming suit and went to the beach. A) Although B) Despite C) Because D) Therefore E) However Have you seen my glasses? I've looked _____ for them, but I can't find them ______. A) somewhere / nowhere B) everywhere / anywhere C) anywhere / nowhere D) everywhere / nowhere E) nowhere / anywhere His face is _______ but I don’t think I know him. A) friendly B) known C) knowing D) familiar E) usual I didn't have enough money for Adele’s new compact disc, so I ______ ten pounds from my friend. A) owed B) borrowed C) let D) lent E) held Where do you buy your clothes? You always look so __________. A) heavy B) skinny C) tall D) bald E) trendy Matt usually ________ time with his family on the weekends. A) meets B) makes C) gives D) feels E) spends Could you ___________ me directions to the airport? A) told B) say C) hold D) give E) help

Page 3: yüksek lisans ve doktora yabancı dil sınav içeriği

Texting is boring. I think sending e-mails is _______ interesting because you can write more. A) more B) less C) as D) not E) fewer He went to university to _____ law. A) work B) study C) relax D) ride E) rest Fatih: Your school's graduation day is usually in May. Jane: Well, actually, this year it's a month later. Fatih: Ok, so it's going to be in ______ this year, then. A) May B) June C) April D) March E) July (I) James had to be at his office 9.00 a.m., because he had an important meeting. (II) In fact, he lives in a large house with his family. (III) But, because of the heavy rain, he couldn't get to the office until 9.40. (IV) He had his reports with him and went directly to the meeting place. (V) On the other way, he met one of the secretaries and she told him that, unfortunately, the meeting had been cancelled. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V (I) Today computers have become an important part of our daily lives. (II) This is so because they have several essential advantages. (III) Simply one very important advantage is that they are totally reliable. (IV) More and more people are finding it difficult to learn how to use them efficiently. (V) Another major one is that they are great time-savers. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V Serkan wants to lose weight, so he's trying to eat_________. A) a balanced diet B) an unhealthy diet C) all his favorite foods D) a junk food diet E) a lot of sweets

I had to postpone my trip to Australia last week ____. A) as I have lost my passport B) for my wife had a traffic accident C) due to hospitable weather conditions D) since the airline employees are on strike E) if I had known that you lost your mother Ankara’da M.Ö 1200 öncesine uzanan Hitit kalıntıları bulunmuş olmasına karşın, aslında kent Frigler tarafından kurulmuştur. A) Ankara was really discovered by the Phrygians and Hittite remains from 1200 B.C., have been found there. B) Although Hittite remains which dates back to before 1200 B.C have been found in Ankara, the town was really founded by the Phrygians. C) It was the Phrygians who actually founded Ankara, but Hittite remains dating back to 1200 B.C have been found close to the town. D) There are Hittite remains in Ankara which seem to date back to 1200 B.C but it was the Phrygians who actually founded the town. E) Ankara was founded by the Phrygians but before 1200 B. C the Hittites had already been there.

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Romantik akımın öncülerinden olan Rousseau gençlerin eğitimi ile yakından ilgilenmiştir. A) Rousseau and other leaders of Romantic movement were interested in young people B) Rousseau, the main leader of the Romantic movement, was particularly interested in educating the young. C) Rousseau, one of the forerunners of the Romantic movement, was closely concerned with the education of the young. D) Rousseau and other members of the Romantic movement understood the need to educate the young. E) The education of the young really gained the importance in the time of Rousseau and the Romantic movement. The development of computers has been amazingly rapid, and the future could be different from today’s forecasts. A) Bilgisayardaki gelişimin hızlı olması geleceğin farklı olacağını gösteriyor. B) Bilgisayarlar şaşırtıcı derecede gelişim gösterdiği için gelecek tahminlerden farklı olabilir. C) Şaşırtıcı derecede gelişim gösteren bilgisayarlar ile gelecek tahminlerden farklı olacak. D) Bilgisayarların gelişimi şaşırtıcı derecede hızlı olmuştur ve gelecek, bugünden farklı olabilir. E) Bilgisayarların şaşırtıcı derecede hızlı gelişimi geleceğin tahminlerini değiştirecek. One of my father’s greatest pleasures is to go on trips along the Bosphorus in a small boat. A) Babamın en büyük zevklerinden biri küçük bir tekneyle boğazda gezintiler yapmaktır. B) Babam küçük bir tekneyle boğazda gezintiler yapmaktan zevk alır. C) Babam en büyük zevklerinden biri olan boğaz gezintilerini küçük bir tekneyle yapar. D) Babamın en büyük zevki, içinde boğaz gezintilerini yaptığı küçük teknesiyle ilgilenmektir. E) Babamın büyük zevk alarak yaptığı işlerden biri, küçük bir tekne ile boğazda gezinmektir.

Anna's week Anna’s a student. After her lessons, she studies in the library at college on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and she has dinner with her family on Sundays and Wednesdays. Anna always goes shopping after breakfast on Saturdays. Anna’s friends go to the gym three times a week but Anna hates it. She doesn’t go there. On Fridays after her lessons Anna always stays home and watches a movie on TV with her friend Katie. Anna doesn’t like the news on TV so she usually goes on the Internet to see the news. How often does Anna eat dinner with her family? A) twice a week B) once a week C) every day D) three times a week E) every weekend When does Anna go shopping? A) after her lessons B) in the afternoons C) on Sundays D) every day E) every Saturday morning How often does Anna go to the gym? A) sometimes B) usually C) always D) never E) hardly ever What does Anna do on Fridays? A) She goes to her friend's house. B) She watches TV. C) She watches the news. D) She goes to the movies. E) She emails her friend Katie.