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Ingredients of leadership  


 Skills development committee 


Contents Leadership toolkit 

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 

Aim of the paper ................................................................................................................................................. 4 

Brief Guideline .................................................................................................................................................... 4 

How Does a Leader Emerge? .......................................................................................................................... 5 

Nature versus Nurture ........................................................................................................................................ 5 

What is Leadership? ...................................................................................................................................... 6 

Pillars of Leadership ...................................................................................................................................... 8 

Personality .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 

External Environment ....................................................................................................................................... 14 

Strategies for leadership Development ........................................................................................................ 18 

Self ‐Leadership ................................................................................................................................................ 19 

Cognitive, Behavioral and Emotional skills ....................................................................................................... 19 

Public Service .................................................................................................................................................... 20 

YPFDJ Leadership: ....................................................................................................................................... 21 

Where we are? ................................................................................................................................................. 23 

Where we want to be? ..................................................................................................................................... 23 

EXECRCISES ................................................................................................................................................. 25 

Personality ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 

Understanding your environment / community .............................................................................................. 26 

EXPLORING VALUES .......................................................................................................................................... 27 

Recommendations of books ........................................................................................................................ 30 

References .................................................................................................................................................. 30 

Report writing 

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 33 

The purpose of reports ................................................................................................................................ 33 

Focused: ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 

Brief: ................................................................................................................................................................. 33 

Readable: .......................................................................................................................................................... 33 

Structured: ........................................................................................................................................................ 34 

Executive Summary: ..................................................................................................................................... 34 

Introduction: ................................................................................................................................................ 34 

Analysis: ........................................................................................................................................................ 34 


Conclusions: ................................................................................................................................................. 34 

Recommendations: ...................................................................................................................................... 34 

Credible: ............................................................................................................................................................ 34 

Presentable: ...................................................................................................................................................... 34 

Accountable: ..................................................................................................................................................... 34 

Reducing writing load .................................................................................................................................. 35 

Delegate ............................................................................................................................................................ 35 

Talk ................................................................................................................................................................... 35 

Prioritize............................................................................................................................................................ 35 

Stages of preparing a report ........................................................................................................................ 35 

Preparation ....................................................................................................................................................... 35 

Production ........................................................................................................................................................ 35 

Follow through .................................................................................................................................................. 35 

Principles common to all writing .................................................................................................................. 36 

Tips for handling paper ..................................................................................................................................... 36 

Make a decision ............................................................................................................................................ 36 

More time management tips ....................................................................................................................... 36 

ኣገባብ ኣካይዳ ኣኼባ 

መእተዊ .......................................................................................................................................................... 38 

መራሕቲ ኣኼባን ዕማማቶምን ................................................................................................................................. 38 

ኣቦ መንበር ............................................................................................................................................................ 38 

ጸሓፊ/መዝጋቢ ....................................................................................................................................................... 39 

ተሓጋገዝቲ ............................................................................................................................................................ 39 

ኣራሚ/ኣጽዳቒ ........................................................................................................................................................ 39 

እንታይ ዓይነት ኣኼባ? .............................................................................................................................................. 39 

ኣጀንዳ (ቀንዲ መሰረት ናይ ጽፉፍ ኣኼባ) ....................................................................................................................... 40 

I  ኣዳላዊ ኣኼባ ጥንቁቕ ምቅርራብ የድልዮ። ......................................................................................................... 41 

II  ተኻፈልቲ'ውን ምቅርራብ የድልዩ .................................................................................................................... 41 

III  ኣኼባ ዝካየደሉ ቦታ ምድላው። ...................................................................................................................... 41 

IV  ጸሓፊ ምምዛዝ። ......................................................................................................................................... 41 

V  ምጅማር እኼባ .......................................................................................................................................... 41 

VI  ኣኼባ ምስ ተጀመረ ..................................................................................................................................... 42 

VII  ኣተሓሕዛ እማመ (motion)፡ ................................................................................................................... 42 

VIII መሰረታዊ ኣገባብ ኣካይዳ ኣኼባ ........................................................................................................................ 42 

IX  ኣኼባ መኣዝኑ ከይሰሓተ ሓሳባት ከምዝውሕዙ ምግባር ......................................................................................... 43 



Introduction  Aim of the paper 

What if all world leaders of all times were to line up and you get a chance to choose and

list the most trustworthy and respected ones; those whom you want to lead you most.

The decision made in this hypothetical situation would be determined by your perception

of qualities such as commitment, vision, courage, character, dedication etc. Good

leadership is essential to achieving any societal, organizational, and individual goals

successfully. It could mean a matter of moving forward and progress or lagging behind

and regress. Throughout time, good leaders have marched forward triumphantly bringing

humanity much benefit, while bad leadership has often caused mayhem and destruction.

Not everyone who is in a leadership position is a competent leader; and although there

are good and bad leaders, in general acquiring leadership skills implies using these skills

to serve the public at large in a constructive manner.

The purpose of this toolkit is to define leadership, identify good leadership skills, and

provide a framework, in which these skills can be developed, improved, and perfected to

achieve the desired goal. To be sure the concept of leadership is too complex and

extensive to deal with in few pages. However this toolkit hopes, by highlighting some of

the main ingredients of leadership, to enable the reader obtain a better understanding of

her/his personal leadership skills, expand it and ultimately use it to become a better

citizen and make a positive difference in the community he/she lives in.

Brief Guideline 

The next chapter will start by looking at the philosophical underpinning of what makes

one a leader. Are leaders born to lead, or can one learn to become a leader? What factors

if any, affect leading capabilities. This will be followed by a synopsis of definition of

leadership. Chapter three will identify pillars of leadership. It will look at how an

individual’s personality and the environment/ context in which he/she finds him/herself

influence leadership styles and skills. The next chapter addresses the various strategies

for leadership skills development. This includes: self-leadership and development, having

social, cognitive, and emotional skills, and accomplishing public service responsibility.

The next section looks at PFDJ’s leadership history in brief, analyze it organizational

structure and determines what kind of leaders are needed to fulfill its organizational

vision. The last section will be dedicated to providing exercises that will help translate


the concepts that were discussed through out the text int

leadership skills at the individual as well as organizational level.

How Does a Leader Emerge?  

o practical application of


Nature versus Nurture 

Some believe there are only “born leaders”; that one cannot be taught to become a

leader. Opponents argue leadership skills can be learned. These arguments are founded

on one of the fundamental philosophical concepts relating to how human actions come

about. If we conclude leadership cannot be learned, then we support the philosophical

proposition of Determinism, which stipulates, every event, including human cognition

(knowledge acquired through reasoning, intuition, or perception) and behavior, decision

and action, is casually (being or involving cause) determined by the chain of preceding

occurrences. In other words free will doesn’t really exist. Our actions are predicated on

what happened in the past including our cognitive skills, which are necessary for

improving leadership skills. Hence if for instance, we are naturally less endowed in

leadership qualities and/or our environment/upbringing did not allow our leadership

talent to flourish, in this instance Determinism will contend our ability to become good

leaders will be limited by our past experience and genetic endowment. Voluntarism on

the other hand is a philosophical principle that regards the will superior to the intellect

and emotion (cognitive skills). Thus, in this case, reality is the essence of will, i.e. it is

our will that will determine our present reality. In terms of acquiring leadership skills, this

would mean one can learn leadership skill to such an extent he/she will become an

excellent leader if one has a strong will.

Here we take the stand while there are people who seem to be naturally gifted with

better leadership skills than others, people can learn to become better leaders by,

practicing and sharpening certain key leadership qualities, by knowing themselves better,

and by improving their ability to understand and influence their external environment so

they will have followers who will support their vision while having an aptitude to

genuinely recognize the needs of their community. Even those who are blessed with

several skills need to improve their talent, because nobody is born with perfect

leadership talent. Furthermore, practicing and applying them to one’s life will lead to an

enhanced appliance of these skills. Some of these skills are unquestionably difficult, but

some are easier to understand and apply. However, none of them can be achieved

without continuous effort and determination. To be a good leader requires a profound

dedication and sacrifice. There is a saying: “Champions don’t become champions in the


ring—they are merely recognized there”. Hence, leadership development starts with

one’s daily routine; no one becomes a leader overnight. Leadership skills development is

unlearning. Like everything else it takes, a continuous lifelong process of learning and

commitment, knowledge, and practice.

What is Leadership? What makes a good Leadership and how to achieve this has been a major preoccupation

of humanity. This is because humans are social beings and need to organize their

interaction. This could be at the individual and household level, all the way up to the

global level, and even at an ideological level surpassing generations. Much of the way

modern societies have organized themselves is based on the thinking and vision of

leaders dating back centuries ago; religious leaders, philosophers, scientific leaders,

historians, military leaders, artists to name but a few. A visionary leader has the

potential to make people’s life better. But by the same token having a leadership position

does not necessarily mean he or she is a good leader. Leadership is not only about how

to get to a leadership position, but also about what you do when you are in that

leadership position. Hitler was in a leadership position and he had leadership skills that

allowed him to become a prominent leader. Yet, he used his leadership position to

orchestrate one of the worse human tragedies in modern history. Hence being an

effective leader is not necessarily on par with good leadership. The question we need to

ask is, do we judge leadership based on the end result (adding moral value) i.e., having

a positive outcome for society at large? Or can we talk about leadership if someone is

able to lead even if that does not necessarily lead to benefit the majority. A point of

example is the 43rd president of USA. By and large, many agree that George W. Bush’s

leadership has not benefited society at large and in fact has even failed to garner support

from his own constituencies having the lowest approval rating in modern American

History. Yet, he had a leadership position that potentially impacted 6-billion world

inhabitants. Another example is leadership of CEOs of transnational and multinationals,

who as the current financial crisis has unraveled, often led in a way that benefited a

small group of stakeholders, but disadvantaged the masses including their own

employees. There are also leaders that are more controversial in their legacy such as

Stalin, Che Guevara, Mao, Churchill, Bonaparte, etc. This reveals the diversity of

definition of leadership throughout and what people perceive are good leadership

qualities. It is difficult to pinpoint one single definition as it means different things to

different people. It is at times confusing because other concepts such as power, authority,

management, administration, control and supervision are also used to describe the same


phenomena. Below we will put forward some definitions and then identify the definition

we will use for the rest of the paper.


• A leader is someone who believes, that he/she can make a difference. • “Leadership is about articulating visions, embodying values, and creating the

environment within which things can be accomplished;” (Richards & Engle, 1986) • “Leadership is a process of giving purpose (meaningful direction) to collective

effort, and causing willing effort to be expended to achieve purpose;” - Jacobs & Jacques, 1990

• “Leadership is the process of making sense of what people are doing together so that people will understand and be committed;” - Drath & Palus, 1994


• Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal

• "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being" – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


• “Good leaders must first become good servants.” -Robert Greenleave • “In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves

beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” - Eric Hoffer


• "The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

• “Leadership is the behaviour of an individual… directing the activities of a group toward a shared goal;” -Hemphill & Coons, 1957


• “To lead the people, walk behind them” - Lao Tzu • “Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an organized group

toward goal achievement;” - Rauch & Behling, 1984 • “Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to

achieve a common goal;” - Northouse, 2004


• “Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things.” - Jesse Jackson

• “Leadership is the ability to step outside the culture… to start evolutionary change processes that are more adaptive;” - E.H. Schein, 1992




• “Rule your mind or it will rule you” – Horace • “Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who

choose to follow;” (Kouzes & Posner, 2002).

These definitions give different emphasis of leadership attributes, but the two most

mentioned qualities are the capacity to influence others and having a vision to lead. Here,

we define leadership as fundamentally a social engineering process that ends with

achieving mutual goal with one’s constituents. It involves making sense of situations,

determining objectives, motivating people to work together to accomplish these

objectives and influencing team culture so as to bring some sort of desired change.

Leadership is not linear; there are no leaders without followers, collaboration, and

coordination amongst team members. Nonetheless leadership is not about having

followers; it is about inspiring people to take action themselves. The expectation of

followers making the judgment of leadership effectiveness is also highly important.



Pillars of Leadership eaders.htm

There are two factors that are instrumental in making one a leader- personality and the

external environment within which an individual functions. These two forces will

determine whether a person can become a leader and the style of leadership he/she will

undertake. They are in essence the pillars of leadership. We have added a third pillar that

we call the strategies of leadership development. This pillar is complementary to the

other two in that it stipulates the strategies needed to improve and/or develop the other

two pillars and become a successful leader. In short, strategies of leadership

development aims at tackling deficiency in personal traits, cognitive, know-how,


behavioral and emotional skills, as well as improving the proficiency of understanding

and utilizing external (settings) so as to achieve better results as a leader and ultimately

fulfill the aspired vision.

There are other related theories that explain how people become leaders. One example

divides how people become leaders into three: the Trait Theory; ‘some personality traits

may lead people naturally into leadership roles’. This is what we call personality here.

There is the Great Events Theory where ‘a crisis or important event may cause a person

to rise to the occasion, which brings out extraordinary leadership qualities in an ordinary

person’. This would fall under the External Environment in our case. Last is the

Transformational Leadership Theory, ‘where people can choose to become leaders and

learn leadership skills’. It is the most widely accepted theory today and falls within what

we call here the strategies of leadership.


History provides us with evidence of world’s greatest leaders’ share certain personality

traits that are key to leadership. We will take a closer look at some of the vital ones:

trustworthy & reliable, self-aware, caring, listener, visionary, influential, risk

taker, striving for excellence, and an effective communicator.


Trust can be defined as what allows us to have meaningful relationships with others.

Trust is what enables us to depend upon someone or something completely. People are

more likely to follow someone they trust than one they don’t. Without being trustworthy

one cannot be a leader. Hence it can be said trust is the foundation of leadership and

getting people’s trust is one of the most important components of leadership. Trust

however, is not something we get; we have to earn it. Earning people’s trust will require

fulfilling one’s duty, being reliable as well as fair.

People won’t trust those who don’t fulfill their duties. Ignoring our duties comes from lack

of discipline and commitment. Lack of discipline in turn illustrates the level of our

commitment. Those people who believe on issues but won’t devote to the cause do not

have the ability to succeed in getting people to follow them.

As leaders, people should be able to count on us. They give their approval on our

leadership ability by relying on us. Otherwise we will not last long as leaders. Reliability

can be based on different categories such as consciousness, strength (character wise),


truthfulness, wisdom, and courage. As leaders we should develop these characteristics,

which will give us a good foundation to become competent leaders.

Fairness is one of the hardest things to practice, because it is in our human nature to

favor those who are related to us. Fairness is about equitable justice, being free from

bias, prejudice, partiality or dishonesty. It is basically defined as judging people in equal

terms. If we take it further, fairness is achieved first when we start seeing people on

equal terms as we see ourselves!

Historically, only those leaders who were trusted by their people, considered fair,

balanced, and reliable that still continue to be remembered becoming not only great

leaders of their times, but even serve as example and inspiration for today’s and

tomorrow’s leaders.


Distinguished leaders are aware of themselves and are constantly seeking to

improve/develop themselves. Self-knowledge is an essential part of being honest and a

key to quality leadership. Honesty starts with oneself. Leaders use self-reflection as an

instrument to guide their quest for self-discovery. Such process provides them the

knowledge to combine their strength and weaknesses in such as way so as to harness a

balance allowing them to effectively achieve their desired goal. Being honest with

oneself simplifies the next step, which is to be honest to others. Honesty is a tool, which

helps to develop communication with others, without which we can’t build good relations.

But without being honest with our selves that progress will not be achieved.


“A leader is a dealer in hope”- Napoleon Bonaparte

All past and present leaders whether undertaking a small or big task, do not embark

without having a vision. Devoid of vision there is not leadership, and without vision that

resonates beyond one’s own beliefs, there won’t be followers. Hence one needs to have a

clear vision and be able to convey it. A leader must be able to communicate his or her

vision in a way that people will embrace it. Being a leader is navigating to the future and

representing hope. It is crucial to have a clear vision to deliver to those who we want to

follow us. If we cannot deliver a clear vision, no one will entrust us to chart the course,

let alone to follow us. Clarity is key fundament for transmitting the legacy from one

generation to the next but also across the team or organization. It means that you have

the responsibility to see the vision clearly and grasp the impact of it. Accordingly, we can

lead and pass it on further to the succeeding generation. Clear vision requires planning


on how we will navigate the course. This would be our mission. Our vision is where we

want to be, our mission stipulates how we will get there. Our mission will then guide us

in setting the objectives and goals that lead us to our vision. According to John C.

Maxwell, there are several steps to help us plan ahead. These are:

Predetermine a course of action.

Lay out your goals.

Adjust your priorities.

Notify key personnel.

Allow time for acceptance.

Head into action.

Expect problems.

Always point to the success.

Daily review your plan.

While setting our goals, there are also steps that will help us reach them. One such

approach is SMART.





Time related  


There is a saying: “To lead yourself, use your head: to lead others, use your heart.” One

of the common trait of leaders is they care about their followers and are genuinely

passionate about the cause they are advocating. Before people accept us as leaders and

follow our vision, they always ask about our intentions in order to see if our heart is in

the right place. People don’t care how much we know until they know how much we care.

Therefore, we need to prove to them that we care and are enthusiastic about our


purposes by getting fully involved. The degree of care depends on our level of sacrifice,

because action speaks louder than words. Precedence of common good over self-interest

helps win the hearts and minds of people. Care as it is measured by sacrifice is linked to

the strength of our dedication. Our dedication level can be compared to the demands we

put on others. For instance, parents who care about their children give up much of their

time and sacrifice their resources in order to lead their children to a better life. As caring

parents demand much from their children, great leaders also demand a lot from those

they lead because they care very much about them. However, this doesn’t mean all

demanding leaders are great. We can only demand from others if we set an example

ourselves. By setting an example, leaders show there is no limit to the time or level of

sacrifice, only opportunities to achieve something great together.


Listening should not be confused with someone changing courses, views or principles,

nor should it be interpreted as nodding one’s head, rather listening should try to analyze

the reason it is being said, the link behind the statement and the circumstance in which

the statement is being made. Those that are equipped with good leadership skills and

confidence have an easier time paying attention to the need of others and listening. We

have to be confident enough to listen. Though leaders have to make decisions on behalf

of others, a good leader knows that combined brains are better than one and is ready to

confide with members. Easy as it seems, it is difficult for many to grasp this rule.

“I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?” - Benjamin Disraeli

Great leaders are followers too. If you’re a leader without following, you’re a dictator.

Being a leader-follower means finding value in your team, getting inspired by your team,

encouraging your team to communicate, brainstorm and being open. Some leaders have

the tendency to see only their ideas implemented. They choose to ignore what is

explicitly suggested, or said between the lines. As a result, they end up missing what is

going on and are in the dark about the needs of their constituents/ team members;

leading in the dark becomes their downfall.

Listening requires asking for feedback. It is key to progress and to making sure you are

on the right track. Capable leaders know their peoples’ demand and are attuned with to

their needs.


As we mentioned elsewhere, the capacity to influence others is the ‘core business’ of

what a leader does. Although a post as a manager, supervisor, head etc. gives you the


authority to accomplish certain tasks and objectives, this power does not make you a

leader. It simply makes you the boss. There is a difference when people simply obey, but

not follow you. Great Leaders differs in that they motivate followers in wanting to achieve

high goals rather than simply bossing them around.


To be a great Leader, You First and Foremost Must Be a Great Communicator.

Having effective communication ability is the ‘glue’ to being a great leader. For people to

trust us we need to clearly communicate the overall vision of where we are heading, how

followers can contribute to the vision and emphasize the importance of their contribution.

Skilled leaders do not dictate tasks without sharing information about what is going on.

Communication is also none verbal. For instance setting an example communicates your

dedication, reliability and commitment.


Great Leaders are willing to take responsibility and lead. They are risk takers and their

leadership is based on setting an example of themselves. They are ready to make

sacrifices if necessary and are prepared take sound and timely decisions even if it could

be difficult at times. If things go wrong they don’t blame others, they take the

responsibly, admit mistakes, and look for solution that will more everyone forward.


Successful leaders strive for excellence and are not satisfied until they achieve that. They

know and understand the task they require others to do. They help build a sense of

responsibility in their followers and at the same time provide support to develop

character traits that will help team members carry out their responsibilities.


External Environment  

nvironment within which an individual functions, it

s that will influence him or her. It will be impossible

ce more women to become leaders.


A recent FORBES research on the common denominator of its billionaire list

included an array of factors such as professional setback early on, having

parents with math-related jobs (crunching numbers), being born in the fall

esp. September, dropping out or never going to college, but also getting an

MBA from an ivy league university, working for Goldman Sachs and being

part of a secret society such as Skulls and Bones to be the main factors that

these (predominantly American) billionaires had in common.


When we talk about the external e

encompasses a wide range of factor

to analyze all these factors within the confines of this booklet. Rather the aim is to point

out the importance of our milieu in directly and indirectly influencing our ability and

opportunity to become leaders. Our external environment shapes our personality,

experience, knowledge, vision, ambition and much more. It ranges from the familial and

intimate surroundings to the wider sphere such as physical location/ neighborhood, the

school attended, prevailing youth culture, current ideologies and global events. How an

individual translates and applies these factors depends on one’s personality, and together

these two ingredients will determine whether someone will be a leader and the kind of

leader he/she will become. There is no set environmental background that is conductive

to becoming a leader. Some rise above others in times of adverse situations (e.g. it is

often noted Winston Churchill was a great wartime leader, but not peace time) and

struggle (Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King). Others become great leaders through

their pioneering and innovative spirit (Einstein), or they are born into leadership posts

such as Royalties (Nefertiti, Catharine the Great) or they are self-made billionaires and

prominent businessperson such as George Soros1

If for instance the external environment is more conductive and open for women to take

part in public life, then such an environment will produ

The opposite will hold for oppressive environment. Yet even in a ‘woman unfriendly’ or

downright oppressive environment there will still be women leaders who fight/advocate



1 Note: here we are assuming amassing a large some of money will require certain good leadership qualities. However, this need not be the case as the state of Madoff ‘s ponzi scheme attests. There will be many to dispute this assumption, but generally, it is argued those with outstanding leadership qualities will be rewarded accordingly and be financially affluent or they will run successful businesses making them millionaires and billionaires.  

changing the status quo. Thus, at times a conductive milieu produces good leaders while

in other circumstances, unfavorable and negative environment produces transformational


All the leaders mentioned in this section are famous. This is not to imply only famous

leaders are good or if one is a good leader he/she will end up being famous, nor does it

ion affects the kind of leadership

skills and qualities an individual develops and the leadership style that is accepted and

mean unknown leaders are not worth considering. These renowned leaders are used for

the ease of illustrating with examples most readers will recognize. In fact, if we only

think leadership implies sitting atop of an organization or being elected to a leadership

post, then we might miss an opportunity to improve and apply our leadership qualities

because we do not recognize the opportunity (chance) at hand; i.e. another factor

affecting leadership is our expectation of where we anticipate leadership to be found.

This will affect our understanding of leadership and what we expect from ourselves and

those around us. Do we imagine a sort of pyramid structure where the leadership is at

the top? Or do we expect leadership at all levels, in the middle, or the bottom as well?

Often the visualization of great leaders focuses on iconic leaders such as Ghandi and

Martin Luther king who were the head or at the top of their organization/movement. But

leadership needs comes in “all sizes and sorts”. We have to be aware of that. In other

words, we can be good leaders in all aspects of our lives even if we are not occupying a

leadership post. In fact in many situations, there are informal leaders who are much

more influential and powerful even though they are not official leaders. In the same

token, we might fail to recognize leadership talent because we are not looking and

expecting for leadership in that place. If however we understand leadership in the broad

sense, then we realize it is found everywhere although its application will vary depending

on the circumstances and needs of followers. Anyone can be a good leader, adding good

leadership skills to your arsenal of talents and expertise can only enhance your ability to

navigate life well and seize opportunities for progress.

Another key external issue is how culture and tradit

supported within such external cultural setting. For example, if we take multinationals

and transnational companies, they are the symbolic manifestation of globalization

spreading everywhere around the globe. Yet often leadership styles applied within a

multinational will differ based on where the subsidiary is located. For instance Asian or

‘Eastern’ leadership values and skills are different from its European counterpart.

Despite being part of the same company, leadership qualities required in Milan or

Stockholm will vary from that of Seoul or Tokyo. An effective and good leader will be the

one who grasps and has the ability to adapt her/his style according to the needs.


In the next part we will look focus on understanding how to achieve such flexibility and


What sort of leader is a good one; one that is instructive, gentle, or authoritarian and

one who is clearly the boss and commander? Should a good leader be the only one who

knows where the rest are heading, (the herder of the sheep), visionary and pioneering,

perform adequately in a given environment. It also means there is no

leader without followers, so a leader needs to thoroughly know the needs, motivations,

or conservative and traditional? The answer is there is no ‘best leadership method’ and

that it all depends on the situation at hand. The kind of leadership that is good and

effective very much depends on the circumstances or environment in which a leader has

to operate. This is a concept brought forward by Hershey and Blanchard and called the

situational leadership approach. It advocates, a good leader is one that is flexible enough

to assess and diagnose correctly what sort of leadership style is required and applies it

accordingly. This choice might also differ throughout the process and depends how far a

team (followers) has developed in order to tackle the task at hand. The situational

leadership theory defines ‘readiness’ as a person's ability and willingness to undertake a

task or a responsibility. A good leader will thus adjust her/his leadership styles to

account to the teams’ different levels of ability and willingness on different tasks. There

are four leadership styles; coaching, supporting, delegating, directing. If the leader is

directing, he/she defines the roles for followers, it is one-way communication and the

leader initiates both decision-making and problem-solving tasks. If a leader takes a

coaching style, it is more collaborative, leader attempts to hear suggestions from

followers making it a two-way communication, but decision-making control still remains

with the leader. For the supportive style, leader actively listens; the focus of control

shifts to followers and the latter has the ability to do the task. Finally the delegating style

implies the leader together with the followers discusses and defines the problem,

decision-making is delegated to subordinate and the followers are functioning


These different styles highlight the fact a leader should have a variety of style that will

allow him/her to

and abilities of his/her environment in order it achieve any set goals. At the same time a

leader is conditioned by his/her environment to develop a certain kind of leadership. For

instance if one is living within a hierarchal society, the directing style would be more

common as opposed to the delegating one. And in fact it might even backfire if one tries

a more delegating style in such society without in the first instance going through a

process of establishing a team of followers who will be able to function independently.

But in a more horizontally structured society or an organization, then it would be much

easier and beneficial to have the delegating style of leadership, as people would have


been accustomed to working this way. Such an analysis could be applied across various

industries (newspaper, factory etc), age level (e.g. kids, adolescents, elderly), kinds of

organization (NGOs, profit, voluntary, community), or various situations for instance

during an emergency a directing style would be more appropriate than a coaching one,

whereas in a company that is reorganizing coaching would be more effective. The

bottom line is leaders need to understand their environment and potential followers but

also need to be aware of which style they tend to have so they could try and learn as

much as possible other different styles to make them more effective and successful.

If we look at Figure 1 below the intersection between the X and Y-axis would indicate

the ‘rediness’ of the team member. Hence, a confident and able team will be in the S4

quadrant, where as a less confident and unwilling team would be in the S1 quadrant.

There is of course a possibility to move back from S4 to S2 or S1 if a situation arises

whereby more direction and support is needed from the leader. In order to influence the

rediness of team members, a leader can use the method of positive reinforcement

(timely reward of desired behaviour or even an attempt of will likely lead to repetition of

such behaviour.) to try and elicit more responsibility, ownership empowerment and




Figure 1: Model taken from Hersey, P & Blanchard. K.H. (1988). Situational LeadershipSummary San Diego Ca: University Associates

Strategies for leadership Development  

: A

In this section we will briefly look at three strategies that will help develop our leadership

skills. These are self-leadership and growth, enhancing our social emotional cognitive and

behavioral aptitude and effectively engaging in public service. When we talk about public

service it is not limited to political circles, it could be anything from informal

neighborhood committee to recreation sports club to a company, all the way up to

leading key global organizations such as the UN or IMF.


Self ­Leadership 

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

Self-leadership is the starting point of for becoming a good leader, because leadership

starts with the ability to lead oneself; it begins with the inner self. Those who lead

themselves to success can be trained to be better leaders. The rule of the thumb is that

unless and until we become the person we ourselves would eagerly follow, it is highly

doubtful that anyone else will. When you start to lead yourself, it is then possible to lead


"You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within

himself" – Galileo

Self-leadership begins by self- awareness and knowing oneself. This knowledge will help

you possess an accurate perception of yourself. To do this, one ought to identify at how

one function’s and the drivers that make us who we are and do the things we do (this

could be done at an individual or at an organization level). You can consider the following

points and try to answer them. These answers will help you identify and adapt the

changes needed to improve your self-reflection and leadership.

i. Identity - who are you? ii. Beliefs and values – why do you do things? iii. Capabilities- how do you go about it? iv. Behaviour -what are your behaviours v. Environment – where, when, with whom do you do it?

"You win by trying. And failing. Test, try, fail, measure, evolve, repeat, persist" -

Seth Godin

As mentioned earlier, becoming a leader is a process, we grow by the daily obstacles we

face and how we manage to overcome them; our success is determined by the progress

we achieve along the path we have set to travel.

Cognitive, Behavioral and Emotional skills 

The second pillar of strategic leadership development is raising the ability to improve our

cognitive, behavioral and emotional aptitude that are specifically crucial for leaders. The

possession of knowledge, social intelligence, emotional balance and optimism, does not

necessarily make one an able leader, but these are essential skills for successful


leadership. Combined they will give us a great intuition and the ability to envision the

future long before it comes. Intuition is based on facts and other intangible factors such

as timing, people’s moral, anticipating future outcomes, and relational dynamics. These

tools will help us become realistic leaders, objective enough to minimize self-deception.

They help us visualize the real perspective, clarify the overall picture, and increase our

confidence and courage in our decision-making process. The more you master these

skills, the more you will depend on your intuition, the more your work will focuses

towards the future and the better leader you become.

A successful leader need to have a good understanding of human nature, such as needs,

emotions, and motivation. Such knowledge allows you to know your people, what

motivates them, synthesize non-verbal communication, provide them with the right sort

of support.

Public Service 

Never give an order that can't be obeyed."— General Douglas MacArthur

The basis of good leadership is an honorable character and selfless service to your

organization, community, country etc. People want to be guided by those they respect

and who have a clear sense of direction conveyed by a strong vision of the future. To

gain respect, a person must be ethical and earn the trust and confidence of his/followers

or team members. If people were to respect us as leaders, they will do so by evaluating

who we are based on the observation of what we actually do rather than looking at our

perceived attributes.

As leaders we are going to attract two kinds of people, other leaders and followers. In

order to make an impact beyond our reach, we ought to set our focus on potential

leaders. To find leaders is a huge task, we have to master the ability to connect with

them. There is a Chinese proverb “An army of a thousand is easy to find, but, ah, how

difficult to find a general.” Identifying correctly proficient leaders will allow us to secure

the legacy to be passed on for generations to come. It will also attest to our ability in

understand our environment key to a successful public service.

“The price of greatness is responsibility” – Winston Churchill

When we step up to become leaders we must consider the responsibility that rests upon

us. Responsibilities and rights are indirectly proportional; in other words, the more

responsibilities we have the less rights we get. Below is a diagram showing this



Rights (X)

Responsibility/Leadership (Y)

As the responsibilities increase, the privilege of rights decreases. This is because we are

not just representing our individual interests; rather we are representing the members

and the perception and expectation of us as leaders. The more we take up responsibility

and leadership role, the more we will be serving. In essence leadership is not about

leading but about serving. However, in doing so we must be careful not to ‘climb the

ivory tower and lose sight of a vision that’s founded on reality. A vision that excludes the

people is fated to fail.

Public service goes beyond implementing / realizing the mandate we have been given.

Leaders’ task is to encourage, give hope, and bring out the best of the members. There

are people who see the greatness in others, as others who see the worst. Those who see

the greatness have a leader’s intuition and able to mobilize this greatness for the sake of

the vision. We can see our reflection on the people we lead; if they have low sense of

moral, discipline, consciousness, knowledge and so on, that reflects on the quality of our

o create teams. They create an environment

whole. leadership. Most effective leaders work t

where people feel they are part of a bigger

YPFDJ Leadership: We have been fortunate to have great leaders that we can refer to in our history. As we

measure up to our historical path, one of the main reasons for our success is that the

Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), which is the foundation of our movement,

involved the people and demanded from them to become more self-reliant. The EPLF was

aware of the dynamism of internal growth. It understood that internal growth is the

foundation for self-reliance. That is the reason that our liberation struggle was based on

armed, as well as economic and social development.


For example some of the older EPLF/PFDJ members who live in exile and struggled from

the early 70s faced a problem related to internal growth. For the struggle to succeed they

had to sacrifice a great deal, but they didn’t make the time to grow internally and

develop consciousness. Their struggle was subject-oriented. After independence, instead

of getting the respect they deserve for the tremendous sacrifices they made while others

lived selfishly, the members were ridiculed by the younger generation for being

emotional and unattached to the reality. For this reason it generated a breach between

the two generations. The formation of the breach created misunderstanding of both

worlds, and in turn it became a gap. This misunderstanding is built-up by the oblivions of

both parties. The younger generation doesn’t comprehend the value put on the struggle

by the older generation. Moreover, the older members’ inability to educate the youth

became a huge gap to bridge.

The character the EPLF had in common was that they where passionate and committed

to the cause they believed in. And they attracted substantial numbers of voluntary

members who shared their vision, believed in them, and often followed them through

incredibly difficult circumstances which were life threatening. The key words in the EPLF/

PFDJ’s leadership are unity, vision, discipline, internal growth, the three Cs (competence,

consciousness, commitment,) humble servants, skills and putting people’s need before

yours. With these abilities, it is easier to influence people, consequently makes it easier

to lead. With these abilities we will have people following us wherever we set the course.

In spite of the challenges, our struggle was victorious because of the transparency and

common vision of the goals of independence and peace. The EPLF was able to draw

people, because its vision was harmonized with the people’s desire. It had an excellent

communication channel with the people and every step led to better organizational

operation. The desire of the Eritrean people for independence was reflected when the

Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) begun the armed struggle in 1961. Many started to join

the struggle. However, the ELF leaders, in spite of the opportunity and responsibility they

had to unite the people, they tried to exploit divisions for their narrow political gain. As a

result they lost the people’s trust and influential power. The lack of leadership in the ELF

led to the downfall of the organization. On the other hand the EPLF had started on a

rocky footing, but it managed to reverse course and was successful. With an outstanding

internal discipline, unity, vision, and dependent on the Eritrean peoples’ aspiration it

succeeded in influencing Eritreans to struggle in unison for the national cause.

Thanks to equitable justice, the people’s front for democracy and justice (PFDJ), former

named EPLF, has managed to build a strong national unity. PFDJ’s ideology is

summarized into six basic goals on the national charter. PFDJ’s definition of equitable


justice is described in the National Harmony and Social Justice (Economic and Social

democracy) part. The vision is built upon the rich experience of our liberation struggle.

Where we are? 

As we are rising to take up the responsibility, which is required of us, it is wise to know

our role and task. In every organized movement there are different stages. Each stage

focuses on a particular existential need that is essential to the growth and development

of the organization or group structure for which the leader is responsible. The level of

growth and development of all stages is dependent of each other. The organizational

structures depend on the ability of the leaders to create the conditions that enables

members to satisfy these existential needs. If these needs are not met, then the

consciousness of the people in the group structure will stay focused on these needs until

they are met. Leaders develop and grow by learning to master the satisfaction of these

needs. Leaders who learn how to master all organizational needs operate from full-

spectrum consciousness and are the most resilient and successful leaders because they

have the ability to respond appropriately to all challenges.

The EPLF succeeded because of the leadership qualities it had in different positions. Its

leaders, who were more in contact with the people, played a big role in serving as a

bridge between the people and the EPLF at different ranks. The path was efficient enough

for the leaders to have the grasp of the overall picture. Through the leaders’ at the

grassroots level, the EPLF was able to connect with the people. The value they put on the

organization was so powerful that the organization managed to grow efficiently.

Every organizational task has an immense role in order the organization to function. To

facilitate the responsibility that we have been handed out, we should be conscious,

committed, and competent. If we possess the three C’s we will be able to grasp and

manage our responsibility. The greatness of the movement would be transparent to

others as well. Peter F. Drucker states “Management is doing things right; leadership is

doing the right things”. We are in a position, that we should have the ability to judge the

situation and do “the right things” even if it means “doing things right”.

Where we want to be? 

Being a YPFDJ member does not only mean taking the front stage, but it also means

having people understand YPFDJ’s vision to the extent they are inspired and willing to

make it happen. To achieve such result requires patience. Leadership is about turning a

dream into a vision, and a vision into reality. John C. Maxwell mentions in his book “The


21 irrefutable laws of leadership” that “the leader finds the dream and the people. The

people find the leader and then the dream”. People follow us when we step up as leaders

and confirm that we are going to lead them to the end of the journey. One common

quality of great leaders is that they never give up and they never compromise on the

vision. They persist until they reach the goal, and continue to struggle to the end of their

life. They also make sure the legacy proceeds forward. Great leaders get their inspiration

from their vision; they gain strength by mentally picturing the outcome, they visit the

future every day, and they sense the feeling vividly. Because of their clear vision, they

know exactly what to deliver. In 1986 in the “Bologna festival” comrade Sebhat Efrem

(current General and Minster of Defense) told his audience that Eritrea will be liberated in

the beginning of the 90s. The EPLF leadership knew already when Eritrea will be librated

years before it came. Accordingly they set the strategy. Because of the leadership

advantages they possessed, the EPLF managed to make what seemed impossible to

many possible.

Those who passed before us sacrificed their lives so we too can experience and live in

freedom, as they envisioned it. The EPLF proved how much they cared about the people

by sacrificing their lives for the people and the vision; unless we have a clear vision we

cannot lead, and the people won’t follow. Keeping that in mind, our self-expectation and

sacrifice should be as high as the success that is required. Otherwise we are not leaders,

we are simply followers.

Fulfilling our duties begins with as the simple step of attending any function on time.

Keeping our promises and carrying out the tasks we are entrusted with. The PFDJ leaders

successfully ensured that the responsibilities they took were fulfilled. Because of their

commitment, to the point of sacrificing their own lives for the cause, they were able to

set exceptional leadership example to others. Since our commitment is directly

proportional to the strength of our belief in the vision as well as to the success we are

going to achieve, we should consider whether our commitment is strong enough to make

people trust on our believe, the power of our own dedication and vision will lead to


Nonetheless, we often hear very little about this essential need. While at times it might

be necessary to be impatient, with the help of these above mentioned characteristics

unfold different dimensional facets. Exercising patience will give us a clear and concise

perspective of our overall vision so we can avoid being bogged down with mediocre

details. It will permit us to choose our battles, and ultimately be successful leaders even

if some battles will be lost in the process. It will provide us with an understanding of

what is required of a successful leadership. We have a saying: “a fool might look wise if


he is quiet.” It implies that wise men are patient and observant. By observing we will

have more insight about the circumstance. Understanding the situation will give us the

confidence to act on how to connect with people.

In leadership there are many intangible factors that come into play; for instance timing

could be crucial to success. In a mere two years of hard work a son of an African

(Kenyan) immigrant, raised by a single mother, managed to be elected president of the

USA; it was beyond anyone’s imagination. But as we witnessed November 4, 2008

history was made in America. Losing faith in the previous US president and his

administration, the American people were eager for change and Barack Obama seized the

opportunity of timing and gained the people’s trust. Once he got the trust, he influenced

and led his members to victory.

So, what is the definition of leadership? Leadership is about leading our members and

ourselves to a better condition transcending far beyond, and successfully passing to the

r, culture may differ from time to time and place to place,


future generation. Remembe

but the principles of leadership remain

EXECRCISES Personality 

Imaginary line – formulate controversial/ hot statements using video clips, written

excerpts, statements. Ask participants to stand on an imaginary line that goes from

agree to disagree with the statement


Ask participants why they agree of disagree. Note down the comments on a flip over.

(Discover members’ values)

Music Merry-go Rounds – participants make inner and outer circle facing each other.

When the music starts, circles move in the opposite directions, when music stops they

stop and talk to the person in front of them (could be used as energizer of related topic)

e.g 3 rounds 1 min music + 2 min talk= 10 minutes in total

My Corner: A’s and B’s- each person chooses your A person and B person, but don’t

tell anyone. There is no category for choosing, just random. 1st round: try to get as

near as possible to you’re A person and as far as possible from your B person. 2nd round,


try to get as close as possible to your B person and as far as possible from you’re A

person. (Highlights the complexity of society, coordination)

Pop corn- reflection of participants really short and voluntary (let them pop up and tell

how they experience the day)

Take away- pair up and shortly discuss what you have learned during the course of the

day (for wrapping up)

Understanding your environment / community 

Indentifying leadership styles:

Settings: Elected leaders should facilitate, chairs should be in a round circle

Required: Coloured markers, large paper for each group

• Get yourselves in to groups of 5 people. Leaders should make their own team and follow the same instructions.

• Draw the ‘situational leadership bell’. Write down for yourself briefly: a situation where you took a role of leader. What was the state of ‘readiness’ within your subordinates, what kind styles did you apply and why. Is this your general tendency? Each person explains this to the group and writes their name in one of the quadrants.

• Now go back to your YPFDJ chapter or youth organization; what is the state of ‘readiness’ of members? What kind of leadership styles do your leaders have? Why? Do they need to change or are they at the right quadrant? Agree on the quadrant and write the name of your group in the quadrant.

• What would you do in terms of positive reinforcement to move your organization to Q4 or if already there, to make sure you stay there?

• Finally, each group (nominate one person) presents their conclusion on: what the leadership style of the leader(s) is and which quadrant they think the youth organization/YPFDJ chapter finds itself presently. They should also include the positive reinforcement suggestions.

NB: to help more participation, any explanation of result from the groups should be done by someone that did not present the conclusion. Let the leaders present last.

• Results should be discussed with all the groups back into the circle and the leaders facilitating. The members together with their leaders could use the outcomes to correct existing shortcomings, strengthen right track and /or set future goals and/or emphasis

Blind Folds- Divide group into two. One group is blind folded, the other watches.

Assignment: a rope is given and they are told to make a perfect square. The group

watching must not say anything. (Coordination, management, leadership, working



Singing competitions- divide participants into two or more groups and ask them to

think of a song they have to present to the other group… (Team work)

Count Down- count 1 up to 50 loud but only clapping on the numbers divisible by 7

(7,14,etc) if mistaken, start all over again beginning with the person who made the

mistake (energizer, team work)


Purpose of the exercise

 Values are deep-seated and often not easy to see in ourselves or others. To explore our own values and share them with our colleagues, it is useful to apply them in an exercise in which a "difficult" decision must be made.


I. Please study the following situation and decide how you would act. Note down the reasons for your actions (the reasoning reveals certain values, name them) 

2. When asked, move into sub‐groups and discuss the situation. You must come to an agreement with the other members of the group about the course of action to take. 

3. Afterwards, you will be asked to reflect on what this exercise reveals about your own values and those of the colleagues in the sub‐group. 


You are a member of the team in a hospital which must make a decision on who to admit for a risky and expensive (but vitally necessary) operation. The procedure is new and untried in your own hospital, although the surgeon who will perform it is an excellent surgeon you trust and has learned (and assisted in) the procedure elsewhere. 

Your hospital has very severe budgetary constraints at present. So you can only do three such operations this year. However, the waiting list for the operation is long and there are no reliable alternative treatments. 

Please place the following list of patients in order of priority for treatment. Only the first three can be treated this year. If not treated the condition of the patients is life threatening, and could lead to their deaths within six months. 





  Your Priority Group’s priority 

(a) a 57‐year old unemployed man with two children at university 


(b) a child of 7 years     

(c) a much‐loved religious leader with a large following in your community 


(d) a  nationally‐renowned  extremely right‐wing politician 


(e) one  of  your  colleagues  in  the hospital 


(f) a skinhead who is also being treated for  injuries  sustained  in a  fight with the police 


(g) a mother of  four children, all under the age of 12 


(h) an old lady of 72 who is dementing     

(i) a building construction labourer     


There are obviously no “right” or “wrong” answers. 



Please select the ten values (both personal and work) which are most important to you. These are the ten values which are guides for you on how to act or which are an important part of the way of life you value. You may add any additional values of your own if you wish.


_______  Achievement  _______  Friendships  _______  Physical challenge _______  Advancement  and 

promotion _______  Growth  _______  Pleasure 

_______  Adventure  _______  Having a family  _______  Power and authority _______  Affection  (love  and 

caring) _______  Helping other people  _______  Privacy 

_______  Arts  _______  Helping society  _______  Public service _______  Challenging 

problems _______  Honesty  _______  Purity 

_______  Change and variety  _______  Independence  _______  Quality of what I take part in 

_______  Close relationships  _______  Influencing others  _______  Quality relationships _______  Community  _______  Inner harmony  _______  Recognition  (respect 

from others, status) _______  Competence  _______  Integrity  _______  Religion _______  Competition  _______  Intellectual status  _______  Reputation _______  Cooperation  _______  Involvement  _______  Responsibility  and 

accountability _______  Country  _______  Job tranquillity  _______  Security _______  Creativity  _______  Knowledge  _______  Self‐respect _______  Decisiveness  _______  Leadership  _______  Serenity _______  Democracy  _______  Location  _______  Sophistication _______  Ecological awareness  _______  Locality  _______  Stability _______  Economic security  _______  Market position  _______  Status _______  Effectiveness  _______  Meaningful work  _______  Supervising others _______  Efficiency  _______  Merit  _______  Time freedom _______  Ethnical practice  _______  Money  _______  Truth _______  Excellence  _______  Nature  _______  Wealth _______  Excitement  _______  (BEING AROUND


_______  Wisdom 


_______  Work under pressure 

_______  Fame  _______  Personal development  (living up  to  the  fullest  use of my potential) 

_______  Work with others 


_______  Fast living  _______    _______  Working alone _______  Fast‐paced work  _______    _______   _______  Financial gain  _______    ___________  Freedom  _______    ____

Recommendations of books 

___   ___   

There are many books about Leadership, for example John C. Maxwell have written numerous books relating leadership. But in order to have the overall grasp we recommend  

• Peoples Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ), 1994, A national charter for Eritrea. 

• Mohammed  Said,  Alamin  1994,  Sewra  Eritrea: Misgwamin minquilqwaln, mesrih wshtawi mifhifahat sewra ertra, Trenton, NJ:  Red Sea Press.  ISBN 1‐56902‐004‐3.  

• Fekadu, Tekeste. Journey From Nakfa to Nakfa: Back to Square One, 1976‐1979. Asmara: Hdri Publishers. 

• Fekadu, Tekeste, 2008. The Tenacity and Resilience of Eritrea  from 1979  to 1983. Asmara: Hdri Publishers. 

• Connell, Don, 1997. Against All Odds: A Chronicle of the Eritrean Revolution. Trenton, NJ: Red Sea Press. “

• John C. Maxwell. The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership. Tennessee, Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc.

•  Rajmohan Gandhi 2008. Gandhi: The Man, His People, and the Empire. University of California Press. ISBN-13: 9780520255708.

• Nelson Mandela 19

• 1989 Stephen R. C

95. Long Walk to Freedom. Publisher: Little Brown & Co.


ovey The Seven Habits of Effective People

• Hemphill, J. K. and Coons, A. E. 1957. "Development of the leader behavior description questionnaire." In Leader Behavior: Its Description and Measurement. Stogdill, R. M., and Coons, A. E. (eds.) Columbus, OH: Bureau of Business Research of Ohio State University. 

• Katz, D., & Kahn, R. L. (1978). ”The social psychology of organizations,” 2nd Ed. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. 

• Rauch, C.F., & Behling, O. 1984. “Functionalism : Basis for alternate approach to the study of leadership”. In J.G. Hunt, D.M. Hosking, C.A Schriesheim and R. Stewart (eds) Leaders and managers : International perspectives on managerial behavior and leadership. Elmsford, New York: Pergamon Press. 


• Jacobs, T. O., & Jaques, E. (1990). «Military executive leadership.” In K. E. Clark & M. B. Clark (Eds.), Measures of leadership. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership. 

• Schein, E.H. (1992). “HOW CAN ORGANIZATIONS LEARN FASTER? THE PROBLEM OF ENTERING THE GREEN ROOM” Publisher: Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

• Drath, Wilfred H. & Palus, Charles J. “Making Common Sense. Leadership As Meaning‐Making in a Community of Practice.”  Publisher: Center for Creative Leadership, NC 27438‐6300. 

• Richards, D., & Engel, S. 1986. After the vision: Suggestions for corporate visionaries and vision champions. In Adams, J. (Ed.) “Transforming leadership: From vision to results.” Alexandria, VA: Miles River 

• House, R.J., Hanges, P.J., Ruiz‐Quintanilla, S.A., Dorfman, P.W., Javidan, M., Dickson, M., Gupta, V., & GLOBE (1999). “Cultural influences on leadership and organizations. Advances in global leadership.” Stanford, CT: JAI Press.  

• Kouzes, J.M., & Posner, B.Z. (2002). “The leadership challenge.” (3rd ed.) San Francisco, CA: Jossey‐Bass. 

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Report writing Methods and purpose  

Of report 


 Skills development committee 

Prepared by:  Mehereteab Hagos    

Introduction Every organizational work is dependent on the result of compiled research and analysis of data. In order to coordinate the overall responsibility and task of the organizational work, the organization must have good communication skills between members. And most of the organizational information passes on by a report. Reports play crucial roll on communicating and informing other members. As reports can cover a wide range of topics, there are different techniques focused to the different type of report. But as their function generally is to give an account of something, to answer a question, or to offer a solution to a problem we are going to discuss the common technique on conveying information with a clear purpose, to a specific audience. 

Our discussion will focus on the methods of writing a good report as well as how to communicate. Since good reports are documents which are accurate, objective and complete, then, our paper will 

over the entire part of report writing focus on these three subjects. Though this paper does not cmethods, it is a good introduction to the topic.    

The purpose of reports It is through the medium of a report that ideas and recommendations are normally conveyed to supervisors and colleagues. Importantly the purpose of reports are to: 

1. Analyze and explain a situation. 

2. Propose and gain agreement to a plan. 

3. Inform the progress made. 

In as much as it is possible reports should be logical, persuasive and succinct. Analysis of facts and evaluation of options are the basis for positive conclusions and recommendations. Among the fundamental rules that should be observed are those reports should be: 

Focused:  Although, the report may be addressed to a committee or group of individuals, it is well advised to target a specific audience and write your report aimed at that targeted group. This brings focus and clarity to the document. 

Brief: Always start by listing the key points you want to make in order to achieve brevity. A good discipline for all reports is to prepare a one page summary. Keep your report brief enough to hold you readers` interest. 

Readable: Pose issues concisely so that potential readers will understand them. Offer decisions or proposals in a neutral and thoughtful manner. 


Use no more words than are necessary to express your meaning. Use familiar words rather than far‐fetched if they express your meaning equally well. Avoid jargon even if readers understand it. 

Structured:  A good structure guides the reader and keeps the reader engaged. Below is the commonly used structure for reports:  

Executive Summary:  Concentrates the readers mind and can be used as an agenda in discussing the report. It is useful to cross‐reference the items to the relevant sections of the report. 

Introduction:  Explains why the report has been written and what it covers. 

Analysis:  Should lead logically to the conclusions and recommendations of the report. It assembles evidence to support your point and this is where you analyze the validity of your argument.  

Conclusions:  if the report is intended to persuade as well as inform. They must validly stem from the main body of the report in question.  

Recommendations:  this is where you discuss limitations and strengths and suggest actions to improve or support your point. 

Credible:  Credibility stems from: Sufficient factual evidence. Analysis supporting conclusions. Stating what value judgments and preference are used. Consistency, which will determine the reliability of your argument Over all presentation 

Presentable:  This element includes: General appearance Number Systems Graphics 

Accountable:  Recipients of management reports want guidance on what to do and what the writer thinks or believes needs to happen next. Hence, the responsibility for interpreting information and offering conclusions and recommendations lies with the reporter. Reports should be sourced from summary accounts evidenced by supporting documents. 


Submission dates of reports are to be set in advance and to be strictly adhered to.  accordance with established procedures. . 

Copies of reports shall be distributed to all concerned inConfidential nature of reports shall be strictly respected

Reducing writing load Delegate  Delegate the writing of routine items or replies to a well briefed assistant, secretary or clerk 

Talk  Talk rather than write to them. Remember, however, that writing provides a permanent record and talking does not. 

Prioritize Prioritize your writing tasks on the basis of importance and urgency. Mathem in order of importance, depending on deadlines or severity of con

Stages of preparing a report 

ke a “to‐do” list and number sequence. 

Preparation Identifying the issue Terms of reference or report requirement Information gathering Analysis 

Production Structuring Writing testing, revising and editing Summarizing Physical production and distribution 

Follow through Presentation Further action  “If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant, if what is said is not what is meant, that ought to be done remains undone” CONFUCIUS 


Principles common to all writing Tips for handling paper 

Make a decision Do not let the paper stand still for long; it is much harder to deal with once it turns into a pile. Know how to find what you file, which means regularly clearing obsolete files. Minimize repeat contacts‐ try to process each piece of paper only once or at most twice. 

ottom up. For papers in a pile, work one day from the top down, and the next day bAvoid pending tray with papers hanging around for attention. 

More time management tips Write memos on the received item and send it back. If you spend more than 10% of your total work time traveling, rethink your working habits. Ask for all reports to start with a one page summary. Do not personally chase progress, except as a last resort.  








ሓጺር መዘክር ብዛEባ


ምምራሕን ኣኼባታት



 Skills development committee 

ብ ዮናስ ማና ዝተዳለወ


መእተዊ Eዚ ሓጺር ጽሑፍ’ዚ Eዉት ኣኼባ ንምክያድ ክሕግዙ ዝኽEሉ ገለ ገለ ሓፈሻዊ ነጥብታት ብመልክE መዘክር ንምቕራብ ዝዓለመ ደኣ’ምበር ምሉE ትሕዝቶ ዘለዎ ኣስተምህሮ ከምዘይኰነ ምሕባር የድሊ። Eዚ ኣርEስቲ’ዚ ኣዝዩ ኣገዳሲ ከም ምዃኑ መጠን ኩሉ ኪፈልጦን ከዘውትሮን ምEንታን ብመልክE መጻሕፍቲ ዝተዳለወ ኣስተምህሮታት ኣብ ብዙሓት ምEቡላትን ኣብ ምምEባል ዘለዋን ሃገራት ይወሃብ Iዩ። ኣብ ሃገርና Eንተዀነ’ውን ብኸምU ኣብ መጽሓፍ ዝተሰነደ ኣይኹን ድኣ’ምበር ፡ ኣኼባ ክበሃል ከሎ ከከም ትሕዝትU ብተመኵሮን ብዘልማድን ምስ ባህልታትና ዝተሳሰረ ምEሩግ ኣካይዳ ከም ዝነበረና ይፍለጥ። Eዚ ሕጂ ዘሎ ወለዶ ግን (ብፍላይ ኣብ ወጻI ዝርከብ ህዝብና) ብሰንኪ መግዛEቲ ፡ Eንትርፎ Eቲ ካብ ሰውራ ዝመንጨወ ፍልጠት ፡ ካልE ካብ ሕብረተሰብ ሃገሩ ዝጸንሐ ፍልጠት ከይቀሰመን ከይወረሰን ዘርሚ ዘርሞ ኰይኑ ንነዊሕ ጸኒሑ። ኣብ ስደት Eንተዀነ’ውን ኣብ ኣከባቢU ዘሎ ምEቡል ኣመራርሓ ኣኼባታት ብግቡE ይጥቀመሉ ኣሎ ክበሃል ኣይከኣልን። ስለዚ ፡ ኣኼባ ክበሃል ከሎ ፡ ህዝቢ ተኣኪቡ Iሂን ምሂን ዝብሃለሉ፡ ዝላዘበሉን ዝመሃረሉ ፡ ንጉዳይ ሕብረተሰቡን ሃገሩን መደባት ዝሰርዓሉን ጸገማት ዝፈትሓሉን ዝዓበየ መድረኽ ካብ ኰነ፡ ንኣመራርሕU ብዝምልከት ፡ ነቒሕና ክንመሃሮን ክንመልኮን ዓቕምና ክብ ከነብል ይግባE። ካብታ ዝነኣሰት ማሕበር ክሳብ'ቲ ዝዓበየ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ Eትጥቀመሉ ኣገባብ ብመሰርቱ ዳርጋ ሓደ ዓይነት ኣገባብ'ዩ ዝኽተል። ስለዚ ተኣኪብካ፡ ዘቲኻ፡ ተኻቲEካ፡ ኣብ ሓደ ዝተሰማማEካሉ ፍረ ንምብጻሕ ካብ ኰነ Eቲ Eላማ፡ ኣኼባ ክትከይድ ከሎኻ ፡ ስነኣEምሮኣዊ ቅራራብ ጌርካ ምኻድ ድኣ’ምበር ንስሙ Iልካ ኣኼባ ምክፋል ትርጉም የብሉን።

መራሕቲ ኣኼባን ዕማማቶምን 

ኣቦ መንበር 

ኣቦ መንበር ማሕበር ኣኼባ ንክመርሕ ግድነት ኣይኰነን። ብኣንጻሩ’ኳ ድኣ ነጻ ኰይኑ ንኽካታEን ንመርገጽን ስጉምቲታትን ናይ’ቲ ንሱ ዝመርሖ ሽማግለ ማሕበር መታን ክከላኸልን ክገልጽን ፡ ከም ሰቡ ክዋሳE ዝሓሸ ክኸውን ይኽEል Iዩ። Eዚ ምስ ዝኸውን፡ ነቲ ኣኼባ ዝመርሑ ካልO ብቕዓት ኣለዎም ዝበሃሉ ካብቲ ኣኼበኛ ክምረጹ ይኽEሉ Iዮም።

ዝዀነ ኰይኑ ፡ Eቲ ኣኼባ ዝመርሕ ሰብ ነዞም ዝስEቡ ረቛሒታት ክመልኽ ይግባE፡-

ምሉE ሓበሬታ ናይቲ ማሕበርን፡ ቅዋሙን፡ ተልEኾUን፡ ኣከያይድUን

ብዝተኻEለ መጠን ኣስማት ተኻፈልቲ ምፍላጥን ምልላይን፡

ጽን Iልካ ናይ ምስማEን ምEዛብን ዓቕሚ፡

ንኹሉ ኣኼበኛ ዘስምE ድምጽን ንጹር ኣዘራርባን፡


ኣገባብ ኣካይዳ ኣኼባ ዝመልኽን ናይ ምEላይ ዓቕሚ ዘለዎን፡

ነቶም ኣብ ዘተ ዝለዓሉ ነጥብታት ኣቐዲሙ ዝፈልጥን ዝመልኽን፡

ሻራ ዘይብሉን ንናቱ ስሚIታት ንጎድኒ ገዲፉ ንኹሉ ብማEረ ዘዋስEን፡


ጸሓፊ ክበሃል ከሎ ከም ሽማግለ ዝተመርጸ ጸሓፊ ማሕበር ዘይኰነስ ነቲ ናይ ኣኼባ ጸብጻብ ንኽምዝግብ ዝተመዘዘ ሰብ ማለት Iዩ። ክህልዎ ዝግባE ክEለት ከኣ ነዞም ዝስEቡ ነጥብታት የጠቓልል።

ኣብ ኣኼባ ዝተባህለ ኩሉ ጽን Iልካ ምስማEን ከም ኣበሃህልU ምምዝጋብን፡

Eንታይ ዓይነት ኣጸሓሕፋ ከም Eትኽተል ኣቐዲምካ ምፍላጥን ምውሳንን። Eቲ ማለት ንኣብነት፡ ኣብ ኣኼባ ዝሓለፈ ውሳኔታት ጥራይ ምምዝጋብዶ ወይሲ ናይ ዘተ ፕሮቶኮል ብሙሉU ምምዝጋብ። ውሳኔታት ጥራይ ምምዝጋብ Eንተዀይኑ ቀሊል Iዩ። ምኽንያቱ ነቲ ዝተላEለ ሕቶን ዝተበጽሐ ውሳኔን ጥራይ Iዩ ዝምዝገብ። ኣብዚ ክጥቀስ ዘለዎ ግን፡ ብምድማጽ ዝተበጽሐ ውሳኔ Eንተዀይኑ፡ ክንደይ ደጊፎም ክንደይ ተቓዊሞም ክንደይከ ድምጺ ካብ ምሃብ ተዓቂቦም ብግቡE ምምዝጋብ የድሊ። ፕሮቶኮል ብሙሉU ክምዝገብ Eንተዀይኑ ግን ነጥቢ ብነጥቢ መን Eንታይ Iሉ ብቅደም ተኸተል መዝጊብካ ኣብ መወዳEትU ዝተበጽሐ ውሳኔ ይምዝገብ። ኣብ ዝቕጽል ኣኼባታት ውሳኔታት ተተግቢሮምዶ ኣይተተግበሩን Eቲ ቀንዲ መወከሲ ንሱ Iዩ፣

ተሓጋገዝቲ ኣብ ነፍሰ-ወከፍ ኣኼባ ብዝሒ ተኻፈልቲ ዝቖጽሩን፡ ዝEደል ጽሑፋት ዝዝርግሑን፡ ካብ ኩሉ ኣገዳሲ ከኣ ድምጺ ክወሃብ ከሎ ዝቖጽሩን ካብ ክልተ ዘይውሕዱ ተሓጋገዝቲ ክህልዉ ይግባE፣

ኣራሚ/ኣጽዳቒ ኣኼባ ቅድሚ ምጅማሩ ጸሓፊ ክምረጽ ከሎ፡ ክልተ ኣረምቲ ወይ ኣጽደቕቲ ክምዘዘU ይግባE። ንሳ’ቶም ክታሞም ከየንበሩሉ ጸብጻብ ኣኼባ ወግዓዊ ክኸውን ኣይክEልን Iዩ። ስለ’ዚ ኣኼባ Eናተኻየደ ከሎ፡ ንሳቶም’ውን ከምቲ ኣቦ መንበርን ጸሓፊን ዝገብርዎ፡ ነቲ ቀንዲ ነጥብታት ናይቲ ኣኼባ ኣብ ናይ ገዛE ርEሶም መዘክር ምስ ዝምዝግቡ Eቲ ዘጽድቕዎ ሰነድ ጽፉፍን ትኽክለኛን ክኸውን ይኽEል።

እንታይ ዓይነት ኣኼባ? Eምበኣርከስ ንሓደ ኣኼባ ዝመርሑ Eዚ’ኣቶም ካብ ኰኑ ብመሰረቱ Eንታይ ዓይነት ኣኼባ Eዩኸ Eቲ ኣኼባ? ውድባዊዶ ማሕበራዊ፡ ስፖርታዊዶ ትምህርታዊ ወዘተ ነናቶም ረቛሒታትን ደረኽቲ ኩነታትን ኣለዉዎም። ኣባላት ሓደ ማሕበር ብናይ ሓባር Eላማን ረብሓን ተቐይዶም ክኸዱ Eንድሕሪ ኮይኖም፡ Eቶም ዘካይድዎም ኣኼባታት ከኣ ልክE ብኸምU ክምሕደሩ ናይ ግድን ይኸውን። ኩሉ ሰብ ኣብ ኣኼባ ክካፈል ከሎ ግዜ ዘባኽንን ፍረ ዘይህብን ካብቲ መደብ ወጻI ካብ ምዝራብ ምቑጣብ ሓልፍነቱ'ኳ Eንተኾነ ብፍላይ መራሕቲ ኣኼባ Eቲ ዘAከቦም Eላማ ንኸይስሓት


ብጥንቃቐ ክኣልዩ ሓላፍነቶም ስለዝኾነ፡ ከምU ከተግብር ዘኽEል ፍልጠትን ተመኵሮን ከጥርዩ ይግባE።

ኣብዚ ክንጸር ዘለዎ ኣባላት ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ. በብጉጅልOም ዘካይድዎ ስሩE ኣኼባታት ምኽንያት መAከቢOምን EላምOምን ንጹር ስለዝኾነ ዛEባ ንምሕንጻጽ ኮነ ብኸመይ ከም ዝEለዩ ውድባዊ መምርሒታትን ደገፍን ስለዘለዎም ጸገም ኣሎ ክበሃል ኣይከኣልን። Eዚ ማለት ግን ንውድቦምን ንኣባላቶምን ዝጠቕሙ ሃነጽቲ ፕሮግራማት ሃሰውሰው Iሎም ከዳልዉን ክሰርUን ይግባE ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ሓላፍነትውን ኣለዎም። ካብU ዝያዳ ከኣ ኣባላት ህግደፍ ኣብ ኩለን ኣብ ከባቢOም ናይ ዝርከባ ካልOት ማሕበራት’ውን ኣባላት ስለዝኾኑ ኣብU ዝካየዱ ኣኼባታት ብግቡE ናይ ምክፋሎምን ምEላዮምን ምምራሖምን ተውሳኺ ሓላፍነት ከም ዘለዎም ክዝንግU የብሎምን። ከምU ምስ ዝኸውን ጥራይ Iዩ ኣብ ሕብረተሰብና ዓይነታዊ ለውጥን ምEባሌን ከመጽE ዝኽEል። ምኽንያቱ ኣብ ሓደ ሕብረተሰብ ካብቲ ዝተሓተ ጉጅለ ጀሚሩ ክሳብ Eቲ ዝለዓለ መጋባEያ ባይቶ ሃገር ዝካየድ ኣኼባታት ስነ-ስርዓትን ቀይድን ምስ ዝህልዎ ጥራይ Iዩ ኣገደስቲ ጉዳያት ክEለዩን ክፍጸሙን ዝኽEሉ።

ስለዚ Eንታይ ዓይነት ኣኼባ Iዩ ክካየድ Iልካ ምሕታትን ብUU መሰረት ከኣ ምቅርራብ ምግባርን ወሳኒ ተራ ኣለዎ። ኣዳለውቲ መደቦም ምስ ሰርU ንተኻፈልቲ፡ Eቲ ኣኼባ በየናይ ኣገባብ ከም ዝካየድን ዝቕየድን ብግቡE ምስ ዝሕብሩ ዘይምርድዳE ክውገድ ይከኣል። ምኽንያቱ ሰባት ኣብ ዝኾነ ኣኼባ ካብቲ ስሩE ዛEባታት ወጺOም “ደሞክራስያዊ መሰለይ Iዩ” Eናበሉ ሸንኮለል ክብሉን ግዜ ከህልኹን Eቲ ኣኼባ ከኣ ብዘይ ሓንቲ ፍረ ክዛዘምን ከም ልሙድ Eናኾነ ዝኸይድ ዘሎ ተርEይቶታት ካብ ኩላትና ስዉር ኣይመስለንን። ሓደ ነዚ ክጠቅም ክኸውን ዝኽEል ምEቡል ኣገባብ Eምበኣር EንተተኻIሉ ኣኼባ ክጽዋE ከሎ ምስU ኣተሓሒዝካ ብዛEባ Eንታይ ክዝተ ምዃኑን ኣየኖት ኣርEስትታት ንውሳኔ ከም ዝቐርቡን ንኣባላት ኣቐዲምካ ክለኣኽ ይምረጹ። ከምU ዘይከኣል Eንተኾይኑ ከኣ ኣኼባ ክጅመር ከሎ ብንጹር ኣጀንዳኻን ኣገባብካን ብምሕባር፡ ኣኼባ ምስ ተጀመረ ካብU ፈልከት ከይበልካ ብምኽታል Eዉት ውጽIት ክርከብ ይከኣል። ምናልባት ኣብ ናይ ሰሚናር ወይ ኣስተምህሮ መልክE ዘለዎ ኣኼባ ነጻ ክትE ክካየድ ይከኣል ይኸውን። ኣብU Eንተኾነውን ኣስተምህሮ ምስ ተዋህበ ብወገን ተኻፈልቲ ንዝቐርብ ሕቶ ኰነ ርEይቶ ካብ ዛEባ ወጻI ንኸይከውን ናይ መራሕ ኣኼባ ክEለት ይሓትት።

Eምበኣርከስ ኣኼባ ካብ ምጅማር ክሳብ ምዝዛም ዘድልዩ ኣገደስቲ ነጥብታት Eዞም ዝስEቡ EንተተማሊOም Eኹል Eዩ።

ኣጀንዳ (ቀንዲ መሰረት ናይ ጽፉፍ ኣኼባ) ዝኾነ ይኹን ኣኼባ ኣጀንዳ Eንተ ዘይብሉ Eኼባ Iልካ ክትጽውO ኣጸጋሚ Iዩ፣ Eዚ ማለት ፡ ክፉት ናይ ግዜ ይኹን ናይ ኣርEስትታት ቀይዲ ዘይብሉ ዘተ (Brain storming) ምግባር ይከኣል'ዩ። ከምU ዝኣመሰለ ኣኼባታት’ውን ናቱ ኣድላይነትን ብልጫታትን ክህልዎ ይኽEል’ዩ። ስሩE ኣኼባ ንምክያድ ግን ናቱ ኣገባብ ስለ ዘለዎ፡ ኣጀንዳ ኣቐዲምካ ምስራE ግዜን ሃልኪን ይቝጥብ። ኣኼባ ስለ ዝጸዋEካ ተኻፈልቲ፡ ምኽንያቱን ዛEባታቱን ይፈልጡ Iዮም ክትብል ኣይከኣልን። ኣጀንዳ Eንተዘይተዳልዩ ኩሉ ነናቱ ኣርEስቲ ሒዙ መጺU ሸንኮለል'ዩ ክኸውን። ምስ ተኻፈልቲ ኣቐዲምካ ብምውካስ ሓንሳብ ኣጀንዳ ምስ ተሰርA ፡ ኣኼባ ብU ክቕየድ ይግባE። ኣኼባ ምዓስ ጀሚሩ ምዓስ ከም ዝውዳE Eምበኣር ብመሰረት ኣጀንዳ Iዩ ዝውሰን። ኣኼባ ዝመርሕ ሰብ ከኣ ተኻፈልቲ ካብU ከይወጹን፡ ደንጕዮም ዝመጹ ንድሕሪት ከይመልሱዎን ጥንቃቐ ክገብር ይግባE ጥራይ ዘይኰነ፡ ዘረባ ንኸይነውሕን ኣብ ኣጀንዳ ዘይኣተወ ዛEባታት ከይለዓልን ክከታተል ይግባE።

ብሓፈሻዊ ኣዘራርባ Eዉት ኣኼባ ንምክያድ Eዚ ዝስEብ ክማላE ኣለዎ።


I  ኣዳላዊ ኣኼባ ጥንቁቕ ምቅርራብ የድልዮ። 1. ክትወቕO Eትደልዮ ሸቶን ውጽIቱን ኣለሊ። ኣኼባ ምግባር ከAውተካ ድዩ? 2. Eላማኻ ስልኪ ብምድዋል ወይ e‐mail ብምልኣኽ ክትግበር ዝኽEል Eንተዀይኑ

ዘየድሊ ኣኼባ ብምጽዋE ሰብ ኣይተድክም 3. ኣብ ኣኼባ ዝለዓሉ ዛEባታትን ነጥብታትን ኣቐዲምካ ኣለሊ 4. ኣኼባ ክንደይ ግዜ ከም ዝወስድ ኣቐዲምካ ኣውጅ 5. ጽፉፍ ኣጀንዳ ኣዳሉ 6. ኣጀንዳ ንተኻፈልቲ ኣቐዲሙ EንተተላIኹ፡ ጽቡቕ ምቅርራብ ገይሮም ክመጹ

ይኽEሉ 7. ኣኼባታት መሃርትን ሃነጽትን ምስ ዝኾኑ Eዉታት ይኾኑ ብኩራት ከኣ

ይውሕድ። 8. ሓደስቲ ብልሓታትን ስሕበት ዝፈጥሩ መዘናግIን ምሕዋስ

II  ተኻፈልቲ'ውን ምቅርራብ የድልዩ 1. ኣኼባ ብዛEባን ምንታይ ምዃኑ ኣቐዲምካ ተወከስ፡ ስለምንታይ ትካፈል ከም

ዘሎኻ ፍለጥ 2. ዘድልየካ ጽሑፋትን ካልEን ከይሓዝካ ኣይትኺድ 3. ኣጀንዳ ኣቐዲምካ ፍለጥ፡ ኣኼባ ብU መሰረት ይካየድ ምህላዉ ኣረጋግጽ 4. ናትካ ተራን Eትኽተሎ ኣገባብን ኣነጺርካ ፍለጥ 5. ኣብ ግዜኻ ተረኸብ፡ ክሳብ ኣኼባ ዝዛዘም ከኣ ጽናሕ 6. ሓሳባትክ ንኽትህብ ኮነ ንክትሓትት ድሕር ኣይትበል። Eንተዀነ ካልOት’ውን

ከማኻ መሰል ከም ዘለዎም ኣይትዘንግE። ኣብ ሓደ ኣርEስቲ ሓንሳብ ሓሳብካ Eንተደኣ ገሊጽካ፡ ንኻልOት Eድል ክትህብ ፈትን።

7. ”መሸላን ዘረባን፡ ቁርጽ ቁርጽ ተበልካዮ’ዩ” ዝብል ምስላ ወለዲ ኣይትረስE። ዘረባኻ ሓጺርን ርጡብን ይኹን። ክትሓትት Eንተ ተንሲEኻ ፡ ሓተታ ኣይትሃብ።

8. ካብ ንዘይትሰማምዓሉ ሓሳብ ዘቕረበ ሰብ ምጥቃE፡ ንሓሳቡ ምህራም ዓቢ ረብሓ ከም ዘለዎ ዘክር። ነቕረቢ ሓሳባት ከይተንከኻ ነታ ዘቕረባ ጌጋ ሓሳብ ፡ ኣየተናሕሰየላ።

9. ግዜ ካብ ወርቅን ካብ ኣልማዝን ዝሕረ ምዃኑ ኣይትረስE። ካልOት ይደንጉዩ፡ ኣይደንጉዩ ብዘየገድስ፡ ንስኻ ብዝተኻEለ መጠን Eንተወሓደ፡ ርብI ሰዓት ቅድሚ ምጅማር ኣኼባ ንኽትርከብ ፈትን።

III  ኣኼባ ዝካየደሉ ቦታ ምድላው። 1. ንኹሉ ዝኣክል ቦታን ምቹEነቱን ኣረጋግጽ 2. ስሕበት ዝፈጥርን ኩሉ ክዋስኣሉ ዘኽEል ቦታ የAውተካ'ዩ 3. ማይ ቡን ሻሂ ወዘተ ኣገዳስነት ኣለዎ 4. መሳለጥያታት (visual aids) ወረቓቕቲ ወዘተ ኣይትረስE 5. ኩሉ ግዜ ሓደስቲ ምህዞታት ብምትEትታው ተኻፈልቲ ንምምጓስ ጽዓር:

IV  ጸሓፊ ምምዛዝ። 1. መነ መን ተኻፊሎም። 2. ግዜን ቦታን ኣኼባ። 3. ኣየኖት ነጥብታት ተዘትዩሎም 4. Eንታይ ውሳኔታት ሓሊፎም 5. መን Eንታይ Eዮ ተዋሂቡ፡ ንኽትግብሮኸ ክንደይ ግዜ ተዋሂቡዎ ብንጹር

ክምዝገብ ኣለዎ።

V  ምጅማር እኼባ 1. Eላማ ኣኼባን፡ Eንታይ ንምጭባጥ ከም ዝኾነን ንኣኼበኛታት ምሕባር


2. ዓይነት ተኻፋልነት፡ ምልኣተ ጉባኤ፡ ካብ ኣኼበኛ Eትጽበዮን ኣብርህ 3. ኣገባብ ኣኼባ፡ ክንደይ ግዜ ከም ዝወስድ፡ ነፍስወከፍ ንሕቶን ንዘተን ዝፍቀዶ ግዜ

ኣቐዲምካ ኣፍልጥ 4. ተኻፈልቲ ዝህብዎ ምኽርን ሓሳባትን ኣድላዪ ምኻኑ ኣነጽር 5. ቅድሚ ሰብካ ኣብ ኣኼባ ከም Eትርከብ ግበር። ብግዜ ምጅማር ከኣ ኣይትረስE።

ሓደ ክልተ Eንተመጹ Iልካ ምጅማር Eንተ ደንጒኻ ፡ ነቶም ብግዜ ዝመጹ ”ንዳሕር ደንጒኹም ምጽU” ትብሎም ከም ዘሎኻ ተረዳE። ብግዜ ምውዳE ከኣ ኣይትዘንግE።

VI  ኣኼባ ምስ ተጀመረ 1. ንስኻ ትዛረቦን ካላOት ዝዛረቡዎን ብጥንቃቐ ከም ዝስምU ኣረጋግጽ 2. ኣገደስቲ ነጥብታት ኣለሊኻ ምምዝጋብ 3. ሓደስቲ ሓሳባት ኣተባብE፡ መዝግቦም ከኣ 4. ካብ ኣጀንዳ ከይወጹ ተጠንቀቕ 5. ኣኼባ Eናተኻየደ ክEመም ዘለዎ ስራሓት ኣከፋፍል 6. ንጸገም ተሳተፍቲ፡ ሓበሬታዊ፡ ማሕበራው ዋላ ኣካላዊ ክትርዳE ጸዓር።

VII  ኣተሓሕዛ እማመ (motion)፡ ሓደ Eማመ ናብ ተሳተፍቲ ንኽቐርብ ሰለስተ ነገራት ከማልE ኣለዎ፡

1. ሓደ ተሳታፋይ Eማመ ይቕርብ 2. ካልE ደጋፍይ ክድግፎ 3. መራሕ ኣኼባ ንሕቶ ናይ’ቲ Eማመ ንተሳተፍቲ ይደግመሎም

Eማመ ቅድሚ ናብ ድምጺ ምቕራቡ

1. ኣባላት ይካትEሉ 2. መራሕ ኣኼባ ናብ ድምጺ የቕርቦ፡

ሀ. መራሕ ኣኼባ ነታ ዘላ ሕቶ ይደግማ ለ. መራሕ ኣኼባ ድምጺ ይቖጽር ወይ ዝቖጽሩ ይምዝዝ።

3. መራሕ ኣኼባ ውጽIት ናይ ድምጺ የቕርብ። ብኸምዚ ኣገባብ፡ ሀ. ኣየናይ ወገን ከም Eተዓወተ፡ ለ. Eቲ ዝቐረበ Eማመ ተቐባልነት ከም ዝረኸብን ወይ ከም Eተነጽገን ሐ. ሳEቤን ናይ’ቲ ድምጼ Eንታይ ምዃኑ ምሕባር፡ ወይ ክኣ ኣብ ግብሪ

ክውEል ምEዛዝ።

VIII መሰረታዊ ኣገባብ ኣካይዳ ኣኼባ 1. ኣገባባት ኣኼባ ዝድለየሉ መኽንያት፡ ጽፉፍ፡ ስምምEን ስኒትን ዝመልO ኣኼባ

ንኽህሉ’ዩ። 2. ኩሎም ተሳተፍቲ ማEረ መስል፡ Eድልን ግዴታን ኣለዎም። ናይ ብዙሓት ደጋፍ

ዘለዎ ውሳኔ ይሓልፍ፡ መሰል ናይ ውሑዳት ግን ክሕሎ ይግባE። 3. ሓደ ውሳኔ ንምውሳን ምልኣተ-ጉባኤ የድሊ። 4. ኣብ ዝዀነ ዝቐረበ Eማመ (motion) ይኹን ሓሳብ ናጻ ምይይጥ ምክያድ መባEታዊ

መሰል’ዩ። 5. ኣብ ዝዀነ ይኹን ግዜ፡ ሓንቲ ሕቶ መልሲ ከይረኸበት ፡ ናብ ካልE ምስጋር

ኣይክኣልን። 6. ተሳተፍቲ፡ ኣብ ዝዀነ Eዋን፡ ሕቶ ንኽበርሃሎም ናይ ምሕታት መሰል ኣለዎም።

ቅድሚ ናብ ምርጫ ምEታዎም’ውን Eቲ ናብ ምርጫ ወሪዱ ዘሎ ኣርEስቲ ንኽድገመሎም ናይ ምሕታት መሰል ኣለዎም።

7. ብመራሕ መደብ Eድል ከይተዋህቦ ማንም ሰብ ክዛረብ መሰል የብሉን።


8. ሓንሳብ ኣብ ሓደ ኣርEስቲ ርEይቶ ዝሃበ ሰብ፡ ኣብ’ቲ ኣርEስቲ ንመጀመርያ ግዜOም ርEይቶ ክህቡ ዘደልዩ ሰባት ምስ ዘይህልዉ ጥራይ’ዩ ክደግም ዝፍቀደሉ።

IX  ኣኼባ መኣዝኑ ከይሰሓተ ሓሳባት ከምዝውሕዙ ምግባር 1. ካብ ተኻፈልቲ ሓበሬታን ሓሳባትን ኣክብ። ናይ ኩሉ ርEይቶ ስማE 2. ኩሎም ተኻፈልቲ ከም ዝዋስU ጌርካ ምራሕ 3. ንሃነጽቲ ሓሳባትን ኣስተዋጽOታትን ኣስመረሎም፡ ነቶም ሓሳባት ዝሃቡ ኸኣ ናይ

ምስጋናን ናEዳን ቃላት ፈይ ምባል ኣይትረስE። 4. ኣጀንዳ ከይስሓት ኣስተብህል፡ ኣንፈት ዘስሕት ኣርEስቲ ወይ ክትE ምስ ዝልዓል

፡ ”ኣጅንዳና ምስ ወዳEና ክንዛረበሉ” Iልካ ናብ’ቲ ኣጀንዳ ናይ ምምላስ ሓላፍነትካ ምዃኑ ኣይትረስE።

5. ቅልጣፌ ዓቅን፡ Eረፍቲ ከም ዘድሊ ኣይትረስE 6. ኣበየናይ ነጥቢ ተበጺሑ ከም ዘሎ ሓብር 7. በብግዚU ንኣገደስቲ ነጥብታት Eናጠቐስካ ተኻፈልቲ ዝሰማሞUሎም Eንተዀይኖም

ኣረጋግጽ 8. ኣብ ስምምE ከም ዝብጻሕን ዛEባታት ከም ዝዛዘሙ ንምግባር ጽዓር 9. ኣኼባ ቅድሚ ምውድU ጽሟቕ ናይ’ቲ ዝቐረበ ስምምዓትን ዝቐረበ ሓሳባትን

ኣቕርብ። 10. መራሕ ኣኼባ ከም ምዃንካ መጠን፡ ናይ’ቲ ካብ ተሳተፍቲ ክትርEዮ Eትደሊ

ኣቀራርባ ኣርኣያ ኹን። 11. ኤርትራዊ ኣኼባ ብዝክረ ሰማEታት'ዩ ዝEጾ። ኣገባቡ ከምዚ ዝስEብ Iዩ፡- ተጠንቀቕ

ክበሃል ከሎ ኣብ ርEስኻ ዘሎ ቆብE ወዘተ ኣልጊስካ ሰጥ ምባል። ንዘክር ክበሃል ከሎ ርEስኻ ምድናን። ብሰላም Eረፍ ክበሃል ከሎ ከኣ የማናይ Iድካ ንላEሊ ኣልIልካ "ዓወት ንሓፋሽ" Iልካ ትጭርሕ

ኣብ መዛዘሚ ናይ’ዚ ሓጺር መዘክር ክጥቀስ ዘለዎ ኣብ’ዚ ዘሎናዮ ምEራባዊ ዓለም ምሕደራ ሃገርን ፡ መስርሕ ደሞክራሲን ኣብ ሓፋሽ ዝተመርኰሰ ስለዝዀነ፡ ተምሃሮ ይኹኑ ዓበይቲ ፡ ሰራሕተኛታት ይኹኑ ሓረስቶት ፡ መንግስታውያን ይኹና ዘይመንግስታውያን ትካላትን ማሕበራትን፡ ሓደ መልክE ብዘለዎ ኣገባባትን ሕግታትን ዝምርሓ Iየን። ነዚ ንምትግባር ከኣ ኣብ ነዊሕ ጉEዞ ዝተጠርየ ኣብ ተመኵሮን ትምህርትን ዝተመርኰሰ መምርሒ፡ ንህዝቢ ብኣስተምህሮታት ይወሃብን ብጽሑፍ ከኣ ይEደልን’ዩ። ብU መሰረት ማሕበር ክምስረት ከሎ ከም ቀንዲ መሳርሒ ዝጥቀሙሉ መጻሕፍቲ ኣሎ። ኣብ ዝኾነ ቤት ንባብን ቤት መጻሕፍቲ’ውን ንምርካቡ ቀሊል Iዩ። ንኣብነት ንኽኸውን Eዚ ዝስEብ መጻሕፍትን ወብሳይታትን ምጥቃስ ይከኣል።

1. The Managers Pocket Guide to Effective Meetings, by Steve Kaye

2. Meeting Excellence: 33 Tools to Lead Meetings That Get Results, by Glenn Parker & Robert


3. Great Meetings! Great Results, by Dee Kelsey & Pam Plumb.

4. Successful Meetings: How to Plan, Prepare, and Execute Top-Notch Business Meetings, by Shri L.

Henkel & Marie Lujanac.

5. Lilla Föreningshandboken, Uno Larsson

6. Stora Föreningshandboken, Uno Larsson

7. Föreningsboken, Svante & Lasse Pedersson 8.





Eዚ ብቐሊሉ ክርከብ ዝከኣል ሃብታም ናይ ፍልጠት መኣዲ ኣብ ቅድመና ካብ ሃለወ ፡ Eቶም ዓቕሚ ዘሎና ንርEስና ተማሂርና ንዜጋታትና ክንምህር ዓቢ ሓላፍነት ከም ዘሎና ብምግንዘብ ኣተኵርና ክንደፍኣሉ ኣሎና። ኣብዚ ከይተጠቕሰ ክሓልፍ ዘይግባE ካልE ነጥቢ ከኣ፡ ኣብዚ ወጻI ክሳብ ዘሎና ናታ’ቶም ትምህርትን ካብ ኣገባባቶም ከኣ ጸጽቡቑ Eናመረጽና ብምውራስ ኣብ ናይ ዘሎናዮ ሃገር ህይወት ክንዋሳEን ንሕና ረቢሕና ከኣ ሃገርና ከነርብሕ ክንጽEር ከም ዝክኣል ምርዳE’ዩ።

ዓወት ንሓፋሽ!