Download - Youth night

Page 1: Youth night


Laura GuerraAnthropology 121

Dr. Wolfe9/17/12

Page 2: Youth night

Divine Savior This is the outside of a Christian church. This church is called Divine Savior church. The church is a part of a business complex. On Friday nights it is youth night and only teenagers go on Fridays. That is when I went.

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Sitting Area

This room is where everyone sits while the youth leaders teach a lesson. You can sit where ever you like. The youth leaders base there lessons on the Holy Bible. The man in the middle is one of the youth leaders. His name is Max.

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Here is a backroom used to prepare or store food. People come back here to socialize before or after the service starts. This Christian church is like a family so anyone is allowed to be in the room. In this room I was introduced to everyone and I told them about taking pictures for my project.

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Children’s roomThis is a room where children can play. The children play in here while the service is happening. This room was made so the children don’t disrupt the service. The photo was taken from a window that lets the parents see inside.

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Sound RoomNext to the room for children is another smaller room but there is no name for it. This was not used when I went because it is used to adjust the microphones and speakers.

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MusicUsually they use the drums while singing. They sing to worship God. However, they did not sing when I went. The stage to the right of the drums is used for ministers to give their sermon.

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ReadingHere the second youth leader, Jaime, is reading from the Holy Bible. During Jaime’s lecture he asks everyone to read a section of the Holy Bible. He reads it out loud and everyone follows along in their own Holy Bible. If someone does not have one there are extras on a table in the back of the room. I used one of the extras to read along.

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Jaime reads a passage in the Holy Bible then tells an anecdote. For instance when I went he read a section about relationships. Then he told us about him and his wife. The moral of his story was that people can not have dating relationships unless you have a relationship with God.

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Second LectureMax also gave a lecture. However, Jaime took up most of the time so Max was only able to talk for about twenty minutes. Max made sure we were paying attention to Jaime lecture. He asked what was the point of Jaime’s story. One boy answered that your relationship with someone else will not succeed if your relationship with God isn’t strong.

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Max ends the night by praying. He asks everyone if there is anything they would like to pray for. Some people asked if we could pray for their mom or to do better in school. The prayer only lasted a couple of minutes.