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  • 8/12/2019 Young Women Parliamentarians






    ON THIS DAY OF 2014


    JULIUS OKOTHP.O.BOX 1912-00200


  • 8/12/2019 Young Women Parliamentarians


    THIS TRUST DEED and /or DECLARATION OF TRUST is made on the ----

    --thday of -----, by:-

    -------------, Holder of National Identity Card Number/passport Number -------, of P.O Box -------.

    --------, Holder of National Identity Card Number/pass portNumber -------, of P.O Box -------

    --------, Holder of National Identity Card Number/pass portNumber ------, of P.O Box ---------

    Hereinafter called the "Founder Trustees") which expression

    shall where the context so admits include other trustee (s)

    for the time being hereof whether original, alternate orsubstituted;

    WHEREAS the Founder Trustees are individually and

    collectively motivated to positively advance the course of

    humanity and transform lives and are currently involved in

    social development work

    The Founder Trustees have hereby resolved to establish and

    or constitute apublic charitable trustwith various trust

    funds including but not limited to an endowment trust fund,

    investment trust fund, welfare fund and/or trust fund(s) as

    may deemed necessary for the furtherance of the objects

    hereinafter declared;

    The Founder Trustees aforementioned shall act, as the First


    the said trustees are desirous to act as such;

    The Founder Trustees hereby convey authority unto the YOUNGWOMEN PARLIAMENTERIANS FOUNDATION its trustees and other

    authorized officials to administer and manage the

    properties and resources advanced to it and to hold

    resources for the purpose of this trust and the trusteesintend to raise funds, accept subscriptions and mobilize

    resources through investments, donations, gifts and

    bequests on behalf of the trust;


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    The Trustees are the Trustees of the Trust Funds

    hereinafter established.


    The Trust hereby constituted shall be known as the YOUNGWOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS FOUNDATION(Hereinafter called "the



    Throughout these presents (where the context so admits): -

    In this Deed and in its Schedules, the following words and

    expressions shall have the Meanings hereinafter

    respectively ascribed to them unless the context otherwise


    "Beneficiary" shall mean and include the members of YOUNGWOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS as provided under this trust

    hereinafter subject to necessary modifications, including

    members, Youths, students, women, men and persons of need

    identified by the trustees, Community based organizations,

    Self help groups and civil society organizations.

    "Founder Trustees" shall mean the person's hereinabove

    mentioned as such and others to be appointed by the first


    "Investments" means any immoveable property in the Republic

    of Kenya or else where which shall include land whether

    covered by water or not and any estate, right, interest or

    easement over land and things attached to land or

    permanently fastened to anything attached to land and cash

    or monies on current or deposit account and includes any

    meaning ascribed by rules made hereinafter;

    "Trust," means the trust constituted by this Deed and to be

    known as the YOUNG WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANSor by such othername as the Trustees may from time to time determine;

    "Trust Fund" means the Original Sum and all other money and

    property which may be paid or transferred to the Trustees

    for the said objects and the investments and property from

    time to time representing the same;


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    "Trustee Act" means the Trustee Act, Chapter 167, Laws of


    "Trustees (Perpetual Succession) Act" means the Trustees

    (Perpetual Succession) Act, Chapter 164 Laws of Kenya.

    "Trustees" means any such person or persons who shall from

    time to time be the trustee or trustees of the trusts of

    the Trust Deed and where circumstances allow it shall

    include a trustee's representative, assignee and /or


    "Deed" shall mean any instrument in writing signed by the

    parties thereto in the presence of an independent witness

    and dated or in the case of a party thereto which shall be

    a body corporate then executed in accordance with the

    Constitution or other statute of such corporate body.

    "Income" means all proceeds earned or received from the

    trust investments and trust properties and includes rent;

    "Trust fund(s)" shall mean such monies as may be declared

    by the founder Trustees.

    "Trust properties" shall include but not limited to all

    properties that shall be vested in the Trust

    "The Board of the Founder Trustees" shall include the

    persons herein mentioned and /or referred to as the founder

    trustees in their individual and/or original capacity and

    all other persons as shall be appointed by the original

    Founder Trustees to be recognized as the founder trustees

    of this trust.

    "The Management Board" means the Board of Trustees charged

    with the responsibility of managing the trust hereof. The

    Board of the Founder Trustees shall constitute the

    Management Board by electing and/or appointing itsofficials and advisors where necessary.

    "The Registered Trustees" mean the Trustees constituted as

    a body corporate upon incorporation of this trust under the

    provisions of the Trustees (Perpetual Succession) Act,

    Chapter 164 of the Laws of Kenya.


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    "The Social Responsibility and Welfare Council" mean the

    body of persons appointed by the Management Board and to

    advise the trust on its social responsibility projects and

    welfare activities.

    Words importing the singular number include the plural and

    vice versa;

    Words importing any gender include every gender;

    Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other

    parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or

    phrase have corresponding meanings;

    Words importing persons include natural persons,

    partnerships, trusts, associations and corporate bodies;

    The clause, sub-clause, paragraph or schedule headings and

    bold print are included for ease of reference only and

    shall not affect the interpretation of this Deed;

    Reference to any statute includes a reference to that

    statute as 'amended modified or replaced from time to time

    and includes orders, ordinances, regulations, rules and by-

    laws made under or pursuant to that statute.

    Where this deed is silent on a matter, recourse shall be

    made to the rules, bye laws, regulations and schedules made


    2. NAME

    The trust hereby constituted shall be known as YOUNG WOMEN



    The Registered Office of the Organization will be situated

    in Kenya Africa.


    The Trust shall be deemed to have been established in Kenya

    under irrevocable trusts declared hereby with effect from

    the --------(being the "the Commencement Date") and with

    effect from such date, the Founder Trustees shall act the


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    first trustees hereof and the subsequent trustees, members'

    and beneficiaries shall participate in the trusts hereof

    from such date.

    5. NATURE OF TRUSTThe Trust established herein shall be an Irrevocable PublicCharitable Trust.

    6. OBJECTS

    The OBJECTS of the Trust shall be for the furtherance of

    inter alia the following objects nationally and

    internationally: -

    a.To /promote the vision, mission, objectives, Programmes andactivities of the YOUNG WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS and all its

    constituent sectors of strategic operations.

    b.To encourage young parliamentarians to engage in communitydevelopment, income generating activities, participate

    meaningfully in charitable activities and philanthropic


    c.To empower members of the young women in various fields inthe country and thus provides employment opportunities.

    d.To acknowledge positive contribution and efforts ofindividuals, institutions and organizations in societal

    development in strengthening the spirit of volunteerism on

    nation building initiatives, hard work, excellence,

    creativity, innovation, selflessness, peace,

    reconciliation, liberty and equality.

    e.To encourage and promote positive cultural practices amongKenyan communities while fostering a competitive

    environment that will enhance creativity among the young


    f.To champion for freedom, dignity and general well being ofindividual members thereby respecting their fundamental and

    inalienable human right to freedom of conscience.

    g.To encourage the young women to undertake outreachactivities and pursue initiatives that will empower andliberate them socially and economically.

    h.To acknowledge positive contribution and effort ofindividuals, institutions and organization in societal


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    i.To promote financial education, literacy and economicempowerment of the beneficiaries of this trust and

    communities locally and internationally.

    j.To acquire any movable and immovable property and anybuildings or things whatsoever including intangible goods

    and sell, dispose of, mortgage, lease or otherwise deal

    with all or any part of the property or rights of the


    To nurture, develop and instill high ethical & moral standards;

    family values of love, mutual care and support,

    a.honesty, transparency and integrity amongst the children,their family and community members, with a view of

    developing a sound family value system.

    b.To promote national development and pursue goals for theadvancement of education, economic empowerment, furtherance

    of good health practices, relief of poverty, distress and


    c.To promote and foster national unity in diversity; whileseeking to preserve the various positive cultural

    identities, kingdom culture and guarding against acts of


    d.To empower communities and nations through, legalawareness, entrepreneurship training, general development

    training and supporting initiatives geared towards the

    betterment of the society and improvement of humanity as a


    e.To act in the best interest of children and otherdependants of the members of this trust and facilitate an

    enabling environment for their survival and development

    culturally, socially, intellectually, spiritually andeconomically.

    f.To create and develop several trust funds geared towardsrealization of the foregoing ideals.

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    g.To initiate, support and facilitate innovative programmesgeared towards pursuit of sustainable development for

    children, young persons, the youth and the elderly persons.

    h.To promote strategic general economic nationally andinternationally and create the spirit of entrepreneurship

    in Africa and support small and medium enterprises amongst

    young women.

    i.To collaborate, partner and associate with otherorganizations, bodies, authorities, local and foreign

    towards mutual achievement of its goals.

    j.To initiate, promote, sponsor, operate and or run schools,colleges, hospitals, Community based organizations,

    hostels, homes and centers.

    k.To implement charitable objectives conforming to this deedand which the Trustees may deem desirable to do.

    k.To enter into any arrangement with any government orauthorities that may seem conducive to the Organization's

    objects or any of them and to obtain from such government

    or authority any rights, privileges and concessions which

    the Organization may think desirable to obtain.

    l.To take such steps by way of personal or written appeals,public meetings or otherwise as May from time to time 'be

    expedient for the purpose of procuring contributions to theOrganization in the form of donations, annual subscription

    or otherwise.

    m.To provide consultancy, training and research services tocommunity groups, community based organizations, non

    governmental organizations, and regional and international

    development agencies.

    n.To apply to any government or authority, public bodies,corporations, companies or persons for and to accept

    grants, gifts or money and any movable or immovableproperty, donations, gifts, subscriptions and other

    assistance with a view of promoting the objects of the

    organization and in taking of any gift or property subject

    to any special trust that may be prescribed by the donor


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    o.To acquire and hold either in the Company or in that of anynominee, shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock,

    bonds, treasury bills and bonds, notes, obligations,

    warrants, options and securities issued or guaranteed by

    any company wherever incorporated, issued or guaranteed by

    any government, public body or authority in any part of the


    p.To lend and advance money or give credit to employees ofthe Organization upon such terms as the Board of the

    Organization may think fit and to guarantee the performance

    of any contract or obligation and the payment of money by

    any employee of the Organization, and generally to give

    guarantees and indemnify the employees.

    cc. To undertake such other activities and projects incidental

    to the foregoing purposes.

    7. POWERS

    In furtherance of the said objects, but not otherwise, the

    Management Board of Trustees shall have the following POWERS:

    a. To reasonably invest monies within their disposal in short

    term, mid term and long-term projects.

    To reasonably apply funds within their disposal and to provide

    services for-realization of the foregoing purposes.

    c. To promote the welfare of children, women, men and youth

    and encourage their active participation in key decision-making and development processes affecting them.

    d. To operate according to laws of the land as contained in

    the Constitution of Kenya and all other relevant statutes

    and international legal instruments.

    e. To establish and operate Bank accounts with Bankers,

    building/investment societies or companies in the name of

    the Trust; PROVIDED THAT cheques drawn on such

    accounts and transactions undertaken thereto shall be

    by persons duly authorized by the Trustees to operatesuch accounts and undertake such transactions as evidencedby a special resolution to that effect.

    f. To raise funds, invite and receive contributions from

    identified person(s) and/ or organization(s) by way of

    donationsgrants, gifts, bequests, subscription, loan

    and soft loan and/or otherwise.

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    g. To collaborate with organizations and statutory

    authorities operating in similar and related

    activities; and exchange information and ideas on the

    furtherance of the objects of the trust.

    h. To purchase, lease, hire or otherwise acquire any real or

    personal property anywhere in the world; and any rights and

    privileges for the attainment of the said objects.

    i. To engage in any lawful income generating activities and

    for this purpose maintain, alter any buildings or erections

    as necessary as aforesaid and to invest such property to

    its full reinstatement value.

    j. To develop policies, rules and regulations for the

    governance and administration of the Trust and management

    of any property as may be acquired.

    k. Subject to the special resolution of the Board of the

    Founder Trustees and the approval of the Management Board,

    to sell, let, mortgage, dispose off or turn to account any

    of the property or assets of the Trust.

    1. To consult with and seek the opinion of and advice from

    professionals, individuals or institutions where such

    opinion and or advice is in the view of the board necessary

    for the attainment of the objects of the trust.

    m. To do all such other lawful things, and without prejudiceto the foregoing, as are necessary for the attainment of

    the said objects.


    Without prejudice to any authority, which may expressly or

    by implication be vested in the Trustees under the

    provisions hereof or by law, the Management Board of

    Trustees shall have the following additional powers.

    a. Make bye-laws or rules-At any time and from time to make

    such schemes and frame such bye-laws, regulations and rulesas they shall in their uncontrolled discretion think fit

    for the administration and management of this trust and at

    any time to amend, alter, or repeal any of the said

    arrangements, schemes, bye-laws or rules as they shall

    think fit.

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    b. Insure-To insure against loss or damage any property for

    the time being forming part of the trust fund for any

    amount and to pay the premium payable in respect thereof

    out of the trust fund or the income thereof and to also

    take all forms of insurance covers, if possible, to cover

    all foreseeable claims.

    c. Incorporate - To promote and procure the incorporation or

    registration of any company with or without limitation of

    the liability of the members thereof to facilitate the

    execution of the purposes and objects declared herein.

    d. Delegation-To delegate powers, authorities and discretions

    by these presents or by law conferred on them as the

    trustees shall deem fit, to any entity in the form of an

    organization, task force, committee and/or board or other

    proper officer constituted in accordance with any bye-laws

    or rules drawn up by the Trustees as aforesaid or otherwise

    employed by the Trustees.

    e. Release powers- by deed revocable or irrevocable to

    extinguish, revoke, or restrict the future exercise of any

    power conferred on the Trustees by this deed.


    The Management Board subject to the approval of the Founder

    Trustees may appoint persons and organizations into the

    membership ranks of YOUNG WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS opinion

    and or advice is in the view of the board necessary for theattainment of the objects of the trust.

    m. To do all such other lawful things, and without prejudice

    to the foregoing, as are necessary for the attainment of

    the said objects.


    Without prejudice to any authority, which may expressly or

    by implication be vested in the Trustees under the

    provisions hereof or by law, the Management Board of

    Trustees shall have the following additional powers.

    a. Make bye-laws or rules-At any time and from time to make

    such schemes and frame such bye-laws, regulations and rules

    as they shall in their uncontrolled discretion think fit

    for the administration and management of this trust and at

    any time to amend, alter, or repeal any of the said

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    arrangements, schemes, bye-laws or rules as they shall

    think fit.

    b. Insure-To insure against loss or damage any property for

    the time being forming part of the trust fund for any

    amount and to pay the premium payable in respect thereof

    out of the trust fund or the income thereof and to also

    take all forms of insurance covers, if possible, to cover

    all foreseeable claims.

    c. Incorporate - To promote and procure the incorporation or

    registration of any company with or without limitation of

    the liability of the members thereof to facilitate the

    execution of the purposes and objects declared herein.

    d. Delegation-To delegate powers, authorities and discretions

    by these presents or by law conferred on them as the

    trustees shall deem fit, to any entity in the form of an

    organization, task force, committee and/or board or other

    proper officer constituted in accordance with any bye-laws

    or rules drawn up by the Trustees as aforesaid or otherwise

    employed by the Trustees.

    e. Release powers- by deed revocable or irrevocable to

    extinguish, revoke, or restrict the future exercise of any

    power conferred on the Trustees by this deed.


    The Management Board subject to the approval of the FounderTrustees may appoint persons and organizations into the


    (hereinafter called the Organization/ Trust/ Foundation)

    under the following categories:-

    a) Individual Life Membership

    This shall relate to individual persons who shall be

    considered to subscribe fully to the ideals, aspirations

    and goals of the Organization, having met minimum special

    requirements of membership under this category as may be

    prescribed from time to time by the Management Board.

    D) Individual Ordinary Membership

    This shall relate to individual persons who shall be

    considered to subscribe partially to the ideals,

    aspirations and goals of the Organization, having met

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    minimum special requirements of membership under this

    category as may be prescribed from time to time by the

    Management Board.

    c) Corporate Life Membership

    This shall relate to Organizations either being Companies,

    Non Governmental Organizations, Faith Based Organizations,

    International Organizations/Agencies, Embassies, Societies

    and trusts which shall be considered to subscribe fully to

    the ideals, aspirations and goals of the Organization,

    having met minimum special requirements of membership under

    this category as may be prescribed from time to time by the

    Management Board.

    d) Corporate Ordinary Membership

    This shall relate to Organizations either being Companies,

    Non Governmental Organizations, Faith Based Organizations,

    International Organizations/Agencies/ Embassies, Societiesand trusts which shall be considered to subscribe partially

    to the ideals, aspirations and goals of the Organization,

    having met minimum special requirements of membership under

    this category as may be prescribed from time to time by the

    Management Board.

    e) Honorary Membership

    This shall relate to membership of individual eminent

    persons who shall distinguish themselves locally,

    nationally and internationally in realizing the ideals of

    the Organization during their lifetime thereby makingpositive impact to advance the course of humanity.

    The members of the organization as provided hereinabove

    shall be governed by the Membership code of conduct &

    ethics and the Membership rules provided hereinafter.

    FOUNDATION (hereinafter called the Organization/ Trust/

    Foundation) under the following categories:-

    a) Individual Life Membership

    This shall relate to individual persons who shall be

    considered to subscribe fully to the ideals, aspirationsand goals of the Organization, having met minimum special

    requirements of membership under this category as may be

    prescribed from time to time by the Management Board.

    D) Individual Ordinary Membership

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    This shall relate to individual persons who shall be

    considered to subscribe partially to the ideals,

    aspirations and goals of the Organization, having met

    minimum special requirements of membership under this

    category as may be prescribed from time to time by the

    Management Board.

    c) Corporate Life Membership

    This shall relate to Organizations either being Companies,

    Non Governmental Organizations, Faith Based Organizations,

    International Organizations/Agencies, Embassies, Societies

    and trusts which shall be considered to subscribe fully to

    the ideals, aspirations and goals of the Organization,

    having met minimum special requirements of membership under

    this category as may be prescribed from time to time by the

    Management Board.

    d) Corporate Ordinary MembershipThis shall relate to Organizations either being Companies,

    Non Governmental Organizations, Faith Based Organizations,

    International Organizations/Agencies/ Embassies, Societiesand trusts which shall be considered to subscribe partially

    to the ideals, aspirations and goals of the Organization,

    having met minimum special requirements of membership under

    this category as may be prescribed from time to time by the

    Management Board.

    e) Honorary Membership

    This shall relate to membership of individual eminentpersons who shall distinguish themselves locally,

    nationally and internationally in realizing the ideals of

    the Organization during their lifetime thereby making

    positive impact to advance the course of humanity.

    The members of the organization as provided hereinabove

    shall be governed by the Membership code of conduct &

    ethics and the Membership rules provided hereinafter.

    a. The time, place and method of calling meetings of the


    b. The custody of monies, deeds, securities and documents

    belonging to the trust.

    c. The invitation to any appointment of such persons as they,

    may select to be patron or advisors of the trust and the

    powers and functions to be delegated to such persons

    provided that actions taken under delegate powers shall be

    reported back to the Board.

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    Management Board subject to unanimous vote and approval by

    the Board of the Founder Trustees by supplemental deed may

    vary any of the provisions of this Deed PROVIDED THAT no

    amendment shall be made which would cause the Trust to

    cease to be an Irrevocable Public Charitable Trust at law

    or contravene the objects of this deed.


    a. Trust monies under TRUST hereof may be invested in the

    purchase of or upon the security of such stocks funds,

    shares, securities, offshore investments, unit trust

    investments or other investments of whatsoever nature as

    the Management Board of Trustees shall in their absolute

    discretion deem fit and to the intent that the Board shall

    have the same full and unrestricted powers of investing and

    transposing investments in all respect as if it was

    absolutely entitled to the Trust fund beneficially.

    b. Money may be left un-invested from time to time at a bank

    on interest basis and for such periods as the Management

    Board may deem fit and the Board may make arrangements for

    the collection of the income of such investments or


    c. The Management Board may permit any investments in

    securities transferable by delivery to be held on the

    account of the Board, by any Bank and the Board may make

    such arrangements as it thinks fit for the collection ofthe income of such investments or securities.


    The trust hereby established shall be managed and

    administered according to this trust deed, rules, schemes,

    schedules and regulations made hereinafter.

    The key organs of governance, management and administration

    of the trust shall include inter alia the following:

    a) Council of Reference-This shall act as the arm of the

    Organization charged with strategic policy direction of theOrganization.

    b) Management Board of Trustees- This shall act as the

    executive leadership arm of the Organization overseeing the

    day to day running operational and administrative

    activities of the Organization.

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    c) Board of the Founder Trusteesshall act as the overseer arm

    of the Organization ensuring that the ideals and

    aspirations of the Organization are maintained at all


    d) Social Responsibility and Welfare Council- This shall act

    as the advisory arm of the Organization on social

    responsibility and welfare issues.

    The duties of the aforementioned organs shall be as set out

    in the rules, regulations, schemes and schedules made



    The Board of the Founder Trustees may from time to time,

    appoint any Trustee, as an official of the Management Board

    in any one of the following designations.

    Honorary Chairperson

    Honorary Vice-chairperson Honorary Secretary

    Honorary Treasurer and

    Any other designation deemed appropriate and necessary.

    Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Board may undercertain circumstances, appoint the following persons and

    others, as officials of the Board, notwithstanding the fact

    that the said persons are not trustees of the Trust hereof.

    Investment and financial advisor Legal advisor Public relations and Communications officer

    Local & International goodwill ambassador(s)

    The duties of the officials and co-opted members of Management

    Board shall be as set out in the rules, regulations, schemes and

    schedules made hereinafter.

    The management board shall at all times be required to observe

    jointly and severally the code of ethics and conduct as set out

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    in the rules, regulations, schemes and schedules made



    The Organization officials under the above organs and others

    shall at all times in fulfilling their broad mandate, duties

    and responsibilities adhere to the following:-

    a) Good governance characteristics of discipline,

    transparency, independence, accountability, responsibility,

    fairness/equity and social responsibility.

    b) Ensuring policy driven governance through on the V4

    concept broadly considered as follows:-

    Vision casting and development clearly defining the

    Organization's vision statement and monitoring the

    Organization, desired impact.

    Voice Seek, listen to, and respond to the organization's


    Values- Resolutely deal with the large value issues on which

    staff planning can proceed.

    Verification- Enact parameters and criteria that provide the

    Management Board with effective fiduciary and ethical

    oversight through regular monitoring.

    c) Respect and implementation of the Organizational

    Management pillars according

    to the Organization strategic business plan,

    organization operational & development plan, policy andprocedures manual, .financial policy manual, members

    code of conduct and the Management Board code of



    The rules governing the conduct of meetings shall be as set

    out in the rules, regulations, schemes and schedules made

    hereinafter. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the

    following shall act as broad guidelines on the conduct of the


    a. The Honorary-Chairperson shall preside all meetings of the

    Board save that if at any meeting the Chairperson is not

    present within reasonable time, after the time appointed for

    the said meeting, the Trustees present may choose one of

    their members present to act as the Chairperson of that


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    b. Without prejudice to the foregoing, under certain instances

    as may be agreed by the chairperson, certain meetings may be

    chaired and/or facilitated by a person other than the

    chairperson notwithstanding the presence of the chairperson,

    c. Any Trustee - may at any time upon notifying the honorary

    chairperson of such arrangements cause the honorary secretary

    to convene a meeting of the Board.

    d. Questions arising at any meeting, save where otherwise

    stipulated in this deed, rules, schemes, schedules made

    hereinafter shall be decided by a majority of votes with each

    trustee present having one vote and in case of equality of

    votes, the chairperson shall have a casting vote.

    e. The majority shall be a simple majority save in the case of

    removal of a Trustee when the special majority as required,

    for by this deed hereof shall apply.

    f. Honorary secretary shall send notice of every meeting to each

    Trustee other than a trustee for the time being not in Kenya.

    Any notice posted seven clear days before the date of the

    meeting shall be deemed as duly served.

    g. Every notice shall state the venue, day, date and time of the

    meeting and the agenda and/or business to be undertaken.


    a. The Management Board shall cause proper minutes to be keptand entered into a book provided for the purposes of all

    their resolutions and proceedings and any such minutes of

    any meeting of the Board signed by the Chairperson of the

    Board or by the Chairperson of such meeting shall be

    conclusive evidence of the matters stated in such minutes

    except in the case of manifest error.

    b. The Management Board shall cause full, true and accurate

    accounts to be kept of the Trust Fund and all income

    arising there from and all dealings therewith and all

    payments made there under.

    c. At least once in each year usually at the end of the

    financial year, Management Board shall cause to be prepared

    a statement of accounts and a balance sheet for the

    previous year and shall cause accounts to be audited in

    each year by an independent professional-qualified auditor.

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    a. A person shall be qualified to be appointed as a trustee of

    this Trust if that person is committed to the ideals and

    objects of this trust and is a responsible person, with

    impeccable integrity, utmost honesty and financially sober.

    b. The Management Board, following a resolution of the

    Founder Trustees, may appoint a new trustee, which

    appointment and resolution shall be recorded in the

    minutes and signed by the new trustee and such record shall

    be conclusive evidence of his appointment.

    c. A trustee may retire by writing under his hand and

    such retirement shall be recorded in the minutes and

    shall be conclusive evidence of his retirement.

    d. Under special conditions, a trustee may be allowed to

    appoint another person to act as his representative or as

    assignee upon submitting an application in writing to the

    Board of Founder Trustees, which shall by unanimous

    decision in writing accept such a request or application.

    e. The Board of Founder Trustees remove any Trustee other than

    the original founder trustee by a special resolution

    proposed and passed at a meeting of the Board of Founder

    Trustees and approved by the positive votes of two thirds

    of the other trustees present and voting,


    a. Any Trustee for the time being hereof, being a professional

    engaged by the trust, shall be entitled to charge and be

    paid all usual professional or other charges for work done

    by him or his firm when instructed by the Management Board

    to act in that capacity on behalf of the Trust in

    connection with execution of the trusts hereof.

    b.Save as hereinbefore expressly provided, the trust fund andthe income thereof shall be applicable solely towards the

    purposes of the Trust and no Trustee shall take or hold anyinterest therein save in his capacity as a Trustee or

    receive any remuneration PROVIDED THAT this sub-clause

    shall not prevent a Trustee from holding office or being a

    shareholder on a company, the shares of which are held upon

    the trusts hereof or from obtaining the repayment of

    reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred in

    connection with the Trusts hereof; AND PROVIDED

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    NEVERTHELESS that none of the trustees nor any of them

    shall concur in exercising any voting rights in respect of

    any shares, stock or debentures or other securities

    comprised in the Trust Fund in such a way that a personal

    benefit is thereby secured to the Trustees or any of them,

    and shall be accountable to the trust for any

    remuneration or other benefit received by

    them(whether as director, auditor or other officer or

    otherwise) by reason of the shares, stock or debentures of

    such a company being in the name of the Trustees or Trust

    hereof but shall otherwise not be accountable.


    The Liability of Members and Trustees of this Trust shall

    be Limited.

    In the execution of the Trusts hereof in good faith,- no

    Trustee shall be liable for any loss and/or damage to any

    of the trust property, arising by reason of any improper

    investment made in good faith (so long as he shall have

    sought professional advice before making such investment)

    or the negligence or fraud, wrongdoing or wrongful omission

    or commission of any agent or servant employed by him or by

    any other Trustee hereof (provided reasonable supervision

    shall have been exercised) unless the employment' of such

    agent and or servant was unnecessary;, or by reason of any

    other matter or thing other than willful and individual

    fraud, wrong doing or wrongful omission on the part of theTrustee who is sought to be made liable.


    All transactions carried out by the administrative and

    governance organs in respect to this trust shall be in

    writing, which shall be considered as conclusive evidence

    of fact.


    a. In connection with the construction or development of

    any property acquired or to be acquired by-the trust for thebenefit of this trust, the Management Board shall be

    empowered to consult with and accept the advice of independent

    architects, structural engineers, quantity surveyors and

    other experts.

    b. In connection with the control and the management of any

    property acquired by the Management Board, the Management

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    Board shall be empowered to appoint a body, taskforce,

    committee and/or ad hoc council, subject to the provisions

    of this deed and where necessary to remunerate the body,

    taskforce, committee and/or ad hoc council; PROVIDED THAT

    all acts and proceedings of the entity in question shall be

    fully and promptly reported back to the Board as soon as

    practicably possible.


    a. All trust properties including land; real estate,

    intellectual properties and personal property shall be

    vested in the TRUSTEES and/or in the name of the TRUST.

    b. All proceeds recovered in respect to unascertainable

    interests shall be deposited in the trust(s) account(s).

    The Management Board shall retain possession of all money

    and property which may be paid or transferred to it for the

    aforesaid objects and the investments and property from

    time to time representing the same (hereinafter called "the

    trust fund") upon Trust either to retain or sell the same

    and invest the proceeds in or upon any investments

    hereinafter authorized with power from time to time to

    change such investments for others of a like nature UPON

    TRUST that both the income and the capital thereof shall be

    applied at the discretion of the Board in pursuance of the

    said objects as hereinabove declared PROVIDED however thatthe Board shall not dispose of any of its properties

    without a unanimous decision.


    The Founder Trustees hereby covenant as follows: -

    To observe the provisions of and perform its obligations

    under this Deed and the Rules.

    To pay all expenses incurred and required in connection

    with the formation,' management and administration of theTrust and the execution of the trusts hereof.

    To observe the principles of utmost good faith, covenant

    relationships, diligence and prudence in the administration

    and management of the trust.

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    To adhere to the vision, objects, mission and core values

    of this trust and generally to surrender to the divine

    guidance by the Almighty God.

    To manage and administer the Trust for the sole benefit of

    the Beneficiaries in accordance with this Deed and the

    Rules made hereinafter;

    To comply with the provisions of this Deed.


    This deed shall in all respects be construed in accordance

    with the rules, byelaws, schedules and schemes made

    hereinafter, provisions of all the Laws of Kenya,

    International Legal Instruments and where necessary and

    possible recourse shall be made to the word of God as

    evidenced in the Holy Bible and other related and relevant



    If at any time hereafter any dispute, difference or

    question shall arise between the Founder Trustees, the

    Trustees, the Members or other persons or their personal

    representatives or any of them respectively touching the

    construction, meaning or effect of this Deed or any cause

    or thing therein contained or the rights, duties or

    liabilities of the said parties respectively or any of them

    under this Deed or otherwise howsoever in relation to the

    Trust, then every such dispute or question shall beresolved through either negotiation, mediation,

    reconciliation or arbitration.

    Incase of Arbitration, the same shall be conducted by an

    arbitrator(s) appointed by agreement between the disputants

    and in default of such an agreement, in accordance with and

    subject to the provisions of the Arbitration Act (Chapter

    49) Laws of Kenya or any statutory modification or re-

    enactment thereof for the time being in force.

    27. TERMINATION AND/ OR DISSOLUTIONa. The powers to dissolve the trust shall solely lie with the

    Founder Trustees.

    b. Termination and/or dissolution of the trust shall be done

    during a special meeting convened by the Founder Trustees

    through the Management Board.

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    c. In the event of termination and/or dissolution of the

    Trust, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all

    its debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or

    distributed among the trustees or Founder Trustees but

    shall be vested subject to a special resolution of the

    Management Board to another organization pursuing

    objectives similar to those for which the Trust was

    established and pursuant to the resolution of the

    Management Board.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Founder Trustees have hereunto set their hands

    This Day ofTwo Thousand and Eleven the year of our Lord.