Download - You are in Ms. Perry’s 7 th Grade Class.

Page 1: You are in Ms. Perry’s 7 th  Grade Class.

You are in Ms. Perry’s 7th Grade Class.

•Please put your back packs and jackets in the cubby closest to your seat.•Eat your breakfast quickly and quietly.•Please begin working quietly on the assignment in front of you.

Page 2: You are in Ms. Perry’s 7 th  Grade Class.

Bell Ringer – 8:07 am Create a Peroglyph using the Mickey

Mouse Outline.

If you are a:Girl draw eyes with eye lashesBoy draw eyes without eyelashes.

Color your eyes the color of your eyes.

If your favorite subject is: Social Studies – color the right ear redMath – color the right blueScience – color the right ear greenReading - color the right ear YellowWriting – color the right ear Orange.

Draw Hair the same color as yours.

Draw an ear ring on your left ear for every year you’ve been at Disney.

Draw the nose for representing your favorite activity:

Video Games – Yellow squareSports – Green CircleShopping – Blue triangleWatching TV – Purple ovalReading – Red Squiggly line Something else- Orange Straight line Draw the mouth representing

the HS you want to go to:Make the mouth the first letter of

the high school of your choice.I will collect all of the pictures at the end and we will try to guess who’s is whose.

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Guess Who?

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Ms. Perry


Page 5: You are in Ms. Perry’s 7 th  Grade Class.

Who is Ms. Perry I am a 7th grade teacher. I will be coaching Cross country and

Cheerleading this school year. I Love reading and my Favorite book is

“The Bean Tree” by Barbara Kingsolver. I enjoy running, biking and laying on

the beach. I am from Toledo, Ohio, but I have lived

in Chicago for 9 years.

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My life I live with my husband, Alex and my

wonderful dog Bella. I have one sister who lives in Chicago

too. My favorite subject when I was in 7th

grade was Science. My favorite thing about Disney is the

CAC unit!

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Page 8: You are in Ms. Perry’s 7 th  Grade Class.

What I expect from you every day!

Routines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are the ONLY way that you can get

what you want in my class. Morning Routines Handing in Home Work Routines. Classroom Library Routines Lining up and moving throughout the school.

(Science Lab, Facilities, Lunch, computer Lab) Classroom conduct.

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What is a PROCEDURE? A procedure is the way things are done. It also tells you exactly what and how I

want things done. There is only one procedure for each


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Morning Routines Quietly walk into the classroom. Remove coat or jacket. Hang it up. Empty backpack or book bag. Hang it up. Have two sharpened pencils, books, and

materials ready. (this is the only time of day that you may sharpen pencils freely)

Hand in ALL completed homework. Reading the agenda for the day. Begin BELLWORK assignment.

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Procedure for Handing in Home Work

Homework must be completed by the next morning, before breakfast is over, unless otherwise stated.

I will hand back graded homework on Friday of each week.

NO CHEATING! You will get a zero! And I will catch you!

Homework is to be done at HOME, not in class – ever!

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Procedure for Classroom Library and Centers

You will use the sign out sheet to take books from the library.

You must ask to go to the library, most of the time I will say yes, but if you go over with out asking you will not be allowed in the library for the rest of the school year.

I will direct you to the centers, otherwise do not go over without asking.

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Procedure for Lining Up! You will ALWAYS be dismissed by table Science Lab (Fridays 3rd Period) – along the back

wall of the room. Facilities and Lunch along the south side of the

room Lunch line MUST be in alphabetical order. Fire Drill – along back of room and follow out the

North Door (science lab) down the stairs. Must ALWAYS be silent in the hallway – if you are

caught talking in the hall you will automatically get a call home to your parents.

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Procedure for Standing in Line

Hands are at your side Stand up straight Face forward at all times No talking Single file (one behind the other)

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Procedure for going to the bathroom?

Line up in the hall way SILENTLY! You may go into the bathroom 3 at a

time. You must remember to flush the toilet,

wash your hands. Use only 1 or 2 paper towels. If you are caught or suspected of

playing in the bathroom, you will get a blue slip – no questions asked!

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Procedure for Lunch Room Etiquette

Silence when waiting in line for lunch. No talking at tables until EVERYONE is

sitting down. Only speak to students at your table. Lunch room detention is prevented by

being quiet and following the rules . Individual lunch detention will be at a

table with me AND you must do work.

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Procedure for In-Class Conduct.

Follow the Classroom Rules. Consequences –

› first time, you have lunch detention› Second time you will go and sit in another classroom

and I will call your parents. (blue slip)› 3rd time you will go to Mr. Mojica’s office. (pink/blue

slip) Call home› 4th time – possible suspension. Call home.

Rewards - › Recess› Calls/Note home› Prizes

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Expectations for 7th grade! This year is the most important year for getting

into high schools. To get into high school you 1000 points! To get these points you need to:

› Have perfect Attendance – 100 points› Do well on your ISAT’s – 300 points.› Get good grades in 7th grade – 300 points› Do well on your High school entrance exams – 300 pts.

Are you ready to take this year seriously?

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Text books You are each assigned a number in my

classroom. (#36-68) Every one of YOUR text books has your

number in it. I will expect the same book back in the

same condition at the end of the year or you will be charged for the book.

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Math Procedure for doing your homework

You will get a Math text book AND a math work book.

You are not to write in the work book, but have a note book where you answer the questions.

Leave your assignments in the notebook. I will walk around during math class to check your homework.

Every week I will ask you to hand in your math notebook and will grade it.

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Reading Reading stories Class discussion Author Profiles Reciprocal teaching*** Tests over each section on Fridays.

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Writing/Language Arts I’m providing you with a writing portfolio. We will be doing ‘writing workshop’ this year. You will be constantly working on and publishing

new works.› Pre-writing› Drafting› Editing› Publishing

Peer conferences Self editing. Teacher grade.

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Social Studies 21st Century Problem Solving!

› War and Conflict› Clash of Cultures – in terms of US

colonization Current events due every Monday!

› Article attached to current even form. Get form on-line or in class (S.S. Center)

Reading aloud in class, worksheets, questions in book, group projects.

Constitution Test

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Science/ Science Lab Always act professionally in the lab

› No yelling› Not playing around with other students or

materials› Complete safety form› No running› Labs must be complete by the end of the


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Procedure for finishing your work early.

Review your work and make SURE your answers are correct

Read a book. Complete unfinished work. Study your math facts Organize your crate or folders Study your vocabulary words Make a word search puzzle Draw

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Procedure for when your pencil Breaks.

Raise your had and tell Ms. Perry She will direct you to either sharpen

your pencil or exchange it for a sharp one.

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Procedure for if you are Missing Assignments

Each subject’s extra worksheets will be placed in a file folder.

Please ask the teacher for missing assignments or check the classroom web site. You can also access it from the Disney

web page.

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Procedure for Dismissal Write down homework in your agenda

› YOU MUST HAVE AN AGENDA! Wait for the teacher to dismiss you to your

cubby. Go back to you seats and wait for Mr.

Cataldo to dismiss you. You must be silent. Not hats on until we are outside. Walk single file to the bus or field. No talking until you are on the bus.

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Procedure for when you don’t know what the teacher said.

Ask someone at your table. I will not repeat myself.

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Procedure for when I don’t know how to spell something.

Look it up in the Dictionary.

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Procedure for when I don’t know how to do something.

Ask someone at your table. If no one at the table knows, you may

raise your hand and ask the teacher.

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Here’s to a Great Year! I am SO happy to have you in my class!

We are going to have a fabulous and intense year.