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Kevin John

Huddersfield Reference Library

Society of Chief Librarians: National Information OfferYorkshire & Humber Libraries pilot

July 2011 – April 2012

National Project Outputs:

8 pilots looking at the promotion of libraries’ core role as key information, advice and guidance


Online toolkit to improve customer access to business, careers, financial, government and health


Training resources for library staff to guide customers through the information available

An evaluated model of delivery that can be rolled out nationally

Individual pilot themes:

Brighton & Hove: financial advice

Kensington & Chelsea: jobseeking resources

Kent: general information based on their most frequently asked questions

Lincolnshire: health advice

Manchester: jobseeking resources

Thurrock: financial advice

West Midlands: health advice

Yorkshire and Humber pilot theme:

the key to ensuring that more government transactions take place online is not the inaccessibility of this information but the Digital Divide itself

to address the lack of IT literacy skills that are preventing people from getting online

to create a portal for a range of evaluated resources that support both the teaching and learning of basic IT skills

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Partners: - 15 library authorities – IT delivery

- agencies such as UK Online and a local BT ‘getITtogether’ project are very protective of their own platforms

Training: - as a basic IT resource our online resource was designed to be simple enough to use without the need for formal staff training

Scalability: - national – regional – local- ability to add resources and customise pages

Sustainability: - googlesite / google mail / google docs: free- netvibes: free- time: never enough of it

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