Download - Year 1 Home Learning Opportunities Week …...French – why not try something new that we don [t normally do at school in Year 1? Lets learn some French. Use the BBC Bitesize programme

Page 1: Year 1 Home Learning Opportunities Week …...French – why not try something new that we don [t normally do at school in Year 1? Lets learn some French. Use the BBC Bitesize programme

Year 1 Home Learning Opportunities – Week 11:06.07.2020

New Topic: Our local area

As always we ask you to prioritise your safety and needs of your family first however here are some suggested tasks for completing during this week while at home. You can post any evidence onto your Tapestry

or Purple Mash account and your class teacher will be able to view it and comment about what you have done.

Reading / Phonics Hand writing / Fine Motor Writing Maths Topic

1. Read ‘What’s the weather like today’ Talk about the seasons the different weathers belong to. Complete the two activities.

Last week we practiced how to write numbers as digits. This week we are looking at numbers as words. There is a printable sheet on the website if you would like to copy and trace or just look at to see how to join the letters. Please practice writing the following number words: zero, one, two, three Can you join any of the letters? Are all your letters the correct height?

Read the story ‘Dear Greenpeace’ (only the first 2 pages). Can your child identify the fact in the letter from Greenpeace? (whales live in salt water). Today we are going to be fact finders and learn more about whales. If you want to you can discuss who Greenpeace are and why Emily might be writing to them.

*Can you use books/the internet to find out some information on whales? There is a ppt on the website if you want to use this as well. **You can choose your best facts to write in sentences.

White Rose Home Learning Year 1 – Summer Term – Week 10 Lesson 1 – Ordering numbers Watch the video and then complete the activity: Please note the worksheets will be saved onto Hampton’s website. If you have no printer just jot down the answers on paper. SEND: Ice cream scoop repeated patters sheet. Look and continue the pattern. If you have no printer then draw the cones onto paper or encourage your child to do so.

Science: Last week we looked at wild plants and flowers. Can you remember why they are called wild? Today we are going to learn about garden plants. Read through the PowerPoint or the PDF. * Can you tell someone the difference between a wild flower and a garden flower? ** Spot the plant. Look at the big pictures in the PowerPoint and the photo cards – can you spot the different flowers in the pictures?

2. * Read the phoneme spotter story and underline the ‘ear’ words. If you can’t print, then read from the screen and make a list of the different ‘ear’ words.

We are carrying on with our numbe words today. You can either write them on paper, in a tray of flour, in a magic paint bag or chalks outside. four, five, six and seven

Think about the story ‘Dear Greenpeace’ that you read yesterday. Re-watch up to 1.36. Who do you believe – Emily or Greenpeace? Why? Can your child identify the facts in Greenpeace’s letters so far?

White Rose Home Learning Year 1 – Summer Term – Week 10 Lesson 2 –Recognising coins Watch the video and then complete the activity:

Music: Let’s join Nigel and Suki on the next part of their adventure. Today we are going to learn to sing another song called ‘My ship rolls over the ocean.’ This is a call and repeat song so you might need someone to sing it with you. Watch the video and listen when you see the headphones and join in when you see

Page 2: Year 1 Home Learning Opportunities Week …...French – why not try something new that we don [t normally do at school in Year 1? Lets learn some French. Use the BBC Bitesize programme

**Year one reading comprehension: Formidable Sid Choose one of the differentiated comprehensions (One, two or three star) depending on the level of challenge you think your child needs.

Please note the worksheets will be saved onto Hampton’s website. If you have no printer just jot down the answers on paper. SEND: Comparing numbers of ladybirds-picture cards

the microphone. When you have watched the first video, scroll the page down and choose to sing the whole song either with backing vocals or just the performance track. Can you complete the activity: copying a phrase? You could take a video of your singing to let your teachers hear your fantastic version of the song.

3. ALL: Phase 4: Sentence substitution 1. Write a sentence (e.g. The man burnt the toast). 2. Ask your child to read the sentence. 3. Read it together. 4. Rub out one word in the sentence and substitute a different word (e.g.The man burnt the towel). 5. Does this make sense? 6. Continue substituting words – The man burnt the towel; The girl burnt the towel; The girl burnt the milk; The girl brings the milk – ask your child to read the new sentence to decide whether it still makes sense or is nonsense.

You could try some more

If you have playdough use it to strengthen your fingers: can you roll it into different sized balls and then squash them between your fingers? Make it into a long sausage using just the tips of your fingers to roll it out. How long can you roll it? Then pinch along the sausage using just your thumb and forefinger Or If you have elastic bands carefully put a small band over the top of your thumb and forefinger. Practice spreading your finger and thumb apart, but don’t let the elastic band ping off! Repeat 5 times. Then introduce another finger and repeat 3 times. It should get harder the more fingers you have inside the band and trying to keep the band over them all. You could then try on the other hand to compare which

Think about the features of a letter. How can you tell that the story is made up of letters from Emily/Greenpeace? - Starts with Dear/To - A question - Tell you something/a piece of

information - Ends with ‘From’ or ‘Yours

Sincerely’, depending on who you are writing to

- Write who sent it Look at a few pages from the story. Can you spot these features in the letters?

White Rose Home Learning Year 1 – Summer Term – Week 10 Lesson 3 – Recognising notes Watch the video and then complete the activity: Please note the worksheets will be saved onto Hampton’s website. If you have no printer just jot down the answers on paper. SEND: Subtract Using your fingers, practice subtracting numbers within 10. Start with a larger number and take away a smaller number. Your adult can help. How many fingers to you have left? Say the number sentence out loud. Eg 8 -4 = 4

French – why not try something new that we don’t normally do at school in Year 1? Let’s learn some French. Use the BBC Bitesize programme to help you learn some French greetings and numbers. Watch the 2 videos and join in where you can. There are some printable resources too if you wish to use them. If you have enjoyed learning to speak French you could download an App called Duolingo that we use in school to help you learn more.

Page 3: Year 1 Home Learning Opportunities Week …...French – why not try something new that we don [t normally do at school in Year 1? Lets learn some French. Use the BBC Bitesize programme

sentences: - I must not tramp on the

flowers. - A crab crept into the crack

in a rock. - The frog jumps into the

pond and swims off. - I kept bumping into things

in the dark

one was stronger or easier to control.

4. *Phase 3: Label pictures using the phonemes learnt so far. **Phase 5: I Spy and Read Match up the words and pictures, then spell a word of one of the pictures. You could always write some of these words into sentences.

Let’s write some more number words: you could do it rainbow letters or fancy writing. eight, nine, ten, eleven

Read all of ‘Dear Greenpeace’. Can your child identify the different facts about whales in the Greenpeace letters? Today you are going to pretend to be Emily and write a letter to Arthur to ask him some questions. Think about the facts you have learnt about whales, maybe we can find out if Arthur prefers cornflakes or plankton? Where does he go?

White Rose Home Learning Year 1 – Summer Term – Week 10 Lesson 4 – Counting coins Watch the video and then complete the activity: Please note the worksheets will be saved onto Hampton’s website. If you have no printer just jot down the answers on paper. SEND: Subtracting Greedy Monster taking away sheet – you need a dice or write the numbers 1-6 on paper. Complete the sheet by crossing out the number your roll.

Science: Terrific trees. Carrying on with our learning about plants we are going to find out about trees. Read the PowerPoint or the PDF to find out about the different types of trees and what happens to them during the seasons. * Go on a tree hunt – use the guide hunt sheet to identify trees in your local area. Please do this safely and remembering social distancing rules. ** Deciduous or Evergreen. On the PowerPoint / PDF it explains how you can identify which type of tree you have by looking at its leaves. Look at the photos of the leaves. Either print out and sort into 2 groups or write a list of the trees that are deciduous or evergreen.

Page 4: Year 1 Home Learning Opportunities Week …...French – why not try something new that we don [t normally do at school in Year 1? Lets learn some French. Use the BBC Bitesize programme

5. * Tricky word trucks: Phase 3. **Phonics Tricky word trucks: ALL Phase 5


Letterjoin – complete the challenge that has been set for you in the Fun section Or Choose an object in your room and write a label for it using your best joined up writing.

You are going to use your knowledge of letter writing from this week to write a letter to a friend or relative. What do you want to tell them about? What do you want to find out? Remember to include the features of a letter that we learnt about earlier in the week.

White Rose Home Learning Year 1 – Summer Term – Week 10 Lesson 5 – Friday challenge Please note the worksheets will be saved onto Hampton’s website. If you have no printer just jot down the answers on paper. SEND: Subtracting Using your completed sheet from yesterday. Can you now go back and add on the number sentences?

Wellbeing / Mindfulness Are there any challenges from the Thrive resources that you have really enjoyed and would like to do again to help your wellbeing? Are there any that you haven’t tried and would like to? This could be as simple as reading a book together, having a cuddle in bed or making some cupcakes. Thrive activities can be found on a separate link page in the Year 1 website home learning section. Go Noodle (website) that we use in school has some great little follow me videos to help – a personal favourite is bubble breathing, especially if you have some bubbles to blow. Take photos of your mindfulness activities and send them to your teacher.

If you want to complete more than the work set then we would suggest making use of the interesting and exciting educational websites provided on your class pages.

Other good websites which you could access;

Spelling Shed – your weekly spelling lists will still be uploaded onto this as usual for you to play games and test yourself on.

Numbots – the games and challenges change the more you play and the better you get.

MyMaths – challenges will be set on here, please remember that these activities are set for end of year expectations so support may be needed to complete these. www.mymaths,

Other P.E. ideas can be found at -

Have a good week.

Year 1 team

Page 5: Year 1 Home Learning Opportunities Week …...French – why not try something new that we don [t normally do at school in Year 1? Lets learn some French. Use the BBC Bitesize programme