Download - Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square

Page 1: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square

Y4 Learning pack – Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term

Hello lovely Year 4s! We all really hope you’re well and safe and we miss you very much. We hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather last week; hopefully the sunshine will be back for us to enjoy soon! This is the next installment in the year 4 learning packs for you to work on at home. All of these have been designed for you to be able to have a go at them on your own, but if you have an adult or sibling that can work with you, it’d be great if you could talk through your answers and explain why you think what you do. There are some Reading, Writing and Maths activities (and a few extra challenges and activities thrown in for you). We have designed these to keep your mind active during these strange times. There are lots of ideas for useful websites and challenges on the school website and twitter. We’d love to see the work that you complete! Please make sure you ask your grown-ups to share it with us on twitter or email it to us at [email protected] or [email protected]. We really hope to see you soon. Keep us posted with what you’ve been up to (and with the books you’ve been reading, so you can share your recommended reads with your friends). Stay safe and happy. Love from Miss Saunders, Miss Kirkpatrick and Miss Hudson

Page 2: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square

Reading task 1 – Enormous Eruptions

Page 3: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 4: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square

Reading task 2 – Gladiator

Page 5: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 6: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square

Reading task 3 - Three Little Pigs

Page 7: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 8: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square

Writing task 1 – Catch it.

Watch the short film, ‘Catch it’ by following this link:

Now imagine the story from the perspective of the Vulture. If the Vulture could share his side of the story, what would he say? How did he feel about the Meerkats working against him? Write his perspective of the story. Remember to use first person pronouns (I, me, my) and to talk about the events in past tense (e.g. was, were, did, went, flew, plotted).

Writing task 2 – Collective nouns. Collective nouns are used to name a group of animals. A group of Meerkats is called a ‘mob’. Here are some other examples:

- A school of fish - A murder of crows - A herd of elephants.

Look at the animals below. Can you find the collective nouns for a group of each?

Challenge: What other collective nouns can you find? Any which are funny or strange?

Page 9: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square

Writing task 3 – The day the crayons quit

Watch the video of the book at the following link: In

this book, the crayons are fed up with being used, day in, day out, so they decide to quit!

Your task is to consider an everyday item that you use, which may decide to quit! You could consider the

perspective of:

- Your favourite trainers (always being scuffed when you ride your bike, laces never undone properly,

covered in mud, never given a break, even though you have other shoes you could wear).

- Your water bottle (filled up, emptied, thrown into your bag, stickers stuck all over it).

- Your favourite t shirt (never given a break, rarely washed, starting to wear out, can’t you give some

of the other t shirts and jumpers a try?)

Write a letter to you from your chosen possession which has decided to quit.

Remember to include:

- Salutation (Dear your name)

- An introduction – why are you writing?

- Paragraphs – different reasons for your deciding to quit.

- Conclusion – what does the object want you to do after reading the letter?

- First person pronouns (from the perspective of the object that is quitting)

- A range of openers (E.g. I understand I am your favourite; In all these years; Although I appreciate

you like me).

Page 10: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square

Maths tasks

Work can be printed off for you to work on, or you can watch and listen to the video on the screen and

then work on the questions on a piece of paper. Do whatever works best for you. The documents for each

task are also on our website for you to download if this makes it easier. The answers are on the link above.

The answers are also available on the website.

Maths task 5 is not from White Rose and is re-capping prime and squared numbers.

One of the most important areas of Maths to keep working on (when you can) is mental arithmetic, so ask

someone at home to quiz you on some questions that you might be able to do in your head (these might

be adding two digit numbers, times table facts, subtracting two digit numbers from 100).

Please also keep using Times Table Rocks Stars; this will help you to keep improving your times table

knowledge and to get even quicker as answering multiplication questions. If you’re using social media to

keep in touch with your friends, maybe you could set each other times table quizzes to answer!

Maths task 1: Interpret charts

Maths task 2: Comparison sum and difference

Maths task 3: Introducing line graphs

Maths task 4: Line graphs

Maths task 5: Prime and squared numbers.

Page 11: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 12: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 13: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 14: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 15: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 16: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 17: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 18: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square
Page 19: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square

Maths task 5: Prime and squared numbers

Prime numbers are numbers which can only be divided by 1 and themselves. For example, 7 is a prime number because it can be divided by 1 and 7 only and

it does not appear in any times tables except 1 and 7. Using the hundred square below, identify as many prime numbers as you can between 1 and 100. If

you can print the square off, you could colour all the prime numbers in.

A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square root, because that’s

what we multiplied by itself).

Can you use the grid to help you identify all the square numbers up to 100

Page 20: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square

Ocean Art Challenge

Now that you have all had the chance to complete a picture based on the work of a famous artist, it’s time for you to have a go at painting one of your own! This challenge uses different techniques to create some amazing effects as you can see from the picture below!

Have a look at the website below to for step by step instructions to create your very own stunning ocean art work challenge picture.

You will need: Watercolour paint Paintbrush Oil Pastels (wax crayons work just as well.) Salt (any kind of salt will work) Art paper Scissors Glue

Don’t forget to share your lovely art work with us on twitter or email it to [email protected]. We really look forward to seeing your wonderful creations!

Page 21: Y4 Learning pack Week 12 (6/7/2020) Summer term...A square number is the answer when a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 8 x 8 = 64, so 64 is a square number (8 is the square


Reading answers

Reading task 1 – Enormous Eruptions

1. 30,000 2. 68 years 3. They were the loudest sounds ever heard 4. Unzen (1792) 5. Starvation and illness/disease S: There were no warning systems in place and people had moved into the town thinking it was safer I: There was so much ash in the sky that the sun couldn’t shine through/it was dark all year V: Continually V: Waves consuming/eating/devouring/smothering etc the shore P: Look for answers that reference us having better warning systems now/reference to crops failing not being so severe with global trade. For more deaths, look for answers that reference more densly populated cities and living closer to volcanoes

Reading task 2 – Gladiator

1. Bowed 2. Bested 3. There was a tiny bit of hope 4. Humiliated 5. An important enemy or rival R: Ten S: The Emperor decided whether he would live or die I: A pair of tigers R: Fighting a bear E: Accept explanations that discuss the emperor wanting him to fight until he is dead, the look of disgust on his face when he kills the bear, the fact he is smiling when Isalius enters the arena.

Reading task 3 – Three Little Pigs

1. Large, big. 2. Any suitable synonyms 3. A smile that shows they find something amusing or interesting 4. Suffered P: Any suitable prediction I: The court erupted - surprised, angry, emotional etc R: Asthma E: He suffered from an asthma attack and stumbled down the chimney