Download - WSO2Con USA 2015: Data to Consumer: End-to-End Middleware Capabilities

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Data  to  Consumer    end  to  end  middleware  capabili0es  

Asanka  Abeysinghe  Vice  President,  Solu8ons  Architecture    WSO2,  Inc.  

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Committer. Architect and a technology evangelist.

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Picture  credit  :  h?p://flicker  .com  

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Evolu8on  of  the  plaGorm  

Pla/orm  1.0  -­‐  Mainframe  and  before    :  centralized  compu9ng    Pla/orm  2.0  -­‐  Messaging,  object  orienta8on,  SOA,  EDA  :  distributed  compu9ng  and  internet     Pla/orm  3.0  -­‐    PlaGorm  2.0  +  next-­‐genera8on  middleware  :  the  cloud      


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PlaGorm  3.0  

Mobile, social, store Event driven,

IoT Bigdata, analytics DevOps Iterative

Cloud native Open source API driven

{  }  Polyglot

programming QoS

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Compliant  with  Microservice  architecture  (MSA).  

   We  will  discuss  MSA  in  detail  during    

Pa9ern  Driven  Enterprise  Architecture.    architecture  pa?erns  track  |  tomorrow  |  9AM    


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Modern  applica9ons  are    System  of  Systems  


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System  of  systems  

System   of   systems   is   a   collec0on   of   task-­‐oriented   or   dedicated   systems   that   pool   their  resources   and   capabili0es   together   to   create   a  new,   more   complex   system   which   offers   more  func0onality   and   performance   than   simply   the  sum  of  the  cons0tuent  systems.    

-­‐  Wikipedia  

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Systems  of  record  are  technologies  that  manage  and  store  transac8ons,  content,  and  processes.    

Systems  of  engagement  are  technologies  that  directly  support  customer  interac8ons  through  soVware.  

Systems  of  automa1on  are  technologies  that  intelligently  manage  physical  products,  networks,  and  infrastructure.    

Source:  Forrester  Research  

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 of  Systems  


are  func8o




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uct  m



are  func8o




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Enterprise  middleware  plaGorm  :  simplified    

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Platforms are systems that support a community. A platform is an investment, often a long-term investment that will only pay for itself over a long period of time. A platform supports a network — a shared resource — and in order to thrive, it must attract and retain members. - Gray, Dave; The Connected Company.

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Pla/orm  of  pla/orms  

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Why  we  need  a  plaGorm  

-  Demand  from  the  business  stakeholders  -  Rapidly  changing  business  requirements    -  Quick  release  cycles  

-  Con8nues  integra8on  and  tes8ng      -  Rapid  technology  changes  -  Provide  Middleware-­‐as-­‐a-­‐Service  (plaGorm)    

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Do  I  need  the  en9re  pla/orm  ?  

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-­‐  Itera8ve  architecture  -­‐  Itera8ve  implementa8on      

Picture  credit  :  h?p://flicker  .com  

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Picture  credit  :  h?p://flicker  .com  

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Give  a  code  name  for  the  pla/orm.  e.g.  Digital  Pla/orm  

Don’t  use  product/vendor  names.    

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Introduce  an  onboarding  program.  

Including  samples,  documents,  paNerns  and  


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Evangelize  the  pla/orm  (internally).  

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Build  founda9on  services  and  expose  as  APIs.    

Increase  the  developer  produc9vity  and  reusability.  

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Seamlessly  integrated.    

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Have  a  common  enterprise  architecture  prac9ces  across  the  

organiza9on.    Include  architects  from  different  BUs  and  

architecture  groups.    

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“It  was  like  Christmas  “                                  Jin  Chun,  VP-­‐Architecture  PWI  :  Fidelity      

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Thank  You!  @asankama  h?p://  asankaa  AT