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Writing Short StoriesNovember 10, 2010

1.1.1—Express ideas 1.1.3—Esperiment with language and forms 3.1.1—Use prior knowledge 3.1.4—Create and follow a plan 3.3.1—Organize information 4.1.1—Generate ideas 4.1.3—Organize ideas 4.3.1—Grammar and usage 4.3.2—Spelling 4.4.1—Share ideas and information 5.2.1—Share and compare responses

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this class you will be able to write a short children’s story which will have a lesson for the child to learn and you will be able to follow the short story format


Plot Diagram

The exposition is the introduction of a story which includes:◦ Introduction of characters◦ Introduction of setting


The rising action are the events start to change and become complicated and the conflict of the story is revealed

Rising Action

This is the most interesting part of the story the turning point of the story ◦ The reader wonders what is going to happen next


This is where the steps are taken in the story to solve the conflict

Falling Action

This is where the conflict in the story is resolved


The setting is where and when the story is taking place◦ In a cabin on an island on Paint Lake in the fall

time for example


Two types of characters Protagonist: the main character of a story Antagonist: the character which opposes

the protagonist


Objective Point of View◦ The writer states what happens in the story but

does not mention any feelings that the characters have. They are detached from the story but know all the information

First Person Narrative◦ The writer is involved in the story uses the term

“I” from their point of view on what happened Third Person

◦ The writer does not participate in the story but lets the reader know about the feelings of all the other characters as the story is going on

Point of View

Keep it simple Use humour Make sure the story ends “happily ever

after” Have a lesson to learn in the story Use lots of description for setting,

characters, and what is happening The story does not have to have realistic

characters you can have talking cows and fantasy characters like dragons and fairies

Add illustrations

Writing a Children’s Story

“Aronil.” Jan 2009. Date accessed Nov. 9, 2010 from:

“Borgeson Family Cabin.” July 2005. Date accessed Nov. 9, 2010 from:

“Drag the event to the correct spot.” Date accessed Nov. 9. 2010 from:

Engram. “Short Story Elements.” Date accessed Nov. 9, 2010 from:

“How To Write A Children’s Story.” Oct. 2010. Date accessed Nov. 9, 2010 from:'s-Story

“Our Issues.” Date accessed Nov. 9, 2010 from:

“Point of View in a Short Story Powerpoint.” 2007. Date accessed Nov. 9, 2010 from:

Roane State Community College. “Online Writing Lab (OWL).” 1988. Date accessed Nov. 9, 2010 from:
