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Page 2: World War One Museum

Causes of World War 1


Fighting for colonies


Pride in your country


Building up of the military.


Forming partnership with other nations.

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-To protect their positions & cut down on losses both dug trenches

-At night supplies were brought in & scout were sent out

-At dusk attacks came: hit them with artillery & then go over tops

-Had to go through rough things such as barbwire, machine guns, craters

-Problems in trenches: mud, rats, smell, body rot, cold, staying dry, maggots, lice, disease

Trench Warfare

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Nationalism-Pan German

-United all German speaking people.

-Pan Slavic

-Untie all Slavic speaking people.

-Example: Bosnia-95% speak Slavic language yet controlled by a German speaking Austria

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Imperialism-European nations competing for colonies

-”Bigger is better”

-Area’s of conflict: Africa, Bosnia, Alsace, Lorraine

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Militarism -Militarism- Building up the military

-Military was built up for 2 reasons

1.To protect there colonies

2.Peer Pressure

-They used a mandatory draft to accomplish this.

-Russia had the largest army, Germany the best trained Britain had the largest navy

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Alliances-Alliances- Forming partnerships with other nations

-Central Power: Germany, Austria, Ottoman Empire

-Allies: Britain, France, Russia, (United States)

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Why the U.S Entered WW11.Sinking of the Lusitania

-It was a passenger ship that was secretly carrying ammunitions.

-A German submarine sunk the ship.

1,198 passengers died(128 were Americans).

-President Wilson demanded that the Germans apologize and pay for the damages.

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Why the U.S Entered WW12.Unrestriced submarine warfare.

-Sussex Pledge

-Germany promised not to sink merchant ships without first warning them and rescuing passengers.

-By 1917 Germany is defeating Russia on the Eastern front, they want a quick victory on the Western front.

-To do this they use unrestricted submarine warfare.

--Sinking ALL ships headed toward Allies Nations

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Why the U.S Entered WW13.Zimmerman Note

-Zimmerman was a German official

-He sent a letter to Mexico asking them to attack the U.S

-In exchange he promised that Germany would aid them in retrieving some of the land that we took from them.

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-General Pershing led the U.S Troops

-By 1917 Germany controlled: Belgium, Italy, and N. France

-1918 Russia has a revolution and they drop out of the war.

-Now Germany can concentrate on the western front.

-By July, 1918 the U.S have 1 million troops in the war

-We cut of the German rail lines which supply their troops.

-We attack through the Argonne Forest. It takes us 47 days and 1.2 million soldiers but we cut of their supply

-By October, 1918 German lines are crumbling

-In November the Allies have captured the high ground and Germany surrenders

-The 11th hour the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 the war ends.

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Treat of Versailles1.New Nations created

-Russia=Finland, Latuia, Lithuanian, Estonia and Poland

-Austria-Hungary= Austria, Hungary, Czechosovakia, Yogoslavia

-Ottoman Empire=Divided up to be controlled by the Allies Map p. 440

2.Germany’s Punishment

-Germany must accept full responsibility

-Took away their colonies, coal field, and the areas of Alsace and Lorraine

-Greatly reduced Germanys armed forces

-Forced them to pay $33 billion to the Allies

-They were only able to pay 4.5 billion

3.Created league of Nations

-An organization of nations established at the end of WW1 to maintain world Stability

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