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  • World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts

    Preface i

    Message from the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Chittagong iiProfessor Dr Iftekhar Uddin Chowdhury

    Current Ocean Education and Research and Priorities for Bangladesh 1Sayedur Rahman Chowdhury

    Governance of the High Seas: Rights Based and Equitable Implementation of UNCLOSfor Bangladesh 2

    Md Shamsuddoha, Muhammed Forruq Rahman

    Analyzing Legal Framework for Sustainable Management of Coastal and Marine FisheriesResources of Bangladesh 3

    Mohammad Mahmudul Islam, Soumitra Chandra Dutta, Md. Mostafa Shamsuzzaman

    Blue Carbon Stock in the Marine and Coastal Ecosystems of Bangladesh 4M. Shahadat Hossain, SM Sharifuzzaman

    Blue Economy - Bangladesh Perspectives 5Captain Masuq Hasan Ahmed

    Blue Economy An Overview 6Commander Mohammad Abul Hasan

    Role of NORI in the exploration and exploitation of marine resources of Bangladesh 7ASM Sharif, MS Parvez, MT Islam, M Zakaria, F Islam

    Marine Protected Areas in Bangladesh: Status, Implementation and Legal Regimes 8M. Enamul Hoq

    Mother Shrimp for Hatchery: Present Situation and Future Needs 9Sheikh Aftabuddin, Md. Monwar Parvez, Zerin Sultana

    Geomorphological Dynamics and Hazards Analysis of an Offshore Island in Bangladesh 10Mohammad Muslem Uddin, Paolo Ciavola

    The Helgoland Roads Time Series Station: Long-term Unbroken Coastal Ocean Monitoring Program 11Subrata Sarker, Karen Helen Wiltshire

    Oysters Dynamics: From Individual to Population Modelling 12M. Shah Nawaz Chowdhury, Aad Smaal, Tom Ysebaert, M. Shahadat Hossain

    Sediment Distribution Patterns Along Chittagong Coast of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh 13Avijit Talukder, Debbrota Mallick, Milon Kumar Sheuli, Samindranath Mondal, Shubha Sarker

    Hormone Induced Spawning of Commercially Important Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus)in Bangladesh 14

    Ehsanul Karim, M. Enamul Hoq

    Assessment of Shrimp Stocks by Using Industrial Shrimp Trawl Catch Log 15Suman Barua, Nasiruddin Md. Humayun, Md. Iqbal Haroon

    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) Marketing and Value Chain Analysis in Chittagong City 15Md. Jaker Hossain

    Extraction of Antioxidant from Shrimp Waste 16Selina Sultana

  • Preface

    The World Oceans Day is observed annually worldwide to honor the world's oceans, and to celebrate the goods and services it provides to humankind. The day was first proposed in 1992 by Canada, since then it is being unofficially observed in many countries. Finally in 2008, the General Assembly of the United Nations made the day's proclamation official and decided that June 8 will be the World Oceans Day every year.

    Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries (IMSF) observed the day in several past years

    World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. i

    including the first official celebration in 2014. This year the day's celebration at IMSF is marked by World Oceans Day Seminar. This publication is a compilation of the abstracts received for the seminar.

    Nearly all Bangladeshi institutions and organizations having genuine interests, expertise and contributions to the maritime affairs and ocean sciences and few overseas institutions have contributed to this abstract volume. IMSF expresses its gratitude to all contributors.

    List of institutions of the contributors:Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of ChittagongCenter for Participatory Research and Development-CPRD, DhakaDepartment of Coastal and Marine Fisheries, Sylhet Agricultural UniversityMarine Fisheries Academy, ChittagongBangladesh NavyNational Oceanographic Research Institute (NORI)Department of Marine Bio-resources Science, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityMarine Fisheries and Technology Station, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Coxs BazarMarine Fisheries Office, Directorate of Fisheries, Agrabad, ChittagongIMARES Wageningen, Institute of Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, The NetherlandsAquaculture and Fisheries Group, Wageningen University and Research Center, The NetherlandsSpatial Ecology Department, Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research, The NetherlandsAlfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany

    Published by:Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh.Email: [email protected], Website:, Phone: +880 31 710347

    Please cite as: World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 16pp. 2015.

  • Message of the Vice-Chancellor

    Professor Dr Iftekhar Uddin Chowdhury, LLB MA PhDVice Chancellor, University of Chittagong

    nutrition and health, alleviating poverty, creating jobs, lifting trade and industrial profiles while protecting ecosystem health and biodiversity, and improving regional security and peace.

    To this end, the Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries (IMSF) at University of Chittagong is the only-of-its-kind academic institution for oceanographic, marine biological, fisheries and mariculture research in Bangladesh. Over the past few decades, IMSF have contributed knowledge in a variety of fields such as ecology, planktology, fisheries, aquaculture, oceanography, environmental pollution, microbiology, biodiversity conservation, coastal and ocean management, and climate change of the northern Bay of Bengal and adjacent riverine ecosystems.

    Unfortunately, our oceans are threatened in many ways; therefore, in order to understand possible impacts on the ocean ecosystem it is necessary to develop the capacity of academic staffs and research facilities of IMSF. No doubt that the future of our oceans depends on


    The ocean, which covers over 70% of the planet, is a key component of the climate system, a major means of trade, transportation and communication, and provides humans with enormous economic and ecological services. The indirect (uptake of CO

    2, production of O

    2) and

    direct benefits (fisheries, oil, gas, minerals, tourism) derived from a healthy ocean is essential for the maintenance of social and economic well-being of the society and national prosperity of Bangladesh. Realizing the importance of ocean in our everyday lives, the University of Chittagong has started education and research in marine science in 1971. However, the recent settlements of maritime border disputes with neighboring states have opened up opportunities for ocean-based economic growth and development, i.e. the blue growth, in Bangladesh. Using smart solutions and innovations, the blue growth/economy concept fosters the idea of exploring untapped potentials of oceanic resources for increasing food security, improving

  • iii

    knowledge. The initiative taken by the Government of Bangladesh, donor agencies and development partners to support institutions involved in oceanographic research is highly encouraging. Moreover, it is important to promote active interaction and collaboration among like-minded academic and research organizations to achieve greater benefits. Therefore, IMSF is very much keen to work together with other institutions toward achieving common science goals of the Bay of Bengal. In particular, IMSF would greatly benefit by building capacity in ocean monitoring and forecasting, hydrographic surveys, ocean data

    management and in general, in the science of oceanography. Understanding the drivers, processes and resultant variability of ocean is of special significance for formulating ecosystem/fisheries management strategies and safe navigation of fishermen, and for sustainable blue growth activities in Bangladesh. The more ocean uses are accounted for, the more society will benefit.

    I wish all the success to the Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries in the days to come.

  • World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 1

    Current Ocean Education and Research and priorities for Bangladesh

    Sayedur Rahman ChowdhuryInstitute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331Email: [email protected], [email protected]

    Bangladesh, Being a coastal state, had received much attention from governments and international community with regard to the importance of ocean education and research even before becoming a sovereign state. The first ocean science education program was started in 1970 at the University of Chittagong through Canadian assistance by opening the Department of Marine Biology and Oceanography. Since then this institution is regarded as the leading centre of ocean science education and research in the country. Through phased evolution it has expanded its academic and research agenda and assumed the current name - Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries (IMSF). Currently three degree programs at Bachelors level, six specialized Masters degree programs, and MPhil & PhD research degrees make it the largest academic department among Bangladeshi universities and virtually the uncontested leader in ocean education in the country. In four decades of active education and research, IMSF has presented to the nation more than a thousand skilled graduates who have scored positively in research & entrepreneurships, and in turn in nation-building. The first freshwater prawn (golda) hatchery, first marine shrimp (bagda) hatchery, first semi-intensive coastal shrimp farming, first commercial sea-weed cultivation, crab-fattening - all came through the untiring and innovative research endeavors of IMSF's research staff and

    graduates, with or without collaboration from partner institutions and individuals. Once those commercial priorities were met, IMSF has gradually shifted its academic and research priorities to other areas of ocean science in line with national priorities and its own rejuvenation of strength. IMSF has set its goal to produce another thousand graduates in many areas of ocean sciences by 2025.

    Every coastal state has its own ocean science priorities depending on geography, maritime conditions and socio-economic objectives. Based on decades of experience IMSF has identified and set its focus on several previously understudied aspects of coastal and ocean sciences, namely, (a) oceanic weather, climate, and monsoon and socio-economic implications, (b) tropical cyclone and tsunami science and preparedness, (c) fisheries oceanography and fisheries modeling, (d) coastal geomorphology and erosion-accretion study, (e) climate change, sea-level rise and societal implications, (f) operational oceanography, hydrography and ocean monitoring, etc. in addition to its regular education and research agenda. It remains critical for Bangladesh to acquire clear scientific understanding on all relevant aspects of the Bay of Bengal in order to fulfill its objectives of using, managing and sustaining marine resources for the wellbeing of the nation.

  • Governance of the High Seas: Rights Based and Equitable Implementation of UNCLOS for Bangladesh

    Md. Shamsuddoha, Muhammed Forruq RahmanCenter for Participatory Research and Development-CPRD, Dhaka, BangladeshEmail: [email protected]

    The High Seas are composed of about 60 percent of the ocean and deep seabed beyond States national jurisdiction. This area is open to all States, therefore, tends to suffer from depletion of natural resources at a much faster rate together with growing number of illicit activities. While the national jurisdiction of seas, extending to 200 nautical miles from the mean sea level, is governed by State policies and laws, the High Seas is governed by an international Convention called UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) that came into force in 1994. To date, 166 countries and the European Union have joined in the Convention. UNCLOS sets legal order on the governance of the High Seas to make them equitably accessible by all States whether coastal or land-locked. While the governance in utilization of common resources of the High Seas is a key concern, the Convention also includes military activities, territorial disputes, shipping, deep-sea mining and fishing with peaceful uses of the seas and oceans to prevent any illicit activities in these areas. In relation to prevent illicit activities, Article 88 and Article 89 of the Convention provide full rights to every States to sail ships flying its flag on the High Seas but they cannot be involved in illicit activities like high sea piracy and transportation of slaves. Article 99 of the Convention prohibited transportation slaves and requires every State to take effective measures to prevent and punish the transport of

    slaves in ships authorized to fly its flag and to prevent the unlawful use of its flag for that purpose. However, any slave taking refuge on board any ship, whatever its flag, shall ipso facto be free. The recent evidence of horrific conditions of transportation of illegal migrants form Bangladesh and inhuman violence on the migrants onboard demands rights based and equitable implementation of UNCLOS. Article 100 requires all States to cooperate to the fullest possible extent in the repression of piracy on the High Seas or in any other place outside the jurisdiction of any State. The act of piracy not only looting of assets and properties of other ships rather consists of any illegal acts of violence or detention, or any act of depredation against another ship or aircraft, or against persons or property on board and in a place outside the jurisdiction of any State. Consequently, within the scope of UNCLOS, Bangladesh and its neighboring coastal countries can undertake regional initiative to stop transportation of illegal migrants and other illicit activities in the High Seas. In this regard, the recent experience of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME) project involving Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand for improving regional management of the Bay of Bengal environment and its fisheries would be useful in order to establish governance of the High Seas at regional level.

    World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 2

  • Analyzing the Legal Framework for Sustainable Management of Coastal and Marine Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh

    Mohammad Mahmudul Islam, Soumitra Chandra Dutta, Md. Mostafa ShamsuzzamanDepartment of Coastal and Marine Fisheries, Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet 3100, BangladeshEmail: [email protected]

    This study analyzes the legal framework that rules the coastal and marine fisheries resources utilization and conservation in Bangladesh, and illustrates the problems of implementation and enforcement of the laws with measures to improve compliance levels and governance. Data were collected through qualitative fieldwork following individual interview, key informant interview, informal interview, focus group discussion and stakeholder analysis, conducted among three fishing communities of Barisal and Bhola districts, and also from secondary literature sources. There are four components in the analyzed laws such as prohibitions, prescriptions, penalties and responsibilities, and majority of the laws are found complete in terms of prohibitions, prescriptions and penalties. But, these laws are not properly applied by the governance system because of rampant noncompliance. In this regard, corruption

    in local government and law enforcing authorities, lack of logistic support, insufficient incentive, laxity in enforcing the conservation rules, limited livelihood opportunities, political interference, and lack of fishers awareness concerning the fishing laws are identified as major limitations. Necessary measures for improving compliance of the laws and governance of fisheries resources include elimination of corruption, removal of administrative weakness, practice of good governance, updating and modernizing the rules and policies, reducing the communication gaps among administrative units, providing sufficient incentives to all stakeholders, and raising awareness among fishers about the benefits of obeying laws and regulations. Thus, the findings of present study propose an update to the policy and legal framework governing the utilization and conservation of coastal and marine fisheries resources in Bangladesh.

    World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 3

  • Habitat type Area (ha) CO2e/ha/yr(Tons)

    Annual total(Tons)

    Mangroves 441,455 4.73 2,088,082 Saltmarshes 111,585 10.16 1,133,704 Seagrasses

    River-estuary Shallow coastal water (

  • Bangladesh is a maritime country having 710 km long coast line along the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean, covering about 1,18,813 km2 exclusive economic zone (EEZ) that remained at the forefront and highly potential area for growing blue economy activities. Food security is closely related to the sustainable use of biological resources through discovery and utilization of marine fisheries resources in Bangladesh. As mankind moves into the 21st century, integrated policies of ocean governance are necessary for sustainable development and use of our sea areas and its resources as well as for protection of the marine environment. Towards this end, the Marine Fisheries Academy at Chittagong is the only nationalized professional training and research institute, where the motto of the institution is oriented with training and research on the exploration and exploitation of marine resources, oceanographic and environmental aspects within the EEZ. Some public universities and particularly, the Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong is also contributing significantly through research and innovation in our maritime domain. However, vast areas of the continental shelf are assumed to be suitable for practicing mariculture, which at present is absent but time is knocking at the door to consider

    mariculture as top priority training field by the academy in the near future. Moreover, within the platform of blue economy, some other ocean activities like marine fishery, offshore oil and gas industry, shipbuilding industry, marine engineering and construction industry including tourism may play key roles in the economy of Bangladesh.

    The blue economy is a new concept to utilize marine environment and its resources in a sustainable manner. The concept embodied with broad aspects of policy for sea uses including common heritage of high seas for better use of sea areas for mankind and sustainable development of EEZ. The Marine Fisheries Academy under the auspices of Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, is contributing for the development and growth of blue economy in Bangladesh. Therefore, the present paper deals with the state of marine living resources, and discusses the inherent problems and prospects of resource management for the future generation with emphasis on marine capture fisheries, aquaculture/mariculture, marine aquatic products, blue biotechnology, agriculture in saline soils, and mangrove ecosystems as carbon sinks. The paper also provides some policy recommendations for future actions to be taken by various organization and institutions of Bangladesh.

    The Blue Economy: Bangladesh Perspectives

    Captain Masuq Hasan AhmedPrincipal, Marine Fisheries Academy, Chittagong, Bangladesh E-mail: [email protected]

    World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 5

  • The Blue Economy: An Overview

    Commander Mohammad Abul Hasan BNS SHAIBAL, Bangladesh Navy, Chittagong, BangladeshEmail: [email protected]

    The oceans, mankind's common heritage, represent in many ways the final frontier for humanity providing a myriad of opportunities ranging from food, livelihood, climate preservation or even storm protection for coastal populations. However, in spite of all these countless benefits, human development activities, have gravely strained the resilience of the marine and coastal resource base. Since the well-being of ocean and well-being of humanity are entwined, the opportunities offered by the oceans have to be utilized in a sustainable manner in order to improve human well-being while ensuring social equity/inclusion. The blue economy (BE) concept broadly espouses this very objective, but grounded in a developing world context primarily focusing on the countries whose future resource base is marine. The BE is an essential tool for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and coastal countries to address their sustainable development challenges. Fundamental to the BE approach is the principle of equity, and through widespread adherence to this principle at international and national levels would allow the developing countries to realise greater revenue from their resources and reinvest the same in their populace, environmental management, reduce national debt levels and contribute to the eradication of poverty and hunger. Besides, the BE approach also endorses the productivity of healthy ocean ecosystems as a pathway for ocean-based economies. However, there are certain issues that imposes challenges to

    the BE concept include sustainable use of biodiversity, food security, climate change, pollution and marine debris, increase in marine and coastal tourism, governance and international cooperation, etc.

    In addressing few of the challenges mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the SIDS and coastal states would require to have naval capability. The challenges that come under the purview of navy are protection of seaborne trades and offshore resources, pollution control, enforcement of legislation relevant to sustainable development and environmental protection, maintenance of good order at sea to promote seaborne activities connected to BE (e.g. fisheries, tourism, etc.), maritime domain awareness (MDA), etc. In order to perform these roles/tasks effectively and efficiently, the navies first need to identify their needs in terms of both capability as well as capacity. Then those capabilities/capacities are to be achieved through force structuring. However, in this regard, coordination with all relevant stakeholders would be necessary for accurate need-assessment, as well as resources and expertise sharing. However, considering the vastness and connectedness of the oceans, MDA capability cannot be attained by any nation singularly. Same is the case with enforcement of regulations. Hence, cooperation between the navies, both on regional and extra-regional levels, is a must.

    World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 6

  • Role of National Oceanographic Research Institute in the Exploration and Exploitation of Marine Resources of Bangladesh

    ASM Sharif, MS Parvez, MT Islam, M Zakaria, F IslamNational Oceanographic Research Institute (NORI), Ramu, Coxs Bazar, Bangladesh.Email: [email protected]

    National Oceanographic Research Institute (NORI) located in Ramu, Cox's Bazar is soon to open fresh window with great expectation to explore and exploit marine and coastal resources of Bangladesh for national interest. The institute is still under development and will soon become a functional ocean research institute. Bangladesh is given entitlement on 118,813 sq. km of sea area in the Bay of Bengal which stands at 121,110 sq. including major river inlets and estuaries after the final settlement of maritime border disputes with her neighboring states in 2012 and 2014 respectively. Marine resources play significant roles in many of worlds developed economies. Though there is enormous amount of marine resources but utilization of these largely untapped treasures are still in the primary stage which can be a strong economic driver of Bangladesh if properly studied and managed. Systematic studies done by different institutes and organizations are lying scattered and need to be organized in line with specific science and development objectives. Besides doing original research NORI, as the

    national ocean research institute, is entrusted with the responsibility of integrating all those fragmentary works. This institute is established to provide multidisciplinary research on marine and coastal resources to unveil the potentials for the blue growth (blue economy) while ensuring ecosystem health and sustainability. The main objectives of NORI are to study the physical and dynamic processes of the sea; the chemical properties of the sea water and sediments; assess the living resources and their distribution and to generate food through mariculture techniques; the geological and geophysical aspects of the seabed; collect, process, disseminate and exchange oceanographic data and information as a national body; extend co-operation to all organization and institutes involved in the study of marine science; foster national and international co-operation in various fields of oceanography. The institute will also have a strong focus on innovation and application of research findings to serve the nation toward economic security and sustainability.

    World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 7

  • Marine Protected Areas in Bangladesh: Status, Implementation and Legal Regimes

    M. Enamul HoqMarine Fisheries and Technology Station, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Coxs Bazar 4700, BangladeshEmail: [email protected]

    After signing the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Bangladesh sought new ways to responsibly manage and conserve its marine resources. It took the first steps towards this goal by introducing the Marine Fisheries Ordinance in 1983, which outlined rules that continue to provide the main legal framework for controlling activities, conservation and development in the marine zone. Among other things, the Ordinance allows for the establishment of protected areas (PAs) in any part of the countrys exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Bangladesh owns nineteen nationally designated protected areas comprising approximately 2,458 km2, which is 1.66 percent of land area of the country. Moreover, UNESCO designated three wildlife sanctuaries at the Sundarbans as World Heritage Site. Additionally, the sanctuaries in Sundarbans are recognized as hotspot for globally endangered Ganges River dolphin (Platanista gangetica gangetica) and Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris). Subsequently, Bangladesh has declared countrys first marine protected area (MPA) in the Swatch of no ground of the Bay of Bengal to preserve the breeding places and habitats of flora and fauna and to protect communities and ecosystems. Moreover, the aim is to maintain natural processes as well as to

    provide facilities for research, education and recreation. Under the FAO-BOBLME (Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem) project a framework for establishment and management of MPAs in Bangladesh was initiated by IUCN in 2012. Furthermore, in 2015, the Department of Fisheries (DoF) has declared 65 days (May 20 to July 23) ban period for trawl fishing and shrimping in the Bay of Bengal. In this connection, Bangladesh has set a target of bringing 5% of the country under PA by 2015, and planning to conserve 17% of its terrestrial and inland water and 10% of coastal and marine areas by 2020 under PA network of Aichi target. Necessary policies are being framed to regulate different activities inimical to conservation of biodiversity in the present PAs and ecologically critical areas (ECAs). The primary government agencies concerned with the declaration and management of MPAs are the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL) in coordination with the Department of Environment (DoE) under the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF). Other agencies with a peripheral role in the management of MPAs include the Bangladesh Navy and Bangladesh Coast Guard, which are also charged with enforcing regulations governing the marine resources more generally.

    World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. 8

  • Mother Shrimp for Hatchery: Present Situation and Future Needs

    Sheikh Aftabuddin, Md. Monwar Parvez, Zerin Sultana Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, BangladeshEmail: [email protected]

    Tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) hatcheries in Bangladesh are solely dependent on wild broods from the Bay of Bengal. The annual demand of shrimp postlarvae (PL) is about 8 billion, whereas a total of 57 hatcheries are producing just 6-7 billion PL, although the hatcheries are able to produce 15 billion PL. This study explores various aspects of mother shrimp used as bloodstock in shrimp hatcheries of Bangladesh. Thus, data on the supply and demand of brood shrimp, their harvesting techniques and transportation processes, and unit cost were collected from selected hatcheries and trawlers following participatory tools and field observations, between September 2012 and June 2013. Hatchery owners and technicians, trawler skippers and crews, fisheries officers, aquaculture experts, and intermediaries/agents were included in the survey, focus group discussions (FGD) and key informant interviews (KII) to ensure that participants could make meaningful comparisons between the past and present with potential future trends. The results of this study revealed that 40 trawlers are engaged in shrimp trawling of which 21 trawlers exclusively caught mother shrimps and supply these broodstock to the hatcheries. The skippers and crews of trawler confirmed that shrimp broods are commonly caught from shallow water depths (30-40m) and also from deeper depths (80-100m) of the northern Bay of Bengal,

    with average trawling time of 1.5 to 2 hours. Interestingly, broods of deep water habitat are larger (130g) than the broods (80g) occurring in the shallow zone. The Kohinoor point, Elephant point and down of the Saint Martins Island are amongst the most suitable zones for catching shrimp brood. The trawlers undertake 2-3 days voyage and catch 100-150 broods in each trip during January-March followed by as few as 10-20 broods per trip in the months of July-September. The highest 27,387 broods were caught in January 2013 and the lowest 1,182 were harvested in September 2012 by the trawlers. The unit price of shrimp brood varies considerably from month to month, and is determined by the interaction of factors that influence demand for and supply of broodstock. The average cost of a mother shrimp was US$ 40 during January-March that rose to US$ 75 during June-July. The present study observed that January-April was the peak season and May-September as the dip season for shrimp brood catching, although the greatest demand for brood spanned from May-July. The incidence of diseases in broods by pathogenic microbes (e.g. WSSV) has serious implications for the sustainability of the shrimp industry in Bangladesh. Thus, developing disease resistant stocks of shrimp brood may be the viable solution to this problem.

    9World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

  • Geomorphological Dynamics and Natural Hazards in an Offshore Island of Bangladesh

    Mohammad Muslem Uddin1, Paolo Ciavola21Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh2Department of Physice and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, ItalyEmail: [email protected]

    The coastal zone of Bangladesh is sensitive for geomorphodynamic changes due to extreme hydrometeorological events like flood, cyclone and erosion. In addition, climate change-induced vulnerability like sea-level rise is expected to exacerbate such problem. In order to proper interpretation of the hazard mechanisms, and to set up a time demanding management and precautionary system for reducing the vulnerability, an attempt was made to understand the geomorphological evolution, hydrometeorological setting, and socioeconomic and ecological aspects of an offshore island of Bangladesh. The study area, i.e. the Sandwip Island, is located at the confluence of the Meghna river estuary of the Bay of Bengal that continuously being shaped and sized by the hydrometeorological and geomorphological actions. This constitutes the only international case study site outside of Europe in the framework of Risc-KIT FP7 European project ( involved in developing tools and methods for reducing risk and increasing resilience in coastal areas. The results suggest that the Sandwip Island is physically more prone to coastal erosion, and the situation will become even worse due to increased frequency of storm surges and future sea-level rise. Erosion

    rate along the shoreline of the island is much more intense and exceeds the accretion rates of silty clay sediments. Moreover, the mean sea-level rise trend data provide an alarming picture compared to other nearby coastal areas of Bangladesh. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) showed that the island is almost flat and generally less than 5 m above the mean sea level, except for the north-western part. Furthermore, the physical assets owned by the community have been declining and thus putting stress on the socioeconomic conditions of society as revealed from social survey as well as land use mapping. A relatively high earthen embankment around the island together with a cross-dam connecting the north side to mainland are to be mandatorily maintained in order to protect the community from erosion as well as against relative sea-level rise and storm surge inundation. Besides, a site specific hydrometeorological warning system and effective communication (in easily understandable format) of an imminent danger event to the communities should be developed. The capacity of transportation system (infrastructures and modes), health and required logistic services are also to be enhanced to prepare for and manage natural hazards and climate-related events.

    10World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

  • The Helgoland Roads Time Series Station: A Long-term Unbroken Coastal Ocean Monitoring Program

    Subrata Sarker, Karen Helen WiltshireAlfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, GermanyE-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

    The Helgoland Roads Time Series station is one of the largest and unbroken time series station in the history owned by the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (BAH) of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany. This time series station has been collecting biological, chemical and physical parameters continuously on a daily basis (i.e. working days) since 1962. Water temperature (C) and Secchi depth (m) are measured in situ from the sampling site. Secchi depth is measured as the representation of light penetration by lowering the disc vertically into the water until it is no longer visible. Inorganic nutrients (such as phosphate, silicate, ammonium, nitrate and nitrite in mol l1) are measured, using colorimetric methods described by Grasshoff (1976), immediately on a filtered sub-sample obtained from the surface water collected daily. The phytoplankton samples taken from stations are

    preserved with Lugols solution following the Utermhl method and whenever possible identification is carried out to the species level in order to illustrate long-term changes in relative abundance and seasonality of different species. Records on zooplankton species, which has been collected and analyzed regularly since 1975, are serving as an invaluable resource for investigations of zooplankton diversity, trophic interactions and the phenology. This long-term data series have been reviewed and quality controlled by Wiltshire and Drselen (2004) and Raabe and Wiltshire (2008), and now sufficiently understood with problems, errors and corrections to assess long-term changes in the North Sea pelagic ecosystem. All data of this time series station are achieved at Pangaea (

    11World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

  • Oyster Dynamics: From Individual to Population Modelling

    M. Shah Nawaz Chowdhury1,2,3, Aad Smaal1,2, Tom Ysebaert1,4, M. Shahadat Hossain31IMARES Wageningen, Institute of Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, Yerseke, The Netherlands2Aquaculture and Fisheries Group, WIAS, Wageningen University and Research Center, Wageningen, The Netherlands3Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh4Spatial Ecology Department, NIOZ Yerseke, Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research, Yerseke, The Netherlands

    Reef forming oysters are increasingly recognized worldwide as ecosystem engineers for coastal protection in the face of sea level rise. Is it possible to make such reef for protecting the coastal habitats in Bangladesh? Knowledge on oyster dynamics can aid to find the answer. The Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model has been adapted to describe the growth, energy dynamics and reproduction of oyster (Crassostrea madrasensis, Preston 1916) as a function of environmental conditions in the southeast coast of Bangladesh. The values of the model parameters were estimated from the available physiological data and from published information. The erosion prone Kutubdia Island has been chosen as reference point for this study. Seasonal water temperature variation (21.6-30.9 C) and natural food availability (4.9-12.6 g Chal-a l1) were considered as forcing variables for the growth of oysters in that region. The simulation result of DEB model indicates that C. madrasensis can

    grow 21 cm (maximum) in length. This model outputs were translated to oyster population modelling by adopting a new tool, the Dynamic Oyster Reef Growth (DORG) model. Different data sets viz., survival rate of oyster, number of recruitments, live oyster biomass, shell budget, and dimensions of reef substrate were considered as model parameters to predict the future reef growth. Model results showed that the reef can grow at an average rate of 2 cm yr1 to upward or horizontal directions. Moreover, 18 kg m2 of oyster biomass can grow in prevailing hydrodynamic conditions even at low survivals (the instantaneous natural mortality coefficient, Z = 1.01). Both the DEB and DORG models simulated results suggest a promising growth of oyster reefs that even faster than sea-level rise at Kutubdia Island. This opportunity can be utilized for enhancing climate proof coastal defence as well as aquatic food production in the nearshore coastline of Bangladesh.

    12World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

  • Sediment Distribution Pattern along the Coast of Chittagong, Bangladesh

    Avijit Talukder1, Debbrota Mallick2, Milon Kumar Sheuli2, Samindranath Mondal2, Shubha Sarker21Department of Marine Bio-resources Science, Faculty of Fisheries, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chittagong 4225, Bangladesh2Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, BangladeshEmail: [email protected]

    Particle size characteristics are significant indicator of deposits distribution pattern that regulate local geomorphology and other associated features of the coast. Present study on sediment distribution patterns which have pivoted the span of grain size variability for better understanding the deposition processes and distribution pattern particularly in tidal areas. Sampling sites were selected at four freshwater locations, namely Madunaghat, Kalurghat, Chaktai, Saderghat; and four saline water locations, namely 15 Number Ghat, Patenga, Khejurthali and Salimpur coast. Two sites selected from each location as highest high tide level (onshore) and lowest low tide level (offshore) of the intertidal zone during winter and monsoon of 2013 and 2014. Sediment samples were collected using the hand corer. Combination of sieve-pipette method used to determine the particle size of deposits. Sand particles of medium, fine and very fine; silt deposits of coarse, medium, very fine and medium clay percentage observed from stocks sedimentation processes. Distribution pattern of these fine and very fine grain deposits varies from landward to seaward sites. Ternary plot and ANOVA test resemble significant seasonal variation in sand, silt and clay

    which were reflected as 8.8%, 83.96%, 7.24% in monsoon whereas in winter 9.07%, 79.18% and 11.75% observed respectively at freshwater sites. In contrast, sand, silt and clay varied as 31.27%, 62.25%, 6.48% during monsoon while 21.30%, 65.98% and 12.72% reported at winter correspondingly in marine sites. Average characteristics of coastal deposits found as silt-clay dominated in every locations except 15 number Ghat and Patenga. Current speed, fluid density and water viscosity is comparatively high in 15 number jetty and Patenga rather than other sites, so deposition of fine particles is tough rather than coarse particles. Contrariwise, upstream freshwater locations are far from sea with less current speed than marine locations, which increase the suitability of fine grain deposition in intertidal zone. Moreover, sediment transport, erosion-accretion patterns, wind driven forces, tidal actions, wave characteristics and seasonal inconstancy control the coastal processes and deposits distribution characteristics. This research suggests the necessity of periodic observation to assess deposits characteristics that help to ensure eco-friendly geomorphology in Chittagong coastal zone.

    13World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

  • Hormone Induced Spawning of Commercially Important Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus) in Bangladesh

    Ehsanul Karim, M. Enamul HoqMarine Fisheries and Technology Station, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Coxs Bazar 4700, BangladeshEmail: [email protected]

    The striped mullet (Mugil cephalus, locally called Khorul/Bhangan bata) is a euryhaline and eurythermal marine species of commercial interest. Commonly, the fry of M. cephalus is collected from nature and cultured in the brackishwater tide-fed pond along with tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), but the aquaculture on a commercial scale cannot thrive solely on the supply of wild larvae. This study aims to induce spawning in captive M. cephalus by hormone injection. Thus, male and female brood fish (average weight/fish: 1.5 kg), identified following the method of Live Ovarian Biopsy (LOB), were stocked at the Niribili Fish Farm at Reju Khal of Coxs Bazar between August 2014 and February 2015. The fish were maintained at salinity of 24-25 and temperature of 22-25C. Hormone injections, which injected into deep muscle at the base of dorsal fin both in female and male, were initiated after 48 hrs of acclimatization and the interval between injections varied from 24 to 36 hours. The CPG (1st dose) and LRH A2 (2

    nd dose) with a combination of domperidone and calcium injections were used in varied total dose, and also

    used HCG for the 1st dose of male and both male/female in the second trial. The effective dosages were 30 mg/kg CPG, 150 g LRH A2 with combinations of 0.3 ml domperidone and 0.5 ml calcium injection, and a HCG dose of 30000 IU in female and 5000 IU in male, respectively. The GSI value ranged from 7.92-12.38, where egg diameter of ripped brood ranged from 563-594 m and that of fertilized eggs were 650-680 m. Fecundity was 780-900 no./g body weight. Fish started spawning between 4448 hours after injection and average spawning rate (%) and fertilization rate (%) were 665 and 559, respectively. Cell division was observed after the first hour of spawning, but high mortality occurred after 12 hours at "Nerulla" stage. Fertilized eggs were then settled down before starting further segmentation and finally mass mortality occurred. The reason of unsuccessful fertilization could be related to fluctuation of temperature and lack of quality milt from males. However, successful captive breeding of M. cephalus can bring a new horizon to the coastal aquaculture sector of Bangladesh.

    14World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

  • Assessment of Shrimp Stocks by Using Industrial Trawl Catch Log Data

    Suman Barua, Nasiruddin Md. Humayun and Md. Iqbal HaroonMarine Fisheries Office, CGO Building no. 1, Agrabad, Chittagong, BangladeshE-mail: [email protected]

    Catch per unit effort (CPUE) data of shrimp stock through industrial shrimping vessels from Bangladesh marine waters were used as tuning series for a stock production model (SPM) fitted using two different software platforms, namely MS Excel and Rststistical program, all fitted the data in a similar fashion and gave roughly the same parameter estimates. The intrinsic growth rate (r) was estimated in the range of 0.701048 to 0.7334317, the catchability coefficient (q) ranged from 0.000065 to 0.000071 and the carrying capacity (K) ranged from 18915 to 18953 t. It is observed that many of the model assumptions in the SPM are violated in this analysis. Apart from various limitations and violation of assumptions,

    the most important violations are the assumption that there are no species interactions that affect the abundance and productivity of the shrimp stock and the assumption of constant catchability. Though model assumptions are not met with the Bangladesh shrimp fishery due to nature of multispecies tropical fisheries, this stock assessment study using CPUE is roughly elucidate more reliable information of shrimp stock for industrial shrimping fleet until and unless to have information produced from survey vessel. It was found that the average estimation of MSY, BMSY and FMSY were 3395 t, 9466 t and 0.35 respectively.

    Marketing and Value Chain Analysis for Mud crab (Scylla serrata) in Chittagong City

    Md. Jaker HossainInstitute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, BangladeshEmail: [email protected]

    zone. The study was conducted from February to November 2014, and data were collected through semi-structured interview, focus group discussions (FGD) and key informant interviews (KII) with relevant stakeholders such as crab collectors, wholesalers, retailers, middlemen and exporters. The results indicate that mud crab is collected within 16 km of the lower Karnafully River and within 20 km of the Halishohor-Kattoli

    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) is one of the important and valuable fishery items of Bangladesh with annual production of about 4500 MT at the value of BDT 675 million (1 US$ equals BDT 78). The present study aims to identify crab collection sources and marketing networks along with its value chain in the Chittagong city. The study area included crab collection sites of the Karnafully River and the Halishohor-Kattoli coastal

    15World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

  • coastal shallow water zone by using hook (locally called Koda) and bamboo trap (locally called Chai). The river-based crab collection spanned only 3 months (March-May) and about 30 people capable of harvesting 10 MT crab, whereas the Halishohor-Kattoli coastal zone supports a year-round crab collection of about 50 MT by 45 people annually. The collectors sell legs-on big size (>150g) live crabs at a cost of 250-350 Taka/kg to the wholesaler, who sell to the exporters at 550-650 Taka/kg and the exporters price varies between 800 and 1200 Taka/kg. On

    the other hand, the small, broken leg and dead crabs are sold to local retailers of the Chittagong city at 100-150 Taka/kg and the consumer price varies from 150-200 Taka/kg. Together, the Karnafully River and the Halishohor-Kattoli coast supply annually about 25 MT crab for export markets and 35 MT for local consumption. Moreover, a total of 150-200 people are engaged in crabbing, crab trading and distribution networks in the Chittagong. Thus, crab fishery is playing significant role in generating cash income, employment and export earnings.

    Extraction of antioxidant from shrimp waste

    Selina SultanaMarine Fisheries Academy, Fish Harbour, Chittagong, BangladeshE-mail: [email protected]

    There are about 135 fish and shrimp processing plants in Bangladesh that discharge large quantities of wastes into the surrounding waters, thus polluting the environment ultimately. However, shrimp waste is an important source of natural carotinoid, such as astaxanthin, which provides the red color of cooked shellfish. Astaxanthin is an antioxidant with ability to surpass those of -carotene or even -tocopherol. It belongs to a larger class of phytochemicals known as terpenes derived from five carbon precursors, isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). Astaxanthin is used as a food supplement for human, animal and aquaculture consumption. Due to scarcity of natural astaxanthin, farmers widely use of

    synthetic astaxanthin as carotenoids in shrimp feeds that represent 10-20% of the feed cost. This study will be carried out to extract shrimp waste carotenoids in vegetable oil. For vegetable oil treatment, soya oil will be added to small pieces of dried shrimp waste which then mixed and hit at 90C for 15 minutes in order to separate oil fraction and the pigment. Indeed, the high cost of synthetic pigments and their growing demand have stimulated the research of extracting astaxanthin from natural sources. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of USA have approved astaxanthin as a food coloring (or color additive) for specific uses in animal and fish foods.

    16World Oceans Day 2015 Abstracts, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.