Download - Workshop 5 Artificial Intelligence. The Turing Test – Can a machine fool people into thinking it is human? René Descartes 1637 – How many different.


Workshop 5Artificial Intelligence

The Turing Test – Can a machine fool people into thinking it is human?

René Descartes 1637 – How many different automata or moving machines can be made by the industry of man [...] For we can easily understand a machine's being constituted so that it can utter words, and even emit some responses to action on it of a corporeal kind, which brings about a change in its organs; for instance, if touched in a particular part it may ask what we wish to say to it; if in another part it may exclaim that it is being hurt, and so on. But it never happens that it arranges its speech in various ways, in order to reply appropriately to everything that may be said in its presence, as even the lowest type of man can do

Alan Turing 1950 – The Imitation Game

A person sits in a room with a teletype machine. At the other end (unseen by the subject) is either a person or a computer. The subject types questions into the machine and judges by the responses whether which one she is communicating with.

John McCarthy

John McCarthy (1927-2011): Artificial Intelligence 2011 Interview cache (27 minutes)

(Discusses AI and consciousness with Jeffrey


Marvin Minsky

1969 Marvin Minsky cache (3 minutes)

2013 Marvin Minsky at Singularity Conference cache (8 minutes)

Why can't machines do things that babies can? (4 minutes)

LOGO – A language for children 1967

Turtle LOGO Math Playground

Eliza - Joseph Weizenbaum

1966 Weizenbaum published Eliza at MIT

Eliza was meant to show computer capabilities in natural language processing

The program pretended to be a Rogerian psychotherapist

Play with Eliza, the Computer Therapist

The Samantha Test – Review of the Spike Jonze movie Her By Brian Christian in the New Yorker

Joseph Weizenbaum: Plug & Pray (movie trailer) cache

Claude Shannon, John McCarthy, Ed Fredkin, Joseph Weizenbaum

How Eliza Worked(defparameter *eliza-rules*

'((((?* ?x) hello (?* ?y))

(How do you do. Please state your problem.))

(((?* ?x) computer (?* ?y))

(Do computers worry you?) (What do you think about machines?)

(Why do you mention computers?)

(What do you think machines have to do with your problem?))

(((?* ?x) name (?* ?y))

(I am not interested in names))

(((?* ?x) sorry (?* ?y))

(Please don't apologize) (Apologies are not necessary)

(What feelings do you have when you apologize))Excerpt from a LISP program by Peter Norvig at

If the user mentions “computer” one of the following responses is


One response if the user mentions “name”

If the users input is not understood or has no

prepared response, the computer punts:

“When did you first start to have these feelings?”

“Tell me more”


Leibniz’ Mill

(from section 17 of the Monadology)

Moreover, we must confess that perception, and what depends on it, is inexplicable in terms of mechanical reasons, that is, through shapes and motions. If we imagine that there is a machine whose structure makes it think, sense, and have perceptions, we could conceive it enlarged, keeping the same proportions, so that we could enter into it, as one enters into a mill. Assuming that, when inspecting its interior, we will only find parts that push one another, and we will never find anything to explain a perception. And so, we should seek perception in the simple substance and not in the composite or in the machine.

J.C.R. Licklider - Man-Computer Symbiosis

“Man-computer symbiosis is probably not the ultimate paradigm for complex technological systems. It seems entirely possible that, in due course, electronic or chemical "machines" will outdo the human brain in most of the functions we now consider exclusively within its province.”

“Even now, Gelernter's IBM-704 program for proving theorems in plane geometry proceeds at about the same pace as Brooklyn high school students, and makes similar errors.”

J.C.R. Licklider (1960). "Man-Computer Symbiosis” paper cache

Futurism Ray Kurzweil – The singularity is when "human life will be irreversibly

transformed“ (using augmented intelligence) … "future machines will be human, even if they are not biological"

Ray Kurzweil: Get ready for hybrid thinking (10 minutes) cache

Michio Kaku: How to Stop Robots From Killing Us (4 minutes) cache

Transcendent Man 2009 Movie

Richard Brautigan - All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (1 minute) cache

I like to think (it has to be!) of a cybernetic ecology where we are free of our labors and joined back to nature, returned to our mammal brothers and sisters, and all watched over by machines of loving grace.

Excerpt from All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (1967)

The Singularity is Nigh – True or False?

Noam Chomsky: The Singularity is Science Fiction! (28 minutes)

Douglas R. Hofstadter – At the Singularity Summit at Stanford (34 minutes) Douglas Hofstadter