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Women in Engineering: Role of Education

Technology in Globalization

Brief Overview

Dr. Nish Sonwalkar

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• 4:00 PM Introduction & moderator: Dr. Nish Sonwalkar, MITEF

and Founder and CEO, IntellADAPT • 4:30 Remarks by Panelists and Moderated Q&A • Professor Mildred Dresselhaus, Institute Professor, MIT • Dr. Johan E. Uvin, Assistant Secretary, US Department of

Education • 5:30 Open Q&A • 5:50 Closing Remark

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Dr. Nish Sonwalkar

• Dr. Sonwalkar is regarded as a leading expert in the application of computers in education. He has extensive research and development experience in hypermedia authoring, mobile learning, adaptive learning, brain-based synaptic learning and adaptive MOOCs, Dr. Nish Sonwalkar in his former role as the Director of Hypermedia Teaching Facility and Principal Educational Architect at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), developed several distance learning technologies and programs. Sonwalkar is the recipient of the 2007 USDLA Award for Outstanding Leadership by an Individual in the Field of Distance Learning. He is founder and CEO of IntellADAPT dedicated for the use of Adaptive Learning for STEM Education. Dr. Sonwalkar holds Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) degree from MIT. (

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Dr. Johan Uvin

• Johan E. Uvin joined the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) in December 2009 as senior policy advisor to Assistant Secretary Brenda Dann-Messier. In 2011, Uvin was appointed to the position of deputy assistant secretary for policy and strategic initiatives. In that capacity, he coordinates all policy and strategy development for OCTAE. This office is responsible for the Department's adult education portfolio, including corrections and reentry education, secondary, postsecondary and adult career and technical education, and community colleges. Dr. Uvin earned doctorate in public administration from Harvard University.

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Prof. Mildred Dressehaus • Prof. Mildred Dressaulhaus is an Institute professor at the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology. Institute professors are regarded as the very best amongst an already impressive crowd at MIT and are given this honor because of their extraordinary leadership, accomplishment,  and  service.  Known  as  the  “Queen  of  carbon  science”,  Prof.  Dresselhaus is one of the most prominent scientists and engineers. She is best known for deepening our understanding of condensed matter systems and the properties of carbon, which have contributed to major advances in electronics and materials research. A recipient of numerous prestigious awards, she was most recently awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom which is the  Nation’s  highest  civilian  honor.  She  also  has  the  distinction  of  having  several  physical  theories named after her. Thus far, she has graduated scores of Ph.D. students. Alongside, she has worked tirelessly and has been recognized for her role in expanding opportunities for women in science and engineering. In 1973, she was appointed to The Abby Rockefeller Mauze chair, an Institute-wide chair, endowed in support of the scholarship of women in science and engineering.

• Kavli Prize in Nanoscience, 2012 [pioneering contributions to the study of phonons, electron-phonon interactions, and thermal transport in nanostructures]

• Enrico Fermi Award, 2012 [named after her mentor and professor] • National Medal of Science, 1990

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Science & Engineering Jobs

Despite accounting for nearly half of the college-educated workforce, women in 2010 accounted for less than one-third of S&E employment. Although the number of women in S&E jobs has risen significantly in the past two decades, the disparity has narrowed only modestly.

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Workforce Occupations

For both women and underrepresented minorities, growth in participation slowed during the 2000s. Women's presence varies widely across S&E occupations. For underrepresented minorities, variation among occupations, although present, is much less pronounced.

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Minority Participation in S&E

Similarly, although underrepresented minorities—blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians or Alaska Natives—have made substantial strides, their representation in S&E jobs remains below their proportion in the population.

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Global Women in S&E

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Open Education Technology

• Open Courseware (OCW) MIT consortium 2001 • Open Knowledge Initiative – framework - 2003 • Open Source – Moodle, Sakai – 2004, 2005 • Yale lectures • Berkeley free lecture video • Khan Academy 2009 • Stanford – first MOOC 2011 AI • MITx first MOOC 2012 C&E • First Adaptive MOOC March 2013 MD-MOOC, UMB


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Brief History at MIT


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Brief History

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Brief History

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Brief History

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Brief History

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Presidential Medal of Freedom November 24, 2014

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