Download - WOEIH - 036 [Abridged] - Natural Law, Sovereignty, Survival, Hermetic Principles, Polarity, Law Of Attraction, Cause And Effect, Morality, Responsibility, Free Will

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What On Earth Is Happening - 036 [Abridged]

Natural Law, Sovereignty, Survival, Hermetic Principles, Polarity, Law Of Attraction, Cause And Effect, Morality, Responsibility, Free Will

Podcast # 036

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Mark Passio's Natural Law, Sovereignty and Survival PDF

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End Of All Evil

Aquinas On Liberty


Natural law, sovereignty and survival are not in the context of politics, religion, new age, or science.  All those ideologies are boxes for human consciousness, where thinking anything outside the box is not fit for human consumption.  When in reality the truth is too big to fit into any box.  The truth encompasses a much wider range.

What really has taken place on the earth is that a small cabal of people who do not have the general interest of the public at mind are really controlling this world.  Through manipulation and techniques that subvert the human consciousness they are getting us to hand over our sovereignty and natural law rights.  In doing so, all the power and influence is flowing right to them.  People don’t understand how this works because they do not really know enough about themselves.  Ultimately all knowledge is knowledge about the Self.

Essentially their main aims are to put the human population into a trance like state that resembles sleep or hypnosis and basically bring in a completely closed society or police state.  We have a soft police state, they want a hard police state, globalized, centralized.  The dominators want a planet wrapped in a cage and locked up.  The understanding in this information is the master key to unlock that gate and to free this world, if only we come to that knowledge of our own accord and our own free will.  No one can forcibly make you understand this, you have to receive it.  This is not a belief system, this is existing in the universe.

Lets start with definitions:What is natural law?

natural: inherent; having a basis in nature, reality, and truth;not made or caused by humankind

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-man did not make this up, it is self-existinglaw: an existing condition which is binding and immutable (cannot be changed, cannot simply wish them away)-it doesnt matter if you accept it, know about it, believe it, you are bound by it, they are

Natural Law:  Existing conditions which are binding and immutable, and have a basis in nature, reality and truth, that are not caused by human kind.

Declaration of Independence of America:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

In the first paragraph Natural Law is mentioned.  The founding fathers of America were deists, not religionists.  The understood there was a force of creation, a creator, and this force created the natural world, and there are laws that nature is governed by and humanity is bound to those laws whether we like it or not.

These truth were self evident, at least to them, we have fallen quite a bit since then.  We are equal, men and woman, all races.  We have rights from creation (whatever you feel that force is), endowed, as a birth right, cannot be separated from us.  We always have had them we always will have them.  They are eternal, not made by man, not granted by man, they cannot be taken from us.  There are people who think they can, but in reality, they can never usurp our rights.  They can make a claim and try to put that claim into practice, but the rights still exist no matter what the condition on the earth are.  They are inherent rights.

The General Principles of Natural Law

Natural Law is ultimately expressed through 7 Basic Principles (first  things).  Those who know and adhere to these Principles possess the Key through which the Wisdom of the Universe is unveiled.

These first things need to come first when it comes to our moral principles.  We need to be concerned with principles because principles are based in truth.  Those who know, know and adhere to these principles.  Not believe, they do not need to be believed in.  These are in existence, naturally occurring in the universe.  We need to recognize their existence, to come to know them.  Not believe in them, but to know them and adhere to these principles.

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The Principle of MentalismThe Principle of CorrespondenceThe Principle of  VibrationThe Principle of PolarityThe Principle of RhythmThe Principle of Cause And EffectThe Principle of Gender

Also known as the Hermetic principles.  This is Natural Law.

39m- MentalismEverything that exists exists first as a mental construct,  The mind is the essentinal generator of everything we experience.  The universe we experience comes into being as a result of how we think.  Our experience will be dictated by how we think. 

- Correspondenceuniverse self similarmanifestations on small scale are reflected in large scaleThe principle of correspondence is that the universe is self-similar across all scales -- from the macrocosm to the microcosm.  The universe is fractal and holographic, as above so below. Things that take place in the microcosm will reflect into the macrocosm. 


- VibrationThe principle of vibration, everything in the universe is essentially composed of vibratory energy.  We can employ different vibrational states to change what we experience.

44m- Polarityeverything has a positive and negative pole to it

- Rhythmtime and consciousness move in cycles

- Cause and EffectFor every effect, there must be a prime cause

- GenderEverything essentially has a masculine and feminine component to it


Discovery vs Belief

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“There are two ways to be fooled.  One is to believe what is not true; the other is to refuse to accept what is true.”- Soren Kierkegaard

believe what is not truerefuse to accept what is true

People believe all kinds of nonsense and refuse to accept the truth.  We need to steer humanity away from belief in general and get people to start looking at what actually is present in this world -- the truth.  Thinking there is no such thing as truth is solipsism, and is a slippery slop towards totalitarianism.  If there is no truth, then there is no right or wrong and man gets to decide what is true, what is right and what is wrong.  Solipsism is spoken of in 1984.

Like the physical laws, such as gravity, the Natural Laws do apply in the same way that gravity does apply.  It does not matter whether you believe in them or not.  They are extent.  They are self existing principles.  We are talking about the discovery of principles that exist.

mikhail bakunin quote, father of modern anarchy“The Liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the Laws of Nature, because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will  whatsoever.”- Mikhail Bakunin

Recognition, discovery, that’s what we are talking about, not belief.  No belief here, look into it, discover it for yourself, or discover the contrary if that is what the information leads you to.

50m[Page 23-24 of PDF]


To understand natural law and how it works we need to know a little bit about how our consciousness works.  This information cannot be repeated too often.  The more you go through it, the more it sinks in, the more you come to understand it, the more you come to think about these thinks the more appreciation you have towards it.  It is not wasted time.  It helps to solidify these concepts and ideas.  Many people need to hear things many times before ideas sink in to the point that they are applicable in someones life.

Consciousness - The ability to recognize patterns and meaning with respect to events taking place, both within and around oneself.

Consciousness has a polarity to it, in Gender.

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GenderThere is a masculine and feminine component to consciousness. Masculine is called yang energy, solar, of the sun, active, analytical, dominant, aggressive, and corresponds with the left brain hemisphere.There is also feminine or yin energy to consciousness, that is lunar or the moon, it is passive, intuitive, submissive, compassionate and is largely governed by the right hemisphere of the brain.

CreativeOut thoughts are the first expression of our consciousness.  This is the creative principle of consciousness, of the father of this trinity of consciousness.  The emotions, this is the internal or feminine quality of consciousness, the mother of this trinity.  The internalized energy of consciousness.  The external manifestations of our consciousness are our actions.  This is a male principle, we act with force, we act with what we do with our body.  It is an outward, external manifestation of consciousness, considered masculine or yang based.  Since out actions are the byproduct of our thoughts and emotions, this is considered a child because it is born into existence after we have had thoughts about it and emotions about it and then we act on it.  That is the fruit of our thoughts and emotions.  The child of the trinity of consciousness.  Since its masculine its considered a male child or a son.


Consciousness is expressed through the physiology via the human brain.  The triune brain, three part structure of the brain we all have.

Reptile brainBrain stemSurvival

Mammal brainLimbic brainEmotions

Human brainNeocortexHigher order thinking

The first component is the reptile brain.  The brain stem and the cerebellum.  This is the R complex.  It governs our motor skills, it provides our movement coordination, our respiration.  It also governs instinct and survival in the physical sense.  It is important to have the fight or flight response  because it is there foo when we are in any physical danger and helps us to survive the situation as the need may be.  Dwelling in it is a problem as it will destabilize the other components of the brain if you really live from a pure physical survival stand point only and are obsessed with the material world.  it is a necessary component of the brain but we dont want to dwell there as it is the lowest consciousness of the brain structure.

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The mammalian brain is also the known as the limbic brain.  This part of the brain governs our emotions and makes possible for our emotions to be felt in the body because of the chemicals it outputs.  This is the mid brain.  All human range of emotions are secreted and made possible, both positive and negative emotions are generated from this part of the brain.  The internal qualities of consciousness generated through the limbic system.

The human brain is responsible for conceptual thinking, reason, logic, science, mathematics, creativity, art, intuition, morals, language, anything that basically makes us a human being.  This is the most complex and developed part of the brain, and is the newest evolutionarily, being called the new cortex, neocortex.

The human brain ins bilaterally symmetrical, meaning it is composed of two equal hemispheres.

The left male hemisphere of the brain.  The functions it makes possible are: analytical, logical, precise, repetitive, organized, detail oriented, scientific, detached, literal, sequential thinking.  All of these types of thought functions are made possible by the left brain.  This is yang energy, the symbol of the upward triangle, or the blade.

The right brain makes possible the opposite.  It is creative, imaginative, general, intuitive, conceptual, grasps big picture, holistic, empathetic, figurative thinking, irregular thinking, non time bound thinking.  The down ward triangle, or chalice, is the feminine energy.

The goal of working to elevate our awareness will be the balancing these two hemispheres of the brain.  This is symbolized as the Seal of Solomon, the sun and the moon, male and female, chalice and blade, coming together, united.  The chemical wedding balance of two hemispheres of the brain.

Page 29 PDFA person too dominant in the left or right brain will have neocortical brain damage.  This can be seen in global EEG coherence from a PAT scan.  These are not holes in the brain but are areas of electrochemical deadness or the complete reduction of neural activity in certain areas of the neocortex of the brain, the higher thought center of the brain.  This person in this state will not be able to engage in much conceptual or higher order thought functions.

Dominators are literally sick, they have brain damage.  They need help.  They need to be brought back to a state of a normally functioning brain.

Natural law also known as...

Natural law has been called different hings over the years.  These are essentially the same principles applied int hese differnt ways of lookign at natural law, but they have different names.

The law of cause and effect - effect invariably follows cause- for every action there exists and equal and opposite reaction.

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Law of attraction- the energy you emit is the energy you attract- energy flows where attention goesattention along with time being the other spiritual currency, what we pay attention to is what we get more of.  It doesn’t mean getting more negative by becoming aware of some of the things that are going on.  It means to put your attention on frivolous pursuits and you will be ruled by people who have the will to rule you.  If you don’t want to pay attention to what is going on in the world then your life will result accordingly.  Not the new age BS about not looking at the negative. We need to look at the conspiracies and the organization of evil in this world we can wake up to the solution, what we must not continue to do and what we must continue to do.  As you think so you shall be.

Karma- you reap what you sowThe seeds that you plant are the fruit you are going to get back. THe universe is like a gigantic mirror.  The energy we put out into it is what we get back manifested into our lives.

Golden rule- do unto others as you would have them do unto youIf people lived it the world would transform over night.



Natural Law Expressions Positive Expressions Negative ExpressionsGenerative Force or Polarity LOVE FEARInitiative Expression KNOWLEDGE

(Seeking Truth)IGNORANCE(Refusal of Truth)

Internal Expression SOVEREIGNTY(Internal Monarchy)

CONFUSION(Internal Anarchy)

External Expression FREEDOM(External Anarchy)

CONTROL(External Monarchy)

Generative Expression or Manifestation




65mThere is a positive and negative expression to how natural law works.  The two basic emotional polarities are love and fear.  These are the generative forces, the only two really.  Every decision we make is ultimately a decision between these two polarities.

INITIATIVEThe initiative expression of natural law in the beginning stages of love is seeking truth, which manifests as knowledge.  The opposite negative initiative expression of natural law based in fear

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is ignorance, where you do not want to know, where you refuse knowledge and truth.  The sense of love we are talking about is not the romantic Hollywood romance novel version of love.  This is love as the force that expands consciousness.  That wants you to look at that which is, and understand that which is.  Ignorance is based in fear, knowledge is based in love.  Picture overweight people eating junk food and watching TV that tells them what they want to hear, and nothing or the truth.  That is ignorance.

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”- Thomas Jefferson

Ignorance is diametrically opposed to a free society.  The more ignorant we are as a whole, the more enslaved we will be.  If we want to be free we must become knowledgeable.

“A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it is going to get.”- Ian Williams Goddard

Societies who want to stay ignorant and keep their eyes closed to what is going on in their society will eventually end up enslaved.  People who want their ignorance deserve the dictatorship they are going to get.


INTERNALThe internal expression of natural law in the positive sense is sovereignty.  Sovereignty is internal monarchy.  There are only two states of rulership, monarchy and anarchy.  Sovereignty means you are an internal monarch.  The opposite of sovereignty is confusion, the negative expression inwardly.  This is when there is internal anarchy.  In sovereignty there is self control.  In confusion there is internal anarchy, no rule of self, complete confusion within taking place.  Oppositional, duality consciousness.  So you think, feel and act are not united.

73mSOVEREIGNFrom Latin: super = above; regnum = rule or control.

A sovereign is above rule or control.

King or Queen; one who is above rule or not a subject to any other.

Ruler Of The Kingdom Of Self: Thoughts, Emotions, & Actions exist in Unison, or Non-Duality.  About unison, becoming one, becoming whole, non-contradiction, non-opposition.

Sovereignty is Self-Ownership = Internal MonarchyMonarch = one ruler

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I rule me, I own me and rule the kingdom of myself.  No one else owns me.  I do recognize my sovereignty, i do employ unity or non-duality consciousness.  As I think, so I fell, so I act.  Self ownership is becoming a monarch ruler of you.


ConfusionState of being completely broken up internally.  You are in a state where you dont know what is going on inside of you, you haven’t looked at your actual self, you dont know about your own consciousness and your own psyche and so you are in a state of internal opposition consciousness.  Your behaviors are in contradiction to your thoughts and emotions.  You can think and feel one way and act a different way.  Ultimately, you are in opposition with your own self which leads to opposition in the external world.  As there are more people in internal opposition thee are more people in external opposition.

When in the state of internal confusion, or internal anarchy, not ruling your own house, not ruling your own kingdom, then you are in opposition consciousness within, and you can be manipulated from without.


EXTERNALThe external expressions of natural law are the outward expression of positive love or negative fear that we have in society.

Freedom is the external positive expression of natural law. This is external anarchy, where no one is a ruler of anyone else, there are no masters and no slaves.  Everyone is created equal and expresses their consciousness by living equally amongst each other in harmony.  No one thinks they own another person as they do today, thinking they are god and own other people, like the police, military, government, ultimately thinking they can control the actions of others who are not breaking any natural laws or violating the natural law rights of others.  In fact, these groups and the people who work in them are violating natural law every single day.

True freedom is external anarchy, no external ruler-ship of others.


When fear has gone haywire, people remain in a state of ignorance and refuse truth.  They are in a state of internal anarchy or confusion, which leads to state of wanting to exercise external control over anyone and everyone until the power is concentrated into fewer and fewer hands, centralization of power becoming an external monarchy or one world government.  This is what we are spiraling towards in the modern world, it is external monarchy, one force ruling everybody.

Generative Expression or Manifestation of Natural Law in our world.

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There is a positive expression in moving through all the previous states by using the generative polarity of love we get the generative expression or manifestation called Order or what we recognize and know to be everything we experience as good in the world.  Things are ordered, peaceful, harmonious, good.

If on the other hand we have used the generative polarity of fear, dwelling in ignorance, confusion and brought it through to attempt external control of others.  This is the what we are like today, a state of Chaos.


When you start using the generative polarity in the positive sense, you cannot create any of the negative expressions.  The positive generative force, which is love, can only create the positive generative expressions.  When you Love, you cannot create Ignorance.  When you employ Knowledge, you cannot create Confusion.  When you employ Sovereignty you cannot create Control.  When you employ Freedom you cannot create Chaos.  They move in one direction.  They are mutually exclusive forces.  When you employ one you get a certain set of results, and applying the other gets another set of results.  They are indeed polarized principles.


Know the DifferenceRight vs Wrong

RIGHT WRONGCorrectBased in Truth

IncorrectNot based in Truth

MoralBased in Natural Law

ImmoralNot based in Natural Law

Actions based in it do not result in harm to other Sovereign beings

Actions based in it result in harm to other Sovereign beings

85m2011 and we need to be explaining the difference between right and wrong.  Unfortunately this is the world we live in it seems and people do not make much of a distinction between these due to the amount of moral relativism in our culture.

When we use the word Right, we often mean Correct.  2+2=4, right, correct. If something is based in Truth we use the word “right” to represent it.  We also use it for something that is moral.  “That action was right to take”, it is base din natural law, it is right, it has not harmed anybody.  Actions based in it  do not result in harm to other sovereign beings, to other living beings period.

Again, we are defining Right int he negative sense, that which does NOT result in harm then you are right to take that action.  Very simple, does it result in harm, does it usurp their natural law rights?  If it does not, then you have the right to take that action.

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Wrong, on the other hand is used for Incorrect things, like 2+2=5, that is the wrong answer.  It is not based in truth.  We also mean something Immoral, meaning somebody did not have the right to take an action.  “It was wrong to do that”.  Actions based in this result, in harm to other living beings.

It cannot get any simpler than this.  The concepts of incorrect immoral and equivalent, and the concepts of correct and moral are equivalent.  if something is base din truth, it is based in principles, it is base din natural law, it will not result in harm.  If something is not based in truth, it will not be base din natural law, it will result in harm.  It cannot be simpler than that, and you cannot make anyone accept that.  All that can be done is to speak this truth, how natural law works.

correct in truth vs incorrect not in truthmoral natural law vs immoral unnatural to lawactions do not harm other sovereign/living beings vs actions that do result in harm

cannot get anyone to accept thatthey must know it to be so themselves

88mCONSCIENCEFrom LatinCon: Together; Sciere: To know; to understand.To Know TogetherCOMMON SENSE

Conscience is what the understanding of natural law is attempting to create within us, to develop true conscience.  Conscience comes from Latin, “to know together”, con-sciere, together to understand.  Common sense is what conscience is.  Sadly,w e have lost our common sense in the modern world, most people do not know the difference between right or wrong.

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS- It is best to understand Rights in the apophatic sense; to know which actions are NOT Rights because they cause harm.- Natural Law holds true regardless of population.- When in doubt as to whether an action in is harmony with Natural Law, visualize the scenario of a world with only two people.

Looking at our rights in the apophatic sense allows us to look at them in the negative sense to know what are right are and what they are not.  We need to come to know which actions are not within our rights, because they cause harm.  We have way too many rights to list them all.  They are far too many actions you can take that do not harm any living being that we cannot possibly list them all.  But we can define what you do not have the right to take.  Everything that remains are your rights.  If it causes harm, it is not your right.  Define your rights in the apophatic sense rather than the affirmative sense.

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Natural law holds true regardless of the human population.  One of the biggest arguments people come up with is “Well if there were fewer people in the world, or small villages it would work, but we are 7 billion people, it cant work.”  Natural law does not care how many people are living on a planet.  It exists.  It is immutable, unchanging.  It does not matter whether there are 1 person, 2 people, or 20 billion people living on a planet.  It does not make a difference.  The human population is irrelevant when it comes to natural law rights.  Your rights hold true, and hold to be the same, right and wrong are the same, regardless of how many people there are.  When in doubt as to whether an action is in harmony with natural law,s imply visualize the scenario of a world with only two people.  If something is wrong to take an action where there are only tow people, it is wrong to take that action in a world with 7 billion people.  Example of taking from someone else, taxing, wrong with two people, wrong with any number of people.  If someone did that to you in a world of 2, you would probably go after them with a club.  However people do this in our world all the time, and we believe they have moral sanction to do it because they are the government.


Aquinas, on libertyon natural law

“Because choice is subsequent to a judgment upon the truth of the matter presented, is an immutably true principle that human Liberty depends entirely upon judgments which conform to Natural Law. If a judgment which does not conform to Natural Law, which is therefore objectively false and immoral, is acted upon by the will, then it becomes a source of grave disorder in society. Exponentially multiply these numbers of individual immoral acts, and you have a Republic that collapses from moral decay in a short period of time.”


If you believe in things that aren’t true, and are acting upon something you haven’t established the truth of, therefore you are making judgements that do not conform to natural law because they are not based in truth, the action that you take with your own free will becomes a source of chaos, disorder.  When you exponentially multiply that, you get a society that collapses, or a police state.

If you believe in things that arent true, and are acting upon these falsehoods because you have not sought the actual truth, you do not have truth, and act upon falsehood is contrary to natural law, the action you take with your own free will becomes a source of chaos, disorder or a police state.  Correspondence, as above, so below, from the few people creating chaos, to the many creating large scale chaos.


Law vs lawforce vs violenceprinciples vs dogma

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harmonized with as true knowledge vs complied with by fear/punishmentimmutable vs changes by times - moral relativism

Know The Difference:LAW vs. lawNATURAL LAW vs. man’s law


LAW lawBased OnPrinciples

Based OnDogma

Harmonized with dueto Knowledge

Complied with due toFear Of Punishment

Immutable; exists foras long as theUniverse exists

Changes on the whimof legislators(Moral Relativism)


Natural law is based in principles or truths.  Man’s law is based in dogma, unchallenged beliefs, claims of authority and the unchallenged belief in those claims.

Natural law is harmonized with, due to knowledge that is recognized.  We have recognize the truth of natural law and therefore by our own volition or free will we have come into harmony with it.  Man’s law on the other hand is simply complied with due to fear of punishment.

Natural law is immutable, exists as long as the universe exists.  mans law changes on the whim of legislatures.  It can be legal one minute and illegal the next.  Legal in one country and illegal in the next.  How can that be if that law is supposed to be based on what is right or wrong, how can something be right in one place and not in another?  How can something be right at one time and not another?  This is pure moral relativism. That is the slippery slope towards Social Darwinism.  The cosmic forces of creation are the emobiment of natural law, and mans law is the embodiment of the man in the black robe behind the bench thinking he is a god.  Which one of those forces do you want to align yourself with?  The answer should be pretty self evident.


KNOW THE LAW1- A living being must be harmed or defrauded in order in order for a violation of Natural Law rights to have taken place.2- Rights that do not exist for an individual can not be granted by man’s law to any another individual or to any group of individuals.

1- There are so many offenses in modern man’s law society that there is no harmed party.  Yet, they want to take other peoples freedom when there is no harmed party.  This is nonsense.  In

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order for any action to be taken against somebody for violating natural law, there has to be a living being that has been harmed or defrauded.

2-  If you do not have the right to do something, you cannot say “I am giving you the right to do this”.  If I don’t have a right to steal from peoples labor, and no one else does, therefore, it doesn’t matter how many people get together and try to create a law that allows someone to do that.  You cannot give to someone what you do not have yourself.  If 1000 people come together, call themselves a government, and none of them have the natural law right to impose taxation on another person, then the group doesnt have that right either.  The power cannot be put into another being that already is not self-existing.  You cannot grant yourself rights.  You either have the right or not.  You cannot right laws to grant rights!!!  Know why you cannot do this?  Because you are NOT GOD!!!


So what does this mean for man’s law?If man’s law is...

If mans law is the same an natural law, then it is pointless because it is only recognizing the law that already always existed, it is redudant.  If it is in opposition to natural law, then it is wholly false and immoral, and therefore cannot be binding upon anyone.

In light of Natural Law, man’s law is... IRRELEVANT.


105mKnow The Difference:FORCE vs. VIOLENCE

FORCE VIOLENCEVoluntary actionbased in morality andNatural Law

Initiation of coercive actionwhich is not based inmorality and Natural Law

Action which onepossesses the Right

Action which onedoes not possesthe Right to take

Does not violate another’sNatural Law Rights(may include defending oneself andone’s Rights against Violence)

Always involves theviolation of another’sNatural Law Rights


Force is voluntary actions based in morality and natural law.  Force and violence are completely opposed terms.  Violence is the coercive action.  Force can be used to build a house, to transport

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goods.  Force is the ability to get something done, and it can mean protecting or defending ones natural law rights against an incursion.  Force can be any action one possesses the right to take.  Violence is the initiation of physical action you did not have the right to take.  The only time you can make someone do something is when they are violating your natural law rights.  Then you can physically stop them from doing that.  Dominators want you to think you don’t have a right to do this.  Force does not violate another beings natural law rights.  Violence always involes the violation of another beings natural law rights.

G20 Pittsburgh, trying to tell people they have no right to free speech in a society that HAS these rights.  The thugs are following orders, “I am going to do what I can because I have been told I am allowed to”  Going to kick your ass and get away with it.

Taxation as being violence.  Taking what someone else has earned.


This ties back to personal responsibility. 

People are told they are allowed to use violence against people.  This is what a police state is.  People who think they have a right to do this stuff.  They don’t and they never will have that right. The problem is we have handed over our responsibility   by even creating forces like these.  We don’t want to deal with our own house.  We have not morally educated our young, so they grow up to be criminals and then we want a controller to clean up something we should have done to begin with.

Education is the ultimate key, not trying to put forces of control together to save ourselves from our own ignorance.  It will never work like this as this is based in fear.



RESPONSIBILITYWhenever we hand over our Natural Law Right to use force to another individual, group or entity, we have abdicated our own personal responsibility, which is the foundational basis for the discovery and understanding of Natural Law.


TSA issue, all trying to get us to feel safe so we hand over our natural law rights to not be searched, violated by these thugs of the state.  These people who say they are just doing their jobs, just for the paycheck, following orders.  No, you are a criminal, you are violating other’s Natural Law rights, and you have no right to do that.

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“Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither and will lose both.”- Benjamin Franklin

If you give up your liberty to be safe, you will lose them both.

“They must find it difficult... those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.”- Gerald Massey

People who accept claims on authority over other living beings and the usurpation of other Natural Law rights.  Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and others in history.  Automatons lining up to take order, and in doing so abdicating their personal responsibility.

Look at what we are already doing to people in other countries, right now, as part of the imperialistic occupying forces.  Blowing children apart, sexually brutalizing people, torturing them.  This is what the USA has become.  The example of freedom has become the example of militaristic dictatorship.


“Accept responsibility for yourself and your actions, thoughts and words. You alone make choices. You alone are answerable to the consequences of your behavior. The feeble excuse that your boss required it, the establishment expected it, holds no truth or justification.”

“What is the point of having principles if you allow others to dictate your behavior? At the end of the day, you will judge your performance and the contribution you have made to Creation. It will not be based on what another expected of you, or what you did because you felt trapped.”- David Icke

This is what people are letting themselves become, puppets on the strings of puppet masters whos agendas they have no idea of and do not understand.  They are giving their minds and their bodies away to these people.  Ultimately what this is about is free will.  Free will to go along with the system or free will to refuse to cooperate with the system that is enslaving people. Ultimately it is about following Natural Law principles or not to follow them.

“Nature, to be commanded, must first be obeyed.”- Francis Bacon

Living in Harmony with Natural Law leads to:FreedomPeaceProsperitySurvivalEvolutionary Progress

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When we live in harmony with Natural Law, lief begins to flow effortlessly and the forces of creation open up to us and help us prosper and thrive.

Living in Opposition to Natural Law leads to:ControlEnslavementPovertyWarEvolutionary Stagnation Extinction

Going against natural law is like standing on railroad tracks and expecting to stop a locomotive at arms length.


One Way Out

It’s all up to you.  You are the way out.  It’s all up to the individual.  You need to understand the principles of natural law.  You need to understand how Natural Law works.  You need to understand the difference between right and wrong.  You need to claim your sovereignty, you need to claim your own personal responsibility and stop making excuses.

The answer is looking back from the mirror.  You are the answer, you are the way out through your own true education.  Paying attention, using your time and attention well.  Spend them well.

This is the way out, the way towards evolutionary progress, up the ladder the ladder of consciousness and breaking the chains of this world and stepping out into a new world of peace, harmony and prosperity together, hand in hand.  The chemical wedding, the left and right brain brought into unison and harmony with each other.


The awareness of their agenda combined with stopping to cooperate with it and then doing the things we need to do to create a world of peace and prosperity.  Solution critical thinking is important.