Download - WN4 February 2016

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Delivered free to around 5,000 homes in Ashton, Bryn and Garswood.

4Local Businesses, Events and News February 2016

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february 2016issue 30

contentsAuntie Gels Recipe Page 6The Book Shelf Page 8My Year in Trainers Page 10Yummy Mummy Page 12The Floods Page 14Bexbella Page 16Whats on Guide Page 22Super Foods Page 24

offers Just a sample of our many offersFree Fitting On FiresSee Page 2Free Bio-Energy Healing sessionsSee Page 6£5 Off Meal DealSee Page 820% Off Hair for New ClientsSee Page 15 Furniture Closing Down saleSee Page 1920% Off Beauty TreatmentsSee Page 35

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What better way to start the New Year than with a brand new look and here at WN4 HQ it has been out with the old and in with the new! Hopefully you will see noticeable changes to bring our local magazine a fresh, fabulous vibe for 2016. These little changes will continue over future editions and we are hoping to introduce new contributors, columnists and regular features for you to enjoy. I have taken inspitation from Emma (page 10) and her article “My Year In Trainers” has helped me to move from the couch. I have gone from walking off the winter blues to trotting and have now signed up for the Manchester 10k in May. There is nothing like making such a public com-mitment to motivate me into action! Let’s hope my trotting speeds up to a brisk canter otherwise its going to be a long day for my small fan base (Mum & Dad). As we are still in the deep of winter (thankful-ly not as deep as America) I cherish the days I can work from home, when really all I want to do is remain under the duvet. When I am out and about talking to local businesses & community events organisers I know that this need to hibernate is shared by so many others, so good on us for managing to get out the front door on these cold, dark mornings. To help boost your mood through the winter months we have included some helpful tips to help you all survive until spring. My personal favourite is having a good clear out, Marie Kondo style, and this marvellous lady will help transform cluttered homes into spaces of serenity.

See you all in spring...

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Ingredients1 large banana mashed2 eggs

Method1. Peel and mash the banana thoroughly and stir in the beaten eggs mixing well.2. Heat a non stick frying pan and lightly spray with oil. Tun the heat down to medium.3. Pour a circle of batter into the pan (about 1 or 2 tbsp of batter per pancake). Be aware that the mixture is quite runny and will spread.4. Cook until golden brown on the underside (around 1 minute) then use a spatula to flip over and cook until golden brown on the other side (30 seconds to 1 minute). 5. Serve warm with chocolate spread, maple syrup or golden syrup.

Adding an 1/8th teaspoon of baking powder to the batter will make them more fluffy. You can also add chopped nuts, blueberries, chocolate chips, or desiccated coconut to the batter in the pan before it starts cooking.


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A beautiful, spirited 19-year-old Gloucestershire girl disembarks froma steamship in scorching hot Ceylon. Thesmells and sounds are so overpowering as she searches the sea of faces milling around on the dockside. Gwen met and married her charming and confident husband, Laurence, after meeting him at a musical evening in London. Now she has followed him intent on making a success of a totally new way of life. She has grit and determination and sets about running the household whilst he develops his vast sprawling tea plantation. The rich tropical landscape is so powerfully drawn and the last remnants of a crumbling colonial system are described so clearly, and with such authenticity, that the reader is soon drawn into the atmosphere of 1920s Ceylon. On the plantation there are labour struggles and an intense feeling of resentment as the lives of the family are so sharply contrasted with those of the workforce. As Gwen uncovers secrets and lies she has to face up to the sad truth that her husband is not all that he seemed. His brooding unpredict-ability forces her to re-assess their relation-ship. As she discovers that he has hidden much about his past their idyllic relationship becomes increasingly secretive and dark. Life begins to improve when Gwen becomes pregnant and, for a time, they seem to be back on course. Unfortunately she now has secrets of her own and the atmosphere within the household becomes more strained. This coura-geous young girl has to balance her duty as a wife with her instinct as a mother despite the hostile atmosphere and she is determined not to be crushed.

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What kick-started you into running?I wanted to do the whole ‘New Year, New Me’ thing and had intended joining a gym. My husband commented that I’d probably pay out a load of money and end up not going. He suggested running instead and, if I stuck at it, then join a gym later in the year. I bought myself some trainers and running gear and went from there. I have now been running for a year and have signed up for the Manchester 10k in May!

Do you listen to whilst running?I love all sorts of music but when I run it has to be high-energy dance music. I like to run alone, so it really helps, as well as being a great distraction when the going gets tough!

Were there any apps that helped get you started?When I first started I used the NHS Choices to 5k app, and a lovely lady called Laure guides you through the sessions, building up from 60 seconds runs and 90 seconds walks. Then, 9 weeks later managing to run for 30 minutes. Now I use an app called Runk-eeper, which tracks where I have run and gives me information on pace, splits as well as connecting to other friends who have the app so we can encourage each other. I am currently up to 7km (4.3 miles) in 40 minutes.

What health benefits have you gained?I have lost over a stone since starting to run. I haven’t changed my eating habits too much other than making


more of an effort to take healthy lunches to work. I also did join a gym in the summer which really complements the running, so I am stronger, fitter and generally feel good!

Were there moments you wanted to give up?Sometimes when I haven’t planned my route properly and ended up running back towards home earlier than I should, it can be a struggle to carry on! I have surprised myself mentally as well as physically and learnt that I do actually have willpower and can dig in and carry on when I feel like stopping.

Has running changed you physically?It’s probably a combination of running and the gym, but yes I am definitely leaner and have more defini-tion in my arms and legs. Also with the weight-loss I have dropped a dress size. Just waiting for my tummy to get with the programme!

What was your first running gear purchase?I didn’t even own suitable trainers, so I went to the New Balance shop in Warrington and they were really helpful. I have size 9 feet so ended up with men’s trainers, but I try and coordinate the rest of my outfit so that I feel more feminine!

Has it changed the relationship with your family?I feel like I have more me-time which is hard to come by with a young family. I probably do have more energy and exercising always puts me in a better mood so it probably benefits us all in some way. When my youngest sees me in my running gear she always asks if I’m going to do my “running races”!

Do you run when you go on holiday?I always think before I go that I might, but when it comes to the crunch I never do, so now I don’t even bother packing my trainers. However I did run on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, but that was more to counteract the over-eating and drinking during the festive period!

What is your favourite pre-running meal?I can’t run on an empty stomach, so I like to have something before I set out. Usually I have eggs for breakfast and then go running afterwards.

What will be your first drink after your first 10k?As much as I’d love a nice glass of champagne wait-ing for me at the end, more than likely it will just be a big glug of water - anything will taste good after completing such a challenge!”

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the ante on his lunch stakes for a couple of weeks. At least long enough to show him that having me home (sans children) is an important requirement! It is not far from the truth as, with my days full of general housework, lunch dates and gym classes, I really do not have time to work. He just needs convincing of these facts of life and that reminds me, I must enquire about after school clubs to cover my tea-time spin classes. I wonder if they feed the kids there as well?

I t’s a real godsend that the kiddies get fed at school and in the world of a busy Mum, this kind of compares to a lottery win. It is great kowing that they are being fed something wholesome and nutritional on a daily basis rather than the standard cheese triangle sandwiches. In fact I actually know what is been eaten as I recieve a colourful weekly meal planner and I can see hubby looking at it with jelousy in his eyes as he packs his homemade cheese and pickle sandwiches into his workbag. I wonder if the school provide doggy bags for Mum. The mention of me returning to work has reared its head again, so I need to up

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When the media have left town how are the people of Cumbria coping with the aftermath.

Local business man John Townsend was woken up at 8am on the 6th December by the Army advising that he should consider evacuating his home as it was likely that he was going to be flooded. “As a precaution we started moving our valuables upstairs, it’s at this point you realise that the most important stuff isn’t the TV’s & soft furnishings, but your personal belongings, family photo’s, hand drawn pictures from the kids and the height stick that we have been measuring our kids with over the past 14 years. When my son came downstairs to ask what we were doing, he ran past us and re-appeared with a brand new pair of Nike trainers. Everyones priorities are different I suppose. We took the kids up to my in-laws and then went back to do what we could. We were told that high tide would be 9.15, this turned out to be incorrect. The water kept rising well after 12.30, so we placed sandbags where we could and decided to join the kids. When you see the water getting closer you realise there is very litle you can do to stop it. We returned

THE FLOODSwith John Townsend

back to our home at 3.30, 30 minutes before the Liverpool Newcastle game kicked off , unfortunatley the final score was not the worse thing that happened that day. Luckily we have a very large family and we were able to seek refuge in my sisters holiday home. The flood water came up through the floors boards in our 100+ year old terraced house and the cost to replace original skirting boards, doors and the originally tiled hallway will be very costly. The insurance company have been excellent, although the loss adjusters are the ones that appear to be more cautious, but overall they are all being very supportive. Its a good 30 mile round trip popping to and from the house, letting in tradesmen and taking the kids to school but we are grateful for having a roof over our heads. My sisters holiday home doesn’t have WIFI too, which in the grand sheme of things sounds petty, but for me and my work it’s quite stressful, however work have been very supportive with this, although my 8 year son wasn’t quite so diplomatic about it when he realised. We are seriously thinking of flood proofing the property, this involves various measures, from adding flood gates to external doors, covering airbricks and concreting the whole of the ground floor. There seems to be very little in the way of professional help and advice when it comes to these measures. Despite the floods we are not put off by them and we are certainly not looking to move in the near future. We are surrounded by family, friends and great neighbours without whom we could not have got through without their continous support and help. It will be another 5 months or so before the house is back to pre-flood damage, so until then we will make the most of our holiday home, despite the lack of WIFI and drink copiuos amounts of wine to help us get through it!”

How we can help:

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popped over to Copenhagen for a couple of weeks after the holidays to make way for a very clever team of stylists commissioned to “Scandi style” my apartment. I have finally bought into the Ikea phenomenon and am so ready for a touch of the Nordic style of minimalistic white clean living.

On my return I barely felt like I had actually left Denmark as my humble abode had been totally transformed into a calming, tranquil haven of whiteness that is surprisingly both warming and uncomplicated. My carpets have been replaced with white wash floorboards complete with the pure bliss of underfloor heating. I am even happy to let it snow to really round off this picture of perfection. With my seagrass carpets now history I thought I would carry this new phenomenon over into my closet.

I pull from my leather holdall a new pair of Scan-di “flatforms”, a straight elevated flat shoe, displaying a quirky stripey foam base. So now all colour has been stripped out of my wardrobe and only white, navy, camel

and grey have made it back in there. My closet space now resembles a Dagmar exhibit that would even impress the three sisters Karin, Kris-tina and Sofia. There is now only room for clean cuts and great fabrics - all of which complement each other (and make dressing in the dark so much easier).

Shopping has become so much easier as I can get away with one jumper in the four colour ways and packing for holidays and business trips is really so much simpler. In fact on my recent jaunts to the different fashion weeks, I was packed in 30 minutes flat in calming reassurance that when I open my case, be it in Paris, NYC or London there will be no wardrobe malfunctions. So this year I will let the catwalks do the talking as I will be classically dressed with an understated edge.The only area of my wardrobe still subject to all things bling is my yoga wear. White leggings didn’t quite have the desired effect so back to neon pink and black for that one area of my new uncluttered lifestyle!



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Take an hour or an afternoon to have a good clear out. Clearing space can help clear the mind. De-clutter especially if Christmas gifts require new homes. Don’t be afraid to throw out or even better take to the charity shop and let someone else benefit from it. In the style of Marie Kondo , if it is not pretty on the eye or does not serve a purpose get rid of it. Move objects around the house to give them a new lease of life or revamp/DIY what you have. Simply re-cover a mirror or paint a picture frame. Give plants a different view and move into different rooms, little things can make such a big difference. Plan meals, this is great for not only saving money but also for being organised. Make the meal planner visible so anyone in the house help make dinner. Complete a task, it doesn’t have to be any-thing incredible or life changing. Just something like sorting a pile of washing, clearing the garden path, washing the car. These small tasks can bring feelings of completion and satisfaction that boost self esteem, increase self worth, confidence and sense of purpose. Cook a simple mid-week supper for someone, invite someone who makes you feel good, someone you can share a giggle with. Hope-fully you will get an invite back and it could be the start of a feel good supper club! Turn off your mind to negative thinking. When your mood drops, go with the flow, after all it is human nature to experi-ence mood swings but don’t dwell on them or feed what can be destructive thoughts, they will pass so keep yourself busy through the lows and the highs will follow.Treat yourself, this doesn’t have to mean buying something, it can be as simple as taking a soak in the bath one afternoon with a glossy magazine, indulgent! Create and update music playlists for all occasions, summer garden BBQ’s, nights in with friends, dance tunes for cleaning, or pop to the local library and pick up a range of reading material, try something new e.g a biographyStart a new box set, but don’t watch it all at once, select a quiet school night to watch a maximum of two episodes, this can be your pyjamas night and something to look forward to each week.

WINTER TIPSTo help you get through the darker months.

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Some events for your diary this winter;

Children’s Story Time For The Under 4’sEvery Tuesday from 9:30am to 10:30amBents, Warrington Rd, Glazebury, WA3 5NTJoin the storyteller for an hour of stories and fun in the Family Area. Don’t forget their Play Area is open, so why not go and play before, or after story-time.For further information call 01942 266 300

Breast Cancer Support GroupLast Monday of every monthYMCA, Hilton Street, Ashton, WN4 8PDBreast cancer support and help group.For further information call 01942 274 684 and ask for Joyce Gorman.

Diamond Plus Group for the over 65s2nd Monday of every monthYMCA, Hilton Street, Ashton, WN4 8PDA great way to socialise and meet new people. Plenty of activities on offer. For further information call 01942 274 684 and ask for Joyce Gorman.

Impact Forum for the Residents of AshtonTBCYMCA, Hilton Street, Ashton, WN4 8PDAge UK Wigan Borough are looking to start an Impact Forum for the Residents of Ashton, the aim of these forums is for people over the age of 50 to have the opportunity to make their thoughts and opinions known to the main service providers within the borough. For further information call 01942 274 684 and ask for Joyce Gorman.

Curtain Up On Murder3, 4, 5 and 6 February, From 7:30 pm to 9pmSt Michaels Hall, Shaw Street, Wigan, WN1 2BQBravo’s 2016 season starts with a modern murder mys-tery style play called ‘Curtain Up On Murder’, directed by Brendan Delaney. To book telephone 01942 723 012. Tickets £10.50 Adults, £8.50 Concessions.


We have done our best to check out all the activities in our ‘What’s on Guide’. But you are always advised to phone and confirm an event, before leaving home to attend.

February/March 2016

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Harry Potter Book Night - Horcrux Riddle4 to 11 FebruarySt Helens Libraries, St HelensCalling all witches, wizards and muggles can you find the hidden Horcrux riddle in your library? Solve the riddle to be in with a chance of winning an illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. See a member of staff for an entry for more information.

Splendiferous Roald Dahl Scarecrow FestivalFrom Saturday 13 to Sunday 21 FebruaryTatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6QNGo and meet some simply fantabulous scarecrows in the gardens all inspired by some of Roald Dahl’s best loved characters. The farm will be joining in too. CLOSED MONDAY. 01625 374 400

Half Term Children’s ActivitiesFrom Saturday 13 to Sunday 21 FebruaryBents, Warrington Rd, Glazebury, WA3 5NTJoin them for a treasure hunt abound store with face painting and bird box painting on selected days.For further information call 01942 266 300

NEON Flash RunMonday 29 FebruarySomewhere within Warrington at 7pm!29th of Feb only comes round once every 4 years! So we thought we should do something special.Join us for our free NEON Flash Run. The only information you’ll know before the day, is that it is somewhere within Warrington at 7pm, a mystery!. All further details will be sent to entrants via email on the day.The distance will be 2.92 miles (as in 29th of 2nd month)Free Event. Sign up online -

Adopt a Farm Animal DaySunday 20 March, 11am - 4pm (last entry 3pm)Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6QNGo to the farm and meet the rare breed animals which are up for adoption. Choose from Prancer the Reindeer, Blossom the Clydesdale Horse, Tamzin the Tamworth Pig and Frosty the Donkey.For further information call 01625 374 400

Easter Crafts & Country Shopping FairFrom Friday 25 March to Monday 28 March Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6QNEaster Gifts Fair, Free admission to Tenants Hall packed with gifts for everyone, specialist food

Why not check out or for more winteractivities.

If you would like us to publicise your event, or activity just let us know. Either phone, email, or visit our website and complete our event form;

producers plus craft, fashion and home furnishings. Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of a special bank holiday day out. Open Good Friday at 12noon – 5pm, Saturday/Sunday from 10.30am – 5pm.For further information call 01625 374 400

Easter Children’s Activities Friday 25 March - Sunday 17 April Bents, Warrington Rd, Glazebury, WA3 5NT Join them for a treasure hunt around store and face painting on selected days. For further information call 01942 266 300

Easter Family Fun Day at Haydock ParkSaturday 26 March Haydock Park Racecourse, WA12 0HQAn afternoon of fun for the whole family.Children 17 and under go FREE when accompanied by a paying adult. 01942 725 963

Vibrant Vintage Fair Sunday 28 February, From 10am to 4pm Haigh Hall, School Lane, Wigan, WN2 1PEThe fair will have a wide range of stalls selling vin-tage and retro clothing, accessories, home wear, collectables and china dating from 1920s – 1980s, as well as handmade jewellery, gifts, cupcakes and chocolate. There will be live entertainment through-out the day from Bexi Owen. Plus you can take a break from shopping by sitting back and relaxing with a cup of tea and cake at Haigh Hall’s café, while absorbing the truly wonderful venue. Cost £1 (children under 12 Free) For further information call 01942 828 508.

Swinley Handmade Craft MarketSunday 10 April, From 1pm to 4pmCoppull Lane, Wigan, WN1 2LQLots of various craft stalls, beautiful handmade gifts.Buy that special gift for that special someone. Refreshments available. Free event.

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A super food is a natural way to really support your body and provide you with essential core nutrients to support your overall health and wellbeing, let’s start the year as we mean to go on, the smallest change can make the most impact. Our bodies are clever vehicles and know what nutrients they need, which is why we get cravings. But sometimes food can be sapped of all its good nutrients just by the way it is cooked and presented to us.

AvocadoA poplar fruit on the celebrity scene and canbe sourced easily. Filled with “good” fats , b vitamins, high in potassium and helps to lower cholesterol.KaleAnother incredible vegetable which is currently trending and making appearances generally in the form of soups and smoothies and rightly so, as it is packed with nutrients which are great for beauty as well as radiant health.

CacaoThis raw chocolate is the most bio-available source of magnesium, something which is key to heart health and something which the popula-tion at large is deficient in. A great one to use when baking.TumericThis is a great healer for your gut and aids diges-tions. Take 1 tsp in hot water with a sprinkle of black pepper at night to aid better digestion and gut health.Reishi MushroomThese are high in anti-inflammatory properties and also a great anti-oxidant also believed to assist in breathing problems and also to inhabit the growth of cancer cells. Something recom-mended we have daily in either tea form or in a powder extract.GarlicPacked with anti-oxidants it great for combat-ting the common cold.


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WIGAN women are being urged to get the New Year off to a great start by signing up now to Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life 2016.

The charity is calling on women of all shapes and sizes to show cancer who’s boss by entering Race for Life 5k events at Pennington Flash Country Park and Haigh Hall Country Park.

Although many see January as the perfect opportunity to start a new chapter in terms of health and fitness, motivation can slip as the cold weather drags on.

That’s where Race for Life comes in. As the event in Leigh takes place on Sunday, June 5 and in Wigan on Sunday, June 12, women who enter now will be creating their own compelling goal to aim for later in the year, when the warmer weather makes staying on the sofa less tempting.

Jennifer Ward, Cancer Research UK’s Wigan Event Manager, said: “Signing up to take part in Race for Life is a great way for women to com-mit to get a little more active.

“Race for Life events are non-competitive. Tak-ing part is not about being fit or fast and partici-pants can choose to walk, jog, or run around the course. The atmosphere is incredibly support-ive. Pledging to take part, alongside thousands of like minded women, is a great motivation to get fitter. Planning to raise money for life-sav-ing research could prove more of an incentive to get up and get moving than the usual New Year’s resolution to shift the post-Christmas pounds.”

One in two people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer at some stage in their lives, but the good news is more people are surviving the disease now than ever before. Survival rates have doubled since the early 1970s.

Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, in partnership with Tesco, is an inspiring women-only series of 5k events which raise millions of pounds every year to help beat cancer sooner by funding life-saving research.

Last year, 2,578 women took part in Race for Life in Wigan and Leigh combined and raised a fantastic £138,486. This year, organisers need 2,700 women and girls to stride out to help raise £140,000.

Money raised through Race for Life allows Cancer Research UK’s doctors, nurses and scientists to advance research which is helping to save the lives of men, women and children across Wigan.

Jennifer continued: “Race for Life is an amazing way to celebrate everyone we love who has sur-vived cancer. It’s also an emotional and moving way to pay tribute to those dear to us whose lives have been cut short by the disease.

“Our participants make Race for Life a truly uplifting, inspiring experience. That’s why we’re calling on women of all ages to sign up now to their event in Wigan and pledge to stand togeth-er, shoulder to shoulder, on the front line against cancer. Together, we can unleash a powerful fighting spirit to stop cancer in its tracks.”

Women who sign up for 5k and 10k events in January can benefit from a specially reduced fee of £10.00.

To enter Race for Life today visit or call 0300 123 0770.


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y the use of hypnosis the client is taken through and actual process of having an operation to get the subconscious mind to believe it has had surgery to fit a gastric band. When successful the clients gains all the benefits of the operation without the risks of surgery!

Unlike dieting you never really think of food or count calories all the time,you just feel less hungry,confident and have more energy.It may benefit those who have been yo-yo dieting or struggling to lose weight over the years!

Obviously it may not work for eve-ryone but with Jeff’s guidance you’ll certainly will feel more relaxed, determined and happier around food and meals!

Tracey had been struggling with weight most of her adult life,she said had a sweet tooth and was also “addicted” to chocolate. She had the three ses-sions of GB hypnosis in April 2015 and then came back for a “top up session” in the September but now she was not only looking slimmer having lost 3 1/2 stone but also feeling great as well!

Contact Jeff Lloyd for more information.



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PharmacyMorris (Ashton) 01942 727 498Boots (Bryn) 01942 727 176Billinge Rd (Garswood)01942 719 879


UtilitiesGas Leaks 0800 111 999United Utilities (Water) 0345 672 3723Electricity 0800 195 4141

Other NumbersAshton Library 01942 727 119Citizens Advice Bureau0844 826 9713Childline 0800 1111

USEFUL NUMBERSChildren ServicesAshton & Bryn Children’s Centre 01942 723 965YMCA Ashton 01942 274 684

Wigan Council 01942 244 991St Helens Council01744 676 789

NHSLeigh Walk in Centre01942 483 453NHS Direct111

TransportArriva Buses 0344 800 44 11National Rail Enquiries 08457 484 950

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Food & Drink & LeisureAshton Golf Club Page 13.The Harrow Inn Page 8.Houghwood Golf Page 17.Market Kitchen Page 21.Surina’s Page 6

Hair & BeautyHamilton Hair Page 15.Urban Beauty Retreat Page 35.

Home ImprovementsBritish Heart Foundation Page 32FireClass Manufacturing Ltd Page 7.Fires and Fireplaces Page 2.Gemini Conservatories and Windows Ltd Page 14Gemini Doors Page 33.GMH Heating Utilities Page 32.M6 Furniture Superstore Page 19.Makerfield Bathrooms Page 29.MJ Building Plastics Page 34.Sherman And Young Page 38.The Stove Room Page 11.Unibro Page 32.

Mobility ServicesElite Health Care Page 40.

Taxi ServicesSundial Executive Travel Page 36.

VapingBulldog Vapours Page 25.


AdvertisingWN4 Local Link Page 5.

Care ServicesCare Choice North West Ltd Page 31.Demetia Friendly Page 30.Elite Healthcare Page 40.

Clothing & Alterations La Bella Figura Page 4.Tailor Maid Page 32. Dog GroomingScizzor Yappy Page 30.

Driving InstructorsPass This Way Page 30.

Education ServicesCansfield Page 9.Brychall Page 27.

Entertainment & LeisureAshton Golf Club Page 13.Houghwood Golf Page 17.

FloristsFlowertime Florists Page 36.

Fitness & Health Ashton Golf Club Page 13Houghwood Golf Page 17.Jeff Lloyd, Hypnotherapy Page 28.Kundalini Yoga Page 33.Fabulous Feet Page 6.

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