Download - Wired For Success: How to Overcome Self -Sabotage · Free Gift: Heal Yourself, Heal Your Business! Text healyourself to 38470 How coping from a past crisis or trauma is killing your


Wired For Success: How to Overcome Self -SabotageColleen Suchecki


You are the only one that can ever hold you back.

It’s your past experiences and whether you have HEALED or coped from them that will hold you back.


Everyone has their own definition.

Examples: Divorce, loss or illness of loved one, health crisis, abuse, infidelity, childhood trauma, etc.

They have a greater impact than you realize.


What happens when you go through a trauma

Can prevent you from following up with potential clients

Being more visible (speaking, networking)

taking more risks

Success is 80% Mindset 20% StrategyTony Robbins

1st Mindset: Overcome/Recovering/Survived from a crisis or trauma

What??? But I have!

It’s YOUR perspective that determines your interaction with the world

The energy of those words

How to breakthrough?

How does this show up in your business?

Do you always have to overcome some adversity?

Are you just barely surviving financially or emotionally?

Stressed all the time?

One obstacle after another?

Have you labeled yourself a survivor?

Mindset #2: Victim

The biggest, sneakiest saboteur of your success

It’s YOUR perspective that determines your interaction in the world

Encouraged by society

How this shows up in your business

Client story

Are you in the victim mindset?

How is that impacting your business right now?

What would be possible if you could change it?

My Story

Josh, Izzy, and Maya

Why we attach these mindsets in the first place and why we sabotage

Part of you feels threatened by change wants you to stay in your comfort/safe zone

After a crisis/trauma your system gets “wired” to respond this way - protective mechanism

Triggers are actions needed to grow your business / Part of you is threatened by growth

Your body will always protect itself

Key to overcoming protective instincts

Awareness of what is REALLY happening

Being scared but taking action anyways

Healing the past trauma and unfreezing yourself

How does this show up?


Prevents you from going networking, speaking more, blogging, videos

Overcoming my speaking terror

Client story

What is 1 thing that you want to do in your business but you have been holding yourself back?

Cancer for your business - lack of belief in yourself

Keep in a job you hate while trying to build your business

Pushes away potential clients and opportunities

Why you could be doing everything right, but still not moving forward

Part of you doesn’t believe

How does belief get eroded?

Our “failures”

We would never talk to our worst enemy the way we talk to ourselves

Repressed anger/resentment/un-forgiveness for those past choices are TOXIC

Client story

Think of 1 goal you have now in your business

How much do you believe you can reach it? (be honest)

If you believed 100% in yourself what is 1 think you would do NOW to bring you toward your goal?

Free Gift: Heal Yourself, Heal Your Business!

Text healyourself to 38470

How coping from a past crisis or trauma is killing your business and what to do instead

How to recognize the lingering “crisis mode” that hurts your business, every day

Sign up for a Complimentary Breakthrough Consult at the break