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Page 1: Wining way

Presented By:Mr. GR Chavan

On 23rd Sep 2015

At 9.00am to 5.30pm

Challenging Goal

Keys of Success

Symptoms of winners

Managing Success

Symptoms of losers team

Symptoms of Good leader

Gitaram Chavan

Page 2: Wining way


Will Reflects Your Mind Set…

• Winners mind Set or Looser one

Don't believe in taking right decisions, Take decisions and make them right.

Gitaram Chavan

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He came

He saw

He conquered(win)Gitaram Chavan

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Gitaram Chavan

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The world has become so competitive to survive that it ultimately

leads to the survival of the fittest. Even in the jungle, every day

the slowest of the deer has to run faster than the fastest running

lion for its survival.

On the other hand, the slowest of the lions has to run faster than

the slowest running deer for its survival.

Darwin’sGitaram Chavan

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Winner Visualizes and summaries of the success

Loser visualizes the Penalties of failure


Key of Success

Gitaram Chavan

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You have to think are you a slack player or a stretch player ?

Challenging Goal

Gitaram Chavan

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To be a champion you should be able to adopt all the working condition

Don’t see the excuses, Accept the limitation

but don’t make them stopper

Always Remember……

Gitaram Chavan

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Innovation Have you changed your play for new Game

Growth How much you grow depends

on how much think you can growth

Gitaram Chavan

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Symptoms of winners:

Happy and relaxed

Ability to distribute the work

Living in the present ,but planning for the future

Backing-up to every one

“Can do” approach.

Common shared vision.

Focus on competition not internal differences.

Nurturing or culling at right moment.

Gitaram Chavan

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Goals are dreams with deadlines.

Goals can be out of reach but not out of sight.

The goals you set tell the world what kind of Person you are?

Individual goals must always be aligned with team goal.

Setting up goal is important as scoring a goal.

Clarity of role.

Goal is the main key to the wining.

Gitaram Chavan

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If you are succeeding all the time, you shouldask your self if you are taking enough risk. If you do not take enough risk you may also beLosing out on many opportunities.

Gitaram Chavan

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Change is only permanent things in the world :

Change challenges comfort zone.

Change may be risky but not changing is riskier.

Positive turbulence helps you stay ahead of change.

Change needs ambassadors.

Change doesn’t let you wait and watch.

Change cannot be half-hearted, it needs process.

The focus must be on winning and winning.

Gitaram Chavan

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Six Danger Signals for not to win :

Inexperience in dealing with sudden success.

Chronic feeling of under- appreciation.

Paranoia ( Fear ) over being cheated out of one’s-

rightful share

Resentment against the competence of partners.

Personal effort mustered solely to outshine of team mate.

Feeling of frustration even when the team performs

successfully. Gitaram Chavan

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Managing Success :

Success must be analysed with the same rigor of the failure.

Success is in the context of time, space and scale

Managing success is difficult as achieving it.

Winning comes with side-effects: ego, over-confidence

Chronic winners need to guard against

satisfactory under performance.

Gitaram Chavan

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Symptoms of losers team :

Bureaucratic; delaying decisions.

Egos, internal competition.

Getting credit more important than getting the job done.

Not enough back-up plans.

The same people Perform every time, no new people

giving ideas.

Crab mentality.

Blaming others Or blaming to environment. Gitaram Chavan

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Symptoms of good leader :

Courageous in decision-making.

Always works in the interest of team.

Vision and communicates to inspire.

Trusted and respected.

Back-up to the teams all the times.

Open, flexible, honest and hear-a-holic

Positive, optimistic, dynamic.

Accept responsibility and give credit to other

Serves as team glue Gitaram Chavan

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Gitaram Chavan