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Ecology, 81(9), 2000, pp. 2539–2556q 2000 by the Ecological Society of America



1Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA2U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA

Abstract. This study examined relationships among forest landscape dynamics, envi-ronmental factors (climate and landforms), and disturbance history in forests dominatedby Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and Pacificsilver fir (Abies amabilis) in the Bull Run basin in northwestern Oregon and evaluated thefindings in a broader geographic context. Three sets of analyses were conducted: mappingof historical windthrow disturbance patches in the 265-km2 Bull Run basin over the pastcentury and analysis of their relationships with meteorological conditions, landforms, andvegetation; comparison of forest structure and species composition as a function of mappedwindthrow and wildfire disturbance history in 34 1-ha vegetation survey plots in Bull Run;and canonical correspondence analysis of environmental factors and forest overstory speciescomposition in 1637 vegetation plots in the Mount Hood and Willamette National Forests.Nearly 10% of the Bull Run basin has been affected by windthrow since 1890, but only2% was affected prior to the onset of forest harvest in 1958. Most of the mapped windthrowoccurred in areas with 500- to 700-yr-old canopy dominants and no mapped disturbanceby fire in the past 500 yr. Most mapped windthrow occurred during three events in 1931,1973, and 1983 that were characterized by extreme high speed east winds from the ColumbiaRiver Gorge. Forest harvest modified the effects of climate, landforms, and vegetation onwindthrow disturbance, reducing the importance of topographic exposure to east and north-east winds, and creating a strong influence of recent clearcut edges, which accounted for80% of windthrow in the 1983 event. Shade-tolerant overstory species (western hemlockand Pacific silver fir) are abundant in present-day forest stands affected by windthrow aswell as by fire in the past century. In the western Cascade Range, Douglas-fir and westernhemlock decline and Pacific silver fir increases with elevation (summer moisture stressdeclines but temperature variability increases), but this transition occurs at lower elevationsin the Bull Run, perhaps because of the interaction between regional climate processes anddisturbance along the Columbia Gorge. Complex landscape dynamics result from thesecontingent interactions among climate, landform and stand conditions, and disturbance.

Key words: canonical correspondence analysis; clearcut edges; disturbance history; Douglas-fir; forest structure; landscape dynamics; logistic regression; Oregon, northwest; Pacific silver fir;Pseudotsuga menziesii; Tsuga heterophylla; western hemlock; windthrow disturbance.


This study examined relationships among forestlandscape dynamics, environmental factors (climateand landforms), and disturbance history in forests dom-inated by Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), westernhemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and Pacific silver fir(Abies amabilis) in a 265-km2 basin in northwesternOregon, and evaluated the findings in a broader geo-graphic context. Throughout the Pacific Northwest re-gion, forest species composition is associated with cli-mate and its expression along environmental gradientsof temperature and moisture (Dyrness et al. 1976, Zobelet al. 1976, Ohmann and Spies 1998). However, thecomposition and structure of contemporary forests in

Manuscript received 24 February 1999; revised 22 September1999; accepted 23 September 1999.

3 Present address: Division of Environmental Studies, Al-fred University, Alfred, New York 14802 USA.E-mail: [email protected]

this region also clearly reflect disturbance history overthe past 5001 yr (Morrison and Swanson 1990, Agee1993, Spies 1997, Weisberg 1998). Inferred relation-ships between disturbance regime (White 1979, Sousa1984, Pickett and White 1985) and forest compositionand structure (Swanson et al. 1993, Spies and Franklin1991) have been incorporated in models of forest suc-cession (Dale et al. 1986, Spies 1997) and used as thebasis for management of forested landscapes (Cissel etal. 1999, Nowacki and Kramer 1998, Landres et al.1999). Although many disturbance reconstructions andlandscape management plans have focused on wildfire,windthrow also is a major component of forest land-scape dynamics in many regions (Canham and Loucks1984, Franklin and Forman 1987, Foster 1988, Fosterand Boose 1992, 1995, Boose et al. 1994, Abrams etal. 1995, Foster et al. 1997, 1998, Rebertus et al. 1997).

Windthrow disturbance appears to be affected by en-vironmental and biotic factors operating from stand to

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FIG. 1. Spatial scales of hypothetical factors influencing windthrow that were examined in this study, and the spatialgrain, extent, and severity of ‘‘mappable windthrow’’ in this study.

landform and regional spatial scales, and over temporalscales ranging from years to centuries (Fig. 1). Severewindthrow events are associated with regional air mas-ses such as hurricanes in the Atlantic (Foster and Boose1992, Boose et al. 1994, Loope et al. 1994) and severestorms in the northern and southern Pacific regions (Orr1963, Kramer 1997, Rebertus et al. 1997). Forests inlandform positions that are exposed to extreme windsalso are particularly susceptible to windthrow (Booseet al. 1994, Kramer 1997, Rebertus et al. 1997). Inaddition, windthrow may be more likely in forest standswhose biotic structure exposes them to wind becausethey are very tall (Foster and Boose 1992) or are lo-cated along edges of canopy openings, such as mead-ows or recent forest clearcuts (Franklin and Forman1987).

Windthrow, wildfire, and individual treefall gapshave distinct effects on the structure and compositionof forest stands. By blowing down large, living treesin a stand, with only localized soil disturbances aroundroot wads and boles of downed trees, windthrow in-

creases light availability somewhat and facilitates rapidgrowth and canopy accession by shade tolerant under-story trees (Abrams and Scott 1989), while reducingsnags and increasing down wood on the forest floor. Incontrast, crown fire dramatically reduces shade, soilsurface organic matter, and down wood, which greatlyincreases light availability and favors succession byinvading, shade-intolerant species. In forests of the Pa-cific Northwest, postwindthrow stands may have ad-vanced regeneration, i.e., understory shade-tolerantspecies, such as western hemlock and Pacific silver fir,that are released to dominate the new stand, whereaspostfire forest stands are typically dominated by theshade-intolerant Douglas-fir (Franklin and Dyrness1973, Hemstrom and Franklin 1982, Stewart 1988,Spies 1997). In the absence of windthrow or wildfire,forest stand structure and composition evolve throughindividual tree death and toppling, release of shade-tolerant species in resulting small gaps, and a gradualincrease in snags and down wood on the forest floor.In the Pacific Northwest, small-gap processes produce

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the fine-scale heterogeneity in species composition andstructural characteristics of old-growth forest stands(Spies and Franklin 1989, 1991).

General principles of landscape dynamics, includingthe stability or equilibrium properties of forest land-scapes, have been addressed in theoretical and empir-ical studies. Perceptions of stability and variability areconditioned by temporal and spatial scales of ecosys-tem processes and how they are sampled (e.g., the grainand extent of the study), and stability can be predictedfor landscapes affected by a single disturbance process,with static boundary or forcing conditions (i.e., no cli-mate variability), and homogeneous landforms (i.e., notopo-edaphic variability) (Turner et al. 1993). However,topo-edaphic features (Mladenoff et al. 1993), climatehistory (Fuller et al. 1998, Long et al. 1998), and thehistory of human settlement (Frelich and Reich 1995,Impara 1997, Van Norman 1997, Foster et al. 1998,Long et al. 1998, Weisberg 1998) also influence theperceived stability and variability of forest landscapedynamics.

The Bull Run, a 265-km2 basin located 30 km eastof Portland, Oregon, provides the opportunity to ex-amine relationships among forest landscape dynamics,environmental factors, and disturbance history by wild-fire and windthrow. Forests in most of the Bull Runbasin are dominated by old-growth Douglas-fir regen-erated from episodes of severe, widespread wildfirecirca 1200 and 1500 (Krusemark et al. 1996). Smallerportions of the basin burned in the 17th to 19th cen-turies, but little fire has occurred since the early 1900s,when the basin became the primary source of water forthe City of Portland and policies of fire suppressionand limited public access were enforced (Wilson 1989).Although the basin is part of the Mount Hood NationalForest, forest harvest in the basin began in 1958 (Wil-son 1989), whereas clearcutting began in the 1930s and1940s on other nearby national forest lands (Jones andGrant 1996). Episodic, severe windthrow events in theBull Run in the 1970s and 1980s prompted study ofthe possible effects of forest harvest on windthrow(Franklin and Forman 1987), and public concern ledto litigation that ended commercial timber harvest op-erations (Wilson 1989) and now strictly limits any otherlogging operations in the Bull Run watershed.

We used disturbance reconstruction methods in theBull Run basin and vegetation plot data from a largersurrounding area to examine these questions: (1) Whatwere the spatial and temporal patterns of severe wind-throw in the basin, and how were they related to cli-mate, landforms, and stand structure and composition?(2) How do present-day forest structure and compo-sition differ among stands affected dominantly by his-torical windthrow, wildfire, and individual tree gap pro-cesses? (3) What are the implications of these rela-tionships for landscape dynamics and management?



Three sets of analyses were conducted of the rela-tionships among forest landscape dynamics, environ-mental factors (climate and landforms), and distur-bance history in and around the Bull Run basin. Weused field mapping and other techniques to reconstructhistorical windthrow events in the Bull Run basin, andthen examined statistical relationships between envi-ronmental factors and mapped windthrow patterns forthree extensive windthrow events. Based on mappedwindthrow and fire history (Krusemark et al. 1996), wecompared forest structure and species composition asa function of disturbance history in 34 1-ha vegetationsurvey plots in the Bull Run. Finally, we conducted acanonical correspondence analysis of environmentalfactors and forest overstory species composition in1637 area ecology plots in the Mount Hood and Wil-lamette National Forests in the western Cascades, andwe assessed the regional significance of Bull Run bycomparing the 80 plots within the Bull Run to thoseoutside.

Study site

The Bull Run is a 265-km2 basin located in the MountHood National Forest, Oregon (Fig. 2). Elevations inthe Bull Run range from 225 to .1400 m. The climateof the Bull Run and the surrounding western CascadeRange of Oregon is characterized by warm, dry sum-mers and cool, wet winters. Average annual precipi-tation in the Bull Run ranges from 2280 mm at thelowest elevations to 4300 mm at the highest elevations(U.S. Forest Service 1987). From 70% (in the Bull Run)to 80% (in the rest of the western Cascades) of pre-cipitation occurs from November to April, falling asrain at low elevations and as snow at higher elevations.Mean monthly air temperatures in Bull Run range from38C in December and January to 148C in July; tem-peratures in the western Cascades range from 28 to198C. Below-freezing temperatures are rare; meanmonthly soil temperatures range from 28 to 168C in thewestern Cascades and 2–128C in the Bull Run. Al-though summer winds are predominantly weak andoriginate from the west and southwest, extreme windsoriginate from the east during winter storms (Cameron1931, Lawrence 1939, U.S. Forest Service 1987). Thiswind pattern appears to be the result of the convergenceof marine and continental air masses above the deep,narrow Columbia River Gorge, the lowest elevationalong the north–south trending Cascade Range.

The geology of the Bull Run basin is dominated bybasalt and andesite overlain with glacial till (Schulz1981). The Bull Run and its tributaries have incisedsteep canyons in wide glacially carved valleys; only5% of the basin has slopes ,5%, and only 12% hasslopes .50%. Soils are colluvial and range in depthfrom ,1.25 m (‘‘severe windthrow hazard’’) to .2 m

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FIG. 2. The Bull Run basin, western Oregon, showing topographic relief and location of 80 Area Ecology plots (AEplots) and 34 Current Vegetation Survey plots (CVS plots) used in the analysis.

(‘‘slight windthrow hazard’’) (U.S. Forest Service1964). Limited areas have experienced landslides andother mass movement events (Schulz 1981), but thebasin has been described as ‘‘geologically stable’’ (U.S.Forest Service 1979).

Coniferous forest, composed principally of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), western hemlock (Tsugaheterophylla), Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis), andwestern red cedar (Thuja plicata) occupies almost allof the Bull Run basin and the western Cascade Range.Douglas-fir is the canopy dominant, reaching nearly100-m height in stands affected by infrequent, mod-erate- and high-severity fire (Agee 1993, Krusemark etal. 1996). Western hemlock (at low elevations) andPacific silver fir (at high elevations) occur as understoryshade-tolerant species and as canopy dominants(Franklin and Dyrness 1973). Deciduous species, no-tably big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) and red alder(Alnus rubra), occur in riparian zones and along theedges of the reservoirs. Meadows and talus slopes oc-cupy 8% of the basin.

Public access to the Bull Run basin has been re-stricted since 1904 to protect water supplies for theCity of Portland, but forest harvest was conducted from1958 to the early 1990s. By 1973, 2278 ha of forest(9% of the basin) had been harvested in clearcut patch-es (Jones et al. 1997). Nearly 8% of the remaining

forest was affected by windthrow during two east-windwinter storm events in January 1973 and December1983. Following each of these events, salvage loggingwas undertaken, creating clearcuts on an additional 2122 ha (8% of the basin). A lawsuit filed in 1973 endedcommercial timber harvest operations (Wilson 1989);today the basin is part of a late successional reserveand all logging, including salvage removal of downedtimber, is strictly regulated. Altogether 17% of the ba-sin area has been harvested in distributed patch har-vests connected by an extensive road network (Sinton1996).

Windthrow mapping in the Bull Run basin

‘‘Mappable’’ windthrow from storms in 1973 and1983 was defined as areas having .30% of boles up-rooted in patches of forest .0.56 ha (Fig. 1). Individualcrowns and boles of standing and down Douglas-firwere visible on the air photos. Windthrow patches fromthe January 1973 event were identified on air photos(1:7920, true color) taken in February 1973, while thewindthrow from the December 1983 event was mappedfrom air photos (1:12 000, true color) taken in July1984. Air photos were obtained from the Mount HoodNational Forest.

For earlier events (i.e., prior to 1973), windthrowwas identified on the July 1984 air photo series (chosen

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for its extensive, cloud- and snow-free coverage) bylocating stands of Pacific silver fir or western hemlock(both shade tolerant species) with fine-grained canopytexture, indicative of a stand created by a single dis-turbance event within the past century. Each of these105 sites was field checked and defined as having ex-perienced historical windthrow only if it had ;25 ormore uprooted trees per hectare, oriented in the samedirection, as well as pit-and-mound topography createdby uprooting of trees (Fig. 1).

Years in which field-mapped historical windthrowhad occurred were estimated from release dates, sup-plemented by woody-debris decay stage. Single-datewindthrow was defined as sites with downed trees ori-ented within 908 of one another, in a similar decay stagefollowing Harmon et al. (1986). At each single-datewindthrow site, increment cores were taken from fiveto ten live Pacific silver fir or western hemlock locatedwithin 10 m of uprooted trees and of sufficient age tohave been growing in the understory at the time of thewindthrow event. Each core was assigned a releasedate, at an abrupt ring width increase of $100% thatpersisted for $10 yr (Henry and Swan 1974, Lorimerand Frelich 1989, Frelich and Lorimer 1991, Abramset al. 1995). Each stand was assigned a single date ofwindthrow if five or more cored trees in the stand hadthe same release year. When release dates varied amongcored trees, the windthrow date was attributed to theearliest release date, and the range of years was re-corded. Although no cross-dating was undertaken, re-lease dates fell within a 3-yr range for each of themapped windthrow events. Errors were low becausecored trees were ,200 yr old, release dates were ,100yr ago, and rings were readily distinguished using ahand lens.

All mapped windthrow was digitized and transferredto GIS. Windthrow was digitized by placing a mylargrid over each photo, with grid-cell sizes correspondingto 75 3 75 m (0.56 ha) on the ground, and markingthe center point of each cell containing visible wind-throw (for the 1973 and 1983 storms) or the windthrow-attributed Pacific silver fir or western hemlock stand(for pre-1973 windthrow). These points were trans-ferred to a second mylar grid overlaid on orthopho-toquads (1:12 000, enlarged from 1:40 000) and digi-tized into a GIS.

Analysis of environmental factors andwindthrow patterns

Environmental factors, i.e., elevation, slope, aspect,soils, and vegetation edges (Fig. 1) were identified froma set of GIS data layers obtained in digital format fromthe Mount Hood National Forest, the U.S. Forest Ser-vice Pacific Northwest Forest Research Station, and theU.S. Geological Survey. Spatial data were managedusing ArcInfo (Versions 6.0 and 7.01) and Erdas (Ver-sion 7.5) (Sinton 1996). Slope, aspect, and elevationdata layers were constructed from a 30-m digital ele-

vation model. Soil windthrow-hazard classes (none,slight, moderate, and severe) were digitized from theMount Hood National Forest soil survey (U.S. ForestService 1964).

Two types of vegetation edges were documented asGIS layers. ‘‘Artificial’’ (i.e., human-created) edgeswere defined as the boundaries between clearcuts orreservoirs and native forest; clearcutting began in 1958and so these edges were #25 yr old at the time of the1973 event. Artificial edges were delineated from adigital map of clearcut patches distinguished by harvestdate; partial harvests were excluded because of verylimited extent. ‘‘Natural’’ edges were defined as theforested boundaries of lakes, meadows, and talusslopes, and other nonclearcut forest openings. Roadsand streams were not considered because they fell be-low the minimum mapping resolution of 0.56 ha. Nat-ural edges were distinguished from artificial edges us-ing a classified 1988 Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)satellite image (Cohen et al. 1995) combined with theforest harvest layer. Mapped windthrow cells fallingwithin a 300-m buffer placed on the forested side of anatural or artificial edge were considered to be asso-ciated with that edge type.

Meteorological conditions during windthrow eventswere defined from data on average daily and maximumwind speeds and direction, temperature, and precipi-tation. Data covering short periods from the 1970s to1990s in the Bull Run basin were provided by the Cityof Portland Water Bureau. Data covering the periodfrom 1948 to 1994 at the nearest long-term station, thePortland Airport, 30 km west of the Bull Run, wereobtained from the Oregon Climate Service. Data onmeteorological conditions prior to 1948 were obtainedfrom published records (Cameron 1931) and the Na-tional Climatic Data Center.

Statistics on windthrow patch sizes were estimatedusing FRAGSTATS (McGarigal and Marks 1995). Lo-gistic regression (Hosmer and Lemeshow 1989) wasused to relate the spatial distribution of windthrow (de-pendent variable) to landscape features, i.e., aspect,elevation, slope, soil type, and adjacency to natural andartificial edges (independent variables) (Fig. 1). Onelogistic regression model was constructed for each ofthe three windthrow events (1931, 1973, and 1983).Spatial autocorrelation was assessed from a two-di-mensional semivariogram for each windthrow event.Because autocorrelated distances ranged from 150 mfor windthrow to 750 m for vegetation (Sinton 1996),the sample size for each model was a subset of cellswith mapped windthrow separated by 750 m, and anequal number of cells without windthrow separated by750 m. Models were tested sequentially in SAS (Re-lease 6.10) using a stepwise procedure with additionof variables. The final model was accepted based on adrop-in-deviance criterion (Hosmer and Lemeshow1989). Model results were interpreted based on theodds ratio, a measure of the relative likelihood of the

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FIG. 3. The western Cascades of Oregon, showing thelocation of the Bull Run basin, and elevation and locationsof 1637 area ecology plots used in the CCA analysis.

occurrence of windthrow for various classes of inde-pendent variables. Odds ratios were calculated amongstatistically significant variables (P , 0.05) followingHosmer and Lemeshow (1989).

Analysis of disturbance type and forestcomposition and structure

We computed four measures of forest structure andcomposition: live-tree basal area, standing dead basalarea, percentage of basal area in shade-tolerant trees,and down wood, for each of 34 1-ha Current VegetationSurvey (CVS) plots (obtained from the Mount HoodNational Forest, Pacific Northwest Region, U.S. ForestService) on a 2.83-km grid in the Bull Run basin (Fig.2), and we qualitatively compared these measuresamong plots coded by disturbance history. Data forindividual trees, living and dead (species, diameter atbreast height, basal area, and age [for all large trees])were collected in nested plots within each 1-ha plot(Umatilla National Forest 1996). Down wood estimateswere obtained by line-intercept methods along five 15-m transects, three oriented north–south, and two ori-ented east–west. Trees were cored to determine age,but projections (Krusemark et al. 1996) were used toestimate tree age where cores did not reach the centerof very large trees.

For each CVS plot we tabulated living and dead basalarea for all trees .20 cm in diameter by dominantspecies; living and dead basal area were summed foreach plot. We calculated ‘‘shade tolerant percentage’’for each CVS plot as the sum of living basal area ofTsuga heterophylla and Abies amabilis divided by totalbasal area. Biomass was calculated using a truncatedconical volume based on the maximum and minimumdiameter and length for each piece .10 cm in diameter,and summed over each CVS plot. Maximum stand agewas the highest age of the selected trees aged in eachCVS plot. The disturbance history of each plot wasdetermined in ArcInfo using overlays of mapped wind-throw (Sinton 1996) and fire (Krusemark et al. 1996).

Analysis of broad-scale environmental factorsand forest composition

Field data on forest composition from 1637 AreaEcology (AE) plots on the Mount Hood National Forestand on the Willamette National Forest north of theMcKenzie River (Fig. 3), including 80 plots in the BullRun (Fig. 2), were obtained from the Area EcologyProgram, Pacific Northwest Region, U.S. Forest Ser-vice. The 500-m fixed-radius AE plots were selectedsubjectively without preconceived bias (Mueller-Dom-bois and Ellenberg 1974) from older, natural stands oftree series Tsuga heterophylla, Abies amabilis, and Tsu-ga mertensiana (Hemstrom et al. 1982). Crown coverby tree species and canopy layer (overstory or under-story) was visually estimated on the plots. Data on theclimate, geology, topography, and stand age (time sincelast major disturbance) of each plot were obtained from

field-recorded measures and digital maps. Climate datawere derived from map surfaces generated by precip-itation (Daly et al. 1994) and temperature (Dodson andMarks 1997) models using methods described inOhmann and Spies (1998). Potential solar radiation wasestimated using the program SOLARPDX (Smith1993). Geology data were from Walker and MacLeod(1991).

Forest composition data were analyzed by stepwisecanonical correspondence analysis (CCA) (ter Braak1986, 1987a, b, ter Braak and Prentice 1988), usingprogram CANOCO, version 3.12 (ter Braak 1987a).CCA is a method of direct gradient analysis in whichsites and species are arranged in a multidimensionalspace, with the restriction that the ordination axes mustbe linear combinations of the specified environmentalvariables. We used log-transformed relative-abundancevalues for each species; for all other variables CAN-OCO defaults were used. We added explanatory vari-ables to the stepwise model in the order of greatestadditional contribution to explained variation, but onlyif they were significant (P , 0.01) and not stronglymulticollinear with other variables. Scores of Axis 1and Axis 2 were kriged and mapped to show how en-vironmental gradients are distributed in space, follow-ing Ohmann and Spies (1998).

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TABLE 1. Windthrow-patch data from forest windthrow episodes over the past century in the Bull Run basin, Oregon.


Windthrowpatch area


Forest .80-yr-old area


Windthrow patch area aspercentage of:

Forest .80-yr-old area




Patch size (ha)

Min. Max. Mean Median

1893, 1900,1910, 1921





20 073

19 02719 36818 506

. . .


. . .












Total 2559 . . . 13.0 9.6 347 0.56 116 7.2 3.1

† Estimated forest area .80 yr old at the time of each windthrow episode was back-calculated by Sinton (1996) usinginformation on clearcut areas and dates, estimated stand ages in 1988 on the classified satellite image (Cohen et al. 1995),and maps of historical fires (Krusemark et al. 1996).

‡ Patch size statistics were determined using FRAGSTATS (McGarigal and Marks 1995).


Mapping of historical windthrow

Altogether 2611 ha (9.3% of the basin) has beenaffected by mapped windthrow since 1890, but only2% was affected prior to the onset of forest harvest in1958 (Table 1). Altogether the events of 1893, 1900,1910, and 1921, and those which could not be dated,produced patches occupying ,1% of the basin. Wind-throw events in 1931, 1973, and 1983 accounted fornine-tenths of mapped windthrow (Table 1, Fig. 4).Windthrow patch sizes for these events ranged fromthe minimum mappable patch size (0.56 ha) to 157 ha,with a median patch size of 3.1 ha (Table 1). Medianpatch size decreased from 1931 to 1983 with increasesin patches of ,4 ha, but the number of patches .10ha increased from 1931 to 1983 (Table 1, Fig. 5).

Different portions of the basin were affected in eachwindthrow event (Fig. 4). In April 1931, most wind-throw occurred in the southern and central portions ofthe basin. In December 1973, most windthrow occurredin the eastern portions of the watershed, with smallwidely scattered patches elsewhere. In December 1983,most windthrow occurred in the central and easternparts of the basin, commonly in patches adjacent to1973 windthrow and subsequent salvage logging units.

Factors associated with windthrow patterns

The three major windthrow episodes in 1931, 1973,and 1983 were associated with extreme meteorologicalconditions. In each of the three storms, winds werefrom the north or east, and maximum wind speeds ex-ceeded 13 m/s at Portland (Sinton 1996). Events oc-curred under rather dry conditions: daily precipitationwas ,5 mm and cumulative precipitation over the pre-vious 14 d was ,100 mm, i.e., ,5% of winter precip-itation. Air temperatures exceeded 138C throughout the1931 event, but were below freezing during the eventsof 1973 and 1983; nevertheless, daily minimum soiltemperatures at 50 cm depth at a mid-elevation siteremained .08C during the 1973 and 1983 events (D.

Henshaw, unpublished data). Windthrown trees in 1973and 1984 air photos of Bull Run were primarily ori-ented with boles pointing west and southwest, and thiswas subsequently confirmed in the field by locatingunsalvaged boles. Field-mapped windthrown treesfrom the 1931 and earlier events (i.e., trees downed for.60 yr) were on average oriented 2208 (southwest).

Exposed topographic positions, deep and shallowsoils, and clearcut edges were significantly associatedwith mapped windthrow, but the relationships variedsomewhat among the three events (Sinton 1996). Wind-throw predominantly affected old-growth Douglas-firtrees in stands unaffected by fire for ;500 yr. In allwindthrow episodes, downed trees visible in air photosor counted in field surveys were very large Douglas-fir individuals, and windthrow patches had no evidenceof historical fire (Sinton 1996, Krusemark et al. 1996).In 1931, windthrow was significantly concentrated(i.e., odds ratio .1, see Table 2) on northeast- andsoutheast-facing aspects (P , 0.002), and on soils withsevere windthrow-hazard ratings (,1.25 m deep, P ,0.0001). In 1973, windthrow was significantly concen-trated on southwest- as well as northeast-facing aspects(P , 0.0038) and on soils with severe windthrow-haz-ard ratings, but only if they fell within 300 m of aclearcut edge (P , 0.006). In 1983, windthrow wassignificantly concentrated on soils with severe wind-throw hazard ratings (P , 0.0006) and within 300 mof a clearcut edge (P , 0.001). Nearly 80% of themapped windthrow in 1983 occurred in patches within300 m of the downwind edge of a clearcut. Windthrownot associated with clearcut edges tended to follow apattern determined by topographic exposure on wind-ward slope aspects. Soil depth was not a consistentpredictor of windthrow since both shallow and deepsoils were affected (Table 2). Thus, forest harvest mod-ified the effects of climate, landforms, and vegetationon windthrow disturbance, reducing the importance oftopographic exposure to east and northeast winds, andcreating a strong influence of recent clearcut edges.

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FIG. 4. Mapped windthrow for the 1931, 1973, and 1983 storm events. Each symbol represents the center of a 0.56-haarea on the ground that experienced windthrow. The dashed line shows the general location of the Log Creek/Falls Creeksubbasins.

FIG. 5. Patch size distribution for the 1931, 1973, and 1983 storm events.

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TABLE 2. Odds ratios from logistic regression models relating forest windthrow to landscape features for the three largestwindthrow-producing events in the Bull Run basin, Oregon, during the 1900s.



Yes† No† b SE eb


Yes† No† b SE eb


Yes† No† b SE eb










Soil windthrow hazard ratingNoneSlightModerateSevere















EdgesArtificial 87 64 0.96 0.31 2.6Natural 28


1150.0 1.0

Edges 3 Soil windthrow hazard ratingArtificial
















Notes: Statistically significant odds ratios (P , 0.05) are shown in boldface type; b is the parameter estimate for each classin column 1; SE is the standard error of the estimate; and eb is the odds ratio, a measure of the likelihood of windthrow inthat class relative to the class with eb set to 1 (Hosmer and Lemeshow 1989).

† The numbers of cells with windthrow (Yes) vs. without windthrow (No) were used to calculate regression parameters.Sample sizes were 87 cells each with and without windthrow in 1931, 115 cells each in 1983, and 102 cells with and 87cells without windthrow in 1973.

‡ Areas mapped as having no soil hazard for windthrow were excluded from the model in 1973 because of inadequatesample size.

Most edge-related windthrow occurred along re-cently created clearcut edges, and the susceptibility ofclearcut edges appeared to decrease as edges becameolder (Table 3). However, this trend was confoundedby the fact that most recently created edges occurredin areas of the basin with old forest on shallow soilsin exposed topographic positions. The Log Creek/FallsCreek subbasins (Fig. 4, Fig. 6) contained high den-sities of clearcut edges affected by windthrow: 90% ofthe 1- to 5-yr-old edges in 1973 and .50% of the 6-to 10-yr-old edges in 1983, which received higher thanaverage amounts of windthrow (Table 3), were locatedin these subbasins. This area may be inherently sus-ceptible to windthrow along cut edges because of itsshallow soils and lee (southwest-facing) slope, and theshape of the ridge above might funnel winds throughnatural openings (Fig. 6). Forest cover is naturallysparse on the upper slope, but prior to harvest, forestson lower slopes were dense and old, with little or nofire in recent centuries (Krusemark et al. 1996), andlittle or no windthrow in 1931 (Fig. 4). Much of theedge-related windthrow in 1973, 90% of which waswithin 300 m of recent clearcut edges (Table 3), oc-curred in this area. These clearcut openings were en-

larged by additional clearcuts to salvage wind-toppledtrees in the subsequent years, and in 1983, 40% of edge-related windthrow occurred along the edges of theserecent salvage clearcuts (Table 3), sometimes to thepoint that small patches coalesced (Fig. 4, Fig. 6).Clearcut edge susceptibility and coalescing patchescontributed to an increase in numbers of .10 ha wind-throw patches over time (Fig. 5).

Disturbance type and forest structure andcomposition in the Bull Run

Maximum ages of trees in 34 CVS plots in the BullRun ranged from 33 to 900 yr, with clusters of youngerages corresponding to two episodes of stand-replace-ment fire mapped by Krusemark et al. (1996) and olderages from areas unaffected by fire. A set of fires 65–120 yr ago burned low elevation sites in the westernportion of the basin and along the northern and southernbasin boundaries (represented by 10 plots), and a fire330 yr ago burned along the eastern and northeasternbasin boundaries (represented by 5 to 9 plots). Foreststands in the broad central portion of the basin havenot burned for 500 to .700 years (Krusemark et al.1996); these stands are represented by 15 plots. One

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TABLE 3. Total length and windthrown length of edges, by five-year age classes, for windthrow events in 1973 and 1983in the Bull Run basin.

Date edge was createdEdge age


Edge length†


of total)

Windthrown edge‡


of total)


of edge)

1973 eventNatural edges 302.1 100 2.5 100 0.8

Artificial edges1958–19621963–19671968–1972

Total artificial









1983 eventNatural edges 304.2 100 12.9 100 4.2

Artificial edges1958–19621963–19671968–19721973–1977; nonsalvage1973–1977; salvage1978–1983

Total artificial















† Total edge lengths were calculated from a GIS layer of polygons representing natural and clearcut openings digitizedfrom aerial photographs.

‡ Windthrown edge lengths were determined from the GIS by overlaying the edge layer on the mapped windthrow layersand calculating the lengths of subsections of these edges that overlapped mapped windthrow cells (Sinton 1996).

FIG. 6. Spatial patterns of windthrow in the 1973 and 1983 events in the Log Creek/Otter Creek subbasins of the BullRun, shown in landscape view looking toward the northeast. This ridge, which separates the Bull Run basin from the ColumbiaRiver Gorge beyond it, has several saddles (shown with arrows) through which winds appear to have been funneled, con-tributing to the patterns of windthrow.

of these latter plots falls within a forest patch createdby the 1931 windthrow event, which affected 2% ofthe basin.

Generally the ages from current vegetation surveyplots agree quite well with independently mapped dis-turbance types and dates, but some errors are apparent(Fig. 7). Maximum tree ages .750 yr are somewhatsuspect, as they were based on projections which areprone to errors (Krusemark et al. 1996), and very fewtrees exceeding 550 yr have been found in the western

Cascades (Morrison and Swanson 1990). Three or fourhigh-elevation plots with maximum ages in the vicinityof 300 yr were probably affected by fire 330 yr ago,but if so these fire-affected patches fell below the spa-tial resolution of the fire mapping (Krusemark et al.1996). Also, plots with no mapped disturbance mayhave been affected by windthrow that did not meet ourmapping criteria (Fig. 1).

Living basal area was not related to maximum ageof CVS plots; high values of live basal area are attained

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FIG. 7. Forest structure and composition as a function of maximum tree age in 34 1-ha CVS plots in the Bull Run basincoded according to their correspondence with mapped windthrow patches (Sinton 1996) or dated historical fires (Krusemarket al. 1996): (a) living basal area, (b) percentage shade tolerants ([Tsuga heterophylla 1 Abies amabilis basal area]/total basalarea), (c) standing dead basal area, and (d) down-wood biomass.

in early postfire plots, older high-elevation postfireplots, and plots with no mapped disturbance since;1500, as well as in plots affected by mapped wind-throw 60–100 yr ago (Fig. 7a). Live basal area rangedfrom 5 to 70 m2/ha in plots affected by fire since 1900,20–100 m2/ha in high-elevation plots regenerated byfire 330 yr ago, and 20–80 m2/ha in plots with nomapped disturbance since ;1500. The plot fallingwithin the mapped 1931 windthrow event had the great-est observed living basal area (80 m2/ha) of the CVSplots with maximum age .400 yr.

Shade tolerant tree species made up 5–90% of totalbasal area in CVS plots at low elevations affected byfire since 1900, 30–100% in high-elevation plots af-fected by fire 330 yr ago, and 15–70% in plots withno mapped disturbance since ;1500 (Fig. 7b). The plot

falling within the 1931 windthrow event had the great-est observed shade tolerant basal area percentage (70%)of CVS plots with maximum age .400 yr. Shade tol-erant basal area percentage was highest in plots affectedby fire 300 yr ago. Forests in these wildfire-affected,high-elevation, eastern plots in the Bull Run are dom-inated by shade-tolerant species; relative canopy coverby Pacific silver fir is 38% from 900- to 1200-m ele-vation, and 60% from 1200 to 1500 m.

The plot with mapped windthrow had relatively lowstanding dead basal area (of trees .10 cm in diameter)compared to plots with other disturbance origins (Fig.7c). Standing dead basal area ranged from 0–22 m2/hain plots affected by fire since 1900, 0–8 m2/ha in high-elevation plots affected by fire 330 yr ago, and 0–30m2/ha in plots with no mapped disturbance since

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TABLE 4. Correlations between explanatory variables and axes 1 (69% of variation) and 2 (8% of variation) from canonicalcorrespondence analysis (CCA), and scores of four dominant species on CCA axes 1 and 2, from stepwise CCA of 1637area ecology (AE) plots in the western Cascades of Oregon.



Axis 1 Axis 2

CCA scores

Axis 1 Axis 2

Elevation (m) 96.0Moisture stress during the growing season: mean

temperature in May–September/mean precipita-tion in May–September (natural log, mm)


Coefficient of variation of mean monthly tempera-ture of the coldest and warmest months,e.g., January, August


Crown cover of all overstory trees (%) 254.1 231.8Stand age (yr) 244.3Mean annual precipitation (natural log, mm) 237.2Percentage of mean annual precipitation,


Total potential solar radiation (108 J/m2) 30.9Igneous: mafic rocks (basalt, basaltic andesite,

andesite, gabbro), Pliocene and younger35.0

Thuja plicata (western red cedar) 20.4860 20.2027Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) 20.2622 0.0736Tsuga heterophylla (western hemlock) 20.2127 20.1500Abies procera (noble fir) 0.7980 20.0770Abies amabilis (Pacific silver fir) 0.8952 20.1504

Notes: Only correlations .0.30 and ,20.30 are shown. Equations for correlations and scores are in Ohmann and Spies(1998).

;1500. The plot falling within the 1931 windthrowevent had an intermediate amount of standing deadbasal area among plots with maximum age .400 yr.

Maximum down wood biomass values per CVS plotincreased with maximum stand age, but low amountsoccurred in plots of all ages (Fig. 7d). Down woodbiomass ranged from 0–15 m3/transect in recent post-fire plots, 2–35 m3/transect in high-elevation plots re-generated by fire 330 yr ago, and 3–50 m3/transect inplots with no mapped disturbance. The plot fallingwithin 1931 windthrow had almost the lowest downwood biomass of plots with maximum age .400 yr.This low level of down wood contradicts field obser-vations of historic windthrow (Sinton 1996); the short(15-m), north–south and east–west transects may haveundersampled large, widely spaced, southwest-orientedwindthrown trees.

Environmental factors and forest compositionin the western Cascades

Tree species composition in area ecology plots in thewestern Cascades is related to climate and geographicalfactors, but not to stand age, and forest composition inthe Bull Run is distinct from the rest of the westernCascades. Canonical correspondence analysis of 1637area ecology plots explained 14% of the variation inthe data (Table 4). This high level of unexplained var-iation is typical of vegetation gradient analyses and isattributable to (unknown) factors not included in theanalysis, as well as to the tendency for CCA to explainless variation with increasingly large numbers of plotsand species (Ohmann and Spies 1998).

The predominant gradient in species composition re-

vealed by CCA in the western Cascade Range was as-sociated with elevation, moisture stress during thegrowing season, temperature variation, canopy cover,and more recent volcanic rock substrates (Table 4). Thisenvironmental gradient is also a spatial gradient, sinceDouglas-fir declines and western hemlock and Pacificsilver fir increase with elevation (Fig. 8 top). Elevation,summer moisture stress, and stand age accounted for65%, 55%, and 5%, respectively, of total explainedvariation when added first to the stepwise model. Whilethe secondary gradient accounted for much less ex-plained variation, it indicated a tendency for youngerstands to occur in drier, hotter places, and to have moreDouglas-fir but less red cedar, Pacific silver fir, andwestern hemlock (Table 4, Fig. 8 bottom).

Relative cover by shade-tolerant species (westernhemlock and Pacific silver fir) is greater, that of shade-intolerant species (Douglas-fir) is less, and speciesmaximum cover values occur at lower elevations, inthe Bull Run compared to the rest of the western Cas-cades. In the western Cascade Range as a whole, max-imum relative cover percentages occur at ,600 m forDouglas-fir (62% of cover), 600–1200 m for westernhemlock (33% of cover), and 1200–1500 m for Pacificsilver fir (28% of cover). However, within the Bull Run,species cover maxima occur at lower elevations. Doug-las-fir reaches its maximum relative canopy cover(46%) below 600 m, and at 900 and 1200 m Douglas-fir canopy cover is ,17% in the Bull Run comparedto 42% for the rest of the western Cascades. Westernhemlock reaches its maximum relative canopy cover(59%) at 600–900 m in the Bull Run, and at 1200 and1500 m western hemlock canopy cover is 0%, com-

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FIG. 8. The western Cascades of Oregon, showing (top) the plot of CCA axis-1 scores, and (bottom) the plot of CCAaxis-2 scores.

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pared to 13% for the rest of the western Cascades.Pacific silver fir reaches maximum relative canopy cov-er of 38% at 900–1200 m and 60% at 1200–1500 min the Bull Run, compared to 9% at 28% at corre-sponding elevations in the rest of the western Cascades.


Climate and landform controls

Windthrow patterns in the Bull Run were associatedwith geophysical factors, especially climate and land-forms. Along the east and west coasts of North andSouth America severe windthrow is associated withlandfall of cyclonic marine air masses (Orr 1963, Fosterand Boose 1992, Boose et al. 1994, Loope et al. 1994,Kramer 1997, Rebertus et al. 1997). In contrast, in theBull Run basin windthrow occurs when marine lowpressure air masses west of the Cascade Range interactthrough the Columbia Gorge (the only major river val-ley cutting across the Cascades) with continental highpressure air masses to the east, producing extreme eastwinds that are funneled into the basin from the north-east. As in other high-relief forest landscapes (Booseet al. 1994, Kramer 1997, Rebertus et al. 1997), wind-throw in Bull Run was most likely to occur in landformpositions that were exposed to extreme winds (i.e.,north- and east-facing slopes and the upper portions ofleeward, southwest-facing slopes). Forests on compar-atively shallow soils (,1.25 m deep) also were partic-ularly likely to experience windthrow. Many wind-throw-affected areas on shallow soils in Bull Run alsoare in topographically exposed landform positions, es-pecially those on upper portions of SW-facing slopesin the lee of NE-facing slopes in the NE corner of thebasin (Fig. 6).

Biotic controls

Windthrow patterns in the Bull Run also were influ-enced by biotic conditions, i.e., stand structure andcomposition, and edges created by natural and humandisturbances. Windthrow meeting the mapping criteria(Fig. 1) was most likely to affect old-growth, fire-ini-tiated stands dominated by Douglas-fir located in thecentral portions of the basin, and was least likely orabsent in stands initiated by fires within the past cen-tury or two, which tended to be located in the low-elevation western and high-elevation eastern portionsof the basin (Fig. 4). Windthrown trees that had beendowned for 10, 20, 60, and 80–100 yr (correspondingto mapped windthrow events in 1983, 1973, 1931, andthe 1890s) were dominantly old-growth Douglas-fir,identifiable by their distinctive bark, bole size andshape, and decomposition class (Harmon et al. 1986).Windthrow-affected stands may have been similar topresent-day adjacent undisturbed stands, which aredominated by old-growth Douglas-fir and have varyingamounts of basal area, some western hemlock and Pa-cific silver fir in the canopy, and a wide range ofamounts of standing dead and down wood (Fig. 7).

Forests adjacent to clearcut edges, especially thoseon shallow soils, also were much more likely than for-ests in other locations to have experienced severe wind-throw in 1973 and 1983 (Table 2). Many of the largestpatches of severe windthrow occurred along the north-east- and southwest-facing edges of clearcuts createdwithin 10 yr prior to the windthrow event (Fig. 4, Table3). The most dramatic examples of edge-related wind-throw occurred around clearcuts in the northeasternportion of the basin (Fig. 6). In this area, most wind-throw occurred along clearcut edges in 1973 (.40%of edges ,10 yr old experienced windthrow, Table 3),then clearcuts were enlarged by windthrow salvage log-ging, and most windthrow in 1983 occurred along thenewly created clearcut edges (.50% of edges of sal-vage clearcuts ,5 yr old experienced windthrow, Table3). Extensive old-growth Douglas-fir and lack of his-torical windthrow or wildfire (Krusemark et al. 1996)in these areas suggests that patch clearcutting may havedestabilized natural disturbance patterns.

Climate–disturbance interactions

Present-day species composition and structure dif-fers among stands in long-term forest plots in the BullRun according to combined, interacting effects of cli-mate with disturbance history. Three different com-binations of disturbance history and climate in threedifferent parts of the Bull Run appear to have contrib-uted to abundance of shade-tolerant overstory species(western hemlock and Pacific silver fir) in present-dayforest stands. First, at mid-elevations in the central por-tion of Bull Run, historical windthrow is associatedwith abundant western hemlock and Pacific silver firin present-day stands; these stands lack evidence ofhistorical fire since ;1500, but many of these portionsof the basin appear to be exposed to windthrow-pro-ducing extreme east winds. Second, western hemlockis quite abundant in some stands at low elevations af-fected by fires within the past century (Fig. 7b); in thesestands fire history and postfire succession appear tohave interacted with regional climate. In the CoastRange of Oregon, which was affected by widespreadand repeated burns in the 1800s (Impara 1998), pres-ence of western hemlock is associated with availabilityof a nearby seed source (Schrader 1998, Wimberly1999), consistent with the hypothesis that hemlock hasbeen removed from some areas by repeated burns. Inthe Bull Run, where fires in the 1800s were less ex-tensive than in the Coast Range (Krusemark et al.1996), hemlock seed sources may have been preserved.This factor, combined with relatively moist conditionsyear-round, leads us to expect hemlock to be moreabundant in young postfire stands in the Bull Run com-pared to other parts of western Oregon. Third, at ele-vations above ;1000 m, fire in the mid 1600s led tocanopy dominance by Pacific silver fir in present-daystands (Fig. 7b), also apparently as a result of climateinteractions with fire history. At these elevations, both

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Douglas-fir and western hemlock are almost absent,presumably because of elevation-related temperatureand moisture controls (Ohmann and Spies 1998). Thetransition from Douglas-fir and western hemlock to Pa-cific silver fir appears to occur at a lower elevation inthe Bull Run compared to the rest of the western Cas-cades because of the Bull Run’s exposure to cool con-tinental winter air through the Columbia Gorge to theeast, and maritime summer fog through the ColumbiaGorge to the west.

Windthrow and wildfire disturbance processes havedistinctive responses to climate, landforms, stand struc-ture, and species composition in the Bull Run, pro-ducing dynamic changes in forest structure and com-position. Fire created larger disturbance patches thanwindthrow (or clearcuts) and was less sensitive to land-forms. Perhaps more importantly, these two processesappear to push forest succession, hence landscape-scaleforest composition, in different directions: wildfire fa-vors succession by shade-intolerant species whereaswindthrow favors shade tolerant species. There hasbeen a very wide range of natural variability over the.500 year disturbance history of the Bull Run. Wide-spread wildfires ;1500 appear to have favored a forestlandscape dominated by Douglas-fir, while shade-tol-erant species may have gradually accumulated duringseveral subsequent centuries of relatively low fire fre-quency and severity, and through treefall gap process-es. Disturbance history in the Bull Run is consistentwith a regional synthesis of fire history (Weisberg1998) and paleoecological studies of fire history (Longet al. 1998) that suggest no tendency toward distur-bance ‘‘equilibrium’’ in these forested landscapes.

Management interactions

Forest management (fire suppression and patch clear-cutting) clearly modified the disturbance regimes ofwindthrow and wildfire, and hence forest structure andcomposition in the Bull Run. Between 1958 and 1973the dominance of shade-intolerant Douglas-fir was fa-vored by clearcutting and replanting with Douglas-firin 9% of basin area. Throughout the 20th century, thecombined effects of fire suppression, episodic severewindthrow, and the apparent augmentation of wind-throw by forest harvest would have pushed the re-maining natural forest stands toward dominance byshade-tolerant species, except that most of the forestaffected by severe windthrow in 1973 and 1983 (10%of natural forest area) was salvage logged and replantedwith Douglas-fir. The periods of clearcutting and firesuppression affected small areas and short time periodsrelative to basin size, forest age, and fire disturbanceinterval. The net effect of clearcutting over 30 yr hasbeen to convert roughly 20% of the landscape intodistinctive postclearcut stands dominated by Douglas-fir, with increases in shade-tolerants in unsalvaged,edge-related windthrow-affected stands that probablyoccupy less than a few percent of the basin. It is difficult

to evaluate the effects of fire suppression over ;90 yrbecause this period is short relative to the fire returnperiod (Krusemark et al. 1996).

In the Bull Run late successional reserve, wildfirewill continue to be suppressed, but future windthrowseems inevitable. As recently created clearcut edgesage, edge-related windthrow susceptibility is likely todecrease, but landform influences on windthrow sus-ceptibility and resulting forest patches will persist.Douglas-fir plantations and young stands initiated byfire in the 20th century are unlikely to become sus-ceptible to severe windthrow for perhaps several cen-turies (Sinton 1996), and are unlikely to develop old-growth characteristics of naturally regenerated, post-wildfire stands (sensu Spies and Franklin 1991).

Landscape dynamics

Simplifying assumptions about landscape dynamicsdo not hold in the Bull Run; as a result, the causes andconsequences of disturbance have varied greatly intime and space. Both wildfire and windthrow have af-fected forests over the past few centuries, but fire sup-pression and clearcutting in the 20th century aug-mented the expression of windthrow. Also, both wild-fire and windthrow have been tied to climate variation,but to different aspects of climate, over the historicalrecord. Topoedaphic features in the Bull Run producenatural vegetation edges (i.e., meadows, talus slopes),which are more susceptible to windthrow than interiorforest, and clearcut edges in certain topoedaphic po-sitions are much more susceptible to windthrow. More-over, disturbance susceptibility by, and effects of,windthrow vs. wildfire are tied to different stand char-acteristics; windthrow has tended to eliminate old-growth Douglas-fir along edges and foster dominanceby shade-tolerant species, whereas wildfire in generalreduced shade-tolerant species and fostered shade-in-tolerant species.

Aspects of the Bull Run case study provide a frame-work for addressing landscape dynamics generally.Certain aspects of the history and current conditionsof a landscape may push the system toward or awayfrom stability and variability. A tendency toward sta-bility is fostered by several landscape attributes. Ho-mogeneity of climate (Frelich and Lorimer 1991), theexistence of topoedaphic controls on presence, com-position, and structure of vegetation (Mladenoff et al.1993), and strong coupling between topoedaphic fea-tures and disturbance susceptibility (as in the BullRun), all provide stability in landscape dynamics. Also,the existence of a single dominant disturbance/recoverycycle, in which the probability of the disturbance istightly coupled to successional stage (e.g., wildfire inchaparral or ponderosa pine forests), and tight couplingbetween the disturbance and particular climate condi-tions, foster a tendency toward stability. However,these tendencies toward stability are counteracted byseveral other attributes of the history and current con-

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ditions of a landscape. Climate variability and settle-ment by Europeans, with attendant human effects onvegetation species and structure as well as on distur-bance processes (noted in the Bull Run; and by Frelichand Reich [1995], Foster et al. [1998], Fuller et al.[1998], Impara [1998], Long et al. [1998], Weisberg[1998], and Van Norman [1999]) foster tendenciesaway from stability, or even irreversible changes inlandscape dynamics. In addition, a loose coupling be-tween disturbance and recovery, in which the proba-bility of a disturbance is not tightly related to succes-sional stage, or the existence of more than one distur-bance/recovery relationship (such as wildfire and wind-throw in the Bull Run) contribute to instability andvariability in landscape dynamics. Consideration ofthese inherent and historically acquired landscape at-tributes can condition our expectations and expand ourunderstanding of forest landscape dynamics.


This research was supported by a cooperative agreementbetween the Mount Hood National Forest, the City of PortlandBureau of Water Works, the Pacific Northwest Research Sta-tion of the U.S. Forest Service, and Oregon State University(No. PNW 92–0220) and by NSF grant DEB-96–32921 (H.J. Andrews Long-term Ecological Research [LTER]). Field-work assistance, access to data layers, and help with dataanalysis and interpretation were provided by the Mount HoodNational Forest (N. Diaz, T. Parker, A. Smart, D. Scott, andI. Steinblums), the City of Portland Bureau of Water Works(R. Robbins), the University of Washington (J. Agee, D. Ber-ry, F. Krusemark, D. J. Miller), the Pacific Northwest Re-search Station of the U.S. Forest Service (W. Cohen, M. Fior-ella, G. Lienkaemper), the Quantitative Sciences Group atOregon State University (T. Sabin, B. Marks), and OregonClimate Services (G. Taylor). J. Agee, B. Schrader, N. Diaz,D. R. Foster, and P. Weisberg provided comments on earlierdrafts of this manuscript.


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