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Why people watch soap operas

Age group: 18-25

University Of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

Submitted by:

Md. Samsul Hoque Id. 102011011

Dilara Afroj Id.102011013

Bikash Chandra BhowmickCourse InstructorBUS 305 (Media, Technology and society) LecturerUniversity of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

Submitted to

Sanjida Akter Id.102011025

AcknowledgementWe would like to thank the following people who contributed to the production of this review. We would like to thank the supervisor of our term paper Bikash Chandra Bhowmick, the course instructor of (BUS 305) Media, Technology and society


1. Introduction


2. Research Question


3. Result and Discussion


4. Findings


5. Conclusion


6. References


1. Introduction:Soap Opera, sometimes called "soap" for short, is an ongoing,episodicwork of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on radio or as television programming. The namesoap operastems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers, such asDial.These early radio series were broadcast in weekday daytime slots, usually five days a week, when most listeners would be housewives; thus the shows were aimed at and consumed by a predominantly female audience.The soap opera can be traced back to the 1800s when novels such as those by Dickens appeared in newspapers in serialized formats (Kielwasser & Wolf, 1989). This' episodic format conformed to melodramatic requirements' (Gledhill, 1992,). In the USA, soap operas began as serialized dramas on radio and later entered television as 'serialized daytime dramas broadcast daily' (Norton, 1985).Originally directed at women, soap operas functioned as a vehicle for advertising, the term 'soap gained from its association with advertising soap products (Brown & Barwick, 1987; Gledhill,1992). Having evolved by the eighties, viewers presently include teenagers, students and business people, all of whom span the full range of income, age, educational and occupational sectors (Carveth & Alexander, 1985).

Research in the cultural studies approach has found that soap opera viewers are not passive, but actively make meanings. These meanings are around viewers' identities, social positions and everyday relations. Cultural studies currently views a text as a 'potential of meanings that can be activated in a number of ways' (Fiske, 1992a,), but this potential is proscribed, and not infinite or free. 1icular texts are signifiers that also exist extra textually .Texts and their readings therefore have a sociopolitical dimension. This dimension is located partly in the textual structure and partly in the subject-text relation.

EDDIE BRENNANS article is based on a broader study of the production of Fair City, Irelands most popular television soap opera. The study argues that such shows are potentially important in civil society. They can promote discussion and debate on hidden or taboo social issues. They may thus inform public opinion. Until recently the potential role of soap opera in civil society has largely been overlooked. The research examined the social issues that Fair City could introduce to public discussion by examining its production process. It found the main limits on what the show could and could not say to be determined by practical pressures. The study takes to mean cultural production through a Bourdieuian conceptual model. It argues that the shows limitations must be understood within the context of a new broadcasting environment. This has consequences for the diversity of issues that the show may cover. It also affects the working lives of the shows creators. The pressures of the new broadcasting environment have reduced the professional autonomy and creativity of those who work on Fair Citys cultural production line. This article offers the hypothesis that this is one example, among many, of how market influence may bring about a proletarianisation of formerly autonomous and prestigious cultural work.

Md Azalanshah & Md Syeds article seeks to situate soap opera as a popular vehicle for Malay women in contemporary Malaysia to engage with an increasingly globally oriented form of global modernity. While this study employs a textual analysis to examine this television genre, it argues that non-western soap opera provides sense of modernity to the local audience particularly Malay women through various representations of consumer culture and its potential as a site for escapism and a channel for mediated reality. Through an insight into the role of a non-Western soap opera as a privileged site for engaging with modernity amongst Malay women, this article provides a clearer understanding of televisions role and its representation in the Malay world.

In 2002, the Broadcasting Standards Commission conducted research in order to examine the role of soap operas within the family in 2002. According to the findings, the first reason for watching soap operas is a pure escapism from daily routine. They also give an element of comparison with the characters lives and your own. In addition, increasing opportunities for social interaction are also mentioned by the respondents.

2. Research Question:Interview schedule for 18-25 years age people

Interview Date/Time: ...Interview Place: ...Interviewer: .

1. Do you watch soap opera?1. Which program do you like most?1. Could you tell us some names of soap opera? 1. Why did you watch soap opera?1. Can you relate your world with the world in soap operas?1. Among the soap opera characters, who is your favorite? And why? 1. Do you think it helps to gather knowledge about the world?1. How do you evaluate Soap opera - a source of entertainment or totally waste of time?1. Do you think it helps to improve social interaction?1. Do you think it helps to increase your standard of living?


As soap opera claimed that they show stories which are related to peoples life is not exactly matched with what they have done including some illusionary part like anyone can be immortal for keeping the excitement of the show. Most of the soaps share common themes like family relationships, romance, humor, and conflicts. However, to make each serial exclusive the director chooses unique clothing and accessories. It always deliver messages regarding culture, family relations, struggles of life and mythology through stories, but instead of the story, the audience is fascinated by the dresses, actors and the jewelries. According to our respondents women likes Hindi serials for passing their leisure time, for stories, for fashion and looking at actors whatever the reason might be, women said that they could not ignore accessories and clothing of the characters.They contend that media has highly overvalued Hindi daily soaps. Currently, each serial is shown three times a day. Due to its high publicity people are bound to watch them. For many of them, Hindi serials have become daily chores although they preset that serials are not informative. They also admitted that watching soaps is a complete waste of time; still they cannot abstain from it because watching televisions has become a routine. Daily soap operas seem very entertaining as they hit womens dreams and aspirations, but in reality they take the viewers far away from the real world. We should draw a line between reality and illusion.

The addiction level of watching Hindi serials is much among the women. They forget to eat while watching these Hindi serials. They can pass a day without eating but they cannot avoid Hindi serials in a day. Some respondent told us that in they are fed up with these hindi serials. The boys specially are deprived of watching television. Women watch these hindi serials all time. So the boys cannot watch sports or movies. Their verdict after watching these serials are horrible. So for boys one of the reasons behind watching Hindi serial was it because they dont want to break the peaceful scenario of their home at all.One of the respondents (boy) told that I dont like hindi serials but I have to watch it because of my sister. One of them also told that for him soap operas are just like CHEWING GUM as far u want make it long u can.On their point of view, although they have watched serials but they believe that Hindi serials are bullshit work of frustrated individuals. They just watched it for passing their time and it is nothing but laughter show for them because they think soap operas are now overdoing everything from acting, dressing, script to even camerawork of repeated exposure from different angles and the most funny part was GOD always saves them from those stupid noises played again and again.But we also have found some positive responds from our survey that was they want to aware about fashion, knowledge and also wanted to involve them in ongoing gossip. The funniest part was some of them watched it out to measure that how women think and how they can control them on an impressing way. Basically they want to aware about women illusionary life. They also include that most of the serials shows a person to be romantic in the first place but after sometimes there is a twist and it changes the whole story by showing the same character. The most hated thing in these serials; they always try to focus on how money, power, and reputation can be earned by choosing the wrong path. The funniest thing they show a person who dies in few serials back returns after sometimes to bring a twist in the story, these are just so funny. The most important thing to mention about these serials is that there are too many advertisements are given in it like the costumes, jewelries, looks of the actor/actress. When they are sleeping or cooking they are wearing heavy makeup and jewelries.

Portraying gorgeous women in daily soaps is one of the strategies adopted by the television industries in India to engross the viewers. Not only in India, but the number of viewers are rising up in UK, USA, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Due to increasing number of Indian channels and television networks, people have acquainted themselves with different kinds of daily operas. There are many channels which show daily operas all of them are impractical. Hindi channels are easy to access. Amongst many Hindi channels five famous channels telecast soap operas. Star Plus, Zee TV, Sony, Colors and Star One are popular among Bangladeshi people. Most popularly watched daily soaps are- Kumkum (Devotion of a Girl to Her Spouse), Kasauti Zindagi Ki and Dulhan (Bride), Dil Mill Gaye (When Two Heart Met) and Bidaai (Farewell). Star Plus dominates every entertainment genre. However, other channels like Star One and Star Utsav are also popular .Here are a funny picture of a family. It shows the addiction of this family towards Hindi serials.

4. Findings: Soap operas are ongoing works of fiction, and episodic in nature. People watch it in order to gain knowledge and information of the world. Some values it like achievement of a sense of identity through the conception of individual values. It creates integration and social interaction. It is a reinforcement of a sense of social belonging through learning about the lives of others. Soap opera is nothing but entertainment an emotional escape, relaxation, to forget problems and worries. It helps to change the life style. It sometimes causes negative impact on life. It helps to attentive about fashion and culture of life. Some said that its waste of time and some says helps to spend a good time. Helps to know the social behavior. They think that its made up on the bases of family matter etc. Some told that its like imaginary life and some told that its like peoples real life. Overall it can be said that, women likes to spend their time to watch soap opera rather than men.5. Conclusion:Television has become an inseparable part of our life. Especially the daily soap Hindi serials are so much popular; as a result every one of us watches one or other TV serial at least once in a day. It is mostly popular among the housewives not only in India also in Bangladesh as well. Almost 90% of these women and minimum 15% men are desperately wait to watch these serials in between their daily chores and these serials are related to our everyday lives. These serials present their happiness and sorrows of simple middle class families and show the condition of middle class families.

6. References:

1. Md Azalanshah Md Syed . (2011). Soap Opera as a Site for Engaging with Modernity Amongst Malay Women in Malaysia 1. Andrea Millwood Hargrave with Lucy Gatfield (May 2002). Soap box or soft soap?Audience attitudes to the British soap opera.1. Edward Brennan (2004) Fair City: a Case Study in the Proletarianisation of Cultural Production.1. Merris Griffiths why people like Soap opera.