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Page 1: Why Mobile Websites Have Higher Conversions


Websites Have Higher



Page 2: Why Mobile Websites Have Higher Conversions


• The number of people using mobile devices is continuing to increase.

• Studies show that mobile friendly websites tend to rank higher in search engines and convert better than traditional desktop websites.

• The majority of shoppers begin their search online.

• Mobile devices is primary web browser for most shoppers.

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Responsive Web Design

• Responsive design automatically adjusts the web browser to fit the screen size of the device.

• Before year’s end, mobile web browsers are expected to exceed desktop users by a considerable margin.

• When planning websites for the smaller screen, it forces website owners to re-think content and navigation. Mobile websites tend to have a clear and concise magazine quality layout with user-friendly navigational elements.

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Faster Page Load Times

• People hate to wait and mobile websites load much faster.

• The absence of unnecessary plug-ins also speeds up site load times and improves the user experience even in areas where a broadband Internet connection may not be available.

• If your business website doesn’t allow visitors to access the information they want quickly, they will simply bounce to other sites.

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Intuitive Navigation

• Online shoppers often find mobile websites easier to navigate than their desktop counterparts.

• A simple navigation bar that is visible at all times makes it easy for mobile visitors to browse the website.

• Navigation is simpler and visitors are usually able to find what they need and make a purchase with as few clicks as possible.

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Optimum User Experience

• The optimum user experience is one that is designed for the device.

• When designed with the user in mind, a website will attract more visitors who will stay on the site for longer periods and return more often.

• Since mobile devices have varying screen sizes, browsers and resolutions, it’s necessary to consider these factors when developing a mobile friendly website.

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