Download - Why cant we enter top 100 brands – or when

Page 1: Why cant we enter top 100 brands – or when

Why Cant we enter top 100 brands – or when?Cheng AmeryWang Yuqi, Brandy

Page 2: Why cant we enter top 100 brands – or when

3. Lack of innovation and heavy plagiarism

Developing awareness of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Completing Intellectual Property Right Law - lack of enforcement yet Due to Communism? (view from Forbes)“The powerful force of community that envelopes the individual begets the idea that all parts of the community can be used by the members of that community any way that they see fit, including ideas.” – Still under debate.

Page 3: Why cant we enter top 100 brands – or when

BNB SDO (泡泡堂) VS QQ Tang ( QQ 堂)by Nexon by Tecent

Page 4: Why cant we enter top 100 brands – or when

Example: Tencent QQ – the Master of “Imitation”/Plagiarism?

腾讯 QQ——ICQ 腾讯 TM——MSN 腾讯 QQ2009——WLMQQ 游戏大厅——联众 QQ 对战平台——浩方对战平台 QQ 团队语音— UCTalk QQ 堂——泡泡堂 QQ 音速—— O2JAMQQ 三国——冒险岛 QQ 飞车——跑跑卡丁车 QQ 幻想——梦幻西游QQ 飞行岛——雷电QQ 寻仙——诛仙穿越火线—— CS 腾讯拍拍——淘宝 财付通——支付宝 腾讯 TT——Maxthon

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QQ 直播—— PPLive 超级旋风——迅雷 QQ 拼音输入法——搜狗输入法 QQ 五笔输入法——搜狗五笔搜搜问问——百度知道 搜吧——百度贴吧 搜搜百科——百度百科QQ 音乐——百度 MP3/ 酷狗 QQ 播客——土豆 QQ 交友中心—亚洲交友中心 腾讯滔滔—— Twitter 饭否QQ 炫舞——劲舞团 QQ 魔域 ——魔域

QQ 空间—— 51 空间QQ 农场——开心网 001 农场QQSNS 社区——完全是开心网的抄袭版QQ 邮箱——新浪邮箱Q 吧大杂烩——猫扑大杂烩QQ 书签——新浪 VIVIQQ 影音——暴风影音SOSO—— 百度QQ 校友——校内网(人人网)腾讯图书——起点QQ 工具条——谷歌工具条QQ 医生—— 360 安全卫士QQ 软件管理—— 360 软件管理腾讯首页——新浪 搜狐 腾讯下载——华军 天空 QQ 影像——美图秀秀QQ 秀——赛我秀

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But Tencent Got a “National Award for Outstanding Patented Invention & Industrial Design”?!?

- ineffective in punishing established plagiarism

- But improving effort in recognizing patents/ intellectual property rights

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Even Tencent (Wechat) is anti-plagiarism now!

Increasing awareness and legal protection

Call for more truly innovative and legal brands to be rising in Top 100!

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