Download - “Who’s in My Advisement Group?” “Who’s My Advisor?”

Page 2: “Who’s in My Advisement Group?” “Who’s My Advisor?”

Objectives• PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills• PS:A2.1 Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities• PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view• PS:A2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual• differences• PS:A2.4 Recognize, accept and appreciate ethnic and cultural• diversity• PS:A2.5 Recognize and respect differences in various family• configurations• PS:A2.6 Use effective communications skills• PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and• nonverbal behavior• PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends

Page 3: “Who’s in My Advisement Group?” “Who’s My Advisor?”


The purpose of this advisement session is to build rapport in the advisement groups; student to

student; student to advisor; advisor to student

Today we are going to begin to get to know each other a little better.

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is a time for us to spend together learning about and discussing many different topics.

It is important that you understand, I am your ADVISOR

I am one person you will come to if you have questions or problems. I may not always be able solve your problems but, if I can’t help you, I will find someone who can.

Page 6: “Who’s in My Advisement Group?” “Who’s My Advisor?”

Draw a Bubble MapTake about 5 Minutes to write 6 facts about yourself ( Telling us who you are)

Your NameHere

Page 7: “Who’s in My Advisement Group?” “Who’s My Advisor?”

Teachers Share your Map with students

• Students will begin their introductions by stating their name

• Followed by sharing their bubble map with their 6 facts

All students must participate

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Collect Bubble Maps

Page 9: “Who’s in My Advisement Group?” “Who’s My Advisor?”

You Should Now Be Able To Answer:

• “Who’s in My Advisement Group?”• “Who’s My Advisor?

Page 10: “Who’s in My Advisement Group?” “Who’s My Advisor?”

Character Traits Revisited(Teachers please review if time permits)

Page 11: “Who’s in My Advisement Group?” “Who’s My Advisor?”

RESPONSIBILITY1) Do your job to the best of your ability.2) Take ownership for your words and

actions..--Own your own choices.--Be on time.--Help with chores without reminders.--Do homework on time and keep schoolwork in order. Use your planner to stay on track.

KINDNESS/COMPASSION1) Friendly 2) Helpful 3) Generous

--Be sensitive to people having a bad day.--Stand up for kids who are being picked on.--Say “hello’ to another student whom others ignore.--When someone else is having a bad day, look for ways to cheer them up. --Say things to others you know won’t hurt; don’t gossip.

TRUST1) Reliable 2) To depend upon the person to do the right thing

even when no one is looking.--Do what you say you will do.--Be honest.--Be dependable and loyal.--Take a stand for what is right.--Talk about others in kind ways.

SELF-ESTEEM3) Pride and respect in yourself and your abilities.4) Respect for yourself.

--Believe in yourself.--Ask for help when you need it.--Dream!--Smile and greet people you meet.--Have the courage to be yourself.--Be willing to take positive risks.--Be able to laugh at yourself.

Key Character Traits to Remember

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MOTIVATION HONESTY1) A need or desire which encourages or 1) Truthful causes a person to act - Tell the truth - stick to the facts! 2) Hard- working. - Be honest with yourself - Set goals - Do your own homework - Work hard - The truth - only what you saw or - Be the best you can be heard yourself! - Care about yourself - do your work

RESPECT SELF-CONTROL1) To admire and have a high opinion of 1) Control of your feelings and behavior. someone. - Think about your actions.2) To consider the feelings and ideas - Say “no” to situations that can get of others. you or others in trouble.3) To treat others as you would want - Eat healthy foods and get plenty of to be treated. sleep. - Say “please” and “thank you” - Set aside time for homework and - Speak kindly - no harsh words family responsibilities. - Use appropriate language - Walk away from a negative situation - Acknowledge when others do a good job - Keep a positive attitude - No put downs - Respect others property (don’t take & don’t use)

INTEGRITY- Doing what is right even when no one is looking- Using all the character traits to become a whole person- Making the best choices for yourself & others

Key Character Traits to Remember