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Page 1: Who would be the audience for my media product

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Page 2: Who would be the audience for my media product

I believe that the primary target audience for my media product would be people between the ages of 15 and 25.

My reasons for believing this are that people in this age bracket are more likely to relate to the themes and issues which my film represents such as drug abuse. Also, the protagonist of my film is 17 years old therefore people between 15 and 25 will be able to relate to his character and situation.



Page 3: Who would be the audience for my media product

• According to the British Drug Survey in 2014, most people who start taking drugs are between the ages of 16 and 18. By starting the target audience at age 15, the film may be able to highlight the negatives of drug taking and help to make a positive influence on young people.

• Only 19% of illegal drug users were over 21 when they first took an illegal drug therefore having a target audience above 25 wouldn’t be as effective in relation to how my film targets young people who have either taken drugs themselves or know people who do/have.


Page 4: Who would be the audience for my media product

From the British Drug Survey in 2014:

Although the survey shows that the mean age which people stop taking drugs is 26, it is actually at 25 years old that most women who had previously taken drugs will stop taking them. As a result of this, the range of ages for my target audience is between 15 year olds, because that is the age that young people start to become aware of drugs and 25 year olds because that is the age that the majority of people stop taking drugs.

Page 5: Who would be the audience for my media product

• Another reason why young adults are being targeted as the audience for my film is that it was produced and directed by someone in their age bracket therefore the genre of social realism has been narrowed to match the audiences idea of what ‘realism’ means to them.

• As a result of this and the evidence found in the research from The British Drug Survey, the target audience for my media product is people between the age of 15 and 25.