Download - Which picture would you most want to be in? Why?


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Which picture would you most want to be in? Why?

AllSomeMostAll of you will be able to recognise simple future tense phrases (Level 2) Most of you should be able to adapt the phrases(Level 3)Some of you could add opinion and linking words to create a small paragraph (Level 4)For the start of each lesson2

Je vaisnager dans la mer

Je vaisfaire de la voile

Je vaisaller la pche

Je vaisrester au lit

Je vaisfaire de la planche voile

Je vaisdanser

Je vaisnager dans la mer

faire de la voile

aller la pche

rester au litfaire de la planche voile


Je vaisTu vasIl/elle vaNous allonsVous allezIls/elles vont(I go)(you go)(he/she goes)(we go)(you go)plural(they go)