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Piraeus, 08/06/10

When Blue Thinks Green

Posidonia 2010 adopts high-tech green initiatives to fosterenvironmental awareness

A few days after the world celebrated the international day for the environment on

Saturday June 5,  Posidonia 2010, the world’s largest international sea transportation

business event, opened its doors earlier this week with a series of innovative ‘green’

initiatives as part of the event’s corporate social responsibility mandate.

A lamppost generating electricity using wind and solar energy is among the highlights

of the organisers’ environmentally friendly approach which also includes recycling

waste bins for plastic, batteries and paper.

Posidonia exhibitors and visitors can also use dedicated smoking stations permeating

fresh air enabling non smokers to coexist with their nicotine-dependant colleagues in

the same space without risking exposure to any of the health threats associated with

passive smoking. Sponsored by Environmental Air of Sweden AB (EAS), the stations

are strategically scattered across the Hellenikon Exhibition Centre (HEC).

EAS is just one of many companies and organizations specializing in environmental

solutions and issues participating in Posidonia 2010. The event’s organizers have also

offered Greek environmental agency HELMEPA its own stand at the exhibition withoutany financial obligations.

“We are doing everything we can to promote environmental awareness among

members of the international maritime community who visit Greece to attend

Posidonia every two years and the adoption of groundbreaking innovations designed

to contribute to the preservation of the environment sits at the core of our CSR

strategy,” said Theodore Vokos on behalf of the event’s organizers.

Εκθέσεις Ποσειδώνια ΑΕ Ευπλοίας 4-6, Πειραιάς 185 37

Posidonia Exhibitions SA 4-6 Efplias Street, 185 37 Piraeus, Greece

 Tel. +30 210 4283608, Fax +30 210 4283610, E-mail: [email protected], Web-site:

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Posidonia 2010 is sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and

Shipping, the Municipality of Piraeus, the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, the Union of 

Greek Shipowners, the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee, the Hellenic Shortsea

Shipowners Association, the Association of Greek Passenger Shipping Companies and

the Union of Marine Enterprises.

For additional information, press enquiries should be directed to:

Stavi Spanou, Press Officer, tel.: +30 210 9632334, e-mail: [email protected] Theodore Vokos, Project Manager, tel.: +30 210 4283608, e-mail: [email protected]


Εκθέσεις Ποσειδώνια ΑΕ Ευπλοίας 4-6, Πειραιάς 185 37

Posidonia Exhibitions SA 4-6 Efplias Street, 185 37 Piraeus, Greece

 Tel. +30 210 4283608, Fax +30 210 4283610, E-mail: [email protected], Web-site: